Whispering Verse

Chapter 1867 The Last Fifth Era 1576

"Ten days?"

Although he was a little surprised by the time Sister Devlin proposed, Shade still nodded:

"No problem. Now we just have to wait for the priests to take action, and then the council finds Maria Edwards, and then we can plan to land on the island. The current result of my negotiation with the Witch Council is to stop the soothsayer and let Rust... Edwards and the former grave robber performed a ceremony to become the Chosen One."

The nun didn't answer immediately, but Shade clearly felt that the eyes behind the silver mithril eyepatch were "looking" at him:

"Heroes of Chenghuo, you should understand who is the most suitable person for this position. Since they set off with their mother-in-law, they are already ready."


Shade lowered his eyes:

"I know they want to help me. But just because of this, I can't let them. Besides, the second candidate is not dead, and it won't be their turn. Do you mean that we have to kill Durut Giles in advance? ?”

The nun was silent, and Shade talked about the new idea he got from Dorothy yesterday, which was the possibility of the integration of the Edwards family and Durut Giles.

Sister Devlin is a ring warlock who is good at soul power, and is the chosen one of death, so Shade thinks she may be able to make a judgment. But the nun did not give a conclusion, but raised a new question:

"There is the possibility of the fusion of the first candidate and the second candidate. Are there other possibilities?"

The nun's voice was very low:

"Those who unite into one are the true chosen ones. If after the ceremony of the chosen ones, 'one' turns into 'all' again, then can a single individual still be regarded as the chosen one in the space?"

Judging from the current state, the effect of "Edwards Den Magic" must be to permanently engulf Laplace Howard, and he will move toward his goal surrounded by his own blood;

If Durut Giles and Rust hold a ceremony, with their current state, there is a high probability that they will become a strange state like the disaster card in Shade's hand - Twin Lovers, which is also inseparable;

And if it is Grace and Helen, although they can merge or separate at any time now, even if they are separated, they are still the same person. They have never acted alone, so once they become the chosen ones, no matter what their status, as " With the concept of "Red Butterfly Twins", they cannot escape the shackles of the fate of the chosen ones;

In the most unlikely case of Lesia and Dorothy, the fusion of their souls will be irreversible, and Angel Feathers can only separate them before the fusion is completely completed.

"Sister, do you mean to use other separable ways to realize the dual body? After the ceremony of the chosen one, separate the chosen ones. In this case, the separate components may not be the chosen ones. Really? Isn’t this what I have always wanted to do? A triple union of spirit, body and soul.”

Shade murmured to himself, and Sister Devlin didn't speak again. She knew that the hero she chose had already made a judgment.

Shade has indeed had a very magical idea, but all this still depends on whether he can get the last enlightenment rune of the sixth ring.

He wasn't sure whether his idea was correct, but at least it was possible for him to wait for a better ending by Green Lake.

Sister Devlin did not stay long at the hotel and left quickly. Miss Sylvia and Meghan, who went to the meeting, had not returned from the parliament by dinner time.

But priest Augustus, who was out, returned to the hotel before dinner. So Shade called Dr. Schneider and Dorothy again, so except for Luvia, the four members of the group had dinner together on the first floor of the hotel.

After dinner, the doctor found Shade alone. In Shade's room, he handed him a golden coin:

"The production was successful. Let's see the effect. The demon of the labyrinth, Yalu, left a lot of good things for us. The effect should be good."

The coin was the same size as a one shilling coin, except it looked like solid gold. One side is the crescent moon symbol, and the other side is the sun pattern. After Shade came into contact, he didn't notice the element reaction immediately. After repeated inspections, he recognized the traces of the alchemy items.

The doctor reminded:

"Demons can't easily tell that this is an alchemy item, but if you keep staring at it for inspection like you, it's not easy to hide it. The usage is very simple, one side is the sun, the other side is the moon, no matter you toss a coin, Or if someone tosses a coin, you only need to rub the front and back sides twice with your fingertips before letting go of the coin, and then during the lift-off phase of the coin, imagine the pattern you want on the upward side, then the upward side must be you. The hopeful side.”

The doctor motioned to Shade to give it a try. Shade tried throwing it three times, and sure enough, they were all moons:

"It's really useful."

"Yes, and no matter how much I check, I can't find out that you cheated. This is a trick of the devil. Oh, actually, this coin has more than just two patterns."

The doctor asked for the coin, rubbed both sides and tossed it. The upward side turned out to be a five-pointed star:

"I just happened to have more materials in hand, and the bottle also made suggestions, so I added one side. Imagining the star pattern during the throwing process can show this result."

Shade took the coin in its current state and turned it over to the other side. He discovered that the other side was also a five-pointed star.

He tossed the coin again, and after it fell back, it returned to the normal sun and moon: front and back:

"It's really fun."

"In addition to controlling the three patterns, its final effect is a poison against all demons, but it only has a special, almost fatal poison against the 'Greed Demon-Plisidine'. As long as you can let the opponent absorb this coin, it will Even if you react in time, you will lose most of your combat effectiveness in a short period of time. Not to mention you are currently at the sixth level, you can defeat it even if you are only at the second level."

As he said that, he took out another six identical golden coins and handed them to him:

"If you only carry one coin, it will look very awkward. You carry these, but these six are ordinary items, so don't get them confused."

Shade nodded to express his understanding. The doctor was really professional in dealing with demons and wanted to get every detail. He then tossed the coin a few more times to try, and then asked an interesting question:

"That bottle, did you let it go?"

The two of them are now in Shade's room, but the doctor doesn't have the sage-level relic with him.

"Not yet, until you finish handling this matter."

The blue-eyed doctor pointed at the coin:

"Confirm that there's no problem, and then I'll let it go."

"It's a good idea, but I think it should be enough."

In the morning, he met the believers of the old god - [Golden Lord]. Now that he had obtained a crucial coin, Shade planned to set off immediately to complete the final adventure in the Black Mist Camp.

After the doctor left, he went to Dorothy's room to find Miss Writer, took out the cracked time key and placed it on the coffee table. He placed little Mia on the table aside:

"This is the last chance for this key. I will use it now. I will be exposed to this story in a while, and I will be able to tell you the result of whether Mrs. Miles successfully found a lover as soon as possible. Aren't you very interested in this? "

"Yes, this is good material."

The blonde girl sitting at the table said with a smile. She was glad that Shade was still thinking about her. Then she saw the cat looking unhappy:

"Are you taking little Mia with you this time?"


The cat actually seemed to understand Dorothy's words and barked at Shade, but this was not enough to change Shade's mind:

"Of course not. The destination this time is very dangerous. Let little Mia stay here. Dorothy, then we will meet again in three seconds. I hope Mrs. Miles will get her wish in the end."

Then he added in his mind:

"Hopefully I can get what I want too."

"It's rare to see you so anxious. It seems you really want to know the ending of that story. Stay safe and we'll see you later."

Miss Writer hugged the unhappy cat, stood up and went to the bathroom door with Shade. She watched Shade insert the key in his hand into the keyhole:

"May the World Tree protect me in infinite time."


[Outlander, you have stepped into the "corridor of time". 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

[The summer of 1576 in the Fifth Age, the Western Continent, the Black Mist Camp. 】

[Event: Transaction with the Old God-"Golden Lord". 】

[Duration fifty minutes (3/3). 】

[You have obtained additional information. 】

[The figure of the father of the infinite tree is watching you. 】

[The ancient god of time gives you a test. 】

[Assist mortals to complete their respective transactions. 】

[The Father of the Infinite Tree will give you a reward: Spell - Oath Binding, a piece of true information - Silver Moon Library. 】

Surrounded by endless white mist, Shade did not step directly into the past when he used the key for the last time like before, but stopped to think again. But it wasn't because the time changed from "20" to "50". This was not the first time he encountered this kind of thing:

"I am not using the time key now just for the information of [Silver Moon Library]. The two rewards this time can be of great help to me, so I will take the risk."

[No one asked this question. 】

".I'm just talking to myself. If I can enter the library again, do it with higher permissions."

[What you are looking forward to is definitely not to explore the past and future information, right? 】

"She" smiled softly. "She" certainly knew what Shade was thinking.

Shade listened to "her" laughter and stepped out into the dark, endless plain.

The cold environment quickly lowered Shade's body temperature, and the glimmer of light on Shade's body also awakened the "sleeping" darkness, but neither the shaking ground nor the strange plants squirming to chase him could catch him. . Raglai's leap matched the red butterfly's incarnation, and he sprinted forward. Soon he entered the thick black mist along the path that was almost submerged in grass. Not long after, he saw the dim light of the bonfire. .

PS: Picture of this chapter "The Devil's Trick Gold Coin (Gold Plated)"

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