Whispering Verse

Chapter 1869 Camp Photos

The giant coin-faced voice was very soft, as if it was worried about disturbing something:

"In my ancient memories, I seem to have found the answer to that power, but the answer is not wonderful, so I won't tell you. So, I admit that you won."

Shade was silent for a moment:

"So where did the witch and the old man go?"

"I want to remind you that this is not a power that should be contacted. The source of that power needs to be forgotten. Only when all the memories about that thing are forgotten can that thing never appear again. Yes, I probably guessed it, Although it is not very certain, it is possible, but why is it? Although the probability is small, it cannot deny the possibility."

Its voice became lower and lower, and finally it even sounded like a mental patient mumbling to himself.

But Shade had no time to waste here, he had to remind him:

"Okay, I know that the power attached to this coin is very dangerous, and even existences like you feel dangerous. Then please tell me where the witch and the old man went."

Julian gave the answer:

"While waiting for you, something else happened. The demigod witch emperor contacted them and asked if they were leaving now. The demigod witch confirmed the relic you obtained from the camp trade - [Golden Memories] , you can indeed call upon the departed soul after writing down three memories.”

Shade raised his eyebrows. It seemed that Mrs. Miles's cousin was really powerful. You must know that even Miss Violet and Miss Feliana, who are both demigods, would have difficulty breaking through the restrictions of such a strange place. But this time, the demigod witch, who has never been masked before, can actually directly establish the internal and external contact.

"Then, because she underestimated the power of the black mist camp, the demigod witch was infected by the black mist and almost got pulled in. As a result, she was seriously injured. Not only was her communication completely cut off, she even lost the ordinary old woman. The anchor point on the body cannot open the exit again and let them leave here."


"So, they were basically trapped here forever and found me again, and traded with me to get a way to leave. If you follow it, you can find them."

A fire floated in the bonfire, but this fire could only be used to guide the way and could not provide warmth, so Shade picked up a wooden stick and made it into a torch to ensure his own safety.

"Thank you for the information."

He said this, preparing to follow the fire and leave. But the devil who hadn't disappeared yet asked again:

"Don't you want to know from me where the god you are looking for is?"

"Isn't He always here?"

Shade replied, stopping his steps and waving to the demon:

"If I leave this time, I probably won't come back. I wonder if there will be a chance to meet again."

He shook the golden coin held between his two fingers:

"Speaking of which, do you want this?"

The coin clattered back into the bonfire, causing the flames to explode again. It left the last sentence, which was a reminder to Shade:

"Here, no one can rob other people's property. If it's your coin, it must be yours."

Shade shook his head and put the golden coin back into his pocket. Then, he put his hand into the other pocket where nothing was placed, and then he indeed touched two "Power of Existence" belonging to him.

"When Miss Higgins noticed the coin disappeared, she should have understood that I had appeared."

The first two times they entered the camp, four people lined up in a row with their hands on their shoulders, but this time only Shade was left.

The camp shrouded in black mist still had a cold feeling that would freeze the soul, but the black shadows that remained motionless on both sides of the path between the stalls no longer made Shade feel weird.

The way out of here seems to be somewhere deeper in the camp. Therefore, although Shade was alone this time and could move faster, he also knew that the journey would not take a short time.

Every item on the stall had the ability to actively attract his eyes. Beyond the path pointed by the fireball, there was always some vague attraction, trying to get Shade closer. It's not by sound or image, but simply by giving Shade the illusion that "there are good things here."

It's like, even if little Mia lies there motionless and sleeps, Shade always wants to touch it. And once he thought of the cat waiting for Shade with Dorothy at the Green Lake Hotel, his mood immediately became happy.

The real danger in the camp does not lie in the temptations that are far less attractive than little Mia. The real danger is that the torch in Shade's hand extinguishes faster as he goes straight deeper into the camp.

The first two torches were able to sustain a round trip, seemingly because the four torches added together could reduce the loss of a single torch. But now that there was only a single torch in Shade's hand, he had only left the campfire and gone deep into the Black Mist Camp for less than five minutes, and the firelight had already reduced to a very weak level.

"If you bring Mia, the cat will shine"

This thought just flashed in his head and then disappeared. It was impossible for Shade to let little Mia take risks, and if everything depended on this kind of unpredictable help, then his future path would be dangerous.

He deliberately speeded up his pace, hoping to find Miss Higgins and Mrs. Miles before the torch went out, but the flame flying in front actually had a speed limit. Fortunately, when Shade came directly under the flame, the weakening trend of the torch in his hand was able to slow down a bit.

As I breathed a sigh of relief, I suddenly heard the sound of a bell——

Ding dong~

It was a continuous sound, just like the wind chimes hanging on the porch being constantly swayed by the gentle breeze. The sound appearing in the silent environment of the Black Mist Camp could only be because Shade had encountered another "camp project" that he could not refuse.

As expected, the fire led Sha De to the direction of the sound of the wind chimes. After a while, the black mist was dispersed by the light of the fire, allowing Sha De to see the stall on the right side of the direction he was heading.

To describe it as a stall would not be an accurate description, as it was a dilapidated wagon. The carriage lay across the side of the path in the camp, exposing the side door. The car door opened, and the sound of wind chimes came from inside. But in front of the carriage, there was no horse.

"The black mist can simulate a human form, but it cannot simulate a horse."

He tried to walk directly through the carriage door, but the clattering of chains in the darkness and the motionless guiding fireball at the door reminded Shade that he had to enter the carriage carriage.

Shade, who was calculating his remaining time, finally had no choice but to bend down and enter the carriage. The fireball that followed him and the torch in Shade's hand illuminated everything in the slightly narrow carriage.

The layout inside is very simple, with a table facing the carriage door, a black figure sitting behind the table, and nine three-by-three cards placed on the table.


The white back of the photo was facing upward, but Shade could still tell it was a traditional black and white photo. Although the smell of the developer was slight, it couldn't escape Shade's nose. On the back of nine photos of exactly the same size, there is also a red seal that reads "Biute Photographic Equipment Co., Ltd. - Give you the best of her".

This is a text from the Fifth Age, so this company should also be an industry that existed during the lives of Miss Higgins and Mrs. Miles.

Although he recognized the photos, Shade still had no idea what this place was for. The top of the carriage was not high, so you had to bend down if you stood up. Opposite the black shadow was an equally worn-out chair, so Shade sat down amidst the squeaking sound of the chair.

The fireball stopped right above the table, allowing Shade to observe every detail on the back of the nine photos. The black shadow finally started to move after Shade took his seat.

Instead of moving the photos, it took out three brand new photos from under the table.

In the black and white photos, there are terrifying evil spirits floating in the cemetery, a werewolf howling into the night sky under the moonlight, and a real dragon.

The evil spirit Shade was familiar with, and the werewolf was a strange creature he had only read about in books. As for the dragon, because the photo is black and white, it is impossible to tell what kind of dragon it is by its color.

The shadow then took out three more coins and put them on the table, which should be the bets of this game. But he didn't explain what would happen if Shade lost. Instead, he motioned to Shade to select the photo on the desktop, and then held out three fingers.

“I want to choose three photos?”

Shade asked with a frown, and the shadow nodded.

"Three photos. The items I have touched appear randomly in the photos to help me defeat the three monsters you gave me?"

The shadow shook his head.

"Anyone I've come into contact with randomly appears in the photo to help me defeat the three monsters you gave me?"

The shadow shook his head.

"People close to me randomly appear in the photo to help me defeat the three monsters you gave me?"

The shadow finally nodded.

"What happens if I lose?"

The black shadow did not answer, but still made an invitation gesture. Shade frowned, brushed his hands over the nine photos, and asked in his mind:

"Can you find out what this is all about?"

【photo. 】

The corner of his mouth twitched.

He lowered his head and took a closer look. The size of these photos was completely different from the playing cards. It was impossible for him to get the [All Things Impermanent Card] after opening the photos. After thinking carefully, he reached out his hand to the left one of the three photos in the row closest to him. After carefully opening it, Xia De's pupils shrank slightly.

The smiling Lecia suddenly appeared in the photo, and the background was the garden of Yodel Palace.

"I originally thought that the person who appeared in the photo was someone I met in the Key of Time before this point in time. I didn't expect that the black shadow could see the future, which is not an easy skill to acquire."

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