Whispering Verse

Chapter 1878 Knowledge of the Philosopher’s Stone

The cracks in the ground gradually closed, burying the embracing bones into the earth. Above the scorched plain where the flames gradually extinguished, sunlight appeared in the sky, and life appeared bit by bit on the barren land. However, this has nothing to do with Shad and Miss Higgins in the Black Mist Camp.

The crack at the top of the bell tower disappeared, and the Black Mist Camp was still the Black Mist Camp.

"This old god didn't know that this would end like this from the very beginning of his deal with the knight, right?"

Shade thought silently in his heart, but this time he didn't ask. The story ends in a relatively satisfactory way. If you are too curious about the hidden process, everyone will be bored.

As for himself, Miracle-Charm, Blasphemy-Indifference, Enlightenment-Bell Tower Lover, Whisper-End, all four spiritual runes of the Six Rings are complete, and only the last step is left for promotion.

But he still needs to wait, waiting for the mysterious lock of the six rings to appear due to the touch in his heart, waiting for the mysterious lock to achieve physical fusion due to love and reluctance, and become part of the "Fairy Tale Town".

Combining the physical fusion with the effect of "Spur of Love", once the two-in-one is realized, he will have completely new options for the choice of the chosen one in the space.

The transactions between mortals are all over now, and Shade's purpose of coming to the Black Mist Camp has been completely completed. There isn't much time left for this adventure, and it's time to say goodbye.

While sighing softly in his heart, the god pointed at the burning bonfire:

"Leave. I am very satisfied with this transaction. I will cherish your last 365 days. When you hand in hand towards the end of death, I will wait for you there and ask you whether you think this transaction is worth it."

The souls of Mrs. Miles and Mr. Jackman once again bowed to the gods. In the flames, the open door was the direction to leave, and this time the gods did not charge them any more price.

"Thanks you."

Then the two souls bowed and thanked Shade again, and Shade shook his head gently:

"Your story also answered my doubts. I wish you happiness. Although the wasted life cannot be recovered, please cherish the last 365 days."

"No, that was definitely not a wasted life."

The knight said to Shade, and Mrs. Miles smiled and nodded. They thanked Shade one last time, then held hands and walked toward the door.

The two souls disappeared, and Miss Higgins slowly picked up her backpack on the ground before saying goodbye to Shade. She looked really reluctant:

"That's right. If people like you really existed, the Witch Emperors might start an all-out war because of this."

She said this to Shade with a serious look on her face:

"I also learned a lot during this adventure. Not all men are very annoying. The boy who wanted to kill me lost his heart because of hatred, but Mrs. Miles' lover proved it again. Sincere feelings are gender-neutral. When I have money in the future, I will probably find a way to encourage witches to stop being so discriminatory against men."

This is of course difficult, because this kind of "discrimination" does not stem from cultural and psychological factors, it is a real curse. However, since she wants to do something, maybe she can really bring changes to the world:

"Goodbye then, Mr. Shade Hamilton."

Because Shade had just said his name, she could also pronounce Shade's name in the language of this era. She waved her hand at Shade and tightened her grip on the strap of her satchel. Afterwards, the witch did not forget to bid farewell to the gods in a formal manner. She glanced at Shade one last time and was about to step into the door in the fire. She turned back to Shade and said:

"You have many witch lovers, right? You mentioned this, and I can also feel that you will be very popular with the witches."

Shade nodded:


"Witches' concept of love is different from that of normal girls."

She winked at Shade:

"Although people always say that the love of witches is very short-lived, if a witch really falls in love with a person, loves her body and is attracted to her soul, then their love will become very persistent and will not be compared to Mrs. Myers is worse.”

She gave Shad her advice:

"If you can get the love of the cursed witches, please cherish it. But at the same time, never hesitate. If they choose you, they will definitely not regret it. If you hesitate instead, you will be betrayed by the girls. Ridiculing.”

After saying that, he waved to Shade again, and then walked into the door in the fire. Shade couldn't see what was going on on the other side of the door, but he could hear "They're back" before the door disappeared. "Hurry, your majesty will be happy to hear the news. Maybe the injury will be fine." Some" and other sentences.

"Wish her good health."

Shade said softly, there was not much time left at this time, and only he and the god were left at the top of the bell tower.

The black scale had floated in front of him, but God asked at this moment:

"If you were given two choices now, first, take away this ordinary scale, and second, take away the most important rib in the fused skeleton, what would you choose?"

From the perspective of maximizing profits, of course the second option is the best. The symbolism of the skeleton at this time is almost equivalent to the original ancient fairy tale "The Lovers in the Bell Tower".

But Shade still shook his head:

"Choose the first one. This is a decision I made when I first came here. After all, if you want to give a girl an eighteenth birthday gift, where can you give human bones?"

The golden apple he got from the Dark Moon Circus and the scale in front of him were his birthday gifts for Iluna.

"Look, now that you have made such a choice, what have you been confused about all this time?"

The golden god asked, and Xia De asked in surprise:

"What did you say? Wait a minute, speaking of which, the price of Miss Higgins' transaction should have been transferred to me just now, and it was also your handiwork, right? What do you want to do with my view of love in this way?"

To be honest, he was really angry at the time, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. After all, not only was he scolded by the girls, but he almost fell down and could not get up again. But God was willing to give the couple a relatively perfect ending, and even indirectly helped him gain the power of "Bell Tower Lover" at the cost of him answering a simple question, so he wasn't angry anymore.

“Wait a minute, isn’t this also a trading routine?”

But God just smiled and gently pressed his right hand on the scale pattern in front of the robe, completely ignoring his question:

"You are leaving too. I just promised to give you a gift. Now you can choose. My believers are very fond of the power named [Golden Hand]. Are you interested in it?"

Shade wanted to agree, but then he thought of another thing Luvia mentioned:

"[The Midas Touch] seems to be related to the 'Philosopher's Stone''s ability to turn items into gold. If possible, I would like you to give me some knowledge on how to make the 'Philosopher's Stone'."

The smile on the face of the god of wealth and trade was even wider:

"Greedy, you are indeed more greedy than I thought. I can't give you the method of making the Philosopher's Stone, but if you don't want to pursue power, I can prepare another gift of knowledge for you."

The huge copper bell that was leaning against the wall floated up, and then quickly shrank to the size of a palm. The rust on the surface peeled off, revealing rows of golden carvings. The small bell came to Shade. Shade took a closer look and found that the purpose of the Philosopher's Stone was written on it.

Three uses are described here. The first is to make the elixir. Of course, the potion cannot make people truly immortal. The specific effect depends on the amount of the Philosopher's Stone used, but even if it is only a Philosopher's Stone the size of a fingernail, The effect of making potions is also quite amazing;

The second is to treat the Philosopher's Stone as a disposable item and use it to assist in spell casting, so that the effect of spell casting can reach unimaginable extremes;

The third use is how to use the Philosopher's Stone to convert gold. Although this use is extremely wasteful, this knowledge is absolutely precious.

Although this small clock records precious knowledge, it is still an ordinary item, so it can be taken away by Shade. So Shade took the scale and the bell and thanked the gods again.

The white mist has wrapped around him, and the final adventure in the black mist camp has ended. Thinking about it now, the old god he met on this adventure was indeed different. Shade knew very well that the old god was definitely not a standard good god, but he had no ill feelings towards this god.

With such thoughts, before leaving, Shade asked the god standing by the fire one last question:

"Excuse me, do you know 'desire'?"

God finally spoke this time:

"That was a story from a long time ago."

White mist filled all the corners of the field of vision, except for the illusory tree directly in front, which seemed to connect the sky and the earth. In the windless environment, it made a rustling sound of swaying branches and leaves.

Excluding the black time key that leads to the [past life], "Fifth Age 1576 - Black Mist Camp" is the 11th time key that Shade has experienced so far. Having seen so many stories and experienced so many adventures, when he once again saw the giant tree symbolizing the "Shadow of the Father of the Infinite Tree" appearing in front of his eyes, he still felt infinite melancholy in his heart.

This time survey has its own unique features compared to the past. The boy who was killed was the first person to die after being targeted by Shade in the past, but the remaining old man and the witch Miss Higgins all got good endings.

He has been thinking about the meaning of these past stories to himself.

At first, I thought that the tree father wanted me to witness the stories of the past and make up for the gaps in history; later I realized that these adventures would bring me huge benefits and unexpected power; and now, the more I know, the more I understand. The more he visited, the more he realized that the tree father seemed to want to connect and connect the discontinuous fifth and sixth eras on his own.

PS: The souvenir brought out this time, the black scale, will be given to Iluna as a gift, so the souvenir of this key is a "bronze bell that records knowledge."

Souvenir list:

Hope Town-1068-God's Gift Box

Forest of a Thousand Trees-3002-Feliana's Notes

The Dreadfort-1784-Future Man Card

Night Manor-3014-Black and white intertwined headband

Deadly Valley-3024-Moon Witch's Cloak

Lost Lake-5177-The Witch Emperor's Ring of Power

Silver Mountains - Year 903 - Demigod Ice Crystal

Worm Cave-4791-Everybody's Flower

Evernight City-3028-Dragon Scale Gloves

Lost Forest-923-Moon Traveler Card

Black Mist Camp-1576-Bronze Bell Recording Knowledge


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