Whispering Verse

Chapter 1880: Bound by Spell Oath

Chapter 1880 Spell - Oath Binding

"Deal with that fortune teller?"

The devil immediately shook his head:

"No, no, I just can't believe that you actually kept your promise and asked me to leave. In my opinion, you are worse than demons. Ahem, I have interfered in enough troubles here. You want to deal with them. He must be careful."

This is probably the most talkative demon Shade has ever seen.

However, seeing that the other person was shrinking into the bottle and really planning to leave, Shade stopped it again:

"Wait a mininute!"

The devil who had just shrunk half of his body into the bottle floated out again, folded his arms in front of his chest again, and said in a tone as expected:

"You really still want to use me? Are you ready to make a deal with the devil?"

"I just want to ask you a question. To be precise, I want to ask you about other demons."

The doctor sat aside and listened. Although he had a lot of information about demons, he did not know all the demons, only those who were somewhat famous.

"My kindred? You ask."

A blue djinn floats above the coffee table.

"A mortal who signed a contract with the devil became a devil who used the power of the devil. But one day he regretted his decision, so he planned to summon the devil again to kill the powerful devil who turned him into a devil."

This is actually the story of Stone Oxenfurt.

"His behavior was quite stupid, and the two brand-new demons he summoned did not seem to have particularly powerful abilities. One of them transformed into a maid, and the other transformed into a housekeeper, taking care of his manor for the demon. And. When that powerful demon faced an opponent, he provided effective information to the demon hunters who broke into the manor in exchange for getting rid of that powerful bondage contract."

Shade described Stone Oxenfurt's butler and maid as carefully as he could. The two demons reminded him of the wrong animal option in the last riddle of "Stone Mirror Demon - Goethe". From this point of view, although their power was weak, they were able to see through the tricks of the Stone Mirror Demon. This in itself is Very strange.

He later asked the doctor, but the doctor also didn't know their origin. Xia De didn't go into details later. After all, the other party helped him. I just remembered this matter, so I asked.

The blue djinn, whose body is the wish demon Zatanna, thought for a moment:

"What was the full text of the wish that the devil made when he summoned the devil for the second time?"

"Not sure."

Shade shook his head:

"It was probably a description like 'a demon who can defeat demons', but the other party didn't explain this very clearly. As for the demon, he must be missing now."

"The scope is really too wide, and there are too many of the same kind that can meet the conditions you mentioned."

It retracted back into the bottle, so the sound was a little muffled:

"However, I plan to leave here anyway, so why not find their whereabouts. The world is becoming more and more dangerous. Even if I am a relic and a demon, so what? I hope we will not meet again in the future. I wish you the best. Lucky you two.”

The cork went back automatically, and with a soft pop, it completely disappeared in the colorful smoke.

A few seconds later, at the other end of the city at night, at the entrance of an unknown alley in a slum, the magic bottle appeared in the moonlight with a soft bang. It quickly got into the shadow and flew high into the sky under the cover of the shadow. Finally stopping at the edge of the roof, the big blue face made of the smoke in the bottle solemnly saw the middle-aged man coming out of the shabby tavern with lights on in the slums.

The top of his head was bald, with only hairy stubble. His skin was dark, and his eyes were extremely double-folded. He was wrapped in an unusual brown old-fashioned robe that looked like people in desert areas, and he was holding a notebook with slightly rolled corners in his hand.


Demonologist Mr. Sean Asmon seemed to feel something. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the rooftops facing the street under the moonlight, but there was nothing there.

(Little Mia is running.)

After leaving the doctor's room, Shade still didn't wait for the two witches who had gone to the meeting to come back. So he returned to his room first, played with the black scale and the copper bell engraved with golden words, then took a deep breath and took out two [Eternal Youth Leaves].

Before completing this investigation mission, he had a leaf in his hand, as did Luvia, Dorothy, Lesia and Iluna. Therefore, even in the face of the upcoming decisive battle in Green Lake, the leaf reserves in his hands are more than enough.

Of course, the value of the two brand new [Eternal Youth Leaves] does not just lie in the leaves themselves. The power and knowledge recorded on them are the most precious:

"First is this."

Facing the rainy window outside the window, he randomly picked a leaf and placed it in front of the socket of his right eye. Little Mia stood on the window sill and watched the scene with interest. The cat saw golden light traces flowing along the green leaf veins, and finally all the light entered Shade's eyes.

"Spell - Oath to bind."

The blade was taken away by him, and Shade received the magic reward of this time adventure.

For most of the spells and magic given by the tree father, Shade was unable to find the corresponding power in the sixth era. The knowledgeable witches and thirteen-ring warlocks like Miss Danister believe that the power he uses is very similar to the ancient magic of ancient gods.

Regarding this "Oath Binding", although a power with similar uses can be found in the Sixth Age, the prototype cannot be found in this era. However, the power of this spell is quite easy to understand.

"I stretched out my hand and held it with another intelligent life that has arms/claws/tentacles/tentacles and other organs, and then both parties repeated an oath three times to establish an 'oath bond' between the two parties. It's really easy to understand."

While the oath is not completed, the person who establishes a bond with Shade cannot violate the oath he or she made in any way. When making a promise, both parties can agree on the price for breaking the oath. Once the oath is violated, punishment will be based on the degree of breach of contract.

Of course, the oath is also binding on Shade himself, and Shade himself has to bear the backlash after he violates the oath. But compared to the other party, the impact of the spell on Shade himself will be very slight, and can even be offset by paying spirit. The effect of this spell is mainly aimed at those who have made promises and oaths to Shade, ensuring that the promises made will be fulfilled:

"It has something to do with this investigation mission. After all, Mrs. Miles and the young knight's trustworthiness is really amazing. Although this ability is not used for combat, establishing an oath in this way is very convenient for daily investigations and other activities. "

In addition to establishing an oath to bind the two parties, this spell also has another powerful feature: every time the oath is established and completely completed, it will feedback to Shade's physical and mental strength enhancement effect. Although this was not particularly effective for Shade, whose physical and mental strength exceeded that of a normal ring warlock, he quite liked this cost-free enhancement.

Shade was quite satisfied with this spell, and then suddenly thought about what would happen if he shook hands with himself.

Of course, he wouldn't try it casually. What he really cares about is that this spell is not the power of "time" at first glance, but more like the power of "balance".

The evidence lies not only in the specific ability of the spell, but also in the fact that once the "oath bond" is established between the two parties, a small light golden scale mark will appear on the forehead of the other party other than Shade. This mark can only be seen by Shade, the caster himself, and some extremely special beings.

If Shade guessed correctly, Iluna is an extremely special existence.

"The Father of the Infinite Tree can really give you any power."

He sighed again in his heart, and then wanted to try this brand new spell. It's just that he couldn't cast the spell by himself, but he couldn't find anyone else to make a contract now, so he took aim at Mia who was looking at him on the window sill. Little Mia must be an intelligent creature.

I wanted to reach out to catch the cat, but I thought of using the spell "Oath Binding". The prerequisite for binding is that both parties can understand the content of the oath. Although little Mia is smart enough, she still has a long way to go before she can understand all of Shade's language.

"Mia, jump up! Turn 180 degrees in the air, and then do a backflip!"

He gave the command to the cat, but the cat just squatted there and looked at him, and then blinked its big amber eyes. This made Shade feel that his own wisdom had been insulted.

"I will try it again in the future when I have the opportunity. However, this is not a spell that can be cast casually. It cannot be infinitely enhanced by this infinite oath. It is necessary to use it again. But since the first leaf is a spell, then the second leaf must be "

Shade looked at the remaining leaves. Regarding this leaf, Shade was actually worried that it would be like the leaf with the [Night] spirit rune reward in "Eternal Night City", which was destroyed due to Shade's special request. "Confiscated". Therefore, he had always been cautious during this adventure in the Black Mist Camp.

But now, when this leaf is really lying in his hands, it is really difficult for Xia De to describe his uneasy mood at this time. He knew very well that there was a high probability that he would not be able to re-enter the [Silver Moon Library] just through the knowledge on the leaves, and then have a chance to see Him in his sleep through the remains of the original moon in the Silver Moon Library.

But this is hope after all. It is necessary to know that Miss Danister only wanted to "call the Silver Moon Library" information for a one-time ceremony. She had been investigating from before Shade knew her to the eve of the Chosen One incident on the earth. Even so, after spending a large amount of money to open the ceremony, I only got the "minimum permissions" to enter the library.

"If I look for it myself, I don't know when I will find it. This is an opportunity."

Thinking in his mind, he put the leaf in front of his eyes again.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Demonologist-Sean Asmon"

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