Whispering Verse

Chapter 1887 The Secret of “Light” and the Advanced Witch

This operation was originally intended to find the descendants of Edwards in the [Dragon Feast Order], Nadia Foran, the mother of the Foran brothers and the daughter of the fourth generation second son Edward, but nothing was found after the operation. Instead, a group of people found the sect's laboratory in a deserted village and discovered a large number of experimental "materials" related to human body refining.

The Order of the Abyss Drowned, represented by "Balli the Bad Eye", aims to refine human bodies to make more powerful water ghosts; while the Order of the Dragon Feast aims to better integrate dragons with humans. All in all, those are disgusting contents. Apart from proving once again that the [Dragon Feast Order] has been cooperating with Laplace Klein Howard on the island all year round, there is nothing new.

"The Church of Nature also fought against the [Dragon Feast Order] yesterday. This sect is quite troublesome to deal with. The few remaining pure-blooded dragons regard them as mortal enemies, but this also proves the extraordinary strength of the [Dragon Feast Order]. They take swallowing dragons and gaining their power as their code of action. Because there are very few pure-blooded dragons now, they eat all creatures with dragon blood. Even elves and humans are the same."

After the battle, when the other girls were searching the deserted village, Sirius introduced Shade in a low voice. As for the blond witch, she was watching the burning half-dragon corpse turn into ashes. The corpses of these cultists have "dragon poison". If not treated properly, they will pollute the land. The witch of the earth attaches great importance to this.

Not long after, the black-haired girl hurried over and handed the letter she had just found to Miss Benanis. A third of the letter was burned, so most of the useful content was lost.

However, because it was done in a hurry, the word "chosen one" can still be faintly seen in the burnt part. Miss Benenice thought it might be related to Edwards. After checking it, she found that it could not be restored by normal means, so she handed the letter to Shade.

Shade touched the [Lord of Immortality] on his hand. As he slowly inhaled, the gray air flow entered his nasal cavity on the paper. The "Breath of Time" regressed time, and the hastily burned letter was restored. normal.

"The magic of time is always so fascinating."

Sirius murmured to himself, and Shade and Miss Benanis went to read the letter together, but the content on it was quite unexpected:

"Oh, it's much easier now. Most of the main ring warlocks of the [Dragon Eater Order] have withdrawn from the Green Lake area, and now only a quarter of their strength is still here."

"Why? Did they break up with the fortune teller? Or is it true, as Shade said, that Edwards of the Dragon Feast Order has long been interested in resisting the fortune teller?"

Sirius asked curiously, and Shade handed the letter to her:

"When the [Dragon Eater Order] excavated the remains of ancient dragons in the New World, they found a message written by a witch from the Fifth Age on the dragon bones. The first sentence probably means 'someone came here for a visit'. Sure enough, they can do it. Things that happened. What follows are the fragments of poems related to the chosen ones of 'Light'. Now that the main force of the Dragon Religion has retreated, they have more important things to do, and they no longer care much about the things on Green Lake. ."

Shade sighed slightly and looked at the clear sky:

"Although it would be nice to have fewer enemies in the Green Lake Showdown, things are getting more and more."

"I remember the ancient god of light, often called the [Dragon of Light]. This great man is also the oldest dragon god."

Sirius said, Miss Benanis nodded slightly:

"Yes, so it can be guessed that the fragments of the poem they accidentally discovered are likely to involve dragons. However, these matters do not need to be dealt with immediately. Let's solve the Green Lake matter first."

That night, Shade made an agreement to ambush the three corpse-lich brothers on the south bank of Green Lake with Priest August and Doctor Schneider. However, the three agreed to meet at eight o'clock in the evening, so after leaving the deserted village that afternoon, he did not return to the Green Lake Hotel. Instead, he followed Miss Benanis and Sirius back to their home in the Michaela Blast Furnace. City residence.

The Golden Dawn Opera Troupe is currently staying in a hotel not far from the "Glass Bottle Opera House". It was still early to meet after dinner. It happened that the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe had a performance tonight, so the two ladies took Shade there again. The backstage of the opera house went around.

All the girls in the Golden Dawn Opera Company knew Shade. Shade had become very familiar with them when he was in Randall Valley. At this time, I saw Shade and the two heads of the opera troupe coming together. There was even a bold girl who joked and asked Shade whether Miss Benanis or Siris was more beautiful.

Sirius looked normal, but Miss Benanis blushed immediately and looked at Shade, thinking he would give an answer.

They hadn't seen each other for a long time since the Battle of Randall Valley, and Shade had a lot to say to them. While wandering backstage, Miss Benanis mentioned that she was preparing to be promoted to the twelfth level, which made Shade think of another thing:

"I used Thaumaturgy - The Sound of Music to record a very good song some time ago."

He smiled and said:

"But this requires lute accompaniment, but I just memorized the tune. I don't know how to play the lute."

"I'll accompany you."

Siris then said, Miss Benanis was very curious about what Shade was going to perform:

"Come to the performance hall here. There is no one here for now. Do you need any special preparations?"

"No need, I'll set up the venue. It's just that it's best to make sure there's no one nearby, I don't want to make too much noise."

So in addition to the blond witch and Sirius, they also called several girls from the middle and high rings who were okay backstage to serve as the audience.

The group of people came to the small performance hall at the end of the second floor of the Glass Bottle Opera House. The other girls took their seats. Only Miss Bernice sat on the special seat that was specially widened in the center of the second row and looked at the stage with a smile. .

Shade walked out of the backstage and dropped a small piece of silver:

"Spell - Traveler's Camp."

A spell that consumes precious metals to generate a camp can have different extraordinary effects depending on the quantity and quality of the precious metals used. But this time Shade just wanted the appearance of a camp, so a small piece of silver was used to create a camp consisting of bonfires and dilapidated tents on the stage.

The lights in the performance hall went out, and under Shade's instructions, Sirius transformed forest trees through the threads of memory, surrounding the two of them. Later, Shade even used the incomplete Mystery Lock to "melt" the ceiling, revealing the silver moon and stars.

Everything was ready, and he and Siris sat on the ground beside the bonfire on the stage.

A girl with beautiful long golden hair plucked the strings, and Shade said:

"Please allow me to introduce the background of this ancient song——

That was a story from a long, long time ago. The old horse, loyal dog, parrot, and unicorn, together with the travelers under the moon, set out on their journey together. They passed through forests, crossed rivers, crossed deserts, and climbed snow-capped mountains. On a calm night during the journey, when they were resting by the campfire, the bard they met by chance learned their story and composed this song for them. "

He gave Siris a look, and used thaumaturgy while the lute was being plucked, bringing the song sung by the gods that night to the spring night of 1854 in the Sixth Era:

"Lost travelers gather around the campfire,

Start a new journey together.

Pick a piece of white chrysanthemum to say goodbye to them,

The mottled tree shadows guide the way forward on the journey.

The reason for setting out is not important;

May they enjoy the scenery along the way.

The old horse on his way home will eventually find his separated relatives.

The boring parrot becomes the protagonist of his novel,

A jealous loyal dog remains loyal,

The confused unicorn looks at her lover.


And don’t forget the lonely traveler under the moon,

May he be able to see clearly the unknown path ahead when he is lost.

through the forest,

across the river,

Deep into the desert,

May you sleep peacefully this night.

There is still a long way to go,

Only now everything is safe. "

Shade didn't even change the fifth era language used by the gods to the sixth era language, and just sang the song completely. The traveling god himself has superb performance skills, and his voice has just the right amount of hoarseness when he sings the ballad. Accompanied by the breeze in the forest and the bonfire, those who listened to the song felt a long-lost inner peace.

Although Shade relied on thaumaturgy to sing, he knew that his singing level would never reach the level of that god. What's more, the atmosphere brought about by the dangerous environment of the "Lost Forest" at that time was completely different from the safe and comfortable opera house performance hall at that time. Therefore, he was able to obtain the spell just by relying on this song, but the effect at this time was definitely not that good.

After the song ended, Shade sighed and recalled the companions he met on that interesting and difficult trip. Then he took the hand of the thoughtful Sirius and stood up, thanking the audience in the audience.

The girls listening to the song took their thoughts away from the bonfire in the forest. Because there were so few people, the applause was not loud, but everyone had something to gain.

The only person who didn't applaud was Vanessa Benenice, who was sitting in the middle of the second row. Her golden eyes looked at Shade and Sirius, who were holding hands. Even though the performance on stage had ended, her fingers were still tapping the armrest of the seat lightly, and she was still humming the song that had just ended.

Behind her, the dazzling eleven golden steps emerged one by one in the performance hall after the lights were turned off.

Shade heard Sirius counting softly beside him:

".Nine, ten, eleven."

Above the eleventh final step, the golden phantom steps appeared in everyone's eyes. It is not stable, which means it is not fully formed yet. Finally, the brass life ring appeared in the steam mist. The rotating life ring allowed the golden stairs to pass through it, and new spiritual runes also appeared on the rapidly rotating life ring.

PS: Picture of this chapter "The Witch of the Earth-Vanessa Benanis"


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