Whispering Verse

Chapter 1890 The story of the group’s past

The three people under the moon were not just posing. When the corpses noticed them and assumed fighting postures, the figure holding the sword disappeared under the moon. The corpse instinctively hid to the left, but the holy silver sword still easily cut off its arm.

The last time we met, the "Moonlight Greatsword" was not very destructive against these strange wight lichs. But at this time, there were enough rituals arranged by Priest August below the battle site, and the special characteristics of the ghoul were being lost.

As soon as the sword fell, the same three swords appeared in the void at the same time, and then were deflected by the space slash thrown by the undead creature's left hand.

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang!

A white skeleton grew out of the rotten flesh of his left hand. The swinging arm continued to resist the attacks of the moonlight sword, but the cracks in the skeleton were increasing little by little. As for the broken part of the right shoulder, pink crystals appeared from the wound. It suddenly retreated and appeared ten meters away behind it. It lowered its head and wanted to tear off the flesh and blood attached to the crystals, but pus emerged from the top of its head. The big black hand, as wet as a giant tree, pressed it to the ground.

The corpse moved forward under the moon, barely escaping Doctor Schneider's blow due to the power of space, but then deviated from the place where it originally wanted to appear due to the restrictions of the "space stability halo", and actually appeared directly in In the presence of Priest Augustus:

"Sleep well~"

The old priest stretched out his right hand and punched the corpse on the head. After a loud bang, it flew backwards like a cannonball, and was then tightly bound in the air by black chains that sprang out from the side. After it landed with another muffled sound, it could no longer move.

"It's really simple, I just don't understand it."

The doctor clapped his hands and picked up the hat he had just thrown on the ground:

"Since we can trap two of them with traps, why not trap them all three at once, and still have us deal with the third one?"

"Because the detective said that the three of them can use some kind of combined attack power. If all three of them are trapped in traps at once, they may self-destruct directly. For these nearly immortal corpse lichs, self-destruction is The most suitable means of escape.”

With that said, the priest called to the doctor to get out the two corpses buried in the soil and trapped in the coffin. Of course, before liberating them, the priest fed them some magic potion in advance to put their bodies and souls into a temporary state of sleep.

After that, the three of them each carried a corpse, hurriedly climbed over the fence and left the cemetery under the moonlight, heading north all the way.

At the intersection of a country dirt road about a few hundred meters away from Daflin Village, the three of them stopped. This is a site that the priests have found in advance. The oak tree located on one side of the intersection is said to have been planted by the original ancestors of the village.

The three people who came to the local area from Tobesk were not in awe of this rumor. The doctor took out the three ropes prepared in advance and hung them on the strong branches of the huge oak tree. Then the three corpses were hung up by three people, and the other ends of the ropes were tied to the trunk.

The height and position of the corpse were controlled by the August priest.

After the preparations were completed, he made a gesture to Shade and the doctor, and the two entered the wheat field nearby. It was the middle of the month of praying for rain. In the cool and rainy Green Lake area, the wheat in the farmland was growing very well. Shade and the doctor were only a few hundred meters away. Looking back, they couldn't see clearly what Priest August was doing. .

The next step is the priest's own business. It is not convenient for Shade and the doctor to interfere more, so they wait here. This is also convenient for them to lend a helping hand in time if an unexpected situation occurs.

Standing in the wheat field at night was boring. Shade looked at the hazy gray mist rising in the distance covering the situation under the trees, and said casually:

"Today's operation went really smoothly. The priest is always so reliable. However, the priest can always be seen holding his pipe, and it is rare to see him smoking."

"He won't smoke in the presence of writers, diviners or other ladies. He has to go on a mission tonight and smoking will leave traces, so he won't smoke either. But everyone knows that the priest was a complete smoker when he was young."

The doctor said softly:

"When I first met him, he smoked much more frequently than he does now. Later, he concentrated on his studies and gradually started to quit smoking."

"Was the priest like this before?"

Shade was a little surprised:

"In my opinion, priests have always been the kind of people who are strict with themselves and others."

Doctor Schneider also glanced at the area shrouded in gray fog:

"He is indeed that kind of person, but you also have to understand the priest. After serving in the diocese for so many years, it is just because of things that happened when he was young that he has not been able to become a formal priest at such an old age. Even if the priest himself says he does not care, but How could you not care at all?"

As the leader of the group, although he is also the subject of suspicion, he also knows some of the inside story:

"We know that the church's decision was definitely not a mistake, and things were indeed bad back then. But what we thought was just a cost has become the priest's life. He smoked, probably because he wanted to relieve the boredom in his heart. I know that in From the perspective of you young people, priests are the kind of people who are very open-minded and never have troubles, but who doesn’t have troubles?”

As a psychiatrist, Bill Schneider is indeed very good at analyzing the psychology of the people around him:

"After joining the group, I quit smoking because I gained new hope and new goals in life. However, it is impossible to completely quit the smoking habit, so the priest will carry a pipe wherever he goes."

"Before joining the group, everyone has their own story."

Shade sighed and said that Dorothy's story before she joined the group was very clear to Shade. It was the struggle of a female writer who lived independently. Although she had not yet interacted with Lesia at that time, her diary at that time was equally interesting.

"Speaking of which, what was that fortune teller like before he joined the group?"

Shade asked again. The doctor was very confused:

"Didn't she tell you? Your relationship is so close."

Shade thought for a moment:

"It seems like I never said that."

The doctor fiddled with the wheat ears in front of him:

"You also know that she is a jointly trained student, which is different from our situation. She had an inauguration ceremony at the Prophet Association, and then was introduced by the association to join our group. In other words, when she joined the group, she He is already a ring warlock."

Shade nodded slightly:

"She is the second one to join the group besides the writer, right?"

"Yes, the college contacted me directly and told me that someone was coming to visit. There was a big difference between her before and now. No, no, I don't mean appearance, I mean temperament. When I first met her, she was so She has a traditional fortune-teller temperament. At first glance, you can tell that no matter what she says, she will be mysterious, and there is a high probability that she will split her sentence into two halves. "

What the doctor said was the stereotype of soothsayers held by ring magicians.

"Ask the writer in our group. She should also remember how she felt when she first met the fortune teller. But later she changed a lot and became approachable. It is said that during the period when she first awakened, her mental state was affected by factors. The influence was too great. To be honest, at the beginning, the writer and I were even a little afraid of her."

Shade imagined the scene where the doctor and Dorothy were huddled on the sofa during the group meeting, watching the purple-eyed girl speak with a cold face, and couldn't help but smile.

However, Shade believed that Luvia's initial behavior was probably due to the resurrected "Long-haired Luvia" unconsciously affecting her character when she first awakened. Later, Luvia, who had short hair, gradually regained control of her power and returned to normal.

These things happened before the strangers came to this world, and they are very interesting to hear now.

There were many insects in the farmland at night, but none of them dared to approach the two men standing chatting. The prostrate snake swam silently towards Shade's position, but the moment it was exposed to the moonlight, it was ignited by pitch-black flames.

The doctor looked at the burning snake and talked about the past. He also had many thoughts:

"Speaking of which, it's thanks to you joining our group, otherwise we wouldn't have such a harmonious relationship now."

Shade was confused by this sentence:

"What do you mean? Doctor, when I joined the group, wasn't your relationship always harmonious?"

The doctor smiled and shook his head:

"That's why I say you are young. Let me give you an example. Look at the two ladies in the group. How was their initial relationship?"

"very nice."

Shade even remembered that when he eavesdropped in Dorothy's apartment using "Echoes of the Past", he heard Luvia asking Dorothy how much padding she wore when she wore her dress. That was a memory from last summer.

"It's indeed very good. They are very good friends. They are the same age after all. But they are only very good friends. If they are allowed to get along like a family like they are now, it will be completely impossible."

As he said that, the doctor glanced at Shade:

"So, you are a very amazing person."

Shade always felt that the doctor was mocking him, so he coughed and glanced in the direction of the priest:

"What about you and the priest? Didn't we have a good relationship at the beginning? I remember that you often went to the pub to drink together before I joined the group."

"Yes, but what about when we both discover something strange about each other?"

The doctor asked, smiling at the young man standing under the moon:

"I can feel the extreme coldness close to death in the priest. The priest can probably guess now that I am related to those bad guys in the third era. Without you, we will definitely be suspicious of each other and follow each other. As we continue to grow stronger, we become more suspicious. In the process of doubting ourselves and each other, do you think we can still maintain our current relationship?"

PS: 20/20.

After half a month, the update is officially over! Let us once again thank the two idle streamers from the Silver Alliance @!

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