Whispering Verse

Chapter 1892 Skull and Invitation

Shade had no intention of preventing the other party from having an army of the undead. After all, even if there were an army of corpses and water ghosts, it would be the church that would stop them.

"But I can't give it to you now, it has other uses for me."

The corpse waiter came with a tray, and there was a third of the skull on the tray. The skeleton looked very different from a human skull, and was at least twice the size of a normal human head. However, because it is incomplete, Shade cannot be sure what it will look like after it is complete.

"I know this does not belong to me, so please allow me to return it to you after the Chosen One Ceremony."

The diviner continued, but Shade did not try to grab it. After all, the priest also said that everything was an illusion. He just thought he had eaten hallucinogenic mushrooms:

"Do you know who this bone is supposed to belong to?"

Shade asked, and the fortune teller shook his head slightly:

"I placed some bones in my daughter's ossuary, hoping that she could sleep peacefully. I think it was the bone fragments and finger bones that the tomb robbers took away that attracted your friend. The secrets of this world are really real. There are too many, and even I am not omniscient. I think the closest person alive to omniscience is the mad Sir Lykins Plischar."

He suddenly stopped talking and turned to look to the side. The corpses dancing in the music gradually gave way to a straight road, and at the end of the road, the figure of Priest August appeared with his hands behind his back.

Shade guessed that the priest must not be hallucinating, otherwise the serious expression on the face of the fortune teller in front of him would be too similar to the performance.

"This skull does not belong to me. Please allow me to return it later."

He said this to Priest Augustus, who shook his head seriously:

"Although you are very polite, this is not your thing."

The shadow of huge wings appeared on the wall behind him, and even the shadow of the broken wings was still astonishing. The light of the crystal chandelier gradually decreased until it turned dark green. At the same time, the melodious music had discordant notes and gradually became eerie and strange.

The dancing corpses all stopped and turned to look at their lord with Priest August. And this scene actually made Shade a little suspicious about who the villain was here.

The fortune teller wearing a monocle smiled and took out a palm-sized book from his pocket. The book had a brown hard cover. At a glance, Shade saw the Ouroboros symbol representing "Ancient God - Mr. Ring" on the front of the book, and the skeleton representing "Ancient God - Ancient Death" on the back. Sickle mark.

"Angel-level relic ["Soul Storybook\

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