Whispering Verse

Chapter 1899 Island landing plan

Shade said, reaching out to pick off a blooming blue rose, blowing it gently, and under the [Flying Flower Curse], the petals turned into thousands of flowers and fell around the two girls under the moonlight night:

"Real death, no matter where you go, there is death. I go to Middleburg, pass through the Sikal Mountain and then enter the narrow space of life and death, wait in death, and then find a way to open the exit on another island. I'm afraid it will take Dave Sister Lin will find a way, or..."

"It's too risky. We still have one coin left, so there's no need to use such extreme measures."

Luvia directly rejected the proposal:

"At that time, let the Green siblings, Rust, Maria and the Witch stay at the Green Lake Hotel. First try to keep them away from the lake and see how the man on the island wants to get them away. "

Dorothy's room can prevent space transfer to the greatest extent. Coupled with the spells cast by Shade and Miss Sylvia, and the assistance of other great witches, it is indeed possible to prevent them from disappearing directly. The hotel itself has become a strong stronghold. Even if the other party takes people by force, they can rely on the building to launch an offensive and defensive battle.

"I agree with Luvia, there is no need to take such a risk of letting you die again."

Iluna also nodded:

"First try to find Nadia Foran, and at the same time let the witch prepare the illusion. The second method is to let the Edwards stay in the hotel and see how the soothsayer takes them away. The Philosopher's Stone can be used as As a last resort, use the divination of the remaining coin as the third resort. After all, we can find coins at any time, and the Philosopher's Stone is not something that can be found everywhere."

The two girls looked at him, and seeing their firm attitude, Shade had no choice but to agree:

"That's all we have to do."

He stuffed the red stone embedded in the silver jewelry back, twirled the blue petals falling in the air, and then continued walking forward with them in the garden. In front of the path is a circular crossroads in the garden. In the center of the crossroads is an angel statue, and around the statue are long stone chairs for resting:

"As for what happens after landing on the island, you don't have to worry."

Shade explained:

"I will go in with the first group of them, but before I leave, I will leave the small boat behind. Although this will continue to consume my spirit, it is not a big problem. The second group will let the priests and doctors board through that boat. island."

"They use a special vehicle to land on the island. They need a diviner as a navigator. I will do this."

Luvia said, looking at Shade, but she didn't ask why doctors and priests were allowed to land on the island:

"You can't leave me."

"Well, that's fine. Luvia will land on the island with the doctor and the priest. Iluna, you follow the church's team. At the same time, Sister Devlin and the guardian of the earth should also enter the island in the second batch. As for the island On the matter, Edwards ascended the magic"

Shade stopped in front of the statue. The purple-eyed girl and Iluna were both looking at him:

"I will try my best to stop the ritual and kill Lapras Klein Howard. But before that, I need to talk to him. He knows a lot of interesting things. If things go well, let Dulu Giles and Rust Edwards at the Chosen Ceremony."

"No matter how I feel, I know it won't go well."

Iluna said, and Luvia also laughed.

"If things don't go well, then we'll fight the chosen ones in the space head-on. But in this case, the only Edwards I can save are Megan and the Green siblings who won't reach this point. I'm well prepared."

"Are you prepared for both the first and second picks to die?"

Luvia asked, her purple eyes shining with strange light under the moonlight.

Of course Shade knew what she was asking:

"Be prepared. I have a complete plan, but it requires me to open a mysterious lock."

"That mythical lock you haven't obtained yet?"

Iluna asked curiously, Shade shook his head:

"It's not [Bell Tower Lovers], this mystery lock is for another purpose. I want to use another one - the water of wisdom, to open the mystery lock and imitate and copy the power of Edwardsden's magic."

Iluna and Luvia both took a breath, not expecting that there was such a way.

"As for the first fire on the island, Sister Devlin will recycle it, and then I will seal the central island of Green Lake like the seal of life and death. If you are lucky, the speed of the space anomaly in the material world will be greatly slowed down. If you are unlucky, .Then it’s not something we can stop.”

This arrangement is quite good, although there are still some details that need to be negotiated, but fortunately they still have time to plan. This time, with the help of the six great witches of the Witch Council, Priest August and Doctor Schneider are also here. Sister Devlin and the Guardian of the Earth can take action at any time. This is the most abundant manpower they have ever had.

As for sealing the central island of Green Lake, it still depends on the power after being infiltrated into divinity and promoted. Shade wasn't sure if this was really possible, but if not, he still had three drops of divinity. In any case, we cannot allow disaster to spread unchecked like in "Past Life", as that will only make things worse step by step.

"The disasters caused by space anomalies and the monsters they attract will probably slow down the church, but it's not a big problem. I think those thirteen-ring warlocks should be able to handle it. Besides, the president of our association has not left either. He’ll help with it.”

Luvia said, and Shade thought for a while:

"I remember that the title of the current president of the Prophet Association is 'Mr. Crystal'."

"Yes, 'Mr. Crystal' Adelaida Lenormand. She is good at divination with various crystal stones, and also has profound knowledge in mineralogy and alchemy."

Luvia nodded, and Iluna continued:

"Today's divination by the Prophet Association not only divined the way to another island, they also divined Laplace Howard's purpose."

Shade looked at Luvia, who said softly:

"Laplace Klein Howard believes that the end of the world is inevitable. If you stay in this world, you will eventually usher in the day that is bound to come. Therefore, he hopes to pass a ceremony that includes the ceremony of the chosen one. The 'Edwardesden Magic' within, separates a space from the material world, and relies on the power of the chosen one to completely leave the material world and escape into the void outside the world."

"Wait a minute, is this a contradiction? The chosen one is drawn by fate, and in the end no matter what, he will come to the final door at the same time. Can he really get away?"

Shade asked curiously, and Iluna gave the answer:

"Even if he can't escape, he can create his own shelter first. The space he wants to separate should be the central island of Green Lake. But this must not be done. Stripping away space on a large scale will only make the space in the material world more complicated. Unstable.”

"So, the rumor about the Unified One circulating in the Green Lake area turns out to be this. Does the diviner really want to take away as many people as possible who are willing to trust him?"

Shade murmured to himself, and Luvia signaled the three of them to stop standing under the statue, so they entered the flower path again.

Iluna knows more things from "what if", so she thinks more. If she remembers correctly, in the Sixth Age without Shade, once she was defeated by the Space Chosen One, the ending would be——

[You failed. The space chosen ones retreated to Green Lake Town. In the mansion covered by white mist, they waited for the arrival of the final day with their family members in the banquet of the wine of immortality. 】

Obviously, this outcome is most likely the result of the success of the "Edwards Den Magic" divined by the Prophets Association.

Iluna didn't like this ending, because it meant that she was defeated, and it meant that the disaster of space collapse would be further advanced.

They chatted and walked in the garden, but in the end they didn't stay in the garden for too long and returned to the banquet hall together. However, neither Iluna nor Luvia stayed with Shade. There were too many of their colleagues here. If they were seen with strange men, it would definitely arouse suspicion.

So after bidding farewell to the two of them, Shade found Megan and Miss Aurora who were standing together chatting. The latter was introducing her niece Hailey Aurora to Megan. Mother-in-law Cassandra was sitting on the sofa nearby, while Miss Swift stood aside and looked curiously at everything in the banquet hall.

Although Fort Midhill is a border tourist city with developed industry and commerce, aristocratic banquets of this size are indeed rare.

Seeing Shade coming back with a wine glass, the witches stopped talking. Miss Aurora, whom they hadn't seen for a long time, looked at Shade with a smile:

"I just heard a lot of interesting things about you in Green Lake City from Megan."

"Oh, I hope she didn't say those embarrassing things."

Shade gently clinked glasses with the witch with long brown wavy hair. In his glass was the champagne he had just brought when he entered the house, while in the witch's hand was red wine.

"Ever since I heard that you were in Green Lake and she was in Green Lake, I knew she would definitely join our side."

She continued to tease Shade and Megan, but Megan didn't care at all, because this was a sign of intimacy, which was much better than Miss Carina's "prank" at the banquet.

Shade smiled and shook his head:

"Don't make me sound like a very slutty man. Are you going to have a dance with us later? We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Miss Aurora was quite surprised and turned to Meghan and asked:

"What exactly did you teach him? I don't remember him being the kind of man who would take the initiative to invite girls to dance at a banquet."

Megan was also a little surprised. Although she had known Shade for the shortest time, she also knew Shade very well.

But Miss Aurora didn’t want Megan to answer. She took a sip of her wine glass and looked at Shade under the light again:

"Of course, I accept your invitation."

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