Whispering Verse

Chapter 1909 The pursuit of wisdom and demonologists

"Do you know anything else? Your rebellion against your ancestors is definitely not a new idea. What preparations did you make before the 'God Caller' explicitly intervened in this matter?"

Shade then asked, after all, the appearance of the "God Caller" happened last summer, and according to Maria Edwards's words, Nadia Foran had this idea more than ten years ago.

"I won't tell you my cards."

"So what is your trump card targeting? In your opinion, what is the most threatening thing to your ancestor? Weapons? Relics? Helpers? Or is it a power that I don't understand?"

"The eyes that see through destiny."

Nadia Foran answered firmly:

"The ancestor has always predicted the fate of all members of the family. Although he cannot know everything about what will happen in the future, he has already seen the direction of the torrent of fate. If we want to be rescued, it is important to have the power to defeat him, but What is more important is to escape the fate he divined. This requires more than the [Remains of the Defiled One] housed by the Church of Creation, the [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] housed by St. Byrons Comprehensive College, and the [Organ of Doom] housed by the Seer Association. And a powerful relic that interferes with destiny.”

She paused to give Shade time to think:

"This is the most important reminder I give you: when fighting your ancestors, you must carry relics that interfere with destiny. Otherwise, he will be able to predict every attack you make against him."

Shade frowned:

"The three relics you mentioned are all famous Keeper-level (Level 3) relics. The relics that interfere with destiny each have reasons why they cannot be used casually."

"There are rumors that the Prophet Association recently discovered a level 0 destiny relic. It's a pity that there is not enough time, otherwise if it can be found, the success rate of defeating the ancestors can be increased to at least 50%."

The woman said, although Shade was used to hearing Edwards' fear and admiration for the fortune teller, he still couldn't help but ask:

"So you think that even if you gave me important information, our current winning rate is still less than half?"

"Twenty percent at most. Although you are very strong, your ancestors have planned it for two hundred years, and it is definitely not something you can deal with in two months. According to rumors, you are also a ring warlock who is good at space power. Then you should Understand, it is even possible that you will not be able to see the ancestors who deliberately avoided you in the end. I never like to leave my future to fate, but at the family dinner on Wednesday, we can only see whether fate favors us."

The sound of footsteps came up the stairs, and the waiter brought Nadia Foran's rum on a tray.

She drank the drink in one gulp, then stood up to leave. At this time, it was less than ten minutes before she sat down:

"That's all I have to say. I hope to see you at the Wednesday night banquet."

"Please wait a moment, I have one last question."

Shade stopped her:

"Do you know what deal the [Truth Society] is making with your ancestors? What do they want from the Edwards family?"

The woman sat down again, thought for a moment and then replied:

"I also want you to answer me a question: Do you have a relationship with a member of your family that goes beyond friendship?"

"What's the purpose of this question?"

Shade narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Are you sure how far you will go to fight against your ancestors?"

"Yes. I am in a relationship with a girl from your family."

Nadia Foran did not ask Shade to provide evidence:

"The Truth Society is not specifically seeking information on how to refine the human body, nor is it asking the ancestors to divine for them. They want the ancestors' research on the soul. I don't know much about it. I only know that it is about the formation of the soul, the ignition of spirituality and wisdom. Research on the birth of the soul. Perhaps they are thinking about the original origin of the soul. The research of the Truth Society is always so weird but creative."

"Soul. Soul research is strictly forbidden in the Sixth Age."

"Yes, but this part is indispensable for the refining of the human body. The demons summoned and cooperated by the ancestors also provided him with sufficient information. Although the ancestors' research focus was not on these, the [Truth Society] cares about these contents. It also benefits from The cooperation with the [Truth Society] has changed the direction and promoted the progress of the ancestors in the direction of human body refinement."

"What does the Truth Society want to do?"

Shade thought in his mind, and Nadia Foran had already stood up. She went straight to the stairs without saying goodbye to Shade. Shade walked to the first floor listening to her unusual heartbeat, and then left the tavern until he disappeared into the rumbling rain.

Shade did not stay here for long. Shortly after Nadia Foran left, he also broke into the rain again holding an umbrella.

Thinking about this new information in his mind, he hurriedly left the slum along the alley, found a taxi at the street corner, and let the carriage move towards the dock on the Duin River in the city.

In order not to disturb this private meeting, Shade didn't even ask Meghan to arrange a carriage to take him back. Instead, he asked the boat to wait for him on the river and take him back to the cruise ship. Shade did not talk to the coachman along the way. After getting off the carriage, he held an umbrella and walked down the steps at the gap along the riverside street to the trestle on the shore.

It's just that he originally asked the boat to come back after ten o'clock to prevent the boat from being suspected by being docked for too long. It was only half past nine, and the meeting with the cultists was too fast, so he had to wait for another half hour.

But that's fine, Shade also has time to think in the rain under an umbrella, turn the newly obtained intelligence into a response plan, and add it to the action plan for Wednesday night.

There is still no progress on how to land on the island with Megan and Audrey, but it seems necessary for Shade to find another relic that can interfere with divination besides the [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny] to carry with him. His fate is difficult to divine by others, but if the diviner only relies on strong inspiration to sense his next move in battle, then no specific divination behavior is involved.

"The cards are his means of resurrection"

This is also something that needs to be noted. Regardless of whether this information was deliberately released by Laplace Klein Howard, the set of cards does need to be contained or destroyed in advance.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. Although I originally wanted to stand here and wait, the umbrella could not stop the raindrops blown by the wind. Shade thought about what was in his mind, turned around and climbed the steps back to the road along the lake, thinking of finding a place nearby to take shelter from the rain.

On one side of the street is the Duin River, and on the other side are low-rise two-story buildings. Because it is adjacent to a slum, the streetscape and the exterior walls of the houses look quite bad in the rain. There was no tavern on this street, so Shade planned to find a rain eaves to take shelter temporarily.

Although there are gas street lamps on the street, they are quite widely spaced from each other. Shade could only rely on his dark vision to scan the nearby street scene, and landed on the signboard of "Jenny's Flower Shop".

The building of the flower shop is exactly the same as the buildings on both sides. Just to allow the flowers and plants to have a place to bask in the sun, the owner of the flower shop built a small terrace on the outside of the second floor of the flower shop towards the street.

This meant that there was a rain shelter on the first floor formed by a terrace that faced the street, so Shade walked over.

The flower shop had long been closed, and the wilted roses displayed inside could be seen through the dirty windows. However, there were no traces of any elements nearby, and Shade didn't expect to encounter relics casually, so he didn't take it to heart.

There is a round table and chairs fixed on the ground at the entrance of the flower shop, which seems to be part of the decoration of the flower shop owner. Shade put away his umbrella and stood by the wall, then sat down at the table, took out a candle and stood it on the table, and then watched the splashing water curtain slide from the edge of the balcony above his head, and then flowed through the street to the Duin River.

"A decisive battle on a rainy day."

He continued to think about his plans for Wednesday, waiting for the ship to arrive, and staring at the rainy streets of Green Lake City. I sighed in my heart about this city that is destined to be recorded in the history books, but suddenly I saw another man's figure holding a black umbrella coming from the rain at the intersection.

Shade heard the whistle and saw the other party staggering deliberately as he walked. When the figure gradually approached, he saw the specific image of the other party.

The top of the head is very bald, leaving only hairy stubble. His skin was dark, and his eyes were extremely double-folded. He was wrapped in an unusual brown old-style robe that was often worn by people in desert areas, but the clothes at least looked quite warm on a rainy night.

As for the feet, there is a pair of brown boots that look like laces and leather buckles. But the boots were also very worn, which made this man look like he was not from the upper class.

Shade stood up and looked at the "demon scholar" Mr. Sean Asmon, appearing in this rainy night. The black eyes under the scholar's umbrella raised slightly, with a cautious but slightly cold smile, and glanced under the flower shop, which was obviously suitable for shelter from the rain. Then in the light of the candles on the table, he saw Xia De looking at him in surprise.

The dull-skinned middle-aged man also recognized who was sitting at the table, so he raised the corners of his mouth and stopped walking, stepping on the water with his boots on the road and walking towards this side, with his usual expression on his face. A weird smile with the corners of his mouth turned upward.

The umbrella was folded under the flower shop terrace, and the weird Delarian language that belonged to Sean Asmon was spoken:

"Mr. Watson, Mr. Watson, we always meet in unexpected situations. It's been a long time since we said goodbye in Randall Valley."

The rain was pouring. Although he had long thought that he would most likely meet this gentleman in the Green Lake area, Shade did not expect that this meeting would be in such an environment.

The two shook hands with each other, but the scholar's hands were still rough.

Shade waited a moment——

[There is no element trace. 】

Only then did he feel relieved.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Acquaintance in the Rain"

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