Whispering Verse

Chapter 1914 Disobedient Students (Please subscribe!!)

After hearing Shade's explanation, the red-haired witch let go of her hand.

Granny Cassandra on the side said:

"The Red Moon Witch, Daniste, although not a member of the Council, is also the most powerful sorceress of this era. When I was young, I personally experienced the story of her climbing to the top of the Thirteenth Ring step by step. Speaking of which, last time It has been almost twenty years since I met her."

"Mother-in-law, are you friends with Miss Danister? Or are you just acquaintances?"

Miss Sylvia asked curiously. She is the youngest here and therefore knows the least.

The old witch smiled and said:

"Friends? We are actually related, but the relationship is far away. It is almost equivalent to her great-grandfather's cousin, who is my grandfather. When I became famous, she was just a student at St. Byrons, and later we met Only then did I realize they were related. Not friends, but distant relatives."

Miss Swift, who was standing behind the old witch, was still calculating the specific relationship between her teacher and Miss Danister. Shade then asked:

"Mother-in-law, do you need me to say hello to her?"

Grandma Cassandra was about to refuse, but suddenly changed her mind:

"You can take Grace and Helen with you. They also met Danister back then."

The Hongdie sisters were the teachers of Cassandra's mother-in-law. The old witch never asked the two sisters to do anything. Therefore, it should be said that Grace and Helen themselves want to meet Miss Danister.

The two sisters did not like to come into contact with other witches, so they did not actively participate in the witches' meetings, and of course they did not show up this morning. And when Shade got on the carriage at the door of the hotel, two fluttering butterflies flew in from the carriage window.

The red butterfly stopped on Shade's shoulders, and then left dark red slender butterfly patterns on the left and right sides of his black coat. It seems that they don't want to show up. In this case, Shade will not ask them what they want to do. Although they look only fifteen or sixteen years old, Grace and Helen are older than most of the girls around Shade. Be mature.

Originally, they were worried that Miss Daniste would not be at the manor where they were staying, but fortunately when Shade came to visit, the thirteen-ringed sorceress was still there. She seemed to have guessed that Shade would suddenly come to visit, so she was not surprised at all by Shade's appearance. After sitting down in the study with Shade, he asked with a smile:

"Tomorrow, that is Wednesday night, you should also land on that island, right?"


Xia De didn't hide anything, he sat upright:

"I will find a way to get to the island with the Edwardses. But it will be difficult."

"Yes, the church is also trying to do this. But the first step is to keep the Fulen brothers in the church instead of sending them to the lake. The church plans to use rituals and relics to ensure that they will not be suddenly teleported away. For the time being, I I can’t imagine how Laplace Klein Howard would go to a church and rob people.”

It seems that the church's plan is the same as that of Shade and the Witches.

"So Shade, my student, you came to see me, do you want me to help you?"

She looked at the young man with a serious face:

"It's interesting. I know that you have been involved in some things in the past, but you never asked me for help in advance. Why, are you in trouble this time?"

"Actually, there is a reason why I got involved in Green Lake."


Miss Danister also adjusted her sitting position, thinking that Shade was finally going to "confes" to her:

"what reason?"

"I fell in love with two of the Edwards girls."

The sorceress is very glad that she is not drinking tea now, otherwise she would have coughed indecently:

"You are so honest, you dare to say anything. Is he the one who appeared next to you on the lake on the night of the lunar eclipse?"


She thought about it:

"I remember she was very powerful, a high-level warlock."

"Yes, no matter who the chosen ones in the space are, I hope they are fine. They are much better than me, and they also have very good friends. It's just that because of me, their friends can't help. They. Miss Danister, I am here to ask you to help them escape if things get to the most dangerous time."

Even though he thought there would be no surprises in Wednesday's decisive battle, Shade still felt that safety came first:

"I heard news from the Church of the Sun from the church. The Edwards family's unity ceremony allows for flaws. Therefore, even if two people are left, the fortune teller will not care."

The sorceress did not speak immediately, and the corners of her mouth curled up, as if she had heard an interesting story:

"You rarely ask me for help so straightforwardly, Shade. You should understand that I actually know what you have been doing. Although I have no evidence and am just guessing, I am almost certain that I am not just thinking."


Shade pursed his lips, regretting not bringing Mia with him, otherwise he would be able to cover up his embarrassment by petting the cat:


"The Whispering Psalms and the Chosen One are no joke. This will likely determine the fate of the material world for many years to come. I have not explored what you want to do, and I have only waited for you to speak. Now that you have found I help, although as your teacher, I shouldn’t impose conditions, but I don’t want to be like standing in the fog all the time, not knowing anything.”

"Some things, since you can't prove them, are not necessarily what you say. But, Miss Denister, what do you hope to know? Maybe I really know."

Shade breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Miss Daniste was willing to let go.

The sorceress moved her fingers and let the teacup float in front of her. He took a sip lightly and looked at Shade again:

"Okay, I'll just assume that my guess about you is wrong. But since you really know something, I'll just ask one question this time: Balance is Iluna Bayas, and Dark corresponds to Ivan... Darkness clearly died. The chosen one who died was the blind nun, and the earth belonged to the powerful soul of Randall Valley. The only thing I don’t know is whose hands the qualification of the chosen one for knowledge and wisdom fell into. ?”

She stared at Shade, her rose-red eyes that a normal person could not have but were not very sharp. She raised her hand slightly and put it under her chin, speaking slowly. She was obviously thinking about it herself:

"Lekins Prisha, completed the ceremony in front of everyone. After the Battle of Pantanal, although he was crazy but not dead, why didn't he show the characteristics of the chosen one? Crazy, it seems that he is again He really knows everything. But he is not the chosen one for knowledge and wisdom, I am sure of that. So, who is that?"

She immediately asked the most critical question, and Shade pondered for a moment:

"I really know this question. But you don't have to doubt that I am definitely not the chosen one."

The sorceress nodded:

"Yes, at least not for now. So who is the chosen one? How are the qualifications transferred?"

"Sorry, according to my opinion, the chosen one of knowledge and wisdom should not exist now."

Miss Denister frowned slightly, then nodded:

"In other words, are there really only three existing chosen ones: Balance, Death, and Earth?"

"Yeah, at least until Wednesday."

Shade was definitely not lying at this time.

Miss Danister didn't speak for a long time, thinking about something. Shade also picked up the tea cup on the coffee table. The unknown black tea tasted great. Miss Danist, like Detective Sparrow, both had a unique taste in black tea.

"Do you still remember the gift I gave you at the end of last year?"

she asked suddenly.

"Remember, the brass ring, the surface of the ring is ruby, and the ring is full of fine elven runes: the song of the tree accompanies me to sleep. It is an alchemical item you made yourself. Under the light of the red moon at night, you can Release the healing spell. You said at the time that if you were in trouble, you could take out this ring and most people would give you face. (Chapter 1081)"

The ring now sits in his desk drawer, Shade recalled. Shade regarded it as a precious gift and never used it.

"I'm glad that you remember so clearly the gift I gave you. Put that ring on one of the two people you want to protect, and let them act together on Wednesday night. If I can see the ring, It will definitely help them.”

Shade smiled and stood up to thank Miss Daniste, but was rejected by the sorceress:

"You are my student. I don't need to thank you for helping you. Just like you helped me investigate in Green Lake, I never said thank you to you."

She reminded Shade:

"No matter what you do on Wednesday night, don't forget to investigate the sun, moon and star symbols. I am almost certain that if we miss the opportunity on Wednesday, we will never have the chance to touch that secret in Green Lake."


Shade said with a smile, stood up and prepared to leave, wanting to go home immediately and take the ring to Meghan and Audrey. However, Miss Denister stopped him again:

"Although I know it's probably not necessary, I still want to remind you: Be sure to pay attention to safety on Wednesday. If you are in danger, remember to seek help from me in time. I don't want my only student to have any problems because he fell in love with two sisters at once. What a mistake."

Although this statement is strange, Shade still nodded:

"Yes, Miss Danister. I also hope you will pay attention to your safety. Then we will see you after the Battle of Green Lake."

He said goodbye and left. When the footsteps were far away, the sorceress held the tea cup and shook her head slightly:

"He didn't call me 'teacher'."

He stood up and came to the window, watching Shade's figure holding an umbrella leave the manor courtyard. She looked at that figure in trance, and also thought of her teacher. I guessed in my heart what my teacher would be thinking every time he watched me leave:

"When I was young, I was much more obedient than Shade. I'm still very young now."

PS: Picture of this chapter "Miss Denister (Indoors in the Rain)"

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