Whispering Verse

Chapter 1918 The invitation from the witch and the nun

Then, even though Shade was sitting here, he couldn't hear who said:

"For Shade."

The depressing atmosphere was finally relieved by the laughter of the girls. Shade was very suspicious that this was what Grace or Helen said, especially Helen, who was her younger sister. But the Gemini girls were talking quietly to Sister Devlin and Dorothy respectively, and they didn't look like the ones who had just spoken.

The dinner lasted for an hour. It was not only a pre-war dinner, but more importantly, it was to boost morale. Therefore, not only Grandma Cassandra spoke, but all the great witches also spoke separately.

When it was Shade's turn, he solemnly promised again that he would bring Megan and Audrey back safely, and then the girls complained that he had brought psychological pressure to the ladies at the table.

"Shad, you have to promise us that after the Battle of Green Lake, you will date us like before."

Miss Aurora suggested again, and Miss Sylvia and Miss Benanis, who understood what she was talking about, both blushed and smiled. The red-haired duchess wanted to laugh at first, but then she felt that she had a better choice. Megan looked at them thoughtfully, but the other girls didn't quite understand what Miss Aurora said.

In short, after dinner, everyone's emotions were adjusted and they were ready to go all out to face the decisive battle tomorrow night.

Of course, you don’t have to worry about washing dishes when eating in a hotel. After Shade left the restaurant, he originally thought about whether to visit Lesia and Ajie, who still haven’t moved to the Green Lake Hotel and will only come tomorrow evening. Lena. But Audrey stopped him on the stairs and called him to his room on the third floor to talk.

"What's wrong?"

After the door closed, Shade asked the brown-haired girl in front of him. Audrey pursed her lips and asked:

"Are you going home to rest tonight?"

"Stay here for the last night. I want to prevent other situations from happening. Sister Devlin should have the same consideration when staying here tonight."

A smile appeared on her face:

"Well, we agreed to spend the night here, and you can't lie. After ten o'clock tonight, I will come to your room to find you. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. Since it is the last night, I have some I want to say something to you."

She tried not to show her emotions at the moment:

"Don't tell other people that I'm coming to see you at night, otherwise, they will say that I have poor mental quality and cannot stay calm."

Shade nodded slightly, knowing that she was still a little nervous and uneasy:

"I have always been here. Just like my original promise to you, I will accompany you to the island to meet your ancestors."

The great witch of knowledge and wisdom nodded slightly, then turned and left the room. Shade closed his eyes and decided to land on the island tomorrow with [Iken'ola - Arrow of the Chosen]. The arrow was not large and easy to carry. If Megan and Audrey were in danger in the end, and neither Shade nor Miss Danist could save them, he would use the alchemy bow he bought at a high price from Old John. , shoot that arrow, and make them the "chosen ones for wisdom and knowledge."

Of course, this is the worst outcome Shade could imagine.

He did not leave the third floor immediately, but went to talk to Priest August and Dr. Schneider.

The doctor and the priest did not feel bored staying here at all, and they had made all preparations. Especially the doctor, who has always been bitter about the fact that he arrived in the Randall Valley two months ago and ended up getting lost in the forest and did nothing except help Luvia in the end.

"I'm with the priest this time, so I won't get lost."

He said confidently, and then Shade noticed that the priest showed hesitation, and he obviously knew how bad the doctor's luck was.

"Priest, what do you mean by that look?"

the doctor asked hesitantly.

However, Shade did not involve priests and doctors directly in the battle to defend the hotel tomorrow night. On the one hand, the two of them were willing to help him, and he didn't want the secret they kept to be exposed so easily; on the other hand, because the final battle would definitely start on the island, he might be able to exert more energy after nightfall by saving some energy in the early stage. Good effect.

Shade had no plans for this night. Since he promised Audrey to spend the night in the hotel tonight, he went home early and put everything he would need tomorrow into categories in a hidden space so that he could easily access it from the basement of the Green Lake Hotel at any time. Take.

Needless to say, weapons, potions and relics, this is not the first time that Shade has prepared for a decisive battle. In addition to the commonly used [Night Watch], [Higgs Dragon Head Stone], [Key of Yggdrasil], three pieces of [Eternal Youth Leaves], [Twenty-sided Dice of Destiny], and [Perfume Vial of Desire] , he also took the [Master Key] seized from the labyrinth demon Yaru.

Apart from the coins, the demon only carried this relic, and Shade never understood its purpose. Fortunately, the [Master Key] is not large in size, so it is very convenient to carry around.

"[Spear of Kindness], poem pages, keep these two at home. Demon Hunting Seal. Bring it with you, maybe it will be useful. There is also [Blasphemy Cross], which I absorbed with [Soul-Draining Demon Blade] in Randall Valley. Divinity, so this is still not used. But this time, it seems that we will not encounter the evil god. Safety first, bring it with you too. [Aiken'ora - Arrow of the Chosen] I will bring it this time, [ [Source of Chaos]. The labyrinth demon is dead, but since it involves space this time and you may get lost, you have to take it with you. [God's Gift Box]. For safety reasons, take it with you and put it in the Green Lake Hotel. Maybe it will be useful when you need it. "

Then he looked at the "Six Rings of Mia" placed in six ring boxes of the same style, which are the [Metamorphosis Ring], [Fish Training Ring], [Vampire Ring], and [Epidemic Doctor Ring] , [The Ring of Immortality] and [The Ring of Mood].

The cat brought by Shade also saw these rings, wagging its tail eagerly, watching Shade pick them up one by one. But in the end, Shade kept the [Vampire Ring] and the [Ring of Mood], and took the other four.

"this is for you."

Shade put the [Fish Training Ring] on the cat's tail to encourage the cat to learn to speak quickly.

Then I sorted out other alchemy items to bring, and finally pulled out two disaster cards [Twin Lovers] and [Shadow of the Deep Sea] from "Feliana's Notes".

Even though he knew that using the power would lead to disaster, Shade still put them in his pocket decisively. Power is only valuable if it is used, otherwise it would be meaningless for him to bring them from the past life to the present time and space.

After cleaning up, I returned to the Green Lake Hotel. I thought there would be nothing else going on tonight, and I just had to wait until Megan and Audrey came over to talk about things at ten o'clock.

But as soon as he appeared in the hotel basement, the girls who guarded and maintained the core of the basement ceremony told him that Sister Devlin had something to ask him.

The nun did not want to discuss the flames on the island with Shade, but handed Shade an umbrella:

"Go out with me."

"No problem. Let's go to the lake to see what's going on on the island? Or is there another strange spatial anomaly in the city?"

The nun wearing a silver eyepatch did not answer, but just slipped a roll of parchment from her sleeve. Shade knew this, this was the witches' to-do list.

It is now the eve of the decisive battle at Green Lake. Most of the tasks on the very long list that Shade had seen when he first looked at it have been solved by the big witches and their girls. Among them are tasks such as harvesting "colorful mushrooms", which are items that are useful for exploration at a glance, and tasks that have nothing to do with the Edwards.

But since the Thirteenth Ring Time Witch thinks these tasks are useful, others will certainly not doubt it. Shade also solved some things while running around Green Lake. The long golden hair of the Time Witch as a reward is still in his basement.

Sister Devlin invited Shade to go out on this rainy night for a task on her to-do list. But before the two of them went out holding umbrellas, the nun asked Shade to take the old lantern that he harvested at the [Sin Mansion] and could hold most of the fire.

After going out, there was no carriage waiting for them outside. The nun silently led the way, crossed two streets south, and stopped in front of an apartment building with no lights on.

This is a very ordinary three-story apartment with a loft in Green Lake City. The overall area is not large, and it is squeezed between the flower shop and the second-hand bookstore. The nun turned to look at Shade. Under the dim light of the gas lamp on the right side of the silver eyepatch with dense patterns, only the right corner reflected strange traces of light.

Although she didn't say anything, Shade understood what she meant. Walking up the front steps, I closed my eyes and listened to the sound. I could hardly distinguish the absence of any heartbeat amidst the pounding of raindrops, then I knocked on the door lock and entered the foyer directly.

The umbrella was put away, and the flames flowing from Sister Devlin's hands evaporated the water stains on the ground and floor mats. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the surrounding neighbors, Shade did not turn on the light in the foyer, and the nun who followed him in did not turn on the light either. After all, she did not need eyes to see.

Then the nun pointed upstairs. Shade nodded. In order to maintain his appearance, he did not take out his shoe covers, hat and gloves, but quietly walked up the stairs. But after walking up three steps, I discovered that Sister Devlin had not followed.

He turned around and noticed the abnormal light from the fire, and then saw the nun kneeling on the wooden floor of the foyer at some point, touching the slender flame in her hand to the floor.

After a silent moment, a burning bonfire formed directly in the foyer. The fire was not bright and could only illuminate a corner of the foyer, but in the dark environment and the sound of the rainstorm outside, it was particularly reassuring.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Sister Devlin"

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