Whispering Verse

Chapter 1921 Ladies’ Night Talk

As the night grew darker, the rain that hung over the Green Lake area became heavier and heavier. Thanks to the sewer system built when the city was prosperous and the channeling effect of the Duin River, Green Lake City has not suffered from waterlogging. But the wet feeling caused by the splashing rain and humid air is still unsettling.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, when Meghan, who was in a very happy mood, walked briskly down the stairs with a candlestick in her hand and entered the first floor of the hotel, she found that Miss Carina and Luvia were still sitting at the table next to the wall. beside.

Of course, the red-haired duchess and the purple-eyed fortune teller could hear her footsteps in the silent night, but neither of them greeted Meghan. So, the curious witch paused for a moment, lowered her head to check her clothes, and then took the initiative to walk towards them.

The lights on the first floor were not completely turned off at this time, only half of the gas lights were on, making the place a little dark. On the table between Miss Carina and Luvia, three candles on the candlesticks were blooming, and under the candlelight was a stack of divination cards.

They seem to be doing divination and have reached the final stage.

When Megan came to the table, Luvia had already arranged a total of 23 cards in 5 columns, five, four, five, four and five, next to the candle.

Carina Cavendish looked at the cards seriously, and then opened the first one:

"The thief."

She named the card and went for the second one:

"Shameless clown."

Her hand was about to open the third one, but when she moved above the table, her wrist was gently caught by Megan who was standing by the table.

Miss Carina looked up at her:

"What's wrong? The results of the divination will be available soon."

Luvia looked at this scene with a smile, but said nothing. Megan, who was in a good mood, did not care about Miss Carina:

"I just want to remind you that the card just now is 'court jester', which generally refers to villains and sycophants. If you draw this card, be careful around you."

She stopped talking mid-sentence, realizing that this was also the other party's language trap.

"Meghan, why don't you continue talking? What's happening around you?"

Seeing the smile on the Duchess's face, the brown-haired witch frowned slightly:

"You and Luvia didn't go to rest in the middle of the night. Are you waiting here just to laugh at me?"

Luvia then spoke:

"No, no, of course not. At least that's not the case for me."

The Duchess opposite smiled and said nothing, so Luvia said again:

"Megan, we said from the beginning that Shade will definitely reject you."

"But always give it a try, after all, I really don't know what will happen tomorrow."

The chair automatically slid behind her from another table. She let go of Miss Carina's hand and sat down, and also put down the candlestick in her hand:

"What's more, even if I didn't get the best prize, apart from that prize, I also got most of the other rewards."

She tried hard not to sound complacent in her tone. Miss Carina shook her head:

"If I don't stop you from continuing to speak, are you going to tell us how many hickeys you still have on your body? Meghan, do I want to remind you of the elegance and decency that witches should have?"

She pointed at herself again, with some scrutiny in her eyes:

"Furthermore, have you realized who the two people in front of you are? Since you have done such a thing, you should also consider our feelings, right? Even if you don't feel guilty in your heart and snatched other people's snacks, you shouldn't be like this Arrogant."


Megan spoke slowly, as if chewing on these words. In fact, she felt in her heart that just saying one word to the purple-eyed fortune teller who couldn't see through it was enough:

"That's why I came over and sat down."

She nodded slightly to Luvia, and after a moment's hesitation, nodded to the Duchess of Delarion.

The purple-eyed girl raised her lips and said nothing. Although the red-haired duchess was still a little dissatisfied, when she saw her bowing her head, she said no more.

"So, what is the last card you were about to reveal just now?"

Megan asked curiously, and the red-haired witch flipped her hair:

"Of course we are here so late just to wait for you to help Shade fill and concentrate the perfume bottle before the war.

Just now, Luvia and I were discussing tomorrow night. Since everyone is thinking about how to protect you, we must consider how to protect Sha De. We cannot have such plans and plans without anyone else. As for these divination cards, the last one is the real divination, and Luvia is trying to help Shade find a card. That card is so rare and rare that even soothsayers cannot find it. "

[The Impermanence Card] cannot be found through divination, otherwise the Prophet Association would have collected thirteen cards.

Miss Carina did not extend her hand again, but motioned for Megan to open the cards. So the satisfied witch temporarily put aside the fiery memory she was still recalling when she went downstairs, calmed her mind, and picked the card closest to Luvia. After opening it, he threw it on the table. The card showed an arm holding a dagger stretched out from the slightly opened treasure box.

Although it was said that they were doing divination, after getting results of unknown meaning, the three of them did not discuss what it meant.

Miss Carina turned her head to look in the direction of the window. The violent rain turned the window completely black:

"When I think about this time tomorrow, I might be on the central island of Green Lake, fighting an unknown monster, or getting lost in a maze created by the power of space, I feel that life is really colorful. Megan, Audrey, Are you willing to be the chosen one?"

She asked, and the girl with short brown hair asked curiously:

"First of all, I am not a candidate for the Chosen. Although I am a member of the family, even if the family becomes the Chosen, my soul and consciousness will no longer exist. Secondly, have you forgotten what the Speaker said, The odds of a member of the Council being chosen are extremely small. We have other responsibilities in the Whispering Cantos."

Luvia cast a curious look, but Miss Carina shook her head slightly:

“I can’t say, or I know something about it, but not much, the speaker is the one who really holds the secret.

It is said that because the witches of the Fifth Era abandoned their responsibilities and blindly coveted power and desire, they finally triggered civil strife in the Parliament, directly leading to the collapse of the Fifth Era. Therefore, in the Sixth Era, many changes occurred in the Parliament. One of them was that only the Speaker was fully aware of the responsibilities shouldered by the great witches. "

"In order to prevent another rebellion in the Council at the end of the Fifth Era, is that why you don't tell others about the true responsibilities of the great witches?"

Luvia asked curiously, and then said:

"I can imagine that you have special responsibilities. After all, you monopolize the special space of [Witch Council]. But since you don't know your responsibilities, how can you prepare? In other words, how can you know that you have not betrayed your responsibilities?"

The Great Witch of Wisdom and Knowledge answered this question:

"The Speaker is supervising us at all times. Since the sixth era of the Witch Council, the strongest witch has always been the Speaker. With the existence of successive Speakers, none of us dare to have small thoughts. Of course, how to ensure that each generation of Speakers can fulfill their responsibilities , this is not something we know.”

Speaking of this, I thought of Xia De. The beautiful duchess frowned slightly:

"The Speaker always knows everything. Doesn't she already know about Shade?"


The coin fell on the table, and Luvia took a look:

"The probability is not high. As long as you and Shade finish your date and remember to take a shower and spray perfume before going to the meeting, she won't find out."

Megan's face turned red when she felt that she was being mentioned, thinking of what just happened, she pursed her lips and looked away. Then she met Miss Carina's eyes, and their eyes immediately separated. They both felt as if they were called by a purple-eyed fortune teller.

However, they all believed in Luvia's divination, so they were not worried about this matter. Of course, Meghan mentioned another thing:

"Although the Speaker has been persuaded by us, she will not come to Green Lake this time. But according to what I know about her, she might suddenly appear at the most tense moment tomorrow night."

She is the older witch in the council and is almost the most familiar with the great witch of time, so she can make this judgment:

"Everything is unknown now. Whether the Speaker comes or not, it is actually good for us."

The three ladies were silent for a while, and then Luvia began to clear away the divination cards on the table:

"Believe in Shade, just trust him as you have in the past. Since he promised to protect you, he will definitely do it."

Megan nodded and looked out the window again:

"It's raining so hard outside. Do you want to return to the temporary residence of the Prophet Association? I can arrange a carriage to take you off, or I can take you off. I want to chat with you on the way."

Luvia rejected her:

"I'm not going back. I've already asked for three days of leave. I said I suddenly had inspiration and wanted to go out to look for signs of breaking through the sixth ring and advancing to the seventh ring. Because I provided important information to the association, I got a short vacation. "

"So where will you stay tonight? I'll get you a room? There are a lot of empty rooms in the hotel now."

Megan asked again, but she didn't see Miss Carina beside her covering her forehead and shaking her head.

Luvia looked at her with a smile:

"No, no, I don't need a new room. I live in Shade's place. Tonight is the last night before the decisive battle. Since he won't go home to live, how can we let him stay in the empty room alone? Megan, Shade shouldn't be there yet. Go to sleep?"

With that said, he said goodbye to the two of them and walked towards the stairs.

Miss Carina looked at Megan with an astonished expression on her face:

"She has been trying all night to induce me to ask this question, but I insisted not to ask it. Unexpectedly, she was really waiting for you to ask the question. You see, I obviously didn't do anything, but she showed off to me again. ."

Meghan pulled the hair beside her ears to cover up her embarrassment:

"Luvia Anat is such an interesting lady. Guess what kind of secrets she has?"

"This is what Shade should be concerned about, not what we should be concerned about."

With that said, Miss Carina also stood up. The night was already dark and it was time to go to bed.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Interior of Green Lake Hotel"

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