Whispering Verse

Chapter 1926 Hotel Guard

As a faint light that could not be detected by ordinary eyes flickered three times on the wall surface of the Green Lake Hotel, the core ritual in the basement was fully opened. This is a modified ritual that incorporates the different powers of the six great witches and has been more refined based on the specific conditions of the Green Lake Hotel. Therefore, it is fully qualified to be named a brand new ritual "Green Lake Hotel Guards" .

Miss Sylvia came to the hotel door holding a secret keeper-level relic [lock key], put the key against the door and turned it gently. Everyone in the hotel building only heard a "click" sound, and then Dense bronze lines extend from the door as the center and cover the interior walls of the hotel, ensuring that no one can enter by force.

Miss Sylvia took a step back and gave up her position to Shade and Miss Aurora. The two held hands and cast spells together, and the six-ring and twelve-ring life rings appeared behind them. The witch was obviously a higher level, but the diameter of Shade's life ring was almost three times that of hers:

"Moonlight Thorn!"

"The Witch's Secret Technique - Light Guidance!"

Under the haze of the rainy day, dense three-color moonlight thorn bushes, centered on the hotel door, gradually covered the entire exterior wall of the building like living creatures.

The moonlight was transparent and strange, but in order to prevent others from discovering the abnormality, the thorn bush quickly disappeared under the cover of illusion.

It is said to be "joint casting", but in fact it is just Shade and Miss Aurora summoning the life ring together and then performing magic. This is not like the Edwards twins, who really use one power together, but a combination of different thaumaturgy.

After sealing off the space and the Moonlight Thorn, the four great witches, Sylvie Aurora, Carina Cavendish, Megan \u0026 Audrey Edwards, and Emma Sylvia, came to the basement together. The four people held hands in a four-sided shape, standing in the center of the ritual core in the basement, with their arms surrounding a golden holy emblem that resembled a "question mark" suspended in the air:

"The Witch's Secret Technique·The Witches' Feast."

The golden stairs bloomed with light, and the spreading golden light penetrated into every corner of the building. The long hair of various colors swaying in the sourceless wind touched the turbulent elements and spirits in the air, causing the witch's power to penetrate into every corner of the space.

This is the top secret technique of witches inherited from the fifth era. It can transform a certain range of space into a venue that is extremely suitable for witches to exert their power. Most of the fighting forces in the hotel tonight are witches. This is almost like a mysterious lock. Even the great witches rely on the power of the council to use the secret technique, which will become the key to this battle.

"Ladies, it's up to us tonight."

Miss Aurora said to the other three witches. The four of them nodded to each other and touched the holy symbol suspended in the air with all four hands.

The four of them were arranged in different locations in the hotel. Miss Aurora, who was in the twelfth ring, stayed on the first floor, Miss Carina, who was in the twelfth ring, stayed on the second floor, and Miss Sylvia, who was the great witch of space but was in the tenth ring, Then guard the most critical third floor.

The few descendants of Edwards who stayed in the hotel did not all gather together in order to prevent being "caught in one fell swoop". Among them, Megan is in Dorothy's room, with Lesia, Agelina and little Mia, and can also help defend the third floor. Durut Giles took Rusty Edwards and Mr. Soren Greene for protection in the basement.

The followers of the four great witches, girls with an average level of seven rings, followed the pre-arranged plan and entered the windows and corridors of the basement, first floor, second floor and third floor to prepare for the battle. The light of all kinds of thaumaturgy bloomed, making this stronghold of the witches even more impregnable.

As for Shade, who is not even as good as the average level of the girls here, after he cast a spell with Miss Aurora, he did not participate in other actions. Instead, he went to the third floor, knocked on the door and entered Dr. Schneider's room.

At this time, the doctor and the priest were standing together by the window, chatting while looking at the rain. When Shade entered the door, he happened to hear the priest saying to the doctor that the current situation reminded him of Fort Midhill last fall:

"At that time, just like now, we stayed in a certain stronghold to meet the enemy. However, the enemy at that time was clearly an army of countless undead, but now it is not clear who will knock on the door."

"At least now we have a clear view. At that time, the whole city was covered in fog."

Shade said. The doctor and the priest turned to him and nodded:

"How is the situation now?"

"Fortunately, there are no signs yet. However, the hotel will not provide dinner tonight, and the dinner fee included in the accommodation fee is non-refundable."

Shade joked and came to the doctor and priest:

"Although this tense atmosphere can make people's hearts beat faster, it somehow makes me a little excited. It's really interesting. In the past, I would go deep into the enemy-controlled area and then deal with the powerful enemy alone. This time it became a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. So many people working together to protect the stronghold makes me excited."

"Although I don't know what you have done before, it shows that you are very adaptable to this environment. Judging from my experience in psychological diagnosis and treatment, you are not excited because you have to face danger again, but because you are happy that there are so many people and You’re in this together.”

The doctor said, looking helplessly outside the window two streets away, half a building suddenly fell from the sky, and then hit the ground with a loud noise. The section of that half of the building is extremely smooth. When the space transfer occurs, the remaining half of the building should still be in the same place.

The vibrations on the ground were also transmitted to the Green Lake Hotel, causing the building to shake slightly. The doctor sighed:

"What on earth is going on? I heard that this abnormal space phenomenon has spread throughout the Old World."

Priest Augustus prayed in a low voice. It was obvious that the building that had just fallen was not empty.

Shade didn't know how to answer, so in the end he could only say:

"There is speculation that this is a sign of the end of the world. The world seems to be seriously ill, with various symptoms constantly appearing. Even if we solve the anomaly in Green Lake, there will be new disasters elsewhere."

The doctor was worried, but didn't seem at all surprised by the doomsday talk:

"If necessary, you can call me if you encounter this kind of thing in the future. The end of the world is really like something in a story."

Shade then went to Dorothy's room.

At this time, except Dorothy, Lecia, Agelina and Megan were all there. The girls welcomed Shade into the room. Shade showed a short pink crystal thorn in his hand, and then handed it to Dorothy.

The writer lady was very confused:

"What are you giving me this for now? Besides, wouldn't releasing this thaumaturgy reduce the upper limit of your spirit?"

"Yes. But if there is a real fight later, I may not be able to give you this at any time."

Shade said, then rubbed the little head of the cat being held by Agelina. The little princess blushed a little. She almost thought Shade was trying to reach out to her just now.

Lesia took the thorn from Dorothy's hand and stuffed it back into Shade's hand:

"Do you look down on us too much?"

She and Dorothy stood side by side, looking at him with two pairs of green eyes of similar color:

"What can you say, the two of us are also ring sorcerers from the three major thaumaturgy academies. Although we are only in the fifth ring, we are not the kind of girls who have no power and can only scream when something happens."

"Shad, I know you are worried about us, but we are not powerless."

They seemed a little angry, and Shade understood their thoughts, so he looked at Megan, who smiled and shook his head, obviously not intending to participate in this matter. Shade thought of what happened in the final adventure of "Black Mist Camp", so the Thorn of Love was shattered and the thaumaturgy cast was cancelled.

"Well, you just stay in this room and never go out. Do you remember what we said in advance?"

He stretched out his finger and shook it. The princess and the writer smiled and nodded:

"Of course, everything is up to you. We can raise objections, but we must not make decisions without authorization. We have learned a lesson from what happened last month."

Shade felt relieved and left the room, planning to go downstairs to see the situation. After the door closed, Meghan looked at the two "sisters":

"Shade is really nice to you."

She knew very well that Shade must have a breakthrough relationship with them, but since the two of them were not witches, Megan didn't really care about it.

"Miss Edwards, don't look at Shade being so gentle now. If you really make him angry, he will be a little scary."

Dorothy said softly, while Agelina pretended not to care and eavesdropped, and then heard her sister add:

"Yes, we got into trouble last time because of our impulsiveness. We learned a lesson in order to separate our souls."

Meghan suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of her own thing:

"Is it a whip?"

She tried to lower her voice when saying the last word, and then saw the princess and the writer in front of her blushing. As for the witch herself, her face turned slightly red as she thought of the pain of the bloody whip hitting her soul and the pleasure of feeling the true nature of her soul.

Agelina looked at them carefully, thinking about the simple Delarian word "whip", thinking about her illegally printed books that were always taken away by her sister, and her face turned red for some reason.


Cats are quite curious about how human women behave.

Shade walked out of the room and saw Luvia waiting for him in the corridor outside the door.

The purple-eyed girl motioned for him to go downstairs and take a look:

"I just heard on the first floor that you found the card?"


The cards were handed to Luvia, who checked them and returned them to Shade. As Shade walked toward the stairs with Luvia, he placed the cards in front of his eyes again.

Miss Arela Andriana, the brown-haired witch in "The Lost Forest", can break through the puzzles of space and even get guidance of fate just by putting this card in front of her eyes. Shade initially wanted to get this card, and also wanted to use it to break through the dense fog on the central island of Green Lake.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Holy Emblem·Chaos Witch"

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