Whispering Verse

Chapter 1932 Fire in the Mist

"I'm going home too."

After Hailey left, Shade said to Miss Aurora:

"The fog is coming soon, I need to make some preparations. I'll be back soon."

The witch nodded slightly and watched Shade walk towards the basement without looking back.

Just half a minute after the two left, the vast white fog originating from the central island of Green Lake finally spread to the location of the Green Lake Hotel on this rainy night.

It is hard to imagine that there can be heavy fog in the weather that is close to heavy rain, but the fog drifted away quietly. Slowly but inexorably, it eventually engulfed the neighborhood where the Green Lake Inn was located.

Before this, no one knew whether the Green Lake Hotel could stop the invasion of the white mist, so the girls on the first and third floors were all ready. For the first half minute, the walls, doors and windows provided a pretty good resistance. On the street outside, the thick fog didn't seem as scary as imagined. Although there was only a faint halo of light from the gas lamp, compared to the thick fog on the central island of Green Lake, the fog at this time was quite light.

However, the hotel's blocking of the fog only lasted for half a minute. Then, the fog, which symbolized the fragility of the space, slowly entered the room.

Although fog itself is harmless, the appearance of fog means that space is no longer stable. Miss Aurora on the first floor watched the fog appear, and was about to organize the girls to gather and retreat to the third floor, but suddenly she felt the indoor temperature rise rapidly, and then a warm light appeared from behind her.

Turning around, I saw Shade holding an old lantern in his hand, the wick emitting light like the sun. The light was not strong, but where the light shone, the dense fog was actually receding.

The fog made Shade's body look a little hazy. Somehow, Miss Aurora felt for a moment that the person standing behind her was not Shade Hamilton, but a great god similar to the righteous "Old Man with the Lamp". She suppressed the tremor in her heart and watched Shade's face become clearer and clearer. She subconsciously licked her lips and scolded herself in her heart for what she was thinking at the moment.

"Fire of the Sun."

Shade, who didn't know what the witch in front of him was thinking, briefly introduced.

Because he did not predict in advance that the fog on the island would break into the Green Lake Hotel, and he was not sure whether the fire of the sun could really dispel the fog, he did not prepare in advance. Just now he saw that the thick fog was about to hit, and he thought that in several time adventures, flames always seemed to be able to build a safe area in darkness, fog and other scenes, so he thought of trying.

"I wanted the girls in the basement, along with Rust, Mr. Soren Green, and Durut Giles to come up with me. But the girls said they wanted to guard the core of the ceremony until the last moment, and the other three I also want to stay down there. I built a camp for them using the Thaumatology-Traveler Camp and divided some of the flames into the bonfire, so I don’t have to worry about them for the time being.”

Although the ritual in the attic of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square can continuously produce "Moonlight Water" and "Sun Fire", except for Shade, Iluna and Sister Devlin, no one has yet Being able to come into direct contact with this flame that is almost equivalent to the sun.

Fortunately, the "Traveler's Camp" is Shade's own magic, so he can consume part of the "Sun Fire" and merge it into the campfire. He started collecting the flames last winter and now has a lot of them in stock.

With that said, he handed the old lantern that also contained part of the sun's fire to Miss Aurora:

"These are not needed on the second floor. So should we continue on the first floor, or go to the third floor to gather with Miss Sylvia?"

If we go to the third floor together, the security will of course be enhanced, but this also means giving up the first floor completely. In the fragile space where the white mist is dispersed, mistakes may occur.

"We stay on the first floor. Since the girls in the basement have the courage, of course I do too."

The great witch of "light" said, and the other girls who gathered also said together:

"We will fight until the end, and the glory of the witch will last forever."

The overlapping voices were particularly powerful. Shade nodded and once again consumed part of the precious metal. In addition to the lantern, he built a new traveler camp and incorporated a small amount of the sun's fire into it, so that they could have Larger safe area:

"This white mist will consume the fire of the sun, but these flames are enough to last until dawn. Now that the white mist is here, it is almost here at 7:48. I am going to the third floor this time and will not come down. Afu Miss Laura, please be careful."

Sivi Avrola smiled at him:

"I know that you will always be so reliable. Stay safe, Shade. I don't want to wait until Carina comes back and she complains to me that she didn't take good care of you."

Just as he was talking, a strange distortion appeared in the fog where the light of the bonfire and lantern could not illuminate. Then, Miss Hailey Aurora, holding a gold ring, stumbled out of the fog:

"This fog has prevented me from returning from the parliament. Your Excellency Isabella has contacted Miss Carina. They are fine. They just encountered some minor troubles. I'm afraid they won't be able to come back soon."

"Are you relieved now?"

Miss Aurora said to Shade, Shade nodded slightly:

"Be careful downstairs."

After bidding farewell to the girls on the first floor and coming to the third floor, white mist also invaded the corridors and rooms on the third floor. When Shade came up, the girls who were left on the third floor had gathered together and were standing at the door of Dorothy's room.

Even Priest August and Doctor Schneider came out of the room. They frowned and looked at the fog in the air. The doctor and Shade had landed on the island to look for Lesia, but this was the first time Priest August had really come into contact with this thick fog.

Seeing Shade coming from the fog, Miss Sylvia waved to him. Shade threw two small gold bars again, pointing to the ground while his heart twitched:

"Traveler's Camp."

A burning bonfire appeared in the corridor, and then Shade slightly raised his hands to reveal the fire of the sun that had been absorbed into his body.

The sleeping cat held by Agelina immediately widened its eyes, but before it could make any move, the flames were sent into the bonfire by Shade.

The original flame was quite bright, but due to the suppression of the mist, it was unable to transmit the light further. At this time, with the fire of the sun, the light immediately dispersed the white fog, and directly illuminated most of the corridor, including the nailed window at the end.

The bonfire constructed by thaumaturgy would not blacken the ceiling or produce smoke, and as soon as the warm firelight appeared, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"The warm fire, with this, there will be no problem even if the fog appears."

Miss Sylvia smiled and nodded at Shade, instructing the girls around her to re-defense the corridor and resume surveillance of the nailed-up window.

All the doors were closed except Dorothy's room. Although the blazing bonfire created a certain safety zone, the thick fog drifting from the crack in the door and the other side of the corridor still did not make people feel at ease.

"It's seven-thirty-eight now."

Shade said:

"Ten minutes left."

As he said that, he looked at Meghan, who was leaning against the wall and holding her hands on her chest at the door of the room. The witch happened to see Shade at this time, and she shook her head indifferently:

"No matter what, you can bring me back, can't you?"

After her words fell, another deafening buzz came from outside the building.

Although the hallway windows were blocked, the windows in Dorothy's room were still usable. You don't even have to go to the window to see a huge thing gradually becoming clearer in the white fog, approaching the city center in the dark night.

It's hard to describe what that monster, which is taller than the tallest building in Green Lake City, is. The white mist covered most of its body structure, and the parts that could be observed already had some structural features of dragons, lions, three-headed dogs, and octopuses.

It walks silently in the city, the sound of rain and white fog covering up the sound of buildings being destroyed. The unintentional sound coming from unknown organs while walking was the source of the harsh buzzing sound just heard.

Lesia was the first to see this thing, but she was forced to turn around after just one glance, and almost fell if Dorothy hadn't held her up. But she still remembered that she immediately reached out to cover the eyes of the pale Agelina, and the little princess reached out to cover the eyes of little Mia.


"Don't even look outside!"

Miss Sylvia said loudly:

"This is a real ancient evil thing sealed in the subspace! No one should look outside! Too bad, this kind of thing has actually appeared!"

Before that night, whether it was the church, the Witch Council or other magician organizations, they all guessed that as the space becomes further chaotic, sooner or later there will be subspace evil things that were sealed in ancient times.

The history of human civilization in the Green Lake area is quite ancient. There are no less than five ancient beings that can be found who can tell the specific time when they were sealed. Although the specific ancient person in front of me is not yet known, it is obvious that its appearance in the urban area is quite unexpected.

"Xiwei is out."

The fog that spread to the city was far less invisible than on the island, so Shade could see a few streams of light flying high into the sky. Amidst the harsh and sharp sounds of the unknown ancient existence, the high-ring warlocks and the monster broke out. fought.

The rays of light flying into the sky also included Miss Aurora and several high-level girls that Shade couldn't name. The monster's route was obviously going to pass through the Green Lake Hotel. Even if it wasn't to protect the city, Miss Aurora had to take action.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Lantern"

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