Whispering Verse

Chapter 194 Those Secrets

"You want to leave?"

The store is crumbling, and everything in the store is crumbling into nothingness. Even though he knew that this god was going to sleep soon, Shade was still caught off guard by such a quick farewell.

"Where are you going?"

He asked as he stood there, only the floor under his feet remained the same. The death of everything is not accompanied by any vision, but everything is leaving. This is simple death.

"The sleeping place of nothingness."

God said.

This is a metaphorical expression, and Shade did not explore it too much:

"How should I find your last work? Are there any clues?"

Everything around me is like a faded color photo, gradually returning to black and gray. Only Shade is not affected by these influences. He is a foreigner who does not belong to this point in time and is protected by the power of time.

"You don't need to search deliberately, you will definitely come across the gift box I left."

God said.


"Because I said so."

He smiled at Shade, and the color on his body quickly faded along with the color of the store. The figure gradually becomes transparent and walks towards the end with the toy store.

He looked at his hands and shook his head helplessly:

"All things must eventually perish. This is reality, and you don't have to be sad."

"Will we ever see each other again?"

Shade asked, [Innocent Creator] helped him a lot. If possible, he hopes to meet the god in front of him again at the time of his existence.

"Of course, children from the future, when something big happens in the future, all the dormant old gods will wake up. Don't ask me what it is, it can't be said."

God said, but the voice seemed to come from far away, and He was really leaving.

This information is consistent with Miss Anat's understanding of the "Murtering Psalms", and at the current time, the "Murtering Psalms" should not have appeared yet.

"So, will we meet again in the sixth era or even more distant eras?"

"It won't be any further away. We will definitely meet again in the Sixth Age."

The figure became fainter and fainter.

Shade blinked:

"Why? The big events you mentioned will definitely happen in the Sixth Epoch?"

God also blinked at him, smiled, and gave him an answer that surprised him:

"Because there will be no seventh era or even more distant eras."

The color of the transparent figure turned into black and gray light spots and scattered around. The inside of the toy store was collapsing, and everything was coming to an end. After the scene in the toy store dissipated, what was revealed behind was an endless sea of ​​stars dotted with stars.

"Children of the future, the world is more complicated than you think, and the truth will make you sad. If you are not willing to spend this life ignorantly as a mortal, then I can give you a suggestion as my last advice to you. Gift."

"Please tell me."

The transparent body snapped its fingers, and only the basic frame of the blurry store remained. Shade and Shen stood in the void that looked like a sea of ​​stars.

The phantoms of a total of thirteen cards appeared in front of the two of them, rotating around their respective central axes, allowing Shade to clearly see their positive and negative appearances.

These are the thirteen Rhodes cards of the founding series, or in other words, these are the cards of all things impermanent.

"Everything is impermanent. These are the secret treasures left by the ancient gods before they fell. They can bring you luck, and at the same time..."

God is about to go away with his mortal body. The only one who can witness this scene is Sha De.

"These cards have a deeper meaning. Collect them, kid, collect them. When the time comes, even when you face the worst, these cards will guide you to your final redemption. They are...a last resort.”

All the walls and ceilings of the toy store disappeared, leaving only the area under Shade's feet and the area under the Saint's feet, surrounded by darkness and dots of light. Shade looked into the depths of the darkness. In that moment of dizziness, he seemed to see something terrible, but he seemed to see nothing.

"Thanks you."

He bowed slightly to express his most sincere gratitude to the departing god. The latter shook his head and opened his mouth to speak, but no sound came out.

His figure faded, and with a wave of his hand, He left.

At the same time, the bell rang. The sound of the bell echoed in the ears, and immediately seemed to break through the boundaries of time and space, announcing to all continuous time and space the departure of another old god.

He is really gone.

The bells echoed, and Shade's eyes seemed to see ripples spreading toward the void, and a series of tiny sounds appeared in his ears. While trying to understand these voices, Shade felt that his head almost exploded for a moment. They were overlapping sentences that echoed together, but he could barely hear and remember one of them:

[Toy makers always aspire to create innocence. 】

The sense of power contained in these words almost made Sha De faint. But at the same time, he actually found an inexplicable sense of familiarity in this sentence:

"This...this feeling...what is this?"

Although I could only barely remember it, the voice kept echoing in my ears. Repeating it over and over again, Shade gave the answer together with her:

"Words of sublimation!"

[Words of sublimation. 】

The sentences that accompany the Fall of the Old Gods are eerily similar to the feeling of power that Doctor Schneider once wielded. Although Shade only captured one sentence, it was obvious that the ones he had not memorized were similar sentences.

Thinking of this, and thinking more deeply about the ring warlock system and even the time and space of the Sixth Age, he couldn't help but tremble all over:

"The special items used by Ring Warlocks are relics, and the sublimation method used is God's last words. What is going on in this world?"

The bell was still ringing, and every strong vibration made Shade's scalp numb. He suddenly raised his head and looked ahead in the darkness, where a huge transparent tree appeared at some point.

The tree seemed to connect heaven and earth, and seemed to support heaven and earth. The roots are well developed, the crown is luxuriant, and the tree patterns on the transparent trunks seem to record the story of the entire civilization.

From the similarly transparent canopy, two green leaves swirled and floated toward Shade below.

Shade reached out to take it, and then a thick white fog suddenly emerged in the void, and a huge force pulled him backwards, returning to the time of the Sixth Age.

He walked backwards out of the door to the basement, almost falling to the ground.

Looking at the two leaves in his hand, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the place under his feet. Mia the cat was sneakily picking at the paper bag with his paws. It's a pity that Shade only left for three seconds, which was not enough time for the cat to get out the disgusting things inside.


Seeing Shade appear, it immediately ran for the stairs as if running for its life, apparently worried about being blamed by Shade.

A murmur sounded in my ears:

[Outlander, you have returned to the present time. 】

[Message from the ancient god "Father of the Infinite Tree": ]

【Infinite time protects you. 】

"Oh, what happened tonight was actually more exciting than this morning~"

I stared blankly at the gas lights outside the first-floor window, recalling in my mind the huge amount of information gained from this "journey". The shock had not yet subsided, and the fact that the good god was gone made him slightly sad.

"What about spiritual runes and thaumaturgy?"

It took me a long time to remember this, and then I looked at the two leaves in my hand:

"It can't be this, right? The way the father of the Infinite Tree gives rewards is leaves... It seems reasonable."


Mia was lying on the stairs and looked down with her little head, wondering why Shade didn't chase it.

The witch's secret, the instructions to collect playing cards, God's last words and words of sublimation, and the gift He left to Shade.

In just ten minutes, the complex and diverse information obtained was comparable to the total of Shade's two weeks in this world.

Returned from the first floor to the second floor. After washing up a little, I walked into the study room on the second floor with two green leaves. I stood at the window and looked at the moonlight. I thought for a long time before I straightened out my thoughts.

The secrets of the witch and the secrets of the sublimation language were beyond the reach of a first-level warlock like him. The witches of the Fifth Age bear curses to gain power, and the Ring Sorcerers of the Sixth Age sublimate themselves with the last words of gods after their slumber. These are almost directly related to the secrets of the world itself.

All he can do now is just write down these things and wait for more clues next time. After all, he is only a first-level warlock.

The secret of the Word of Sublimation has now been completely revealed. The doctor's sense of decline in power when he uses the Word of Ascension is similar to that of the dying saint, and is therefore explained. This incident must point to the truth of this world and the fundamental reason for the emergence of the ring magician's occult system. Combined with God saying "there will be no seventh era", this gave Shade a very bad guess.

Traveling through the time corridor into the past is currently the best way for Shade to explore the secrets. The outsider believes that he will be able to piece together the truth step by step.

As for searching for all thirteen founding series Rhodes cards, in fact, Shade had vaguely had this idea ever since Miss Anat talked about "all things are impermanent". Since God said that it was necessary for him to collect, it would be the final salvation, so of course Shade was willing to turn his thoughts into actions.

But getting all thirteen Founding Set cards isn't just a matter of money, it's also a matter of luck. This will be a difficult task, very difficult.

"As for the gift He left me...ha, God left me a gift box. This is really too simple."

Shade gently patted the cat's soft little head, and Mia stood on the windowsill, raising her head and making a pleasant sound.

He took a long breath, as if spitting out all his worries:

"Although some clues that only appeared once are difficult to find, at least I still have the impression. The Witch Council does hold great secrets. Do you still remember that when I first met Miss Carina, she said Mentioned the age of the appearance of [God’s Toy Box] (note).”

[Autumn 1068 of the Fifth Era. 】

She whispered in his ear, the timing perfectly coincided.

The study room is bright, but outside the window is night, so that the window has a reflection effect almost like a glass plate. If it weren't for the fact that the window didn't reflect anyone behind him, Shade would have thought that the woman was leaning over and whispering softly in his ear.

Touching his pocket, the time key representing the autumn of 1068 has turned into dust.

The last work made by the old god [Innocent Creator] is the sage-level relic [God’s Gift Box]. He was right, Shade was destined to encounter this object.

What's even more amazing is that he already knows the specific location of the sage-level relic.

"The silver-eyed man Miss Bayas is looking for is hidden in the underground ruins together with the relic..."

Looking at the moonlight outside the window with a hint of melancholy:

"I originally wanted to avoid acting together with Miss Bayas. After all, it's only one link and I shouldn't be involved in those dangerous things. But now it seems that at least this time we have to do it together."

[No, you have the right to give up that gift. 】

She whispered into his ear, and the soft voice gave Shade the illusion that his ears were being caressed by warm air.

"Impossible, there is most likely a divinity in the box. Compared with facing the evil god to snatch the power, facing the silver-eyed person is as simple as facing the ants. If I can even shrink from such a thing, what else can I think about? The path to the sublimation of the two gods? Besides..."

The expression on Shade's face was reflected on the glass of the window. On the first night after Queen Diana was assassinated, the city of Tobesk was quiet and peaceful under the moon. Shade's mood gradually calmed down. He said to himself reflected in the glass:

"This is my gift, it belongs to me, I must get it."

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