Whispering Verse

Chapter 1936 Stronghold

There were fewer and fewer monsters wandering around the hotel, and eventually an invisible ripple swept from the basement to the entire building, and then swept around the building against the forest floor that was red for some reason. The monsters that were attracted by the souls and flesh of living people finally stopped in confusion and continued to wander in the surrounding forests.

As long as there aren't too many monsters around, the hotel itself can once again use the powerful effect of hiding itself. Without the constant flow of reinforcements, the remaining monsters hidden in the woods near the hotel were quickly cleared away.

Without Shade's "powerful spatial perception" ability, once lost in the fog, even if it was only a dozen steps away from the hotel, he might never be able to come back. Therefore, only Shade went deep into the fog alone to eliminate the monsters wandering in the shadows. Only he could see clearly what those monsters wandering around the island were.

Dark night, thick fog and rain obscured most of the details. The things lurking between the grass blades and tree trunks do not have exactly the same appearance, but they do have similar details and the same composition, creating a sense of weirdness and dislocation.

Most of the things that change color depending on the environment have the characteristics of several different animals. These animal features were arranged and combined in a way that was completely inconsistent with the characteristics of living organisms. Shade even saw countless rat tails sprouting from the slender duck neck.

In addition to animalistic features, fragmentation and the characteristic demonic smell of sulfur are also characteristic of these things. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that these things are most likely creatures created by Laplace Klein Howard during hundreds of years of human body refining experiments that do not meet his requirements. Now abandoned on the island, it has become the best barrier.


Hundreds of slender rat tails, like the thin threads spewed out by spiders, swarmed towards Shade under the cover of the rain. Shade raised his hand to hold a handful of rainwater, condensed the water into ice and threw it forward. Amidst the explosion, he slashed out a ray of moonlight again.

Such a battle did not last long. After confirming that the nearby monsters were basically gone, he retreated to the hotel with the sorceresses. The girls rested separately, but Shade did not stay any longer:

"Ladies who went out with me just now, please take a rest first, while others are responsible for guarding. I want to go alone to see how far this area is from the shore."

Just now, when Shade went into the fog alone to clean up the monsters, he vaguely heard the sound of water lapping the shore in the rain. This seems to mean that the location of the hotel is not far from the shore. And if we can successfully find a way to the shore, it will be very convenient to meet the arrival of the big witches.

As for the missing Megan, there is no need to worry too much yet. Since one of the thirteen keys that are closely related to the "Edwardesden Magic" is with Shade, the ceremony must not have started yet. Of course, he couldn't deliberately delay until reinforcements arrived.

Since the fortune teller can quietly take away one of the two keys, there must be a way to take away this one, and he must do it quickly.

"I'll go with you. If the way is found, someone staying in the hotel will need to record it."

Tifa said, and then spoke behind her, and then another girl wearing a maid skirt handed over a lead box. In the box were some colored powders with traces of whispering elements:

"Relic derivatives can mark roads in dense fog, but can only be used for short distances."

Shade really had no reason to refute the reasons she gave, and others didn't want Shade to go deep into the fog alone.

"Well, follow me closely. If you lose one step in this fog, you won't be able to come back in a short time."

He reached out and took Tifa's hand, and then felt that for some reason, the eyes of all the sorceresses present were focused on their hands.

"Shad, be careful on the road."

Lesia and Dorothy, who knew that their strength was insufficient, held hands at the door and watched the two of them go away. Agelina stood behind them holding the cat, with a silent look that no one could understand her mood.

Shade and Tifa just held hands and walked away from the edge of the hotel that could be illuminated by the fire, and walked into the forest in the direction where Shade had just heard the faint sound of water. Shade at the sixth ring doesn't have the ability to avoid rain, but Tifa at the eighth ring does. She really followed Shade closely, and Shade could hear her breathing without even looking back.

"The last time we walked in a dangerous area like this was at the end of summer last year, in the dark realm."

The voice of the maid lady reached his ears. Shade nodded slightly, still looking forward, relying on vision, inspiration and strong spatial perception to find a way out and avoid enemies in the weird dense forest on a rainy night:

"At that time, the dark realm swallowed up the southern suburbs of Tobesk. I was anxious to find the soothsayer and ventured deep into the darkness. Instead, I came to the lady's manor first."

Recalling the past, Xia De's depressed mood also improved a little. After that, Tifa didn't speak anymore, as if she really just wanted to relax Shade.

The atmosphere of this island is very different from that of the real central island of Green Lake. When walking in the dark on a rainy night, even if you can take shelter from the rain, the slippery and sticky feeling in the air still feels like a dead person stretching out his tongue. Licking the skin.

Shade knew that this description was very strange, but that was how he felt. The feeling of having to bend down subconsciously and walk carefully and breathlessly in the rain already shows how weird this place is.

Fortunately, Tifa was always behind him, and the unique and delicious scent of the maid's perfume was one of the few things that could make Shade happy on this rainy night.

His hearing was very good, and the sound of water just now was not an illusion. Soon, the sound of water became louder and louder. The two walked through the forest and saw a forest path that was very similar to the real island, but more eerie. Continuing along the forest path, the beach and pier appear on the edge of the island.

The dilapidated trestle was not the most terrifying scene on this dark rainy night. Outside the trestle, the murky green lake water hit the shore one after another. Normally there are no reefs on the surface of Green Lake, but now surrounding the island, various strange black reefs that resemble indescribable weird existences in ancient myths are densely scattered all over the visible water surface.

There are an astonishing number of extremely fine holes on the surface of the reef. As the rain and wind blow by, it emits a sharp whistle that makes people even more uneasy. Looking farther away, there is only an abyss-like terrifying and penetrating darkness in the depths of the night, rain and clouds.

The lake continued to lap, and the patter of rain and whistles became clearer. When the wind blows over the skin, small particles appear on the skin as the mood changes. This scene with weird sounds and colors at the same time made even Shade feel extremely frightened:

"Damn it!"

He said a rare and uncivilized curse word and immediately looked away. As for Tifa behind her, although the maid's arms were shaking slightly, she still maintained the dignity of the head maid:

"Is this the shore?"

She asked softly with her eyes closed.

"Yes, it corresponds to the dock where I visited the island many times. This place is just like the hell in the story that comes after the death of evil people."

Shade also said softly, holding the [Night Watch] with one hand, and then used the "Moonlight Sword" to leave a luminous mark on the ground. The beach beneath your feet is red, and the weird color makes the scene on the shore even more bizarre.

As for leaving traces, I hope it can guide the witch who will come here at some time.

The two of them didn't waste any time and immediately returned the same way. They were still holding hands, and Tifa didn't forget to throw the colored powders along the way. The sprinkled powder cannot be seen with the naked eye, but the special lenses in the witches' hands can.

When they returned to the hotel in the clearing in the woods, the good news that it was not far from the shore also made the girls in the hotel very excited. Shade even relied on "strong spatial perception" to quickly draw a simple map including the hotel, forest paths and the shore.

According to the map, as long as they don't encounter any accidents in the fog, the big witches who land on the island can find this place within five minutes.

"Okay, let's arrange the plan. I will go deep into the island alone. Tifa and Hailey will leave this place to you. Miss Deckert, you know the space power best here. Please confirm whether you can find this hotel. , the passage between the hotel in Green Lake City. If what we encountered is truly a space duplication, then there should be a passage connecting two identical spaces."

The three sorceresses nodded together.

Shade then said to Dorothy and Lesia:

"I don't know what will happen in a while, but please never, never leave the hotel. You promised me that you would follow my arrangements."

They also nodded slightly. Shade touched little Mia in Agelina's arms, refused the umbrella brought by Tifa, picked up the [Night Watch] and prepared to leave.

But Tifa stopped Shade again and took out a triangular metal charm from her pocket:

"Don't forget this."

This is the "return charm" made by Miss Sylvia. Because the materials are difficult to find, making it requires a lot of time and energy, and the charm can only be effective at close range, so Shade remembers that there are not many finished products in total.

Witch apprentices like Tifa and Hayley each have a charm in their hands, and Shade also has one on him. For the safety of Agelina, Miss Carina even gave one to the little princess, plus three spare ones left in the hotel. In other words, there are a total of seven charms in the hotel at the moment.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Heavy Rain in Green Lake"

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