Whispering Verse

Chapter 1941 Supplies

At this point, Megan, Soren Green and Rusty Edwards of the Green Lake Hotel disappeared because the hotel as a whole appeared on another island. Durute Giles, who disappeared with him, was considered by Shade to be related to Rust was together; Edwards brother Shade had just met; Brother Fulan, who was protected by the church, was under a powerful illusion and was tempted to voluntarily leave the church and disappear during the church defense battle.

As for Helena Green and Maria Edwards on Meghan's ship, they were always on board. But Megan's cruise ship has now been sunk, and they disappeared after falling into the water.

“Megan’s ship sank?”

Shade could not imagine how fierce the battle on the river would be, and at the same time he felt sorry for how much Megan and Audrey had lost this time.

Sister Devlin didn't say much about the situation in the city, but it was definitely not going to be good. This note, which was wet with rain, mainly explained the current actions of the great witches.

Carina, Luvia and the other girls who were moved from the second floor are trying to end the relic properties and return the second floor of the hotel to its original place. According to Miss Sylvia's calculations and the discussion of the seven great witches sitting in the Witch Council at this moment, the place where they will return will be the real building where Shade, Tifa, Hailey and others are. hotel.

Therefore, if things go well, Carina and Luvia may be the fastest people to enter the island.

Miss Sylvia led some sorceresses who were proficient in space thaumaturgy to stay in the hotel in the city and try to find a passage connecting the two hotels. Grandma Cassandra and Miss Bernice had already arrived at the lake with Sister Devlin and began to try to enter the island directly.

Because the fog was too heavy, Miss Aurora and her group, including Shade's friends Dr. Schneider and Priest August, were still on their way from the city. But no matter what, it will take at least an hour for everyone outside the island to land on the island, which is consistent with the time just mentioned by the "Mirror Hidden Man".

Although Sister Devlin expected that Shade would contact her in advance, she was in a hurry and could not leave any more information on the note. The nun did not mention the Earth Guardian of the Randall Valley, whom Shade was more concerned about, and did not know whether the other party had not arrived yet, or had not yet joined the nun and her group.

However, considering the limited time the Earth Guardian can leave the Heart of the Earth, it is understandable that he would arrive a little late.

In the second half of the letter, the nun also mentioned the matter of Iluna. In line with Shade's expectations, at the same time that the Fulen brothers disappeared, Iluna also disappeared into the space distortion zone outside the church in order to catch them.

At present, the Orthodox Church does not know where Iluna has gone, but it is certain that Iluna's life is not in danger.

And if Shade guessed correctly, he was more likely to see Iluna first than the great witches and the church's ring wizards:

"As expected of her."

[You asked me to remind you of her birthday. Please note that it is less than four hours away. 】

"She" said suddenly, and Shade nodded to express his understanding.

The Five Gods Church and the three major colleges are all trying to use other methods to get in touch with the island within half an hour. Since both the Mirror Association and Sister Devlin can find a way, it should only be a matter of time before they find a way to contact Iluna.

As for whether we can reach the island in advance, it's really hard to say. Although Laplace Klein Howard has been preparing for more than two hundred years, the entire Prophet Association is now standing opposite him. It is difficult to say what the Prophet Association will do in this hour. Earn face for yourself.

"There are other groups of ring sorcerers that I don't know about. No one knows if strange ring sorcerers will suddenly appear."

Shade thought in his mind, and saw the end of the note through the light of the bonfire in front of him. Sister Devlin claimed that the witches were looking for ways to support the group of people in the hotel. The tone of the following words was obviously not what Sister Devlin said, because the grammar was much more normal.

I don’t know if it was Granny Cassandra or Miss Benanis who told Shade. They have already thought of a way, but it still takes time.

At the end of the last line of text on the note, a small red butterfly symbol was clearly drawn. This is probably the message Grace and Helen asked the nun to convey to Shade, asking him to call them as soon as possible with the butterfly calling flute.

But at least for now, Shade is not ready to do this. Even if you really want to borrow the power of the two sisters, you have to wait until the last moment.

As for the pink rhombus crystal, it was an improvised alchemy item made by Miss Benanis. Place it at the core of the ceremony in the basement of the hotel. When the great witches enter the waters where the other island is located through special ships, Miss Benanis will be able to confirm the location of the hotel through the perception of the earth.

"That's pretty good news."

Shade shared the contents of the note with the girls staying in the hotel, but he did not stay to rest:

"Since the Edwards brothers appeared in the cemetery, their blood and the blood of the townspeople watered a blood-red tree. Then there is reason to believe that there is a high probability that others will not appear directly in the old Edwards house. , Edwards ascended the magic, and is still drawing strength at the end. I will continue to explore the depths of the island, and you must be careful if you stay here."

He said this, and after receiving another round of blessings and status blessings, he hurried into the rain of the island with his sword again during Tifa's farewell.

I don't know if it was Shade's illusion. After he left the hotel this time, the dark red color of the ground under his feet became more obvious. When I bent down and walked through the night woods in the rain and fog, the fusion monsters I encountered on the road that were almost integrated with the fog seemed to have become more agile than before.

No matter how careful Xade is, he will occasionally step on fallen leaves or hit stones and make a sound. No matter how slight the sound is, even if he uses the Silence Spell, the monsters in the fog will always be able to detect it. It's as if their senses are not just hearing and vision.

Although Shade was able to defeat most of the fusion monsters, once he got into a big fight, he would immediately be entangled by a steady stream of monsters attracted, so he could only move forward as stealthily as possible. And the little convenience he gained after touching the big bloody tree just now made it easier for him to move at this time.

On the way, he also saw the items that the "Mirror Hidden Man" said were sent by the church to this island to help the people on those islands. It was not a cardboard or wooden box lying alone in the grass. Shade accidentally saw a milky white light in the fog ahead.

The inexplicable phototaxis, or curiosity, made him move closer there, and then he discovered that it was a light point floating in the air. The light spots were warm and obviously traces of divine magic. When Shade stretched out his hand to touch the light spot, the light spot disappeared, and a small bottle and a rune stone appeared in his hand.

The bottle contains a liquid that glows slightly in the mist. This is holy water No. 3, but this is not very important to Shade, who purchases a large amount of it from Priest August. As for the other rune stone, looking at the red lines on the surface of the stone, he thought for a moment and recognized what it was:

"The divine runestone that creates and destroys the church, the shield of configuration?"

After this runestone is activated, it can summon a floating shield according to the user's imagination. The size and style are determined by the user. Because they are extremely useful rune stones, such items on the black market are extremely expensive. Although this was not very useful to Shade, who had the "Seaton Seal", the unexpected supplies still made him quite happy:

"This means that I am indeed not fighting alone."

Since he had just discovered the road leading to the town of Green Lake in the southern part of the forest, he didn't waste much time this time. He found the forest path again and hid in the trees on the edge of the path.

The island is roughly the same size as a real island, so this forest path is not long. In just five or six minutes, he could vaguely see the light of a small town in the distance in the fog.

Before completely walking out of the woods, the most dangerous thing Shade encountered was a space chimera monster with the body characteristics of a dragon, a vampire bat, a fly head, and a polygon that used dozens of huge fallen trees as nests in the forest. .

It has traces of alchemy that even Shade can clearly distinguish. At the same time, Shade also guessed that it was the most powerful one in the forest ecology. Fortunately, Shade didn't need to fight against this kind of thing. He quietly walked around in a large circle and left the forest completely.

The end of the forest path was indeed the town of Green Lake. As Shade advanced in the rainy night, the town in the mist became clearer and clearer.

Although the location of this town is the same as the long-abandoned town on the central island, the style of the buildings and the area of ​​the town are completely different. The town standing on the crimson soil is obviously larger, and the buildings are taller and more like the buildings after the steam revolution began in recent decades.

Not only are the neat glass windows and steam pipes and gas pipes climbing on the walls a testament to the era in which the town was built, but the streets are made up of rectangular gray stone slabs, which are completely different from the dirt roads in a real abandoned town. It’s different.

"The information from Bad-Eye Barry shows that the [Order of the Drowned in the Abyss] has transported a lot of building materials to this island over the years. Is that diviner playing The Sims or his world?"

The steam pipes and gas pipes on the exterior walls of the building are not decorations. The infrastructure construction of this "Green Lake Town", which has long been isolated from the world, has truly entered the steam age.

PS: Picture of this chapter "Divine Runestone·Configuration Shield"

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