Whispering Verse

Chapter 1947 The truth about the princess and the writer

There was a clang of two swords clashing, and Shade subconsciously raised his hand to block and rebound, forming a perfect counterattack. But the fortune teller seemed to have already predicted the trajectory of the sword in Shade's hand. After the sword in his hand was bounced, he quickly completed the balance adjustment. With his free left hand, he grabbed the blade of [Night Watcher], and then stabbed Shade's throat directly with the long sword in his right hand.

Shade quickly flipped his wrist and used the sharp [Night Watch] blade to cut off half of the opponent's palm. At the same time, he did not forget to sideways avoid the trajectory of the sword in the fortune teller's hand, and then stabbed the opponent's heart with the sword.

Shade's sword was accurate and cruel, hitting the target accurately and penetrating the opponent's chest. But he himself could not completely avoid the fortune teller's sword. The long sword finally scratched his cheek, leaving a blood mark on his face.

But just now Xia De clearly felt that his movement range was enough to avoid this attack, but the fortune teller also moved the direction of the weapon in his hand while he dodged. In the end, it looked like Shade took the initiative to move his body to hit the opponent's weapon.

The five minutes ended here. The night watchman pulled out of the fortune teller's chest, and then the two of them took two steps back.

Shade wiped his cheek, looked at the blood on his fingers, and then asked his opponent:

"The last sword is very strange. Did you predict in advance that I would definitely dodge, or did you add the fate of 'definitely hitting' for that sword of yours?"

Nadia Foran reminded Shade that her ancestors had powerful precognitive abilities in battle. But compared to prediction, Shade was more inclined to the sword just now, which had the influence of fate.

The fortune teller did not answer, but lowered the long sword in his hand so that the tip of the sword touched the ground. A little bit of Shade's blood stained on the side of the long sword was absorbed by the roots that made up the carpet:

"I got your blood, and you will also get an invitation to the party."

Someone walked out of the crowd and came to Shade's side holding an invitation letter. The style of the invitation letter was the same as what Megan and the others had received.

Shade frowned slightly:

"You built this mansion here just for my blood?"

He was not angry, nor did he regret his choice to compete with the opponent, and even asked:

"May I know why you need my blood? I am very sure that I am not a member of your family."

The fortune teller is also willing to give the answer:

"My divination tells me that if this ritual contains your blood, it will greatly increase the probability of success."

"But this will also give me the possibility to intervene in this ritual, or even replace you as the core of the ritual."

Shade said, and the fortune teller wearing a monocle smiled:

"Remember? My goal is not to win or defeat anyone, I am just trying a possibility. If the ritual can succeed in your hands, this is also a good thing. Of course, when I don't see myself failing, Before the possibility, I still prefer to complete it by myself.”

He took off his hat and bowed slightly to Shade:

"The Edwards family banquet will be held in fifteen minutes. Godcaller, I sincerely invite you to come as my descendant and the male companion of Megan and Audrey Edwards. You will also Witness the final outcome of our family.”

Shade avoided his bow:

"Fifteen minutes? Your calculation of time is really accurate. Then answer me, what happened to Lesia and Dorothy?"

The fortune teller raised his hand and touched it in the air, and a pair of butterflies fluttered and turned into light flakes:

"Remember? You and I both know that the world is about to be destroyed. According to the calculation of the long time of the First Era, when we last met, I mentioned that all eras since the First Era have been It's the end of time.

The ancient gods left one after another in the first and second eras, using themselves to support the world that was about to collapse. "

Shade pursed his lips, he had also thought of this guess. The fortune teller continued to look at Shade, his eyes seemed a little moist, and he was sad:

"If this is not the case, why is the total time from the Second Era to the present not as long as the First Era? If this is not the case, why does the extraordinary power and the scale of the material world become weaker and smaller from generation to generation? The Ancient God Li of the Second Era In the past, evil spirits and demons appeared in the third era, which were like loopholes in the world. The fourth era was a dark age that confused all civilizations. The fifth era ushered in the ridiculous and terrifying witches. Only witches can control extraordinary powers. Era. Are these eras really correct?"

He winked at Shade, but to be honest, if the girls hadn't made this move, it wouldn't be playful at all:

"No, God Caller, you should be able to reach that conclusion now - the end has already come, but it has been delayed by generations of people. The thirteen ancient gods took the first step, and now we, It’s the last step.”

He dropped the sword and put his right hand on his chest:

"But the decline of the world is an unstoppable process. In our era, the world has finally slipped to the edge of the cliff. The end of everything, the end of all things, the end corresponding to the beginning, finally cannot be postponed by any method."

"I understand what you are saying. I appreciate you analyzing these things here, but what does this have to do with our topic, Dorothy Louisa and Lesia Cavendish? What? You don’t want to tell me that they are the way to prevent the end of the world, do you?”

Shade asked back. The fortune teller shook his head and asked the same question:

"Since humans and other intelligent life can save themselves, why can't the world itself save itself? Just like when a crisis occurs, fate will always choose a chosen hero and give people a second chance. When the world encounters a crisis, fate still chooses We have created some special people and given them special responsibilities.”

He paused for a moment, and the two looked at each other. Shade looked into the soothsayer's eyes and suddenly had an extremely terrifying suspicion.

"Godcaller, you should be able to see that the wonderful soul bond between Lecia Cavendish and Dorothy Louisa is definitely not caused by any external force. It is a..."

"natural phenomenon."

Shade said, Laplace Howard smiled:

"Yes, you really understand. In fact, you are far away from the truth, but you lack the imagination of the last step. It is not that your knowledge has blinded you, but that you are unwilling to guess that way, and you are rejecting that answer. I can give you A hint, if you still can’t figure it out, I can reveal the answer to you at the dinner later. No, you can definitely figure it out.”

He put away the smile on his face and asked quite seriously:

“The two women exist in the world as separate individuals, initially with an exchange of souls, then with a gradual convergence of souls and souls, and finally with the two completely becoming one individual.

So, if their ability can be inherited, or if their ability will appear more and more in every corner of the world as a natural phenomenon and human talent after their generation. So what happens after a long time? "

Seeing that Shade's face was getting more and more ugly, the fortune teller knew that he had understood:

"I noticed that their names all contain words related to 'savior'. This may be part of the destiny of the world, or civilization is looking for a way out for itself. They are indeed saviors, they are a The beginning, the beginning of verifying feasibility.

This will take a long time, but if there is such time, one day, all intelligent life will be able to exchange souls with each other, and all souls will be just one soul. When the end comes, no matter what choice life makes, it is a choice and struggle made by gathering all the power of civilization. "

More than one person once told Shade that the words of the person in front of him could not be trusted. Once you believe his words, it is equivalent to falling into his trap. But at this moment, Xia De couldn't say anything to question the other party, because he knew that the other party was not lying.

Shade said:

"Are they the way the world has chosen for themselves?"

The fortune teller nodded:

"Imagine how interesting and great this world would be if it really turned into that kind of future? Civilization fights against doomsday, and all the wisdom and power in the world become one. As long as one person is saved, the world is saved. .And if the rumored asylum”

He shook his head:

"Of course you can doubt my statement, but if you understand what the "Mumbling Psalms" actually means, and if you understand what the Thirteen Chosen Ones represent, you will know that I am not lying."

"You don't need to explain. Although you and I are enemies, I also have the ability to judge. Even if we have to fight in a while, it won't stop me from being grateful to you now."

The fortune teller smiled:

"You are really suitable for being a friend. Unfortunately, the destruction of the world has been doomed since the birth of the world.

The ancient gods had already anticipated this day and left the last escape route for the mortals. But that retreat is bound to not take care of everyone. If my interpretation of the Whispering Psalm is correct, in the end, even if the ceremony of the Thirteen Chosen Ones comes to a successful conclusion, only some people will be able to survive the end of the world. "

"Is the above all speculation?"

"There is some unsystematic evidence. My main research is Edwardsden's magic. Their appearance has provided me with many interesting ideas and ideas. If there are still thousands of bodies of intelligent life in the material world, but All souls merge into one, doesn’t it mean that everyone is saved?”

He smiled and said:

"Civilization has not been interrupted, and the knowledge, history and secret stories passed down will also be passed down. This is my interpretation of Lesia Cavendish and Dorothy Louisa, who were a certain The beginning of this 'infection' is one of the ways out that the world and its destiny spontaneously choose for many civilizations that have lasted for six epochs before the end.

They don't need to do anything, they just need to live steadily, and then let their souls gradually converge until they merge into one, which is the greatest contribution they can make to the world. If civilization is really saved because of this, they are the 'mother of all things', and they are the original origin of all souls. The title of savior is no longer enough to highlight their status. They are all, they are one. "

PS: As mentioned before, the blood voluntarily donated by the ring warlock has extraordinary power.

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