Whispering Verse

Chapter 1949 Hotel separation

When he realized that he had appeared in the hotel, Shade did not hear anyone greeting him immediately, but instead heard a rumbling sound.

Elements and spirits collide, and the light of thaumaturgy shines outside the hotel. Standing by the bonfire on the first floor and looking around, a few injured girls were sitting by the fire to heal themselves. Tifa, Hailey and Miss Decker were not in the room. Dorothy and Lesia were standing at the door, with five people behind them. The life ring of the ring is suspended.

Only Agelina, who was holding the cat, walked towards Shade. Although Agelina was "refugeed" here tonight, she was still dressed brightly, at least as of the last time Shade left.

Now, the outer skirt of the double-skirted skirt worn by the little princess has been torn off, and a brown jacket that is a bit long but is durable and close-fitting is put on the dress. The red hair was completely tied up and tied back. Both hands were wearing the standard fire-resistant and corrosion-resistant leather gloves used by magicians when preparing potions. One hand was holding the cat, and the other hand was holding a basket containing empty potion bottles.

Shade had never seen Agelina dressed like this. Although he had never praised her, in fact, in his impression, Agelina, who was not as tall and as tall as her sister and aunt, was more like A carefree princess living in a fairy tale world. Shade had never thought of changing his attire like this and recycling medicine bottles on the first floor.

If she could put a few smears of pot ash on her face, Agelina would look even more interesting now.

But her attire also meant that the situation in the hotel was quite bad, and even Agelina was asked to do something.


She shouted at Shade, so Dorothy and Lesia at the door also turned to look at Shade.

Shade, who returned this time, originally just wanted to say hello to the girls, so he went to welcome the last dinner. In addition to a few tears in his clothes, even the wound on his face was unknowingly exposed in the rain. Healed automatically.

"I'm fine."

He said this, patted Agelina on the shoulder, and then walked towards the writer and the princess with his sword in hand. Seeing that both of them were okay, Shade walked out of the hotel with their worried expressions.

Just as Shade thought, the situation in the hotel was almost exactly the same as when they arrived more than forty minutes ago. Countless grotesque chimera monsters rushed out of the forest and attacked this hotel that did not belong to the island from all directions. More than half of them can use the power of space.

Under the cover of thick fog, the chimera monsters became more powerful than before. Although the number of girls in the hotel who could resist had doubled from the beginning, they still could not gain an advantage in the face of such a large number of enemies.

Among them, the most terrifying giant-shaped eight-handed monster in the forest that Shade saw at the end of the forest actually came here.

Eighth-level Tifa and several other high-level sorceresses were outside the main entrance of the hotel, welcoming this enemy who could already be classified as an evil creature. Without this thing, everyone in the hotel should still be able to repel this round of attacks.


Shade's voice penetrated the rain curtain. The black-haired maid who was trying to use the trees in the forest as a spell material to seal the monster's left foot turned around and saw a long sword being thrown towards her.

Reaching out to hold the [Night Watcher] thrown by Shade, the maid swung out a sharp sword light and killed three monsters that were a combination of mosquitoes and pigeons flying from above her head. Then the long skirt bloomed like a flower as she turned around in the rain, and the tip of the sword pierced the ground. While the eight-ring life ring behind her radiated spiritual light, the big trees swaying in the wind and rain were finally awakened successfully.

The activated tree men that made a buzzing sound rushed towards the giant's right leg one after another, hugging the target and sprouting roots again. The giant who tried to continue moving had to lower his head to check after finding that his right foot could not move:


The roar is not simply to vent anger, the profanity in the sound wave disturbs the mental stability of everyone around him. But the girls flying in the air still took this opportunity to step up their attacks, while Shade, who was standing at the door of the hotel, held the [Stand of Yggdrasil] and took a deep breath:

"Thunder gun!"

The dazzling white thunder attached to the surface of the long staff, and then Shade threw it at the giant's head.

The thunder passed through the rain curtain, but was caught by the giant's hands in the air. The silver-white thunder temporarily paralyzed the two hands, but this did not help the battle.

"The thorn of love!"

A pink halo suddenly appeared in the silver thunder, and then in the piercing scream that almost pierced the eardrums, even the monsters around the woods began to retreat in fright.

This giant-shaped monster doesn't know what kind of transformation it has undergone. Its soul is extremely powerful and cannot be directly turned into pink crystal by the "Sting of the God of Love". But the severe pain from his soul still made him unable to control his body. With one foot entangled by the tree people, he fell forward wailing.

I don’t know which sorceress used “Feliana’s Witch’s Light” to blind its eyes, and I don’t know who controlled the shadow spikes to pierce its heart. In a flash of inspiration, everyone seized this hard-won opportunity to launch a final attack on the monster.

Shade didn't even need to take action. The monster died at the door of the Green Lake Hotel shortly after falling heavily to the ground.

Its body did not stay here, but gradually melted into blood, which penetrated into the dark red earth together with the rain.

The other monsters also retreated amidst the dying screams of the giant, and the ceremony in the Green Lake Hotel was resumed again. The aura spread from the basement to the wall, and soon spread around the hotel. Except for a few ladies who needed to continue investigating outside, most of the girls who were soaked were able to return to the hotel to rest.

Tifa also came back with Shade's sword and staff.

Although she was an eighth-level warrior, she did not use shelter from the rain in order to fight better. The black and white maid's dress she still wore even during the battle was completely soaked, and her long wet black hair stuck to her face.

But it was also because of the rain that the mediocre clothes clung to her body, making her already proud figure even more obvious. Shade obviously noticed something wrong with the eyes of Lesia and Dorothy who greeted everyone at the door. After Tifa followed him in, Agelina, who greeted them with a smile and hugged her cat, suddenly froze. .

Shade even believed that he had the ability to read other people's minds in an instant:

"How can it be so big?"

It was Miss Hayley Aurora who understood the shocked expressions of the other girls and hurried over to help the black-haired head maid steam dry her clothes. Because everyone, including Shade, was too embarrassed to look directly at the maid, no one noticed the faint smile on her face.

In short, the second wave of attacks faced by the Green Lake Hotel was passed without any danger. After most of the people came back, Shade put the bottle of No. 1 holy water on the table for them, and explained what he was going to do next:

"It's too late. I probably won't come back from this trip. The Edwards family dinner is about to be held, and this night's events will be over soon."

He took out the invitation, and everyone else understood what Shade meant.

Although they had known that they would meet at this moment, when it came time to say goodbye, Dorothy and Lesia were still reluctant to let Shade leave like this. The two hugged Shade respectively, and Dorothy even took out the angel feather that Shade had kept with her.

Knowing Edwards' story, she knew exactly how useful this feather, which had two chances to be used, would be tonight:

"Come back early."

She kissed the side of Shade's face gently.

Shade hesitated to speak. He would not hide what he just learned from the fortune teller from the two girls. But it's obviously not a good time to talk about these things now. Maybe it won't be too late to tell them after he gets the solution from the fortune teller.

Everyone else also said goodbye to Shade and sent him to the hotel door together. But before leaving, Shade still confessed some things:

"Lecia, Dorothy, no matter what happens tonight, please don't leave the hotel. Stay with Tifa and watch Agelina and little Mia."


The cat, who had done nothing tonight, meowed.

Shade felt that what he said was too absolute:

"If the Green Lake Hotel is invaded, you should follow the large army and leave. The big witches will be here soon, and I should solve the trouble here soon. Remember, never, never get close to the town, Don’t even get close to the old Edwards house. If you really encounter an accident and you get close there, don’t believe anyone’s words. Of course, the most important thing tonight is—”

He looked at Lesia and Dorothy in front of him:

“Don’t try to become one.”

As he spoke, he opened his arms and hugged them together. There are many girls around. Normally, Shade would not do such a bold thing, but tonight was a special situation.

"What if you really need us?"

In the embrace, Lesia's voice came.

Shade was silent for a moment:

"I have thought about this possibility. If you are really needed, you will have to make a decision after reuniting with Grace and Helen. Also, if you encounter space transfer again, you must ensure your own safety as the first priority. ,Do you understand?"

Letting Grace and Helen be together with Lecia and Dorothy was a special method that Shade came up with based on the rule of "E Pluribus Unum" for the chosen ones this time. Although "she" said that Shade was trying to confuse the Chosen One ceremony, Shade felt that it might actually succeed. After all, there are few absolute successes in this world.

There wasn't enough time, and the hug didn't last long. After letting go of them, Shade nodded to the other girls who gathered around him, and then entered the forest again without looking back. In a few flashes of his body, he completely disappeared into the mist.

PS: The picture of this chapter "The Ring Warlock and the Ring of Life·Concept Picture"

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