Whispering Verse

Chapter 1966 Mature Girl

Promotion is not the end. In order to make themselves stronger to resist the urge to fuse, they almost bit their lips. Enlightenment - [Patience] first appeared on their life rings. Almost the next second, the two were together again. Obtained the miracle - [Fusion].

But the power gained from the ritual makes them want to truly become one with another person. Such a rapid acquisition of spiritual runes itself represents an extremely abnormal phenomenon.

The existence of Shade and the oath to Shade still made them walk firmly towards Agelina, who had already burst into tears at some point.

The short distance was less than ten seconds, but Lecia and Dorothy felt like they had walked for a long time. And when they finally left the scope of the ceremony, they realized that their whole bodies were soaked with sweat. Although their trembling bodies were a little weak, the strong impulse in their hearts weakened in an instant, leaving only a faint trace.

"elder sister."

The life ring was retracted, and before Lesia could say anything to Dorothy, she staggered and hugged Agelina, who came over crying. Lesia's long red hair stuck to the side of her face. She turned around and smiled helplessly at Dorothy, who was also pale, and whispered to her in her heart:

"Look, Agelina is so old and she's still crying."

The three people and the cat were all safe. Dorothy and Lesia checked themselves. In addition to grabbing power from the ritual matrix and being suddenly promoted, their souls have become more stable and powerful.

This was a good thing, but they still had to figure out where this place was and how to get back to the hotel. The walls are shaking and blood mist is spreading around. This is not a place where you can stay for a long time.

Fortunately, Grace and Helen gave them a red butterfly, but before the two sorceresses could take action, footsteps came from outside the arch. First, two red butterflies flew into view, and then Miss Danister, who followed the red butterflies, came over.

Lesia reacted the fastest and immediately wanted to cover her face. Fortunately, the flying red butterfly crashed into the three of them. Grace and Helen's illusions instantly hid their figures and appearances.

Miss Danister, who followed Hongdie, saw three people and a cat here, and the cat looked very familiar. She was surprised at first, and then looked at the huge ceremony on the ground in even more surprise:

"The sun, moon and stars? They are actually here! No, this is the underlying core ritual of Edwards Den's magic!"

"Does that mean that by destroying this place, the ceremony will end?"

Lesia asked immediately. Miss Daniste glanced at her and shook her head slightly:

"It should have been possible a few days ago, but now it's too late. Even if it is destroyed, it will only make the big tree above us lose its self-healing ability to a certain extent. This ceremony has come to the end. What is important now is not here, but The man in that tree.”

She deeply imprinted all the details of the ceremony in her mind, and then asked the three people:

"The butterfly led me to you. You are two middle-level warlocks and one ordinary person. Oh, it seems to be about to awaken. This cat. Shade's cat? I remember it's called Little Mia?"


Butterfly did not cast illusion magic on little Mia.

"Ma'am, can you take us back to the ground safely?"

Dorothy plucked up the courage to ask the college librarian in Carsonlic.

The sorceress who also had red hair nodded:

"Of course, I'm here to repay the favor, but what are you doing here? Forget it, I won't ask. But if you see Shade, remember to remind him not to mix with human relics, even if It doesn’t matter if the other party is very beautiful. I know he has many lovers, but is it too much to provoke even relics?”

She sighed for her careless student. The three girls pursed their lips and did not show their expressions:

"The Hongdie Twins are just partners of Mr. Xia and Mr. Hamilton, not lovers."

"Let's not talk about this. Where do you want me to take you?"

Miss Denister asked again.

Lecia thought for a while, and looked at each other with Dorothy. The red butterfly left by Grace and Helen flew out of their hands:

"Follow this butterfly. If the old Edwards house is above, we want to go there. Mr. Hamilton, you might need us later, and now that we're here, we won't leave."

Lesia looked at Agelina aside again, but Agelina held her arm tightly, so she could only sigh and did not object.

At this moment, the ladies underground on the island don’t know the situation on the ground. At this moment, on the island where all the light has disappeared, the only thing that can be illuminated by the huge red light is the remains of the banquet hall in the canopy.

Shade, Iluna and Megan stood together, and the golden ancient sacred symbol between the witch's eyebrows lit up, helping her resist the instinctive urge of her blood to merge with the red light.

She clutched Shade's clothes tightly and watched as Shade pulled Dulute Giles who was slumped aside. I don't know if it was because Rusty Edwards gave him part of his power before he disappeared. This man with a big hole in his chest still had the strength to cry heartbreakingly.

And Shade, who had a more acute perception, felt that part of his soul had undergone permanent and irreversible changes due to the "fusion" just now.

"Actually, my original plan was that if it was really impossible to stop Laplace Klein Howard's two-hundred-year-old plan, I would let Durut Giles be absorbed as well. As the first and second candidate If the chosen ones become one, there will most likely be problems with the ceremony of the chosen ones, and I can separate them again afterwards."

Shade said softly, and the brown-haired girl behind him pulled his sleeve, almost crying:

"Why did you agree to your ancestor's request just now? Since you feel that you can separate the absorbed family members again, why did you agree to him?"

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