Whispering Verse

Chapter 1975 Time and Space Guard

"Wait, I'm maintaining the normal time order. Even if you don't give me a reward, why do you have to pay the price?"

Xia De protested in his heart, but in fact, because of fatigue, he no longer had the intention to object.

"She" smiled softly:

[If it is after completing the Time Key mission, there is indeed no need to pay for the help given by the tree father. But didn’t you use the key to the Black Mist Camp in advance for the Silver Moon Library? 】

"I stress again, I'm not doing it for the Silver Moon Library. At least not entirely. Okay, okay, purify the curse. I've had enough tonight."

He took a step back and watched as the green leaves left on the pitch-black figure's forehead melted into soft green light, enveloping Envy Edwards' soul. But after just a few dozen seconds, the green light dissipated, and the blank white soul stood up from the ground, looking helplessly at everything in front of it.

His father, Sloth Edwards, came over, held him in his arms, and didn't speak for a long time.

"The Evergreen Leaf can be regarded as the remaining power of the tree father, so it is protected by time and space."

Watching this scene, Iluna felt like she understood something. She breathed a sigh of relief and said to Shade with a smile:

"I didn't expect it to be so simple."

"This is not simple."

If it weren't for Shade, even if someone else held the leaf, there was a high probability that they wouldn't be able to touch the power left by the ancient god of time so easily.

But things here are not over yet. [Night Watch] is still in the lake in the east of the island, and Laplace Klein Howard still needs to deal with:

"Iluna, think about how to explain what happened just now. However, you can say that it was the 'God Summoner' who forcibly borrowed your power very rudely."

Iluna also laughed and looked at the confused people in the Edwards family:

"What to do with these people?"

"We are in the old house, waiting for you to come see us. Until then, I will not let anyone enter the house."

Sloth Edwards said to Shad that, except for his father and Rust Edwards, who has disappeared, he is the oldest here:

"Father has already lost to you, you don't have to doubt that my words are other conspiracies."

"That's fine, but you might have to wait a few days for me."

Shade said, Sloth Edwards nodded, and 15 people moved through space and disappeared here.

Megan, who was still weak, came over and Shade picked her up. Compared to Megan, Shade, who had just eaten a leaf of youth, was in better condition now.

He felt the witch's weight and said to Iluna:

"Well, Iluna, I'm going to settle the matter with the fortune teller. I wish you a happy birthday."

"Happy birthday to you."

The witch in his arms also whispered, twice.

"You already said this just now, don't forget my gift."

The eighteen-year-old girl smiled as she watched Shade hugging Megan and jumping off the edge of the wreckage.

The church's ring magicians then flew here. As for the fallen Shade and Megan, they were quickly caught by the witches.

Miss Sylvia took Shade's hand, and Miss Carina took Megan's hand.

The great witch of wisdom and knowledge asked the red-haired duchess with a pale face:

"I thought you always hated me."

"Look what you said, we are all sisters of the Council. Besides, don't we all have him now?"

The red-haired duchess seemed to be in a particularly high mood at the moment.

"Shadow, where are you going?"

Miss Sylvia asked him, and Shade pointed in the direction of the lighthouse:

"Just put me over there and I'll handle it myself. Go and see what's going on with the Earth Guardian. There's something wrong with him. Oh, help me see Luvia, Agelina, the doctor, and Regarding the situation of the priest and the girls in the hotel, before you came here in the middle of the night, luckily they supported me. I hope everyone is okay. And Durut Giles, please don’t be so sad. I will have There’s a way.”

Although they knew that the fortune teller was still dangerous even now, the witches had great confidence in Shade, so they did not say that they would go with Shade. Miss Carina took Megan back to the hotel to rest, while Miss Sylvia sent Shade to the cemetery of Sloth Edwards' wife outside the lighthouse, and immediately went to the door of Edwards' old house to look for Luvia. Went with Agelina.

It was still a long time before dawn, and although stars and the moon now appeared in the night sky, the hills in the southern part of the island were still extremely dark.

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