Whispering Verse

Chapter 1979 The Origin of the Successor and the Foreigner

So far, the Sun, Moon and Stars Ritual Formation, which is similar to but different from the pattern on the back of the Vientiane Card, has appeared in many inexplicable places.

For example, on the ground of the Night Temple, Shade imprinted this pattern after violating time travel; such as the symbol that appeared on the ground when the black time key appeared as the staff of Uggdrasil; and the collapsed moon of Karas Mountain. There are similar symbols in the tower, where Miss Daniste's teacher disappeared.

But actually thinking about it carefully, it seems that no one has ever said that the pattern imprinted on the land of the Black Night Temple belongs to the Black Night Temple. That symbol is more likely to have appeared after Shade used the Impermanence Card to activate the "Memory of the Earth". And it just so happens that the underground of the Night Temple is where the long-haired Luvia stores her "memories of past lives."

Thinking about it this way, the symbol of the Night Temple is clearly related to the long-haired Luvia's method. And "she" once said at that time that the time travel was "illegal." This further illustrates that the strange ritual array on the ground at that time was not the power of the ancient gods at all, but more likely the long-haired Luvia's method to help her in the next sixth era "see" the past life. s story.

As for the strange [Stand of Yectrasil], it is currently known that the birth of the black time key is inseparable from the long-haired Luvia. Therefore, the pattern when the long staff appears is most likely related to the long-haired Luvia, and she may even have made the relic herself.

Although "making relics" sounds unbelievable, for Luvia, who has destroyed time and space several times and returned to the Sixth Age, it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.

If we follow this line of thinking, then the "Sun, Moon and Stars" ritual array that Shade saw in the Night Temple and the Staff of Uggdrasil were all caused by Luvia from the "past life". Combined with what the soothsayer in front of him said with his back turned, that is, he created this ritual array based on the Impermanence Card, then Shade has reason to believe that Luvia in the past life is the one who is here. "Here and now", the person who received all the research materials of Laplace Klein Howard.

In an unknown sixth era without Shad, Luvia, who defeated the "Edwards Family: E Pluribus Unum", obtained and inherited the knowledge from this soothsayer of the Seer Association, and studied it carefully afterwards. and expanded, further deepening Laplace Howard's research on the impermanence of all things, divination and astrology, until countless years later, he used that knowledge to create even more amazing rituals and inventions.

Although there is currently no clear evidence to support this conjecture, the more Shade thinks about it, the more he feels that this is the truth.

After all, it is currently known that Luvia in the past life has a high probability of inheriting Sister Devlin's "primordial fire" and Miss Pavo's "Smallville Code" in the end. With the character shown by Laplace Howard in front of him, if he learned that Luvia was a fortune teller after his failure, he would indeed be able to give everything to her like everyone else.

"How many people's wishes did Luvia inherit? But what does it mean that Miss Danister discovered this ritual at the remains of the Moon Tower on Mount Karas?"

Shade was thinking in his mind, but before he asked the other party whether he had been to Karas Mountain and whether he had met Miss Daniste's teacher, he turned his back to him and looked at the fortune teller in Green Lake, and then said:

"You know, it was from this pier that I first set foot on this island more than two hundred years ago."

Shade looked up at the lake in the night:

"Are you referring to the real island, or this island you call 'Green Island'?"


The fortune teller said in a hoarse voice, still facing Shade, and raised his hand to point to the lake:

"I jumped off the boat from here, then carried my bag and walked along the trestle to the beach. Before entering the forest path, I turned around and took a look at the lake. I will never forget that day, it was also a spring On that night, the starry sky was even more beautiful than it is now. At that time, I had not obtained those key fragments of poems, nor had I planned the Edwards Den Magic. So at that time, I could never have imagined that I would be in this place next. What to do on the island.”

The cards that made up his body were flying out one after another, and then turned into fly ash. Theoretically speaking, he was already dead when he was defeated by Shade on the giant bloody tree that was burning at the moment a few hours ago. He only got a chance to be reborn with the help of the set of alchemy cards.

But after being defeated by Shade and Sister Devlin, his second life had come to an end due to the fusion of evil objects. It's quite remarkable that he was able to hold on and finish saying these words and explaining these things here.

"What are you going to do with your descendants?"

Seeing that the other party had given all his knowledge and property to him, Xia De still asked. The fortune teller shook his head slightly:

"It's up to them, or you, to decide."

As the cards were pulled away one by one, the figure became increasingly blurry. But this conversation is not over yet. The diviner deliberately waited for Shade here in order to say the most important words at the last moment:

"After merging with my grandson Envy Edwards, I truly had a glimpse of a corner of that destroyed time; becoming one with [The Door in the Bottle], I heard it in the murmurs and whispers An account of a time that should never be known."

He stood up with difficulty holding on to the ground of the trestle, and finally turned around to look at Shade.

The stars hung upside down above the two of them. In the shining sea of ​​stars, three moons shone on the land where there were still sporadic battles. Behind Shade, in the sky-high flames, the huge bloody tree was still burning, and the crackling sound would probably last all night.

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