Whispering Verse

Chapter 1989 The Adventure of the Butterflies (Part 2)

Although it is quite irrational for ordinary people to come into contact with relics, Agelina is about to awaken, and there are so many ring magicians in the whole building now. Ladies with high perception can also know whether something happened to Agelina from across the floor. .

"Okay, aunt."

The little princess nodded obediently, and when she left, she heard the three talking witches talking about their respective itineraries.

Although it is dark, there are still many people walking around in the Green Lake Hotel on the island. Agelina didn't know most of them, but she also knew that these people would be her "companions" in the future.

As I walked up the stairs, I was still thinking about what my sister was doing now. When they arrived on the third floor, they wondered whether Shade would be in the bedroom. But when she pushed open Shade's unlocked door, she immediately saw Shade jumping from the window.

So Shade won't be in the room.

Although the room that Shade lived in in the hotel was the best kind, the actual area was not large, at least not as big as the changing room in Agelina's room in Yodel Palace.

She could also feel that she was about to awaken, so she planned to follow the method she heard from Lesia and try to use inspiration to capture the traces of the elements instead of using her eyes to see the location of the relics. It shouldn't be difficult for a Ringmancer to capture the whisper element if he knows the name, properties, and appearance of the relic.

Close your eyes and let your other senses become more alert, as the storybooks say. Soon, she successfully found the [Tongxin Sword] placed on the bedside table. But the search for the invisibility cloak did not go smoothly. In the end, it was discovered that the [Hide and Seek Wardrobe] that was moved to the corner of the bedroom at some point interfered with her perception. At least this is how Agelina explained it to herself.

She finally relied on her eyes to find the silver invisibility cloak neatly stacked on the second floor of the cabinet under the window sill, and guessed that it was stacked by her aunt's maids. After finding the two relics, she curiously looked at the invisible wardrobe in the corner.

The shape of the wardrobe is very ordinary, but after looking at it too much, I feel a strong sense of fear in my heart, as if there is some unspeakable monster hidden inside.

"I'm not curious, I just want to overcome my fear, otherwise I will keep thinking about what is inside for a long time."

Agelina said this to herself. After convincing herself, she couldn't help her curiosity and pushed the closet open and took a look inside.

Of course, there was nothing in the closet. The little princess breathed a sigh of relief, then stepped into it naturally, and then closed the door from the inside.


Almost at the same time, Miss Carina in the basement looked up and shook her head helplessly.

"What's wrong?"

Miss Sylvia asked, and the red-haired witch sighed:

"Agelina was affected by the relic and entered the [Hide and Seek Wardrobe] by herself."

Miss Aurora frowned slightly:

"Will someone call her out?"

"No, it's not that the relic is out of control. She will just be locked in and unable to get out. Getting her out tomorrow morning will teach Agelina a lesson and let her know how dangerous the world of ring magicians is. Really, I was originally thinking about whether she could suppress her curiosity. This lesson is very necessary. If you remember what happened this time, you won't do it again in the future."

After finishing speaking, he smiled and said to the other two people:

"Speaking of which, when I first met Shade, he accidentally touched a relic like this. I remember it was the [Dark Box], which was at the Lucky Southern Cross Club at the time."

On the other side, although Shade jumped from the roof of the building, which aroused the surprise of the girls at the door, fortunately, he explained clearly that there were no enemies on the top of the building, and he did not jump directly because he was being hunted.

So I returned to the room from the main entrance of the hotel, and when I went upstairs along the stairs, I was still worried about how to deal with the relationship with Grace and Helen. "She" smiled in Xia De's heart, as if she was laughing at Xia De for being confused because of such a thing:

"It's not that they are confused again, Grace and Helen, but they are different from other girls."

Soon, Shade met a maid at the stairs on the second floor who had given him a message. Lecia was waiting for him in his room.

When Shade returned to his room, he saw a girl with long red-blond hair standing in front of the window. There is a tray on the windowsill with two glasses of red wine.

Lecia, or Dorothy, turned around and walked over, putting one of the glasses of wine into Shade's hand, and then winked at him playfully:

"Knight, you don't have anything else to do tonight, right?"

The green eyes seemed to be rippling with water, and the blush on the reddish cheeks was quite charming. There is some shyness and boldness in the eyes, and some eagerness to try that is hard to find:

"The Day of the Red Butterfly ends in about five hours. Shade, you only get one chance every 21 days. You don't want us to give up, do you? Loyal knight, you won't let the princess down, right?"

She touched Shade's wine glass lightly. Shade turned around to confirm that the door was closed, and then looked back at the girl in front of him:

"Loyalty, yes, yes."

She snapped her fingers and the gas light was turned off immediately, but for some reason her eyes glowed green in the dark night:

"Tell me, actually, am I attractive right now?"

He raised his head slightly, his tone and appearance were a bit arrogant.


"I'm familiar with Dorothy, I'm familiar with Lecia, my most loyal knight. Don't waste any time tonight."

He kissed Shade's lips in the dark, and then took Shade's hand and walked to the bedroom.

The cat held by Shade remained silent, hoping not to be locked in the closet. Fortunately, this time it was just placed in the cat's nest on the table, and then looked at the interaction between the two of them depressedly.

"Check it carefully for me."

She whispered in Shade's ear, and the blush on her face could still be seen at a close distance:

"Did I mention to you? Every time we merge with each other, the state will return to the most perfect moment."

Her back was turned to the cat, so the cat's amber eyes could see the pair of small butterfly wings hidden behind her. The cat tilted his head slightly, wondering whether he should remind Shade.


Shade blinked in confusion, not sure why she mentioned this now. So, the girl in front of her gently patted Shade's arm with her hand, with an angry look in her green eyes:

"Don't you understand? I just want you to be our groom again tonight."

Shade felt that his heart was about to beat out of his chest for a moment. The cat in the cat's nest yawned and did not look at what happened next. Instead, he turned around and looked at the closet in the corner out of boredom. The wardrobe was obviously very close to the bed, but no one except the cat noticed this relic. After all, he and they were too focused, and that was the nature of the [Hide and Seek Wardrobe].

Although no one was paying attention to the closet, the eyes of the person who was locked inside and unable to come out were watching them in the gap of the closet. The curtains were closed tightly and there was no light in the room. She could only see blurry shadows and hear a few sounds.

Excitement, bitterness, excitement, pain, and some uncontrollable emotions were affecting her more and more strongly. The person she loves is close at hand but cannot be found. The loyal knight shows his loyalty to others in front of him, but she can only watch.

The lips seemed to have been bitten, and the smell of blood made the spirit even more distorted and invigorating. Agelina Cavendish heard some kind of cracking sound in her head, the abnormal growth of mental power and the extreme distortion of emotions, where love and foolish pursuit, passion and arrogance, desire and unavailability, excitement In the struggle with bitterness, she reached the final step of awakening as a ring warlock perfectly.

(Little Mia is running.)

On the eve of midnight, when Shade realized that the time was approaching and asked the lazy girl in her arms to leave in time, she even used the tip of her hair to sweep Shade's chin:

"Really, it makes me feel like Cinderella who has to go home before midnight."

Because the hotel is in the woods, I don't worry about anyone looking over, so the curtains have been opened at some point. The moonlight on the island seems to be brighter than in the normal world. The light of March shines into the room without lights, and also illuminates the face that combines the advantages of Lecia and Dorothy.

There was laziness and blush on that face.

"Cinderella? Although I am not a prince, your glass slipper is already with me."

Shade smiled and said:

"So, I will find you again, and your glass slippers will always belong to me."

The girl kissed the side of his face gently:

"You are always so good at talking. Oh, Shade, don't tempt me, otherwise the pain in my heart will become stronger when I think that the next time we meet is 21 days later."

"Then, Lecia and Dorothy, let's separate first. I don't even know what to call you like this. I won't call you Miss Princess. That would make me feel that there are too many things in our relationship. It feels weird to meet someone."

When Shade mentioned "separating", the girl in his arms showed a slightly panicked look on her face. But she buried her head in Shade's arms and did not let Shade notice this:

"There are still five minutes left. Hug me a little longer."

"But if you wait until the end of five minutes, one of you will have to change clothes in the living room outside the bedroom."

"Really, you're so annoying."

She tapped Shade again, very weakly. But he still let Sha De help him sit up, and then gently brushed Sha De's cheek with his right hand:

"Actually, this is not bad, but it is still not as fun as before. This experience is enough. It will be the same next time, but you can try this kind of game again in the middle."

She kissed the side of Shade's face one last time and waved to let her clothes fly out from the carpet. Xia De took it and helped her organize and dress it. Of course "Her Royal Highness" would not object.

When he turned his back to Shade and lifted his hair, he said with a smile:

"The experience of going out to the Green Lake area this time was really interesting. It seems that staying in Tobesk City is not a good thing. It's a pity that such opportunities will not be many in the future, and I don't know how to arrange the subsequent negotiations."

"Negotiations, yes, this troublesome matter is still going on."

The moonlight outside the window made the already white back seem to glow, but Shade's hand paused slightly.

Lesia, who reached back and lifted her hair, saw that Shade was still reluctant to take action, so she turned her head slightly in confusion:

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly his eyes widened, as if he realized something. She wanted to turn around so that Shade wouldn't see her back, but Shade had already pinched her shoulders.

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