Whispering Verse

Chapter 1994 Teaching and Returning Home

"The reason why that symbol appears in ancient ruins may be a bit complicated."

Shade shook his head. The ritual array in the Night Temple was most likely the work of Luvia the Long-haired, but he didn't know who left the traces on the Moon Tower on Karas Mountain:

"Although Laplace Howard died, he left some information. I think there may be answers there."

"But where is that information?"

Miss Danister looked at him and asked, Shade opened his mouth:

"This should be in the hands of the God Caller. Maybe the diviner appreciated him before he died and left all the information to him. When he finds time to read the information, he might be willing to share it with us."

"Then, please ask the god to be more diligent, and not to hang out in the banquets and powder piles in the big city all day long, delaying the important things. Although the sorceress is good, she has to do the important things. I guess, the divination person There are quite a lot of materials and books left behind, and if the God Caller is willing to study in depth, he can also learn something."

The librarian said, and Shade nodded after understanding what she meant:

"I think he will study hard. Oh, you can't enter the old Edwards house now, but I think you can go in the underground space. You can go there tomorrow morning. Edwards ascended the core ritual matrix of the magic and was burned. There are only remaining roots of the blood-red giant tree, and there are some books there. You can check them out. It’s best if you go in alone.”

Now that the ownership of the island is in the hands of Megan and Audrey, Shade just needs to talk to her.

Miss Denister pursed her lips:

"If I remember correctly, the current ownership of this island seems to be in the hands of the Witches' Council. Those witches have a saying that the God Summoner is a woman."

Although most people don't know the secret of the witch, the thirteen-ring sorceress in front of her is quite aware of the witch's curse.

"The gender of the Godcaller doesn't matter, does it?"

He asked, seeing Miss Danister looking at him more and more hesitantly, he continued to add:

"I'm male, that's for sure."

Miss Danister, who was somewhat confused, took a deep breath, picked up the teacup and took a sip:

"Then there is one more important thing. Can it really be confirmed that Laplace Howard is dead?"

She put aside the complex issues of gender and the issue of Shade and the Witch:

"This is also the church's current question. After all, no one saw his end, and now his body cannot be found. Although the divination of the Prophet Association thinks that he is probably dead, so does Laplace Howard. He is a very powerful soothsayer, but his life and death cannot be determined by divination alone."

"Probably dead."

Shade recalled the scene when the other party turned into cards and floated away. At such a close distance, his perception should not be wrong:

"We can confirm it later, but he is probably dead."

[Soul Cemetery] can determine a person's life or death. Although Shade does not have his body, fallen leaves, dead roots and blood-red broken branches after the collapse of giant trees can be found everywhere on this island.

Miss Denister nodded slightly and stopped talking about this topic:

"The other professors from St. Byrons will probably stay on this island for a while. You also know the special nature of this island. Even if this island does not belong to us or the church, we must make sure that the seal will not be broken again. You can rest assured if you open it. I won't stay and will return to school tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. How many rings do you still need me at the school? "

In the steam mist behind him, Shade's life ring slowly emerged:

"The seven-ring and six-ring sublimated Word Spirit runes are Whisper-End."

Miss Danister did not ask how he was promoted, but handed Shade another book she had on hand:

"The sublimation words you chose for yourself [The Shadow of the Silver Moon guides the final direction], now have [Shadow] and [End], but still lack [Direction] and [Guide]. Obviously this is related to space. Spirit runes. Take this book and read it, it may be helpful to you."

The title of the book is "The Compass of the Soul". If he hadn't known that Miss Daniste couldn't joke, Shade almost thought it was some kind of Chicken Soup for the Soul magazine.

"The original text of this book is a third-era stone tablet unearthed from the ruins of the Principality of Mosvar. It is called the "Book of the Labyrinth." Anyone who reads more than a quarter of the content will have his or her spirit destroyed in a dream. A strange maze attracts and sinks deeper and deeper. The book in your hand is only one-sixth of the original content, and has been translated and transcribed many times, so there is almost no danger. Whether it is [Direction] or [Guide] , are all possible to obtain through this book.”

She pointed, and Shade thanked him softly, feeling very complicated. Miss Denister really regarded him as her student, but Shadshade also regarded her as a teacher:

"I will study hard."

The sorceress commanded the teapot on the side to fly up, and also poured a cup of tea for Shade:

"Then let's ask the God to read the information left by Laplace Howard as soon as possible. I hope there is content of interest to us. Otherwise, to investigate the whereabouts of the teacher, we have to start from other directions. Tower The collapse is definitely not a normal phenomenon, but what is the reason?"

The two of them drank tea and continued talking in the town's tavern. During this period, Shade also took out some snacks to go with Miss Danister's black tea. Amidst the heat and aroma, he spent a warm day with the red-haired sorceress and the cat that was lazily waiting for Shade to feed her. on Friday afternoon.

As evening approached, the setting sun slanted in from the window of the tavern. The slanting sunlight divided the cover of the book on the counter into two parts of light and dark, and also made Miss Danister's face, which was originally fair-skinned, face the light. It is the self that shines, and this meeting ends.

In addition to talking about Shade's academic progress in the afternoon, the two focused on the events in the Green Lake area. Shade had already figured out many things that were unclear from Miss Danister's perspective during the two months of investigation.

This afternoon, Shade reviewed Laplace Howard's more than two hundred years of experience for Miss Denist and his impact on the entire area. Of course, what Miss Denister is most interested in is which ladies in the Edwards family Shade has a relationship that goes beyond friendship. In order not to be discovered that he was related to the witch, Shade only introduced the first four generations in detail, and the fifth and sixth generations were only briefly introduced.

"Then let's stop talking here."

Seeing that it was getting late, Miss Danister stood up and took the initiative to say goodbye to Shade. After putting away the tea set, books and the cat that was too full and unwilling to move, the two returned to the empty town streets together.

The setting sun shines from one end of the street to the other. It should be the busiest time in the evening, but the town is still empty. Somehow, facing this situation, Xia De was not only amazed at the beautiful scenery, but also felt a little sentimental:

"Two hundred years of long-cherished wish finally turned into the scenery at this time."

"It's all in the past. Edwards is gone. Let's look forward. There are still many things waiting for us in the future."

She told Xia De again, asking him to read more and run around less recently. Then she turned her back to the big red sunset on the horizon and waved goodbye to Xia De:

"Then let's see you in the academy, Shade. Don't forget that you once said that you would take my elective courses after the matters in the Green Lake area are over. I will send you the course schedule soon."

The crimson sunset was not as bright as her red hair blown by the wind at this moment. Miss Danister seemed to be in a good mood, just like Shade at this time.

After meeting Miss Daniste, when Shade returned to the Green Lake Hotel for dinner and told Megan to open the underground area to Miss Daniste, he suddenly felt that the number of people at the table was much less, and then he understood that Green Lake The war is really over.

There was nothing to do in the evening, and he had not been home for several days. After saying hello to the big witches in the hotel, he took Mia back home. This made him determined to do something because Miss Carina finally left. Meghan was a little disappointed. But thinking that Shade would have to deal with other things in the past few days, he started to prepare for himself again.

When Shade returned home, he walked out of the basement and saw the familiar first floor of his home. After turning on the lights, he passed the narrow but safe stairs, and finally reached the living area on the second floor with the cat in his arms.

I thought that there would be a layer of dust on the table or the ground, but fortunately, No. 6 Saint Teresa Square was still as neat as when I left.

I was thinking about whether to go to the train station to greet Miss Carina and her party who were about to arrive at the station, but I thought that newspaper reporters and local nobles would greet them, so I gave up the idea of ​​joining in the fun.

After he finished tidying up the bedroom, he sat on the bedside with little Mia in his arms and sorted out the relics. He looked at the neat bed, the three pillows on the bedside, and the neatly stacked blankets and quilts. Then he relaxed his expression and leaned on the bed. Then he felt the familiar bed with satisfaction and looked towards his bedroom:

"It's better to be at home."

He was obviously very energetic just now, but after sighing, his eyelids felt heavy. Then somehow, without realizing it, he leaned against the head of the bed and closed his eyes.

The Battle of Green Lake ended on Thursday. After sleeping all day, he attended Iluna's birthday party in the evening, and then spent the first half of the night with the girl with butterfly wings behind her. After talking with the witches at midnight, they spent the rest of the night interestingly with Miss Sylvia, Miss Benanis and Sirius.

He didn't rest all day today, and now he finally fell asleep.


The moon decorated his window, and the cat decorated the bedroom inside.

Noticing that Shad had been leaning on the bed without moving for a long time, little Mia patted Shad's arm with her paw. Raising his head, his big amber eyes saw that Shade had his eyes closed, and he knew that Shade was asleep. So the cat also opened its mouth wide and showed its teeth and yawned, then lay down next to Shade and curled up into a cat ball, and closed its eyes.

But suddenly the cat's eyes opened again, and he saw Shade's right arm flashing, and silver waves appeared on the surface of the clothes. Then the silver transparent arms pulled the neatly stacked blankets and carefully covered Shade's body.

In late spring, there is no need for thick bedding.

The cat looked at the arm and was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't figure out what it was. But seeing that the arm just covered Shade with a blanket and then disappeared, he didn't care.


It reunited comfortably and lay down again. The cat likes this home, and even more likes Shade. And now, after their chaotic adventure, they are finally home again.

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