Whispering Verse

Chapter 1996 Chasing Butterflies

"The most important chosen one? You mean you?"

It can be seen that the corners of the soul aggregate's mouth twitched because of Shade's question:

"Referring to the balanced chosen one. Even among the thirteen chosen ones, she is an extremely special one. As long as she is still there, the balance of the world will not be completely broken so quickly.

But the year without a summer would only be the beginning of a series of other circumstances, and from then on I would be able to leave the Randall Valley for even shorter periods of time. This abnormally heavy snow will not last long. Except for a few places, the snow will disappear quickly in other areas, and then the temperature will rise. But in the coming months, such sudden and unexpected weather events will become more frequent. "

In fact, ring warlocks have means to change the weather and climate, but if they rashly use extraordinary power to affect a large range of climate, it may cause even greater trouble.

"I'll go to the Heart of the Earth with you. I want to see the current situation in the Heart of the Earth."

Shade stood up with Mia in his arms, and the guardian nodded, so a large hole straight downward appeared on the church floor next to Shade, and he jumped in without hesitation.

Now that the guardian has management authority over the "Heart of the Earth", Shade doesn't have to go to the "Butterfly Cemetery" every time to disturb his sleeping friends and his wives.

The fall did not last long. Soon, Shade, who used the "Feather Falling Technique", landed lightly on the edge of the underground magma lake with the cat in his arms.

It was obvious that little Mia was quite interested in the environment here, looking around intently. Shade was worried that the cat was more interested in the bubbling magma, so he hugged it tightly, and then followed the guardian across the magma lake through the stone bridge and entered the stone platform in the center of the magma lake.

The two stayed here for a whole morning. Shade felt the power of the heart of the earth, and then had to admit that this climate change, which was equivalent to a natural phenomenon, was indeed part of the process of the world itself. He talked a lot with the guardian of the earth, who also told him how he could re-stabilize the power of the earth once the earth changes.

It seems that the guardian of the earth wants Shade to be an insurance policy if something goes wrong with him. At least there is a second person who knows how to stabilize the earth in the "Heart of the Earth".

When it was close to noon, the topic came to an end for the time being, and Shade also planned to leave. But the cat in his arms, when he asked the guardian to send him back to the Church of the Chosen - the Heart of the Earth prohibits space teleportation by throwing glass slippers, struggled desperately, trying to jump out of Shad's arms.

"This is not possible. Do you know what the temperature is on the ground under my feet? Your little paws can't stand this temperature and will be scorched."

Shade lowered his head and spoke to the cat. The guardian stared at the cat in Shade's arms, and then remained silent for a few seconds before speaking:

"Does your cat have special powers?"

"Yes, it has an extremely weak bloodline of the Son of the Sun, and now it has the ability to set its tail on fire and spit out small flames from its mouth."

Shade nodded, so the guardian was silent again, and then suggested:

"The earth is the cornerstone and the sun is the highest. The power of the earth and the sun complement each other and can promote each other. Therefore, only the balanced chosen one can realize her 'power of the earth'. Let your cat get in touch with the heart of the earth , maybe it will be good for it.”

As he spoke, he pointed to the black stone pillar behind him. This is the true core of the Heart of the Earth. Three months ago, Shade also relied on touching this stone pillar to obtain the drop of divinity in the earth.

"That makes sense."

Shade thought for a while, then walked over with the cat in his arms. The cat grabbed its little paws impatiently, and then slowly approached the surface of the stone pillar.


He jerked forward to let the cat's paw touch the stone pillar, and then immediately pulled the cat's paw back. The speed was so fast that Shade didn't even feel it for a second.


"Maybe you should leave it in contact a little longer."

The Chosen One of the Earth reminded him from behind. Although Shade was worried about little Mia's claws being injured, since the "owner" here said so, this time he grabbed the cat's little claws and pressed them against the stone pillar, maintaining this posture. Waited for a while.

There are no special sound and light effects, and there is still only the sound of the lava lake bubbling around. Shade just felt that the temperature of little Mia in his arms had risen a little. He looked at the orange and white kitten with some worry, but didn't notice anything unusual in its expression.

The cat squinted its eyes and allowed Shade to hold its paw, and did not object when Shade finally removed its paw from the heart of the earth.

"Mia, how do you feel?"

Of course the cat couldn't speak. It just rubbed Shade's chest with its furry face, and then shrank in his arms unwilling to move.

Shade looked at the guardian of the earth inquiringly. The latter had an expressionless face and seemed to not intend to comment on this.

Shade then returned to the Church of the Forgotten with the help of the Earth Guardian, and happened to meet the girl who came to clean and pray. Before the Golden Dawn Opera Troupe left, a small number of girls were left behind to maintain the church and support the operation of the Wilde Opera House. They all knew Shade and asked with a smile about the current situation of Shade, Miss Benenice and Siris.

By the time Shad walked out of the basement of the Green Lake Hotel on Green Lake Island again, he had already discovered the changes in little Mia.

After coming into contact with "Heart of the Earth", a high-end existence where ring warlocks have a high probability of obtaining spiritual runes even if they just touch it, the small flames that can appear on this cat's tail have obviously become larger, and it can spit out from its mouth. The sparks also showed signs of turning into small flames.

In short, this cat is indeed what the guardian said, becoming stronger because of the power of touching the earth. But it's probably because this cat's original power base was too small, so even after the change, it's still a weak cat.

With things in mind, he had already reached the first floor of the hotel. As lunch time approached, Shade wanted to talk to Megan and go to the old Edwards house with her to meet other members of the family to determine their respective destinations.

But when I looked up, I not only saw Megan, Miss Aurora, and Granny Cassandra sitting at the table by the fire, chatting, but I also saw Grace and Helen talking quietly to the side.

The two sisters didn't expect to see Shade at once, and all three of them were stunned for a moment. Then the girls in white skirts and black skirts formed a large swarm of red butterflies and flew out of the window.

"Shadow, good afternoon. Oh!"

"Take care of it for me!"

Shade gave little Mia to Miss Rita Swift who greeted him, and then transformed into a large group of red butterflies and rushed out of the window to the outdoor forest where it was still snowing.

The speed of butterfly flight itself is not very fast, but the speed of the butterflies transformed by Shade and the Red Butterfly girls obviously cannot be judged by normal levels. The twin sisters flew ahead, and Shade chased behind. The two streams of light, which were not very convergent, chased each other and disappeared into the forest outside the window in a few seconds.

Red butterflies moved in large swaths, flying through the trees and passing by the frightened squirrels on the treetops. The butterfly group in front took the lead in crossing the stream that appeared in the forest after the Battle of Green Lake. The two sisters holding hands appeared on the other side of the stream, smiling and looking behind them.

Shade appeared on the shore and looked at the two sisters across the stream. A larger number of red butterflies were dancing freely above the heads of the three people in the streams and forests. Grace and Helen smiled and said to him:

"Sir, this way! Come after us!"

They laughed happily. The quiet feeling in the forest brought by the gurgling stream made the smiles of the girls in white skirts and black skirts even more eerie and scary.

They held hands and ran deeper into the dark forest. Shade also stepped on the water and crossed the stream, and followed closely into the forest. Suddenly, he realized that this was the scene when Helen took the initiative to meet him for the first time in the Sikal Mountains.

Red butterflies were flying in front of Shade, but the red figures of the two sisters became increasingly blurry. Until, they turned into a flock of butterflies again, dancing forward in the slightly dark forest, so Shade also turned into a flock of butterflies again.

This time the butterflies did not fly very fast. Above a snowy field with a sparse tree crown in the dark forest and illuminated by the sun, the butterflies at the rear finally caught up with the more numerous butterflies in the front. Thousands of red butterflies in the two groups gradually merged together.

So the butterfly group no longer moved forward, but flew together above the grass covered with white snow.

The two red butterflies represent the bodies of three people respectively. When the red butterflies come together, it is equivalent to three people entangled together.

Soon, the red butterflies spreading red light spots seemed to form red tornadoes and vortexes in the sunlight above the grass. The red light became brighter and brighter, until even the butterfly itself became blurry, and only the red stream of light could be seen, making the snow surface below reflect a strange luster.

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter from the butterfly group, and then the butterfly group dispersed in all directions, and the three of them fell into the snow together.

In order to prevent Grace and Helen from falling, Shade deliberately placed himself underneath and hugged the two girls in skirts with both hands. Helen in the black dress giggled, and after landing, she lay on Shade's chest, leaving him lying in the snow unable to get up. Grace sat up, raising her hands to arrange her hair with both hands, while laughing. Then he saw his sister lying down and playing happily at Shade's place.

Helen wouldn't let Shade get up, so Shade simply stopped getting up. Lying on my back in the snow, I looked at the dappled traces of sunlight shining through the gaps in the canopy formed by dense branches above my head.

Although it is still snowing, the snowflakes are already very small. The weather was quite sunny, and after that night's battle, the weather here seemed to have always been this good.

After the chase just now, Xia De looked up at the sky and had the idea of ​​just lying here and relaxing all day.

Helen, who was lying on his chest, saw that Shade was no longer "struggling", so she lay down on her back safely and watched the mottled shadows of the trees in the dense forest with him. After arranging her hair, Grace smiled and lay down, her head on Shade's other side. She was in the snow with them, watching the wind blowing the tree crowns, watching the mottled light and shadow swaying, and then Let the snowflakes fall on your body and face.

No one spoke, and large swaths of red butterflies were still flying around them, silently lighting up the dark forest and dotting the scenery that was actually not monotonous.

PS: The picture in this chapter is "Butterflies in the Forest".

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