Whispering Verse

Chapter 1998

"I won't have dinner here tonight. Miss Carina has just returned to Tobesk. I will go to her place for dinner tonight."

Seeing Megan's eyes, Shade said a few words awkwardly, then lowered his head and continued walking forward with the two sisters in black and white skirts.

"What happened to the relics? They are all beautiful girls anyway, what's wrong with them?"

Miss Sylvia said from the side, raising her eyebrows, not knowing what she thought of.

Shade did not stay at the Green Lake Hotel, but found a red-faced Miss Rita Swift and asked for little Mia back. Then he returned to the hotel in the city and returned to St. Teresa Square with Grace and Helen. .

Of course, he didn't feel uncomfortable in the snow and wanted to go home and continue, but he wanted the two sisters to help check the blank alchemy card left by Laplace Klein. There is also an important item in the hands of the two sisters that needs Shade to deal with.

Those blank alchemy cards can seal items related to ancient enlightenment stories and become the power that Dorothy and Lesia can use to curb the mutual fusion of their souls. Shade was not too worried about these cards, so he followed Luvia's suggestion and asked Grace and Helen to check them.

The two sisters glanced at each other casually, and then held the cards together. The red lines spread towards the cards until the borders of the blank cards were left with a border of flying red butterflies:

"There is nothing wrong with this card, but after we deal with it, it will become more suitable for them to use. Sir, if you create more cards like this in the future, you will have to ask us to deal with it."

So Shade named these cards "Red Butterfly Cards" to distinguish them from "Rhodes Cards" and "Disaster Cards".

After dealing with the cards, the three of them walked out of the basement together holding hands:

"So sir, have you decided where to put it?"

Grace holds a red orb in her hand, which is the product of "creating" space during the Space Chosen Ceremony. Now this item is a powerful magical item that can create a safe and stable extra space at any location. After the fun activities in the snow ended in the afternoon, the two sisters thought about giving this to Shade.

They thought that Shade was probably very interested in it, and Shade certainly didn’t mind if his home became bigger:

"Let me confirm, if you place this orb at a certain location, an additional space will be formed at that location, and the interior style of this space will be similar to the outside space?"

"Yes, sir, do you want to expand the area of ​​a certain room so that the internal space becomes larger without changing the footprint? Or, do you want to form a new room?"

Helen asked enthusiastically.

This makes Shade a little embarrassed. Expanding the room area or adding new rooms is actually of little use to him. After all, the space in his home is already large enough. With three floors plus a basement and an attic, he The effective usable space now is quite sufficient.

But outsiders simply cannot resist the temptation to make their houses larger. He thought about it carefully and then made a decision:

"Create a new room. Currently, my potions and alchemy workshops are separated into separate compartments in the basement, but this is not safe after all. I want to create a new room where I can do these experiments. ."

"So where is the location?"

Grace asked again, walking up the stairs with Shade. The stairs were not very wide, so Helen fell behind, pouting slightly in dissatisfaction.

"I think about the basement. There are three doors in the basement now. The attic is not good, it is too far, and you have to climb up and down. I usually use the first floor to entertain guests and stay overnight, and the second floor is my living and working area. , and will also be used to receive friends. When I am not at home, little Mia spends most of her time on the second floor and the third floor."

There are currently only two important facilities on the third floor. There is the [Soul Cemetery] in the corridor. The living room and side bedroom in Room 1 were used as an astrology room by Luvia because of the good window location. Now many of her equipment are piled there. Books and notes.

So the three of them came to the corridor on the third floor together. The third floor was very similar to the second floor. Because the living room had east-west windows, the corridor outside the door on the east side did not actually completely run through the north and south. It was just a short corridor. That’s all.

The door of Room 1 faces the stairs, and between the doors of Rooms 1 and 2 is the Soul Cemetery. The door to Room 2 leads to the attic above the end of the corridor extending to the north, so Shade chose to fix the extra space on the wall opposite the door of Room 2 on the third floor.

Next, Grace and Helen performed the operation. The red orb was pressed on the wall. They held hands and used their fingers to draw the general shape of the door frame on the wall. Then they recited a verse that Shade had never heard. of mantras. In short, the whole process was not complicated, and soon a door with the same shape as the other doors in Shade's house appeared on the wall.

"Sir, we have set this space to be hidden. If you want the door to appear, you need to tap the door five times according to the rhythm."

With that said, the two sisters took a step back, and together with Shade, they saw the door disappear and the wall reappear. Then, Helen stretched out her fingers and tapped - da~da~ta da da~.

The door reappeared, and Helen smiled and motioned for Shade to open it. So Shade put little Mia on his shoulders, wiped his hands with a handkerchief in a ceremonial manner, and then turned the doorknob.

Behind this wall is supposed to be St. Teresa Square. If just a door is installed on the wall, the consequence will be that you will fall from the third floor when you walk out of the door. But when he opened the door, what he saw was the sunlight shining from the window onto the wooden floor. There was no furniture in the empty room, but the white walls and clean floor made him feel good:


He asked the two sisters curiously, and Grace explained:

"You can only see the outside from the inside, there is no such window outside."

They walked in together, and little Mia was put on the floor by Shade. This cat only liked to run around at home.

The new room has no load-bearing walls or decorative walls, and does not divide functional areas into itself. The whole room is an open rectangular area. Its area is roughly the same as the space of a normal Room 1 or Room 2 after removing all the walls.

There are windows only on the wall facing east, and the view of the square is outside, but there are no curtains in front of the windows. The snow in Tobesk has stopped, and it is now four o'clock in the afternoon. At four o'clock in this season, there is still enough sunshine, so it makes the room look bright.

"It's really good, it's really good."

There was nothing worth exploring or observing in the large, empty room, but Shade still touched the walls, touched the floor, checked the windows, and even jumped up to touch the ceiling.

Grace and Helen looked at Shade's excitement and did not forget to explain to him:

"This space is almost indestructible and can be used as a safe house for this house. Although the red orb placed on the outside wall can theoretically be moved, it is best not to do so if you really want to move it. This space must also be moved by us.”

Grace casually pointed to the side of the wall, and the red light bombarded her fingertips. After the deafening sound, the wall appeared densely packed with cracks like spider webs, but it was not broken:

"Without opening the door, the sound here will never be transmitted outside the room. In addition, this space is also very resistant to attacks. As long as it is not an exaggerated attack, the space will automatically repair."

"So potions and alchemy accidents won't damage the house?"

Shade asked excitedly, and Helen nodded at him:

"It's okay to even practice thaumaturgy. Of course, it's best not to practice highly aggressive thaumaturgy."

This space was completely integrated into the house, and was even directly regarded as part of "No. 6 Place Saint Teresa", because Chad tried the glass slipper and found that it was indeed possible for him to appear in this room.

Since the [Space Maze] corresponding to the Ancient God of Space already exists in this house, there will not be another "door" in Shade's home this time. But having an extra room like this obviously made Shade even happier.

As for moving the alchemy and potion workshops from the basement here, he can do it slowly later. And now there is nothing in this room, and he still has to buy furniture, curtains and all kinds of messy things.

Of course, this room cannot be connected to the gas pipe in the home, because drilling a hole in the corridor wall will lead directly to the outdoors. But Shade can buy a large gas tank. After all, he doesn't know how to cook here. He usually just lights the gas lamp.

[You only need to tell the witch or the princess about the purchase, and they will do it for you, which saves time. 】

"She" reminded Shade in his ear.

"But it makes me feel like I'm eating a soft meal."

[Then you can ask them to help you and then pay them. 】


Shade imagined such an embarrassing scene, and then felt that he might as well eat soft food by himself.

After handling this matter, when Shade took Grace and Helen back to the second floor, it was ten minutes after four o'clock. It was still some time before dinner, and the Hongdie girls looked at Shade until Helen took the initiative to point to the bedroom:

"Sir, is your bedroom big? Although we have visited here, we have never gone in."

“The area is not very big, but I like it very much.”

With that said, he led them in and locked little Mia who was following behind.

Red light came from the crack at the bottom of the door. The cat lowered his head to look. Unfortunately, no matter how petite he was, he couldn't get through the crack in the door.

Red butterflies danced in No. 6, the ancient Place Saint Teresa. This house, which had experienced many strange events and contained many strange things, had another strange thing happen to it in the hands of outsiders.

After all, humanoid relics really cannot be considered human beings.

PS: In this chapter’s picture, the details of the eyes and hands in the previous picture have been repaired.

By the way, the author also wants to try to see if the picture at the top of the chapter can be displayed without subscribing.

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