Whispering Verse

Chapter 2005 Departure and Departure


"Then what should they do?"

"They are all my wings, I mean, they will be responsible for everyone."

"you this"

He was about to stand up, but was held back by his brother Edward and sister Maria:

"Calm down, he is the God Summoner and the strongest person in the material world. Now that he has agreed to take responsibility, you should be happy. You also know that the moral values ​​of ordinary people do not have much constraints on ring magicians. He is a man of his word, and a promise is enough.”

But these words of comfort made Mr. Alphonse Edwards even more angry.

He looked at his brothers and sister:

"It's easy for you to say that. Don't you know that the reason why everyone is sitting here so peacefully now and that he was willing to save all of us that night is because of my daughters?"

His voice was deafening:

"It is because of my daughter that he is willing to help us. It is because my daughter has become his lover that he can talk to us with a smile instead of sending us away directly. You have received help without paying anything. But my daughters have dedicated their lives!"

This gentleman is right to say this, so his two brothers and only sister can't say anything more.

Shade looked at Megan, and she showed a helpless expression. And because no one younger than the fourth generation Mr. Alphonse Edwards had the right to speak, Shade looked at his elder.

Envy Edwards, the eldest son of the third generation, was in a daze, wondering what he was thinking. Grattonie Edwards glanced at Shade with a sneer:

"You want to marry my granddaughter, why should I speak for you?"

No one else at the table was surprised, and seemed to already know the true identity of Alphonse, who appeared to be his adopted son.

Fortunately, Mr. Pride Edwards, the father of four generations and a former demon, spoke:

"Alphonse, I think this young man is actually a very good person. Don't interfere too much in the choice of your descendants, otherwise what's the difference between you and your ancestors?"

Facing his father, the angry middle-aged man nodded and sat down again, but still asked Xiang Xia De:

"Although you have a high level, you won't always be hiding and have no fixed residence, right?"

"Oh, I have a nice property in the capital of the kingdom, and it's very large."

Alphonse Edwards's expression softened a little:

"I heard that the God Caller has always refused to reveal his true identity. In the society of ordinary people, do you also have your own career and fame?"

"Yes, I am even considered a noble. Of course I have a serious career. Although I don't make much income, I definitely have social status."

Shade is known as the "Famous Detective of Tobesk". Although he is unable to get business because of his reputation, he is indeed famous in Tobesk. He is famous as the lover of the Duchess.

Mr. Alphonse Edwards's expression was no longer so serious:

"I know you are strong, but I don't want my daughter to live her whole life with a guy who only knows how to kill and fight."

He probably wanted to ask whether Shade had his own power, but Shade answered in other ways:

"I actually have a doctorate, so I can be considered a cultural person."

Although it is an honors degree in history, it also comes with a certificate. As for the degree from St. Barons Comprehensive College, he had not received it while still studying, so there was no need to mention it. But according to the current situation, if his path to becoming a god is not completed within ten years, then it is almost a 100% probability that he will become the next librarian and get a tenured teaching position in the college.

Mr. Alphonse Edwards finally nodded:

"Be nice to my daughters in the future."

After speaking, he also warned Meghan:

"I won't interfere with your choice, but if you follow such a carefree man, you will regret it in the future. Don't forget to cry in front of my and your mother's graves."

Most people were holding back their laughter, and Meghan could only nod:

"I know, father, I won't regret it."

"As expected, he is still a young man."

Mr. Alphonse Edwards said nothing more.

"Our bodies melted in the blood, but the grave should still be there. Move the grave here and let the four of us be buried together on this island. Yes, this is Green Island,"

Hohenheim Edwards, speaking on behalf of his brothers and sisters, said to future generations:

"The tomb is placed in the flower garden behind this house. It can be regarded as the wanderers like us who left our hometown and finally returned to our roots after a hundred years."

Their descendants all nodded together, everyone has descendants, and the bloodline is still passed down. As for Maria Edwards, she was buried in water and had no grave. However, the Green siblings still have her relics and can re-establish the tomb and use those relics as bones.

After settling the matter of the four generations, only the first three generations are left. The number of the first three generations was relatively small. The third generation Pride Edwards looked at his sister Gratoni. Seeing that she didn't want to talk, he took the initiative to say to Shade:

"The two of us chose to continue walking. These days, I have talked with the children for a long time. They do not resent me for choosing to destroy the town and the island. I am also very happy to be able to spend the last period of my life with so many families. People are reunited. Seeing the family getting bigger and bigger and everyone having their own story makes me satisfied.”

"Since it is my brother's choice, I will continue to go. I will go wherever he goes."

Gratoni said, looking at Shade with a look that was not polite at all:

"Take care of my granddaughters."

Shade nodded, and then looked at Envy Edwards, who had been wandering away, who noticed Shade's gaze:

"I won't go on, I don't have the qualifications."

Although Shade paid a price to save him from the state of time and space curse, his soul is different from others. Shade can feel that strange sense of time and space dislocation, and the power he currently possesses is still astonishing:

"Speaking of it, I have actually experienced more time than my family members combined. I have seen many things in the past. I have gone deep into the fourth era, the third era, and even once touched the second era. the edge of."

He took a deep breath:

"I still have my own mission. I will leave here and go to the place where I am really needed."

Shade was a little puzzled, but somewhat understood. He nodded slowly, deciding to talk about these things later.

In this way, only Sloth Edwards was left alive. This second son of the second generation, the younger brother of Rust Edwards, gave birth to the second lord of the family for the next four generations. These days, Already thought about my own things:

"After sending them away, I will take you to father's library, laboratory and storage room. After that, I will find the most suitable use for this period of my life."

"Okay, everyone, let's have tea instead of wine. Please raise a glass with me."

The living people and souls all picked up the tea cups in front of them, and on this sunny morning, they said together with Shade:

"This is the last banquet of the family. The sixth generation of the Edwards family has completed its mission. Everything is over. Please join me in paying tribute to Green Island! To the world!"

"To Green Island! To the world!"

At this moment, Shade suddenly thought about what Laplace Klein Howard would think if he saw this scene.

Without further ado, don’t stay what needs to go. Everyone got up and walked out of the house and came to the courtyard of the old house. Families say goodbye to each other and relatives hug each other. Even Megan and Audrey, who don't like men, gave their father, Mr. Alphonse Edwards, a gentle hug.

"Death is the beginning of another adventure. Farewell to the world, farewell to my family, farewell to the Godcaller."

The third generation Pride Edwards led the crowd to bow to Shade, and then Shade waved his hand and opened the black gap, revealing the shoal illuminated by the dark moon.

Pride, Gratoni, Hohenheim, Edward, Alphonse, and Maria walked in together. Megan's father, Mr. Alphonse, still looked at Shade with warning eyes in the end, but finally nodded to him. Nothing was said, but Shade understood what he meant.

Megan and Audrey both appeared at this time. They were far stronger than Shade thought. They waved goodbye to their father. After the crack closed, they just wiped their eyes quietly.

Afterwards, the Green siblings took their father, Nicholas Green Sr., to leave first. And Shade asked Megan to find Siris and the girls of the Golden Dawn on the island, and asked the believers of the old god [The Forgotten Old Man] to deal with the other six living people who were about to leave the island, that is, two cultists and two Memories of the twins.

This is not an easy task, and memory processing takes some time to ensure nothing goes wrong. So while Siris and the girls from the opera troupe were busy, Shade found Envy Edwards alone and talked with him standing at the door of the old house.

The strange soul looked at Shade. As they were also proficient in the power of time, they should have had many topics in common, but Shade looked at each other and suddenly understood that they were actually completely different.

"Allow me to give you a piece of advice."

Soul looked at the town under the hills and said:

"Don't use the time key from the ancient era. The time exploration of the fifth era is enough. There are some problems with the time exploration of the fourth era. Don't touch it in the first three eras."

St. Byrons Comprehensive College actually does not support the exploration of time keys in the ancient era. Academy and church have roughly the same meaning, so not only are there no sage-level and angel-level relics on the black market, but there are also no keys from before the fifth era.

"I see."

"I can't tell you what I have seen in the past. You probably know the rules of time better than I do. My grandfather may have said a lot to you. Although he has seen a lot through my eyes, the truth does not represent everything. Please Be cautious about it.”

He said again, and Shade nodded again:

"So where are you going next?"

The soul was silent for a moment, looking at the town under the hills in trance:

"Father Tree has passed away, but the stability of time still needs to be maintained. I have been exposed to the power of time, and my time is different from that of a normal soul. Goodbye, Godcaller, we may meet again."

A tree-shaped green glowing sign appeared between the eyebrows of Envy Edwards' soul. As the emerald green roots spread to the entire spirit body, his spirit body gradually dispersed into spots of light and disappeared into the midday wind. It was as if the soul had actively chosen to leave.

"Where did he go?"

Megan, who came to see Shade, asked. Shade looked at the light spots scattered towards the town and shook his head slightly:

"It's hard to say, maybe it's the end of time and space, maybe it's the other side of time, maybe it's somewhere else that no one knows. In short, he will never appear here again. From now on, there will be no more Envy Edwards. "

Megan tilted her head slightly, even she didn’t quite understand what Shade was talking about. Shade didn't explain, and just watched the wind blow away the light spots, until everything returned to calm.

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