Whispering Verse

Chapter 2009 Huge gains and new thaumaturgy


Shade checked the small pistol in his hand, and then looked at the blonde girl who was helping to check the books next to Miss Aurora.

As a believer of the old god [The Forgotten Old Man] and the current supreme leader of the [Forgotten Order], this pistol that manipulates memory is the most suitable for her to use.

Of course, Sirius wanted to refuse, but Shade explained:

"If I hadn't gotten that [Star Trace], I might have kept it. But now I have an excellent long-range attack weapon, and I don't want to carry a lady's pistol with me when I go out. In this way , the people in Tobesk City will despise me even more, as a detective who relies on the Duchess for his livelihood."

The girls all laughed when they heard this, and Miss Benanis gently pushed Siris, who then took the relic.

The relationship between the blonde girl and Shade is very unusual, and Shade doesn't need her to thank him. There will be a long time to come, and there will be more and more stories for everyone.

Shade didn't intend to keep those relics here, and he didn't have time to think about these dangerous things all the time. The witches will choose the relics that can be used. For the remaining dangerous relics, Megan will report them to the Witch Council, claiming that they were found in the family's old mansion. If Parliament was not interested, St. Byrons, famous for its relics, would not refuse.

In addition to these things related to ring magicians, there are also letters between Laplace Howard and organizations such as [Order of the Drowned] [Tyranny Club] [Society of Truth] [Blood Spirit School] [Order of the Dragon Feast] and other organizations, All of them were missing, probably destroyed by him in advance.

But he also left behind a large amount of property. In reality, the deeds to the central island of Green Lake were given to the Green siblings. However, the cash, jewelry, and antiques he left behind were still a large amount. This fortune teller should be very good at accumulating wealth. Even if it is only a rough estimate, Miss Benanis believes that this is far more than the wealth she has accumulated.

But Shade still chooses to share this with Megan and Audrey, even if the witch insists that he doesn't want it, he will never agree. In the end, the two or three people agreed to keep most of the belongings, and when Shade needed money, he could directly ask Megan for payment. A small number of gold and silver vessels of low value were sold, and Meghan agreed to handle them.

The cash part is about 23,000 pounds. Meghan has no interest in this "little money", so Shade doesn't have to think about her share. Shade then planned to donate 5,000 pounds of the money to the local church to cover the costs of post-disaster reconstruction in Green Lake and comforting the refugees, which could also be regarded as Edwards' atonement.

The remaining eighteen thousand pounds were given to the doctor and the priest, two thousand pounds each, as a reward for their willingness to come and help. Although they had their own purposes, they all did help Shade. The last fourteen thousand pounds Shade kept for himself, to fill his modest wallet.

This cash is only a small part of the fortune teller's property, and even antiques and gold and silver jewelry are only a small part, expensive alchemical equipment and materials, those potions and alchemical items he made himself, as well as his divination notes and personal horoscopes. Pictures, every piece is priceless.

But Shade didn't plan to sell these, and he wasn't very short of money. If these items were sold, they would never be available again, so it was better to leave them where they were. Even with the proceeds from selling ordinary items, he planned to continue investing in Miss Sylvia's business. The young witch has planned to start mass-producing and selling those fabrics after she returns.

"You don't need to invest additional money in me. Margaret has a lot of support."

Miss Sylvia heard Shade's plan and didn't want his money, so Shade explained his thoughts:

"This is not to support your commercialization, but to support your research on high-end products. The feel is very good, and other aspects of touch are also excellent, but there should be room for improvement."

A smile appeared on her face and she patted Shade gently.

That afternoon, the group barely managed to catalog and classify the items left behind by the fortune teller, but the subsequent processing would not be easy. Just talking about the large number of slates, parchments, manuscripts and a very small number of printed books that made Sha De's scalp numb, Sha De had to check one by one to see if they were what he needed.

He wanted to learn many things from Laplace Howard's research. He studied the seals and First Fire on the island, and might know the location of other First Fire flames;

The other party studies human body refining. Although Shade will not touch those taboo fusion experiments of fish-men, demons, and dragons, he is interested in the content of uniting many into one and shaping flesh and blood;

The special ritual array based on the Sun, Moon and Stars created on the back of the All Things Impermanence card needs to be explored for its purpose and where the fortune teller has used this ritual. Miss Danister is still waiting for news;

Howard's research on the Philosopher's Stone will fill in the gaps in Shade's alchemy. Next time, Shade will not want to use up the precious Philosopher's Stone so easily;

In those alchemy notes, there is indeed a method for making "butterfly cards", but the steps for making such blank cards are extremely complicated, and Shade must ensure that he can learn it;

Although the research on the elixir of life is not as good as the "Secret of Immortality" left to him by Miss Violet and Miss Theresa, it is not without the need for research;

The means of summoning demons, and the origin of those angelic bones, might aid doctors and priests, and that secret knowledge was not easily found elsewhere;

Finally, and most importantly, the information about doomsday, disaster, and other chosen ones will directly affect Shade's subsequent adventures and explorations. Luvia should also be interested in these contents. After all, the Sixth Age epic of "The Whispering Psalms" is only half completed.

[There is also divinity. 】

"Yes, and divinity."

Laplace Klein Howard's collection contains a large amount of information related to the departed old gods, some of which are ancient documents of unknown origin, and many more are rural rumors and regional legends. Shade didn't know why the other party collected this, but this information was very important to him.

Because during the Green Lake-Lunar Eclipse incident, he continuously obtained divinity from the "God of the Deep Sea Drowned" and the [Silver Moon Library], so even now after being promoted to the seventh ring, he still has two drops in his soul. Divinity is shining brightly.

Although it seems that there is no lack of divinity, considering that once a conflict with the evil god breaks out, the lack of divinity means that there is no power to fight back. Judging from the current situation, the stories of the chosen ones in the future will only be more dangerous.

Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the divine nature. Shade feels that he must hold at least 10 drops of divine nature at the same time in order to spend every day stably.

[Do you still remember how much divinity you have obtained so far? 】

"I calculated 11 drops. It took 6 drops to get promoted, and 3 drops to face the evil god [Lord of Blood Feast], [Vampire God], and [Stone Heart Demon], and there are still two drops left. Speaking of which, I am really grateful [ Lord of the Blood Feast] Ah, but He gave me power twice."

[Foreigners, don’t be too greedy. 】

Shade smiled and looked at the girls helping in the basement:

"You know, I'm just greedy."

"She" smiled softly, and Shade knew that "she" agreed with his choice.

Although Shade ostensibly said it was troublesome to inherit so many books, he was still happy to expand his collection. The knowledge of the Thirteen Rings Soothsayer is something that no one else can even imagine, and Sha De has really gotten a big advantage.

In addition to the knowledge of ring magicians, his underground private library also contains books on thaumaturgy. Shade just browsed through it a little in the afternoon and found the thaumaturgy that he was interested in. It was the thaumaturgy that Laplace Edwards himself improved and created:

"[Edwards Eye], lo and behold, he named it after his family name."

The person following Shade at this time was Sirius, and Megan was called away by Miss Benanis on the grounds that "as long as you follow Shade, the efficiency of the two of you will be reduced."

"What are the effects of thaumaturgy?"

The blonde asked curiously from between the bookshelves.

"This is a detective thaumaturgy. Like the [Echo of Blood] I have now and the ancient witcher's [Seeing Demon], they are thaumaturgy that works on both eyes. There is only one effect. It is to observe the body of a certain object. Have you ever undergone human body refining? The scope of this 'human body refining' is quite broad, as long as it is not a naturally formed body or a body reshaped by my 'active clay', it can be judged as 'human body refining'."

"In other words, as long as it is not a natural body, it can be discovered?"

Siris concluded, Shade nodded:

"Yes, the physical distortion caused by fusion relics, being empowered by demons, and the petrification curse in Randall Valley can all be seen, and you can even see the location of the distortion very accurately. I'll take a look at the instructions behind it."

He turned the notebook back:

"The diviner uses this thaumaturgy to observe the changes in the body of his experimental subjects, so as to facilitate real-time monitoring of the range of benign and malignant distortions. This guy is really a genius. The spiritual runes needed must be enlightenment, [nature] [flesh] [ Real] [eyes] are fine.”

So Shade decided to learn this, not only because he had newly obtained the spiritual rune [Flesh and Blood], but also because it was really useful. Even if it's not to improve his investigative abilities, he can always observe whether the girls around him have any physical changes.

Shade spent most of the afternoon with Siris. The young blonde girl walked around this underground space with Shade, talking with him about learning, knowledge and life. In the hidden corner of the library, or in an unobtrusive corner such as a separate secret room for storing relics, Sirius wouldn't mind getting intimate with Shade.

But the price of intimacy is that everyone has basically completed the inventory of items this afternoon. More careful inspection is needed in the follow-up, but Shade left this job to Megan.

"You have found some leisure."

The twin sisters said, but did not object.

PS: This volume will end tomorrow.

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