Whispering Verse

Chapter 2021 Yuewan Area and Birthday

The emotion in the green eyes was so sincere that it could turn into flames and burn Shade's soul. The sudden confession stunned the stranger. He wanted to respond to Lesia, but Her Royal Highness covered his mouth:

"Looking at your expression, now I really doubt whether you captured the Cavendish girls or you were captured by us. Okay, okay, I'm going to have dinner with my father and mother later. You stay with me a little longer and then go back to Place Saint Teresa. At seven o'clock in the evening I will remember to send a carriage to take you to the Opera House."

Lesia's passionate feelings are no joke, Shade nodded gently:

"Okay, so where are we going this time? King's Opera House de la Rion, Grand Opera House Tobesk, or Queen Maria Opera House?"

As he spoke, he hugged Lesia and sat up. Although the latter wanted to lie down for a while, but thinking that there was still time in the evening, she got up with him:

"The King's Opera House of Delrayon, there is a good show tonight. What are you watching?"

She noticed that Shade was looking behind her over her shoulder, and turned to see him looking at the map hanging on the wall of the study.

It was a huge world map, including the Old World, the New World, and ocean areas. The scale of the map is extremely detailed, with landmarks and cities listed one by one. It even has some information about military garrisoning. This kind of map can only be found in Yodel Palace and the army.

"I noticed that you marked the Moon Bay area and also wrote the date of next month. What does this mean? Oh, if it's not a big deal, you don't need to answer me."

Shade respected the girls' privacy, so he just asked casually.

As for the Moon Bay area, like Coldwater Port City, they are both located on the west coast of the Old World. It's just that Coldwater Port is in the northern part of the Old Continent and belongs to the territory of Delarian, while the Moon Bay area is in the middle of the Old Continent and is the land of the Kingdom of Kasenric.

The "Moon Bay Area" is quite special. It is an excellent seaport facing north and south. Before the New World was discovered and before the order of the entire Old World was established, it was the prosperous area on the west coast that was famous in the Old World. A city dominated by big merchants and nobles, it was even an independent region during the Old World War between Kasenrik and Delarion.

It was only later that the war between Delarion and Kasonric eventually spread to Moon Bay, and in the end Kasonric made the nobles of Moon Bay agree to become Kasonric at the expense of the Moon Bay region maintaining great autonomy. a part of.

Therefore, until now, the Moon Bay area with "Moon Bay City" as its core, although it nominally belongs to the United Kingdom of Kasenlik, is different from most areas of the Kasenlik Kingdom. It is not affiliated with any county and is one of the few "special administrative regions" in the United Kingdom.

In the past few years, there was even news that Yuewan was going to become an independent principality, but later this matter was dropped. Because the ace agent Gray Eagle of Kasenrik assassinated the local nobles who had independent tendencies. This matter is still a taboo that no one dares to mention in the Moon Bay area today. The reason why outsiders know so much about the "Moon Bay Area" is because of the scenery left by Detective Sparrow Hamilton in the attic of his home. In the photos, there are many scenic photos of Yuewan.

The Moon Bay area is named because its shape resembles a crescent moon. The entire area is larger than the Green Lake area, which includes "Green Lake City" and "Mikaela Blast Furnace City". With the seaport city "Yuewan City" as its core, the area is a large area composed of complex areas such as coastal mountains, forest plains, and swamps.

Prosperity, independence and the pursuit of wealth are the biggest impressions of that area on outsiders. The stories that Detective Sparrow left there, if compiled into a volume by a novelist like Dorothy, could probably be written into a masterpiece such as "The Legend of Moon Bay".

"There's nothing I can't tell you. You know I'm doing some small business."

Her Royal Highness the Princess said casually, picked up the clothes from the carpet, and asked Shade to help her put them on:

"There is a large amount of goods that will be transferred in Yuewan next month. And the birthday gift I prepared for you has been delivered to Yuewan and will be delivered to Tobesk in about half a month."

"birthday present?"

Shade looked at Lesia in surprise, and the latter nodded:

"Yes, I asked. Well, it was Dorothy who asked Luvia. She said that you regard the day when you awaken and meet the doctor as your birthday. Isn't that a month later? The Sunshine Moon, too. It’s the 22nd of June. Look, today is already the 27th of the month of praying for rain, and your birthday is less than a month away.”

"But I'm not celebrating my eighteenth birthday. I don't need to celebrate my birthday at my age, right?"

Because outsiders don't know how old this body is, he always thinks he is 22 years old. Although almost a year has passed, he shows no signs of aging, so he thinks he will probably stay at 22 years old for many years.

"How is this okay? This is supposed to be your 'first' birthday, so of course you have to celebrate it."

Lecia stopped talking about "Moon Bay" and kissed Shade:

"You don't have to do anything, we will arrange it. Speaking of which, you should still remember the gift the three of us prepared for you during the New Year's Day."

Shade nodded, of course he would never forget the enthusiasm of the three sorceresses on the last night in 1853.

"This birthday, I'm sure you will get more. Why, don't you want to celebrate your birthday like this?"

Lesia asked with a smile, so the stranger had to admit that he was really convinced.

In the evening's date at the King of Delrayon Opera House, apart from Lesia, Agelina was also there. After all, it would be strange if Lesia was the only one watching the opera.

Lesia did not drive away Agelina immediately, but actually watched the opera with her sister and Shade.

She even went out for half an hour in the middle, leaving time for Shade and Agelina, which also showed her generosity as a sister.

After getting Lecia's hint that she would not be back for a while, Agelina moved her position expressionlessly, sitting where her sister had just been sitting, and then took the initiative to hold Shade's hand.

The two of them didn't say anything unnecessary. The little princess was thinking about the scenes she saw through the gaps in the closet that night when she was locked in the closet at the Green Lake Hotel, so she asked a question softly:

"Shad, the last 'Vase Appreciation' was interrupted by the hateful assassins. Do you want to continue?"

Shade turned to look at her. The little princess who had just become a sorceress looked at him with a red face, blinked her eyes, and then hugged him with a feeling of revenge against the sorceresses he saw through the crack in the closet door. Got him.

And when Lesia came back with the maids, she found that Agelina's lipstick had been re-applied, and Shade's clothes had obvious signs of being pressed.

She sniffed and found no strange smell, so she knew that Agelina was indeed not very courageous. He waved his hand to indicate that Agelina could go out. This time, although the little princess was still reluctant to say goodbye to Shade, she was in a good mood when she went out to look at the door.

"You see, Agelina is indeed a very understanding girl. She is probably still thanking me in her heart."

Lesia said with a smile, but she did not reach out to Shade's shirt again, but lay on her side in Shade's arms:

"Let's watch the opera together. This kind of alone time is really rare."

The enthusiasm of the sorceresses of the Cavendish family made the slightly leisurely life after the Battle of Green Lake interesting. But today Shade's entanglement with the ladies of the Cavendish family didn't stop there. When the carriage took him home at night, he actually found that the lights were on.

When Shade went upstairs, he found that Miss Carina was already waiting for him at home with the maids.

"Are you going on a date with Lesia?"

The Duchess said with a smile, and then brought Shade good news:

"Tomorrow, that is, the whole morning of Wednesday, we are very sure that there will be no one else in the Parliament. You take the Speaker's hair, Miss Feliana's notebook and [poetry cards], and I will take you to the Parliament tomorrow morning. Don’t worry about the potions and rituals that assist in activating the Word of Ascension, we will take care of it. In order to avoid disturbing you, we will not accompany you in the council. You will know how to exit the council."

This was indeed good news. The fact that it was possible to see Miss Feliana again tomorrow made Shade couldn't help but smile.

"In my opinion, the relationship between you and the founder of your college is definitely more than just a teacher and a student."

The witch said teasingly, asking Tifa to step back while she walked over and took off Shade's coat.

But when I took the coat, I sniffed it:

"Not only does it have the strong smell of Lesia's perfume, but also the smell of Agelina's perfume. Shade, you are really the nemesis of the sorceresses of the Cavendish family."

"I feel like you treat me as a public lover."

"Is this a complaint?"

She still had a smile on her face:

"It's too late to complain now. The royal princesses won't let go of the treasures they like so easily. Tifa~ You and the other maids go to the first floor to rest. No matter what sounds you hear, don't come up. Oh, don't forget Take Shade’s cat down.”

As he said that, he took Shade's hand.

But the price she paid for not letting the maids go upstairs under any circumstances was that when Meghan walked out of the basement excitedly at around ten o'clock in the evening, the maids were unable to inform the duchess of the matter immediately.

As for the angry and surprised screams from upstairs, and questions like "What are you two doing?!" "Oh, Megan, leave quickly, what are you doing here?" "Carina, you are still moving. !" "Don't lift the quilt, oh, I told you not to lift it!" The maids on the first floor heard the words clearly.

But no witch was seen coming downstairs for a long time, and the sound of the two big witches arguing disappeared after the owner of the house spoke and a series of messy sounds and collisions.

The maids who were listening intently to the sound on the first floor, ready to go upstairs to help their mistress at any time, soon heard the sound coming from upstairs again. It was an overwhelming sound that had lasted for more than an hour.

Seeing that Mr. Hamilton had made the two great witches get along well, they knew that they would not have the chance to go upstairs.

The maids dispersed. The first floor of Shade's house was large enough to sleep more than ten girls. But there were still people who worriedly asked the black-haired head maid:

"Tifa, are Mr. Hamilton okay? They are two great witches after all."

The head maid shook her head, and no one could understand the look in her eyes when she looked up upstairs.

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