Whispering Verse

Chapter 2023 The Reappearance of Miss Feliana

Standing there looking at the foreigner whom she had missed for many years, the young red dragon girl put her black leather shoes together and her tail continued to tap the ground gently on her back. After talking about the current situation, she opened her arms to Shade again.

After Shade gave her a knowing hug, Fiona took a deep breath with an uneasy feeling, and then she was satisfied with the smell of her own female dragon on Shade, and was not disturbed by the smell of other similar people. Disperse.

This means that there are no other dragon girls around him.

She wanted to do something in this future dream council, and also wanted to ask him if he was living well now, but she also knew that this meeting would not last long:

"Xia De, you lie here and sleep for a while, I will call the teachers."


"Don't worry, the ceremony is still stable now, go to sleep, we will see you later. Go to sleep, Shade"

Everything in front of him became blurry again, and the consciousness that had just regained consciousness seemed to fall into the abyss again. The figure of Fiona standing beside him became blurred, and she seemed to reach out to touch his face, but Shade could no longer tell.

He stretched out his arms again and placed them on the round table in front of him, and then fell into deep sleep again.

This time's sleep was quite short, and the mixed fragrance of violets and roses soon led his consciousness to break away from the chaos again.

The fresh and elegant floral fragrance is really delicious. It is not only refreshing and comforting, it is even the same as the gentle moonlight at night.

He heard "her" laughter, and then woke up with a start, without letting his confused thoughts continue.

He sat up suddenly as if he was having a nightmare, and then saw a white hand wearing a gold ring shaking in front of him:

"Can you see how many fingers these are?"

Because he got up so violently, the scene in front of him was still a little blurry, but Shade could at least see clearly that the golden ring was the symbol of the Great Witch of the Council, and the two fingers:


"Count with me, one, two, three."

"one two three."

As he repeated, he turned his head to look at the source of the mixed scent of violet and rose flowers, and then looked into a pair of golden eyes with a gentle smile.

For a moment, he completely held his breath. Even though he only saw his eyes and did not look at the face carefully, when the soul in the gentle eyes looked at him, he understood who was speaking next to him:

"Miss Feliana!"

The great witch, who was as beautiful as a violet, had a smiling expression on her face, bending slightly to look at Shade who just raised his head.

Wearing a gorgeous purple dress, there is a silver earring on the right ear. The facial features are three-dimensional, and the long golden hair is not simply tied up this time, but is arranged into a highly delicate bun. Her smooth blond hair was tied up on the side of her head and secured with hairpins dotted with diamonds and rubies.

In addition to the hairpin, the hair hanging behind the ears is also decorated with ribbons. This hairstyle, suitable for formal occasions, fully demonstrates the nobility, intellectuality and elegance of Miss Myrna Feliana.

Although he had a brief meeting with Miss Feliana when he sent Fiona back to the "Eternal Night City" at the end, such a close look seemed to be far away in the past, beside the bonfire in the Forest of Thousand Trees.

His thoughts seemed to go back to the past, and Xia De didn't know what to say for a moment. He looked at her, and she looked at him with a smile. The two just stared at each other until a cough came from next to them.

Shade and Miss Feliana both turned to look at Fiona. The red dragon girl pointed at herself in confusion, then shook her head in panic.

Looking to the side, Miss Bryony O'Lanold reminded her as she fiddled with the hair beside her ears with her fingers:

"Teacher, Shade doesn't have much time to connect this time."

The Yellow Moon Witch, whom I haven't seen for a long time, is still wearing a green dress with a very elf style. Her long yellow hair is tied up, and she wears yellow and silver crescent-shaped earrings on her pointed ears that symbolize the elf bloodline. She also smiled and nodded to Shade, her eyes also had quite complicated meanings.

Miss Feliana glanced at her student, nodded slightly, and extended her right hand to Shade. After Shade held her hand, she directly pulled Shade up from the seat:

"Long time no see, Shade."

The voice is calm but gentle:

"My student, do you have any questions you want me to answer this time?"

Her golden eyes were still looking at Shade, and she was still holding Shade's hand. From the Forest of Thousand Trees to the Valley of Silence and then to the City of Eternal Night, Miss Feliana seems to have not changed at all. The delicate face seems to have been permanently stopped at a certain moment, and the white skin is brighter than that of a young unicorn.

[You don’t have much time. 】


When Shade came back to his senses, he had obviously anticipated the possibility of success, but when he actually saw Miss Feliana, the throbbing and unspeakable emotions in his heart still made him speechless for a moment.

"I know, I know everything. Without me by your side, the final journey of the Sixth Era will not be easy, right?"

She smiled softly, as if she already knew the hardships Shade encountered in the Sixth Age:

"It's okay, it's okay, I've been waiting for you."

As he said that, he reached out and hugged Shade gently.

Although the words seemed to be comforting the students, to Fiona and Miss Olanold on the side, this did not seem to be comforting the students at all.

Fiona stood there with her legs together under her skirt, but her tail wagging back and forth spoke volumes about her mood. She looked at her teacher again, and the Moon Witch asked again "inopportunely":

"Xia De, the active connection on your side is the most important reason why we can successfully meet this time, but I don't think this can be replicated. Do you have anything important to ask us?"

Miss Feliana also let go of Shade:

"Yes, what happened again this time?"

Shade also tried his best to restrain his excitement at the moment and said to the two great witches:

"I heard some news in the Sixth Age, about the end of the world."

Fiona was a little confused. Miss Olanold looked at her teacher worriedly, but the blond witch nodded slightly, her soft expression did not change:

"Now that you already know the news, we can also tell you some things we know: Yes, the Sixth Age is theoretically facing the end."

"but why?"

"The world before the First Era was the old time. After the First Era, it was the afterglow before the end. In the Second Era, the gods left to support the collapsed world, and the collapse of the rules of the Third Era gave rise to evil spirits and demons. The birth of such terrible things, the total collapse of civilization in the Fourth Era, the arrival of the era of darkness and chaos, the present of the Fifth Era, our present."

She shook her head gently at Shade:

"In an era where only women can become extraordinary through the power of the ancient god - the Chaos Witch, do you really think that is correct?"

Fiona showed an expression of sudden realization. It seemed like this was the first time she heard about this.

Shade had heard a similar statement from Laplace Klein Howard, but he still wanted to confirm:

"So, the end of the world really is."

"Yes, everything will eventually perish. The world that lasted for hundreds of millions of years in the First Era will also come to an end. From the beginning of the Second Era, it is the stage in which the curtain falls."

Miss Olanode said, slightly pursed her lips:

"Originally, we couldn't tell you these things directly. But you have become stronger now, and you have learned the truth yourself. I'm sorry, Shade, but this is the truth."

Even though the outsider was well prepared, he was still out of breath:

"So this is really not caused by external forces, but really just because there is a beginning, there is an end?"

So he, an outsider, actually sat off the stage when the grand theatrical performance came to an end. But he couldn't let the performance on the stage end, otherwise it would be meaningless for him, the audience off the stage, to sit alone in the auditorium after the closing.


Fiona on the side raised her hand. Seeing both teachers looking at her, she asked softly:

"Not even the thirteen ancient gods."

"Where there is a beginning, there will be an end. Even the gods who created everything will witness the end along with the world."

Miss Philiana knew what she wanted to ask. After answering Fiona's question, she continued to say to Shade:

"But although the end of the world cannot be reversed, it can be delayed. From the Second Era to the present Fifth Era, although the world's situation has become worse and worse, after all, civilization still exists, wisdom is still multiplying, and the world still supports everything . There are many people who have done a lot of things, otherwise you and we would not be able to stand here and tell these things. As for the sixth era you are in, the situation is indeed worse than the previous eras, and the time in the sixth era is not right. "

Fiona raised her hand again to speak:

"Yes, if Shade is only separated from us by an era, no matter how difficult it is, we can always find a way to communicate with him. But between Shade and us, it seems that the long river of time is continuous. In fact, every time I Trying to communicate with the next era, it feels like the river of time has circled several times before moving forward. We seem to be close, but in fact we are very far away."

"It's not that it's circled several times, but there are at least six ruins."

Shade said, but did not intend to explain Luvia's destruction of time. That is not only Luvia's secret, but more importantly, it is the future for the ladies of the Fifth Era. And telling them such secret things in the future is an extremely dangerous move according to the rules of time.

But Miss Feliana seemed to have understood, and her beautiful brows frowned slightly:

"So that's it. The situation is worse than expected. There isn't much you can do in the future."

"A god once mentioned to me that there will be no seventh era. Miss Feliana, what else can we do?"

Shade immediately asked, this is the most critical question. Laplace Klein Howard's divination talent was so outstanding, he could only guess the past life, but failed to find the correct path to the future. If the end is coming, accept it and prepare for it. Miss Feliana also said that generations of people in the past have been delaying the end that is bound to come.

"It's not many, but there are actually a lot. Shade, I'm pretty sure that besides you and us in the Fifth Epoch, there are more people trying to fight against the coming of the doomsday, or at least find ways to live in the doomsday. Method. I can’t tell you all the things you can do. It’s not that I can’t tell you, but on the one hand, we in the Fifth Era are still studying it, and on the other hand, you are not strong enough yet.”

When he first met Miss Feliana and Miss Olanode in the Forest of Thousand Trees, Shade was in the second ring, but now he is in the seventh ring. But if compared with the demigod witch and the thirteenth-level witch, this is indeed not enough:

"Yes, teacher. I will seize the time to improve my strength, so is there anything I can do now?"


The beautiful and intellectual blond witch knocked on the table and looked at her student with some unbearability:

"You are actually doing this, and you are doing a good job, otherwise you would not be able to see us here - you must control the Witch Council."

PS: The pictures in this chapter are "Miss Feliana" and "Miss Olanode".

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