Whispering Verse

Chapter 2025 Adele Isabella

Chapter 2025 Adele Isabella

Drowsiness surged again, and Shade resisted closing his eyes and said goodbye to the three witches. Then I couldn't bear the sleepiness, so I had to sit back in the "balanced" position, lay there and closed my eyes again.

I thought that closing my eyes this time would completely end this strange and magnificent dream. But he didn't sink into the extreme sleepiness for too long. After an astonishing explosion, a sudden strong wind woke up Shade again.

"Wait a minute, how can there be such a strong wind noise in a confined space like the Witch Council?"

Surprised, although his head hurt a little, Shade still resisted the tiredness and raised his head and tried to open his eyes.

Ahead, there was an extremely dazzling bright light, and the wind was so strong that Shade could hardly open his eyes. Even in a sitting position, the strong wind still caused the body to fall backwards. He squinted his eyes, trying to see clearly what was happening here, whether it was the [Poetry Cards] that suddenly went out of control, but all he saw was the Rhodes cards originally placed in his hand, already in the strong wind and light, in the parliament. Flying freely under that beam of skylight.

He raised his hand in front of his face, trying to see clearly what was in the light above the round table of the parliament. Shade did indeed see clearly. The strong wind was tearing apart a woman whose figure was somewhat blurry in the burst of light, trying to get her back into the light.

It was an extremely beautiful girl with long blond hair, who looked to be in her mid-twenties, with a tear mole on her right eye. Only her upper body appeared in the light. Every movement like running forward caused a new afterimage to appear on her body. The many afterimages were as blurry as the sounds she tried to make:

"Don't trust Luvia Anat, don't trust Luvia Anat!"

Shade, who was extremely shocked by this scene, had already stood up among the cards flying in the sky. The strong wind still made him raise his hands to cover his eyes:

"What did you say?"

The figure of the woman gradually became clearer as he woke up, until Shade could see the face completely. That was definitely a witch, even if the badge on her chest didn't heat up, he knew she was a witch. Except for witches, he didn't believe that mortal objects could have such charm.

And in the golden eyes of the woman who was desperately fighting against the suction force from behind, there was an extremely shocked look:

"Who are you? Isn't this the parliament? Why are there men in the parliament?"

The overlapping and echoing voices were still difficult to distinguish, but at least Shade heard everything clearly this time, and she was speaking in Drarian.

"Who are you?"

Shade asked loudly again, but his voice was not very clear amidst the wind and other strange sounds.

Although the strange woman still didn't understand who the man in front of her was who could not trigger the witch's curse, she still tried her best to seize the time and convey important information while her figure was wavering:

"I come from the past! Your past! The ruined era! I am the president of the Witch Council, the great witch of time, Adele Isabella."

Shade immediately thought of the long blond hair that he used as the core of the ritual, and then wondered how a person who had broken time could contact the "present world", but he immediately thought that the last use of the [Poem Solitaire] was against the rules. The power connected to the past life attached to this card has probably not faded away completely. Coupled with Shade's special words of sublimation, the venue of the parliament, and the special identity of the other party, this result was achieved.

He did not doubt whether the other party had forged his identity. Although he hid under Miss Carina's skirt last week and did not see the face of the Parliament Time Witch on the Green Island Pier, he would not admit the wrong person.

"No matter who you are, remember, don't trust Luvia Anat, don't trust her! She is the destroyer of worlds, she is the real sinner! Stop her, stop her no matter what she wants to do!"

Her clear figure became blurred, and the power that even Shade felt was terrifying was driving her out of this period of time.

"But, ma'am!"

Shade held the table and said loudly to her:

"Although I know Luvia Anat, she is my fiancée."

"Can someone like her find a lover? Are you talking about the purple-eyed destroyer?"

The surprise at that moment made her figure become more unstable. The strong wind seemed to be tearing away every trace of color on her body, trying to take her away, but this great witch of time still stubbornly resisted the repulsive force.

"Of course it is. Oh, ma'am, what exactly are you trying to say?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand toward the light, and the witch subconsciously wanted to catch him. When the two hands were clasped tightly, the witch, who had almost completely faded, actually regained clarity. But at the same time, the huge force that wanted to pull her back into the light also acted on Shade. But as the [Key of Yectrasil] hanging around his neck vibrated violently, Shade's body stabilized again, and the body of the great witch who was pulled by him also stabilized, but the suction force It didn't disappear, it just allowed her to exist longer.

The witch in the light widened her eyes:

"How is that possible? Are you really her fiancé? She actually gave you the key? Are you a man or a woman? She is a devil."

"Madam, now is not the time to talk about this!! Do you know this key? Was it really made by Luvia? And, madam, what exactly is the responsibility of the Witch Council?"

The wind became stronger and stronger, and the cards flying in the wind hit his face and even hurt.

Adele Isabella said to Shade with all her strength:

"There is not enough time. I will only say the most important thing: She must not be allowed to succeed this time! Even if you are her lover, for the future of this doomed world, you must stop her from continuing! Find [Hope] The Silmarillion], ask it in Mythic how to stop Luvia Anat, and you will get the answer!"

Her entire body will turn into a point of light and return to that ball of infinite light.

"I will go look for the relic, but at least for now, I believe her!"

"The men who have entered the Witch's Council, the unfortunate ones chosen by the Lady of Destruction, go find the [Hope Diamond]!"

Something was thrust into Shade's hand, and it had a chain on it. Before her whole body scattered into spots of light and disappeared, Adele Isabella said the last words to Shade:

"As long as the road between the past and the present world is opened by us this time, there will be a second time. I will come to you again! I will tell you everything! I can give you everything, and I will definitely stop Luvia Anat. This world is our last chance."

She completely disappeared into the light, and the light that erupted again swallowed Shade up. Before the light swallowed up Shade, or before Shade completely woke up, what he was thinking about was:

"Louvia, what did you do in the past?"

Then his consciousness fell into chaos again.

"Xia De~Xia De~"

After an unknown amount of time, a familiar voice woke up Shade. But this time it wasn't Fiona, the voice was Miss Carina.


When I got up from the position lying on the round table, I felt dizzy and even wanted to retching. Pressing his temple with his left hand and supporting the table with his right hand, he saw Miss Carina, Miss Bernice, Miss Aurora and Megan, all looking at him worriedly.

Under the skylight, the lowest floor of the [Witch Council] was still so peaceful. Shade's stack of cards was placed neatly on the table, and two empty potion bottles, one large and one small, stood at his feet.

Most of the chalk traces on the ritual matrix on the table have disappeared. The [Poetry Cards] as the core item of the ceremony fell on the table. "Feliana's Notes" pressed down one corner of the cards, and the long golden hair had Completely disappeared.

It was like Shade had a long and bizarre dream, but at least the "dream" of meeting Miss Feliana and the others was definitely real, because the scar on his lip was still healing. Moreover, he really felt that there seemed to be something extra in his clenched right hand. Because his arms were folded on the table, he could hide the thing in the sleeve of his coat. It seemed to be a small pocket watch:

"Sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Seeing that Shade was retching again, Miss Benanis bent down to support him and patted his back. When Sha De's face looked better, he gently sniffed the side of Sha De's face, and then sighed softly:

"Is this the smell of the perfume of the Great Witch of the Fifth Era? It smells like violet, rose, and a touch of ink."

"Can you smell this too?"

Shade asked, trying to stand up, but ended up sitting and talking to them. When he tried to get up, he felt like everything was wrong. Except for the serious illness at the beginning of spring, he couldn't remember when he had been in such a bad state.

But fortunately, with the end of the characteristics of Word of Ascension and [Poem Solitaire], his condition is recovering quickly.

"Witches have the ability to smell the perfume of other witches. You can think of it as a unique professional ability."

Miss Carina spoke softly, as if she was afraid that if she spoke loudly, Shade would faint. Of course, she did not forget to unplug the prepared potion and hand it to Shade:

"Although you have not fully activated the word of sublimation, you have used your power anyway. Take a good rest and don't talk yet. Sylvia is still with the Speaker, and no one will come over for the time being."

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

He drank the two bottles of potion that restored his mental strength, and then felt much better:

"I met Miss Feliana. It was very successful. It was more successful than I thought."

The four witches all smiled:

"It's good to see you. What did you say to Miss Feliana? Did you talk about whispering poems?"

"No, we talked about something else, about something Edwards told me - the end of the world."

He had never talked about this matter with the witches before, but now was a good opportunity to explain the unformed Mystery Lock during the Battle of Green Lake - that was the future he dreamed of. The coming of the end is something that has been determined for now, and there is absolutely no point in hiding it.

This matter is complicated to explain, but if you really want to explain it, you can give a rough outline in dozens of sentences. Miss Carina, Miss Aurora, Megan and Miss Benanis had different expressions, but none of them looked particularly surprised:

"Some clues can be seen from the conditions of the material world in the past year. But what about the end of the world? Since it has not come yet, we still have to eat lunch, work that needs to be done, and start work. The meeting will still be held. At most, we need to make some preparations for this. This is a global matter. We will not call ourselves saviors, but we just want to lament that there are more things to do."

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