Whispering Verse

Chapter 2028 People returning home

"It's Friday, the 30th of the Rain Month, and it's 6:13 in the morning."

Shade counted the time in his mind, then opened his arms. Amidst Helen's laughter, the pair of red butterflies turned into girls wearing black and white skirts, and fell onto the bed.

Their weight was not very heavy, but the vibration of the bed when they fell still made the squatting little Mia leave the bed and fly upwards as if out of thin air. It can be seen that the cat is not in a good mood, but fortunately this bed has been replaced in a previous accident, and is now strong and durable, and will not collapse again.

"Good morning, Grace, Hai."

The butterflies did not give Shade a chance to say hello. Helen put her arms around Shade's neck and kissed him. Grace on the other side asked her sister to be more reserved and invited Shade to go to Cassandra with her later. Breakfast at the auction house:

"Good morning, sir. Dinner will be served at about eight o'clock. We arrived at Middlesbrough train station last night."

Helen also let go of Shade, with a full smile on her face:

"But sir, would you like some dessert before breakfast?"

Grace hugged her sister helplessly behind her, but also smiled and said to Shade:

"Butterfly-flavored desserts, two are enough, right?"

The butterflies reunited after a "long separation" showed full enthusiasm. Therefore, Shade held the hands of Helen and Grace, and carried the unhappy cat on his shoulders, and arrived at Midhill at 8:10. Kassandra Auction House in Fort, but they still made it in time for breakfast.

After breakfast, Shade talked with Granny Cassandra and the Red Butterfly sisters about meeting Miss Feliana on Wednesday, and wanted them to help find the [Hope Diamond].

It takes time to find unknowable relics, but Cassandra Auction House has a lot of antiques related to ancient stories. After breakfast, the young witch apprentice with flaxen hair took Shade to the warehouse to select. The number of antiques he faced this time was more than all the antiques that Shade had tried so far combined.

But even so, there was only one that ultimately triggered the "Butterfly Solitaire" effect. This fully illustrates how low the probability is that "very few items meet the requirements" mentioned in Laplace Klein's alchemy notes.

The antique found in the warehouse is also an ancient alchemical item, and it is an alchemical item from the Fourth Age. It was able to be preserved to this day not only because of the superb skills of ancient alchemists, but also because this thing was sealed in an ancient tomb and was not discovered until more than ten years ago.

It is a hemp rope about 10 feet (about 3m) long. It is controlled by a special technique and can be used to bind the enemy like a snake. But in general it is useless, and spells such as "The Living Rope Trick" can simply replace its effect.

The real value of this rope is that it was a prop used by the elf hero in the ancient heroic legend "Forest Wind Song". This has been proved by the ancient tomb - the owner of the tomb is the prototype of the protagonist of the story. A dear friend.

Therefore, Shade made a "Butterfly Card" in each of the six cities he could reach, except Tobesk.

"Does it mean that a city can only produce one card? What kind of strange rule is this?"

But the current five cards are enough for Dorothy and Lesia. Miss Writer and Her Royal Highness the Princess are currently in the sixth ring, and the trend of merging with each other has been greatly slowed down by the Chosen One Ceremony. As long as Shade can still make "Butterfly Cards" in the future, they don't need to worry about their problems anymore.

Of course, now that he has arrived at Fort Midhill today, Shade has not forgotten to buy a train ticket to go to the town where Miss Gold is.

The woman's address can be found on the envelope sent every month. The coastal town adjacent to Lake Tees is indeed remote. The postman will not even come to the door in person. Letters have to be sent from the "Town of Sac River" next door every time.

There is no direct train from Fort Midhill to Miss Gold's family town. But Shade didn't want to take this trip out of the blue, so he made travel plans in advance.

He bought a ticket from Fort Midhill to Astra, the "City of the Rising Sun" on the eastern coast of Delrayon, then changed to a train heading north and got off at the town of Sacrifice. Then walk or take a carriage to the remote hometown of Miss Gold.

It was really difficult for Shade to find out the specific information about that small town. Apart from getting a small amount of information from Miss Gold's letters every month, he couldn't even find the location of the small town on most maps - maps Human settlements at the town level cannot be marked on it.

He was even prepared to get lost during this trip, and the departure time of the purchased ticket was Friday next week. It seems that Sunday is the Sunshine Moon, which is June. He planned to welcome Dr. Schneider and Priest August back first, give some advice to Durote Giles about his future life, and then receive the letter from Miss Gauthe at the beginning of the month, and then deal with the matters at home at the beginning of the month before setting off.

"Anyway, I don't plan to do anything else in the next month. This trip should go smoothly, right?

If the road is cut off, I can walk over it myself; I can also fly over earthquakes and landslides; if a large number of monsters appear due to unstable space or pollution on the earth and cause the church to block the road, I will find the big witch to join me. Set off. I don't believe that this visit can be delayed. "

Naturally, he also told the girls around him about his travel plan, because this was not the first time that Shade said that he wanted to visit Miss Gold, so the girls had no objections. They just told Shade not to run around and go home after the visit. , and don’t fight with others over the ownership of cats.

When he greeted the returning priests and doctors at the train station on Saturday, Shade even informed them that he was going to travel again. Originally, the doctor wanted to warn Xia De, but the summer exam week was getting closer and closer. But when he heard that Shade wanted to obtain custody of little Mia, and thought of Shade's relationship with the domestic pet cat, the doctor immediately understood him;

"Seeing that you are so determined, I can only wish you good luck. Leave early and come back early. Remember to bring us travel souvenirs."

As for Durut Giles and Rust Edwards, who also returned from Green Lake City, Shade sent them back to their apartment and made an agreement with him using thaumaturgy-oath binding:

"You will keep all the secrets you know in Green Lake City and not reveal anyone's identity. You will spend your life accompanying Rust Edwards, and death cannot separate you."

The heavy oath represented a very profound meaning, but he still held Shade's hand and said the oath amidst the joy of the girl's soul.

From now on, he will stay in Tobesk and continue his career as a history lecturer. Maybe one day in the future, Shade will meet him again on the street while walking his cat. Shade hoped that this was the end of their story.

Although the doctor and priest returned on Saturday morning, there was still a group meeting in the afternoon. Because everyone was out for many days, a lot of things were delayed, so the group meeting today also took a lot of time.

Of course, the doctor will not forget to remind others about the summer exams. Although it is the end of July and there are still nearly two months from now, in the doctor's view, two months will pass in the blink of an eye:

"Since Shade joined our group, each of us has been improving smoothly, but we must not forget theoretical classes and cultural classes. We are not lunatics who only know how to fight and kill. Although the summer exam week is not an upgrade exam, for The winter exam week is coming soon, and everyone is asked to work hard in the past month."

"Doctor, can winter exam week also be called 'soon'?"

Miss Writer asked, and the doctor nodded seriously:

"For any exam, as long as we feel slack and open our eyes and close our eyes, the exam will come. I even think that this is also the effect of some undiscovered relic."

The other four were just taking part in the summer exam week as normal, but Miss Denister had made arrangements for Shad to jump from his current fourth grade to sixth grade even though he was actually already in seventh grade.

As for the study sessions this Saturday night, they will naturally proceed as normal. Dorothy followed Shade home after the group meeting. After dinner, she sat on the sofa and talked with Shade about butterfly cards and "Mystery Locks - Lovers in the Bell Tower". She placed her right hand on Shade's hand. On Germany's legs.

"Didn't you say you want to take a break? Teacher Louisa is also giving you a holiday after a long time. We won't learn new stories this week. Shade, can you continue to call me 'Teacher Louisa' for a while? ?”

The blonde girl asked with a smile, and then communicated with Lecia, and then a pair of small gold-rimmed glasses appeared in her hand:

"This new talent is really useful."

Once you decide to relax, life suddenly becomes extremely leisurely. Although I still have the task of going to Edwards' old house to look through research materials, reading can always kill time quickly. Sometimes when Shade is buried in front of his desk and looks out the window again, it is already dusk.

The day after the doctors and priests returned, Sunday, was the Sunshine Moon, the first day of June, 1854, and the strangers came into the world at the end of this month last year.

But no matter how you feel, life must continue smoothly. Taking care of the chores of life, going on dates with the girls, reading and studying, traveling to St. Byrons for Miss Denister's electives through projection rituals, it still kept life full.

On the second day in June, Tifa brought a convoy to deliver the furniture for Shade's new room on the third floor. Because the room could not be known to others, the maids spent a day personally decorating the room for Shade, installing compressed gas tanks, gas lamps and curtains, hanging oil paintings, and helping to paint the walls.

They even helped Shade move the potion and alchemy workshop in the basement to the upstairs without letting Shade do it himself. And all they asked for in return was that that night, the eight maids and Shade sat around the table in the new room to have dinner.

After dinner, the beautiful black-haired maid went to Shade's bedroom on the second floor alone. It was said that she wanted to check the "luminous pocket watch" that Mr. Detective took out of the gift box this morning.

What a wonderful holiday.

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