Whispering Verse

Chapter 2035 New Adventure

"Yuewan area? This is indeed uncertain news, but it is also worth going to Yuewan to see it in person. The plague in Miss Gothe's hometown is not over yet, and I have nothing else to do recently."

At the back of the letter is written information obtained by Miss Bernanise's friends. Shade can follow those clues to investigate.

Miss Carina had worries in her eyes. She waited until Shade finished reading and then said:

"Actually, the friend Vanessa said provided her with information is another big witch in the parliament."


Shade looked up at her:


"The great witch of fate."

The duchess replied without mentioning the other person's name:

"Level 11, the tenth seat of the parliament. She has some strange abilities. If we introduce her identity and name to you in detail, she may be able to sense it. So without involving her name, now I can only give you a rough idea of ​​her background.”

"No problem, please introduce me."

Shade then sat up straight.

"As I said just now, the actual ruler of the Yuewan area is the City Council of Yuewan City. Most of the members of the city council come from the ancient families that existed when Yuewan City was founded.' The glorious Seven Families of Yuewan City ', is what they call themselves.

In modern times, the impact of the steam revolution has given rise to the rise of new aristocrats, but there are still three families that firmly control the power passed down from their ancestors - Hawthorne, Eddington and Belindle. The Great Witch of Destiny belongs to one of these families and is quite famous in the Moon Bay area. "

Miss Carina did not forget to remind Shade:

"Of course the great witch of fate is also a soothsayer, but don't judge the witch soothsayer based on your impression of Luvia. She sometimes does some extraordinary things. If we talk about Megan and Audrey's previous madness, It’s because of the chaos in her soul, so she might really have a mental illness.”

"Sorry, what does this mean?"

"The great witch of fate, who believes in and reveres fate too much, is too persistent and cautious, makes her fall into the trap of fate. The Speaker has told her many times, but she never changes. Whatever decision she makes, as long as it appears Before making a choice, you must do some divination to determine the direction of your destiny. Although this is an exaggeration, Shade, can you imagine that a person has to toss a coin every day before going out to decide which foot should be taken first? "

Shade laughed, a classic joke among soothsayers. It is meant to satirize those guys who have to do divination for everything and "ask for instructions" about fate before doing anything. Although Luvia has excellent divination skills, she is rarely seen doing this in daily life.

"However, the fortune teller who once held the Hope Diamond could not be the witch, right?"

Miss Carina shook her head:

"Of course not, that's guaranteed."

"I probably know it. But the Yuewan area is so big, and the clue given by Miss Benanis is in the Lower City. The probability of me meeting that lady from a wealthy family shouldn't be high, right?"

"Oh, knight, it would be strange if you didn't meet her. Besides, didn't you tell us that it was Miss Myrna Feliana who gave you the task to master the witch?"

"It's about controlling the council, not the witch."

Shade corrected it in time, and the red-haired duchess smiled and joked:

"It's not important. Sometimes I wonder if fate is guiding you to find the witch."

"Why does fate do such boring things?"

So Carina Cavendish looked at him and said very gently:

"Because we, at least the us you know, really need you."

On a brand new Tuesday, Shad and Miss Carina also have things to do. There had been parties all day on Sunday and Monday, and we couldn't stay at the manor today.

Miss Carina and Shade rode into the city in a carriage. The Duchess was going to Yodel Palace. On the way, of course the witch and Shade were intimate again, but only slightly:

"You are definitely not human."

The great witch of balance is not a joke or a sigh:

"Although I expected the possibility of a birthday 'party', you actually... I don't believe that this is something that an ordinary seven-ring warlock can do. I am at the twelfth level. Shade, maybe you should explore your past, Saint Did Byrons really find nothing in his background check on you?”

Her golden eyes were full of worry and concern. When she put her hand on Shade's chest and touched the cross inlaid with the Philosopher's Stone, she made another guess:

"For example, is your body also a work of human body? Or, you have a high-level bloodline that even Cassandra's relics cannot identify. Or... a certain god, that The ancient moon god you refused to tell us has placed a heavy bet on you."

"This body of mine can't be made of the Philosopher's Stone, right?"

Shade wanted to reassure her, so he joked:

"It is known that the Philosopher's Stone fuses with the Philosopher's Stone on contact, but I have touched the Philosopher's Stone many times and never seen the material enter my body. Rest assured, I know my stuff . Besides, Miss Feliana and the others also agreed to help me check if there is anything wrong with my blood."

Shade now has complete clarity on why he came to this world. The only remaining question is what connection he had with the ancient tower of Mount Callas that collapsed in the spring of 1853.

"She" chuckled softly in Shade's ear.

Instead of getting off the bus at St. Teresa Square, Shade got off the bus early and took little Mia to Old John's pawn shop. When he opened the door and entered, Father John was reading the newspaper behind the counter. He looked up at Shade when he heard the door open:

"Oh, it's a detective. It's a coincidence that you came here. I got three more of the antiques you were looking for. Let's try again this time. I don't believe there are none that meet the requirements."

Shade did not reveal the true function of the "Butterfly Solitaire", but he told Old John that he wanted to use the card to seal items. Old John only thought it was some kind of strange alchemy item, so he didn't delve into it. Instead, he was curious about what kind of items those playing cards were.

"There are new items here again, that's really good, but I also want to buy items that can increase my luck. Yes, it's the same as before."

"No problem, yes. I'm just waiting for you to speak."

Shade walked to the counter with the cat in his arms, and then saw the newspaper put down by the old man, which wrote about Tobesk City's measures to stabilize food prices:

"Is the price going to increase again? Autumn hasn't arrived yet."

"Looking at the recent weather, even the nobles in the city who can't tell the difference between wheat and rice know that there will be a big food problem this year before autumn."

The old man who was rummaging for the warehouse keys under the counter shook his head, and then asked Shade to wait for a while while he followed the stairs to the second floor.

With nothing to do, he asked Mia to lie down on the counter and not move. Shade opened the newspaper. He had not read the morning paper today. Old John was reading the third page of the news just now, and the second page forward reported the domestic plague pandemic.

At the beginning of the month, when Shade and Miss Carina talked about the plague in Miss Gauthe's hometown, the duchess said that it was only a situation that occurred in some cities. But now, more than half a month later, similar pandemics have appeared in more and more places, so the kingdom has finally taken it seriously.

At present, there are still no cases reported in the Tobesk area, so the citizens only learn about distant news from newspapers, and look warily at every "countryman" who does not speak Tobesk-accented Delarian. The Five Gods Church is cooperating with local city halls to actively carry out plague prevention and control work. Therefore, although the sequelae of this strange plague are serious, the mortality rate is not high.

Although the church does not use extraordinary means to treat patients, the understanding of diseases promoted by magic potions and alchemy has greatly improved the medical level of this era, which is also one of the benefits of the extraordinary world.

Continuing to look forward to the front page, the newspaper was still reporting that the conflict between Delarion and Kasenrik was further escalating. It has been a month since the Green Lake negotiations ended, but there is no sign of a restart. Domestic militant voices in both countries have taken the lead, wanting to teach the Southerners/Yankees a lesson. It seems that the Old World has been at peace for so long that people have forgotten what war really means.

It's just that the kingdom's upper echelons have many concerns. Shade heard from Miss Carina that King Larus III actually didn't mind using a war to vent the economic and political pressure the country was facing. It's just that starting a war at will is not a good thing, and no one can guarantee victory once a war starts. Therefore, there is a strange situation in Tobesk that seems to be clamoring for war, but in fact everything is calm.

But everyone knows that this calm will not last long. Especially after the autumn grain harvest, once the rise in grain prices drives up the prices of other commodities, then whether or not to go to war cannot be reversed by personal will.

Father John soon came back with the box. Seeing Shade reading the newspaper, he casually chatted with him about how the world has become worse and worse in the past two years. The two had also talked about the Battle of Green Lake before, and the old man from the Guiding Light Monastery sighed. He told Shade about the recent moves of the monastery that Mr. Edmond had said, and even told Shade the location and construction plan of the "shelter" that the monastery was planning to build in the Tobesk area.

Land in Tobesk was extremely expensive, and in order not to attract too much attention, the Priory chose undeveloped land on the northern outskirts of the city. Now everything is just the beginning. The construction of the shelter is divided into three phases, and it will take at least two years to complete.

"Detective, this is what you want, see for yourself."

Shade then took out the blank "Butterfly" card and touched the three antiques one by one. Finally, the card reacted to a severed blade. The rusty metal bar originally belonged to a long sword, but now it is severely rusted. It only exists as an ordinary cursed item, not even an alchemy item.

If this kind of item is not an antique, it can only be regarded as an alchemical material "cursed ancient metal". Therefore, although the price is also very expensive, it is very cheap compared to relics and ancient alchemy items.

Old John gave the origin of this severed blade:

"The religious story "The Day of Rebirth" in the early fifth era. A certain area is cursed by the Great One. All the dead will be reborn after a week, and the pain of death will remain after rebirth. Only those who are killed by the same cursed person will be reborn. , can completely fall into eternal sleep, but each cursed person can only permanently kill one person, cannot be killed at the same time, and cannot commit suicide, so in the end there is only one unlucky guy left.

The last survivor then prayed to the gods for forgiveness and endured a hundred years of punishment in pain and torture. In the end, he got the sword he used to kill his cursed father with his own hands, and used this sword to gain the qualification to die. Ancient religious stories have always been in this style. But this is just a story, and no one can say how different it is from what really happened. But at least the broken blade in your hand must be related to the prototype of the story. "

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