Whispering Verse

Chapter 2038 The summoned witch

Because the door opens outward, there's no need to clean out the sand. Turning the door handle, with the sound of metal deforming, Shade pushed the door outward from the deformed door frame with considerable effort. The yellow sand swept by the wind almost immediately blew in through the crack in the door.

Shade squinted his eyes and walked sideways through the crack in the door, then looked at the dilapidated Saint Teresa Square and the fountain where the girl was holding a water bottle, which was mostly buried in the yellow sand.

In the distance, the black sun is wrapped in a red and white halo. The red line flowing downward from the lower edge of the sun does not know what it represents. The huge floating city in the sky, wrapped in storms and lightning, seems to be in a different position from the last time, but time is meaningless here. After all, the damage to St. Teresa Square caused by the previous two battles is basically impossible at this time. No trace is visible.

The yellow sand rolls between the broken bricks and stones, and the boots hit the ground. The dead silence of the earth and the emptiness that seems to leave only the shell represent that the world has truly come to an end.

Standing on the edge of the square and watching this desolate scene, Shade did not immediately walk to the center of the square to prepare to face the powerful enemy. He took out the small lady's pocket watch, held it on the chain and watched the round case spinning in front of him.

I originally thought something strange would happen, but after waiting for a long time, I couldn't find anything unusual.

【look down. 】

There was a reminder in his ears, and Shade, who was standing at the door of his home, lowered his head. Then I saw a bright white light trail appearing on the broken masonry ground where the yellow sand rolled. I don't know when. The light mark was about one meter long and half the width of a palm. If you look closely, it's not that the ground is glowing, but that there are a series of glowing runes on the ground.

This was another language that he had never seen before. Shade knew that this was an anomaly caused by the pocket watch, so he read it out:

"Adele Isabella. Oh, that's the name."

As the words fell, the glowing runes emitted more intense white light upwards. In the white light, the blond lady kneeling on one knee appeared.

She stood up slowly while holding up the hem of her skirt, as if she wasn't used to her current body. When he raised his head and saw Sha De, he also saw the beautiful and delicate face with a tear mole under his right eye. Her long blond hair hung loosely behind her, swaying with the wind and sand, and her long blond dress, which had turned white and wrinkled after being washed, was not suitable for fighting, but at least it still maintained the dignity of a witch.

We had just met each other at the beginning of Sunshine Moon, so of course Shade knew who the witch appeared in front of him:

"Miss Isabella, good morning, if it is morning."

The Great Witch of Time in the past life looked at Shade in surprise, and then looked around:

"I felt the call just now, and I thought it was. I haven't thought of a way to find you, but I didn't expect you to find me? Did you use that key to reach this point in time that has entered the end? Wait a minute, you Can your body and soul actually withstand the power of the doomsday?"

"Luvia chose me. If I don't have any special characteristics, why should I get her favor? Is it just because of this face?"

Shade asked rhetorically, and then asked for advice in confusion:

"I didn't expect this to be successful. I'm curious, why can I see you at this point in time when I hold your pocket watch? Is it your real body now? Or is it just a phantom? Oh, my name is Xia De Hamilton.”


She glanced at the house behind Shade, and then explained:

"'Now' no longer has the concept of time and space. I am here, but I am not here either. Normal time rules have no effect at all now. The final city of Tobesk means everything. The time and space of all times converge and intersect here. Theoretically speaking, unless you make a special time and space landmark like me, it will be difficult for an individual living in this chaotic time and space to see another person at the end of the world. An individual.”

This sounds a bit complicated, but Shade is also a ring warlock who masters the power of time, so he can understand:

"So, you are your true self now?"


She shook her head slightly. Although the clothes she wore were not as shabby as the long-haired Luvia, it could be seen that they were not in very good condition either. She could see that Shade was also observing her, so she seemed inexplicably embarrassed:

"This is a projection. I can feel that with your arrival, the power of the ancient god of time has temporarily stabilized the time flow in this square, as if the ancient tree god is looking here again from the other side of the long river of time. . Therefore, you cannot leave this area, and I, in the chaotic time and space, cannot use my true body to see you. You do not belong to this point in time, and this cannot be changed."

She looked towards the empty square where the wind and sand rolled:

"I only know that Luvia Anat's time key is special, but I have never used it. I originally thought it could lead to the 'past life', but I only confirmed that it was true after meeting you. But since it is also time Key, then what is your mission here?”

"Defeat powerful enemies."

He explained his monthly "challenge mission" and the "disaster cards" he received as a result:

"Defeating powerful enemies is just to hone my fighting ability. The most important thing is to collect information about the past. Because of the destruction of time and space, the only way for me in the 'present world' to understand the 'past life' is here."

The great witch of time nodded to express her understanding, and looked at Shade with a very complicated expression in her golden eyes:

"It seems that she really chose you, and you seemed to have done a good job. As a witch, she actually chose a man in the end. What did she want to do this time? No, even if you did a good job , this is still in her plan. Yes, everything is in her plan. Every time we think that we have made a choice for ourselves, she will jump out and tell us that these are all her plans. plan because she's been through it more than once."

When she said this, she was obviously mentally disturbed. Although he was extremely curious about what Luvia had done to leave such an impression on her, Shade still said:

"I still believe in Luvia, at least for now, so I will discuss this topic after I find the 'Hope Diamond'. Speaking of which, since we can meet now, do I still need to find the 'Hope Diamond'? ? Maybe you can tell me now how to 'stop' Luvia."

Shade suggested again, but the witch in front of him shook her head:

"No, I can't reveal what happened at this time. I've said enough about my last illegal time travel. I can only give you guidance and provide you with other help. What level are you at now?"

So in the steam mist, a huge life ring appeared behind Shade. Miss Isabella was also surprised that the life ring was unusually large, but she was not surprised when she thought that Shade could be noticed by Luvia. :

"It turns out that you are in the seventh ring, which is barely enough. If you work hard for two or three years to gather the words of sublimation in the middle ring, you should be able to advance to the high ring."

"Well, actually, it's only been more than a year since I became a ring sorcerer. According to my own estimation, the high-level ring should be three or four months later."

The great witch of time blinked and tried to calm herself down:

"This is better. From now on, we will meet here once a month, and we will also find ways to meet in your time and space. You also have the power of time. I am the great witch of time in the parliament. I can be your teacher and teach you. Give you the knowledge you need. In addition, although I don’t know your relationship with the girls in the parliament, if you want to avoid witches you don’t know, I can also help you. Some girls are very interested in men. The attitude is not very friendly.”

Shade hesitated;

"Thank you, but I have a teacher, Miss Myrna Feliana."

Miss Adele Isabella was once again stunned at the handsome young man in the wind and sand in front of her:

"This is the one from the Fifth Age?"

"Yes, that one, the tree father seems to be partial to me. My time key adventure is a bit unusual. Oh, I am still a student of St. Byrons, I mean the era I am in. I have [time and space] and [Silver Moon] Spirit Rune, Miss Danister, the Red Moon Witch, is my tutor in the academy, teaching me the spells of the moon. In addition to time, space and the moon, I am also particularly good at fairy tale puzzles, but this consumes a bit. It’s big, so I generally don’t use it in its normal state.”

So the witch in front of her pursed her lips, sighing in her heart that the Sixth Age seemed to have changed a lot this time, but then she comforted herself by saying, "He is worthy of being chosen by Luvia Anat":

“You don’t have to call me teacher, but I will still teach you.

You need strength, she has chosen you, and you will take on heavier responsibilities in the future. There is no need to tell me what happened in your time. The only thing I, a witch who is dead to you, can do now is to stop Luvia Anat. Regarding the knowledge of ring magicians, although I cannot say that I am very knowledgeable, it should be enough to teach you. Daniste is only good at the power of the moon. This may sound like boasting, but the professors at St. Barons School of History, even if put together, cannot compare to me. "

"Thank you, um. Actually, I can also learn the witch's power."

Shade added, and then showed "Feliana's Witch's Light". Seeing the familiar light emerging from his hand, the blond Time Witch fell silent again. She looked up and down at Shade carefully:

"So, are you sure you are really a man?"

"Yes, many gods have admitted it. The witches I know, including Miss Feliana and the demigods of the Fifth Era, have all asked me similar questions, but I can be sure that I am a male."

She didn't know what to say:

"Luvia Anat, where did I find you? In my sixth era, I had never heard of you. Sure enough, there will be different changes every time?"

She asked for Shade's permission, used her slender hand to the point where she could see the blue veins on the back of her hand, held Shade's wrist and checked it again, and finally had to admit that she couldn't see anything:

"You complete your mission first. Although you can endure the power of Doomsday, don't stay here for too long. This time, I will only watch from the sidelines while you show your strength as much as possible. Wait until the next time you call I, I will bring you the knowledge and power you need based on your performance. Of course, if you cannot defeat the strong enemy later, you can also ask me for help."

"Okay. But ma'am, please don't look down on me so much. In the name of Luvia Anat."

Shade recited the incantation softly, and as the huge golden ritual array emerged under his feet, the [Stand of Uggdrasil] appeared. As the Great Witch of Time watched, he walked to the square holding the long staff. central.

Looking around, waiting for how the enemy will break into the square this time. He didn't wait too long. Looking around, he accidentally caught sight of a pale face appearing in the window upstairs.

If you look carefully, you will see that it is the house at No. 3 Saint Teresa Square. Half of the roof of this building has been lifted off, but at least the second floor is still intact. But now, the terrifying man with a pale face was standing at the window staring at Shade.

Shade was not sure how long the other party had been standing there. Although he was slightly shocked, he immediately understood what he was going to face this time:

"Is it the undead this time?"

"Thunder gun!"

Deliberately showing off his skills, he held his free left hand to make a power-charging movement, and then suddenly threw silver lightning towards the window. The thunder gun penetrated the glassless window and exploded loudly inside the room. But not only the witch watching this scene at the door of No. 6, but also Shade was sure that his attack was definitely not effective.

PS: There are currently two "Adele Isabellas" in the article, namely the one who has gradually become familiar with Shade in the past life, and the one who has not yet met Shade in the current life.

To distinguish the two Luvias, the labels "long hair" and "short hair" are used. To distinguish between the two great witches of time, they temporarily use "past life" and "present life" as labels.

Because the appearance and clothing of the "present" Miss Isabella have not yet been officially introduced.

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