Whispering Verse

Chapter 2045 Yuewan City, the City of Fortune

After getting ready, he continued to set off, and Shade walked into the passage connected to the dragon's nest.

The passage is huge and obviously not prepared for human-sized creatures. Similar to the wide cave, there are still a few traces of polishing on the walls and floor of the passage, and the murals are almost completely invisible.

It can be clearly felt that this passage is moving upward. At the same time, traces leading to other branch caves gradually appeared on both sides of the passage. Unfortunately, those caves have either completely collapsed or were obviously directly destroyed by huge forces. The only cave that can be explored is still the deepest one.

"I remember that "The Architecture of Dragon's Lair" is also an elective course. Maybe you can go back and find a few books to read. Maybe you can guess the reason why this lair was abandoned."

After fifteen minutes of rapid movement, Shade, who felt like he had climbed a mountain, finally reached the end of the passage. A huge stone five to six meters high blocked the exit of the passage, but the key was not the stone, but the dim silver light shining on the stone.

A complete ritual array written in dragon language runes was carved on the huge black rock. Relying on his language proficiency, Shade saw that the meaning was "Only dragons can pass here."

This is not a blockade specifically aimed at going from the inside out, the stone itself has the ability to do this from all directions. "Witch Reverberation - Fiona" contains an introduction to this kind of blockade. Fiona's inherited racial memory describes that this is a method used by powerful dragons to block their lairs. Although the area of ​​​​the stone is limited, as long as the rune matrix on the stone is still there, the entire dragon's nest is inaccessible from any direction. Even if the ground is dug, there is absolutely no way in or out.

"Is it a lock?"

Shade, who thought this was also a kind of lock, originally wanted to summon the [Stand of Yggdrasil] and try to use the "Key of the Door" to forcibly open the lock. But considering that this is a precious and complete dragon language rune array, it would be a pity to destroy it. Moreover, if this door belongs to me in the future, this kind of door lock is also quite reliable, so I temporarily gave up the idea of ​​forcibly opening the ceremony.

"Only a dragon can try this again."

He took out the right glove that Fiona gave him again. He originally thought that if this was not enough, he would also take out the "Higgs Dragon Head Stone" to try, but he didn't expect that the color of the glove would change as soon as he touched it. All the lines on the dim ritual matrix lit up.

The stone also began to glow, and then turned into a point of light and disappeared, revealing the cave behind the stone. And when Shade walked out, the stone that had just turned into light blocked that position again:

"How convenient. Thank you, Fiona."

The image of the big-tailed red dragon girl appeared in his mind. Shade smiled and put the glove away again.

After passing through the stone door and leaving the scope of the dragon's nest, the strange mental pressure completely disappeared. At this time, we were still in a dark cave, but this cave was quite short, and the smell of animal feces could be smelled around it. This should be a naturally formed cave.

The cave is not deep, and it is easy to follow the direction of the light to the outside.

Surrounded by sparse woods on hills, the sky at two o'clock in the afternoon looked particularly gloomy, as if it wanted to rain. The Moon Bay region is an area made up of coastal mountains, forests, and steel cities surrounded by smoke, so hills outside the city are not uncommon.

When he came to the ground, Shade didn't even need to take out the map to locate himself again before he knew how to act. Listening to the noisy sounds in the distance, I walked south. In less than five minutes, the sparse woods came to an end. One side of the wide road connects to the densely populated villages outside the city, and the other side connects to a stone bridge large enough for seven or eight carriages to pass at the same time.

On the fence posts on both sides of the wide stone bridge, there are small stone sculptures of giant dragons with some signs of wind erosion. What is under the bridge is not a river, but a ravine with trees and weeds growing there. Coupled with the huge old-era style city gate at the other end of the stone bridge, for a moment, Shade thought he had arrived in the medieval fantasy era in the story.

"St. George's Stone Bridge."

In the cold weapon era, there were a total of eight exits to the outside world on the city wall of Yuewan City. Among them, the St. George Stone Bridge is located in the northeast of the city. It is said that the stone bridge was built around 1400 and has not been destroyed for four hundred years. It still plays a role in today's era. It can also be called the most famous in the northeast of Yuewan City. building.

Although in 1854, only a portion of Yuewan City's city wall remained near St. George's Stone Bridge, it was still an important trade route in and out of Yuewan City. On Wednesday afternoon, under the gloomy sky, the pedestrians and carriages carrying goods in and out of the city made the St. George Stone Bridge and the rural villages on the other side of the stone bridge seem more lively than the urban area of ​​Green Lake City.

After leaving the woods, Xia De successfully merged into the crowd. While looking at the scenery here, he passed the stone bridge and officially entered Yuewan City.

The City of Wealth - Yuewan City is generally considered to be one of the wealthiest cities on the west coast of the Old World. Before the advent of the steam age, this city relied on its location and maritime trade advantages to occupy the position of the economic center of western Kasenlik. After the steam age, the city council that controlled the city seized a rare opportunity in a thousand years and made Yuewan City the cargo distribution center for the entire west coast ocean trade of Kasenlik.

Therefore, unlike the dilapidated Green Lake City and Coldwater Port where old-era buildings exist, most of the buildings in Moon Bay City were newly built in the past hundred years. The supporting steam pipelines and gas pipelines make this coastal port city seem more progressive and advanced than the inland cities of Willondale and Tobesk.

Although he was used to the prosperity of the northern capital in Tobesk, Shade had to admit that the construction level of Yuewan City was not inferior to Tobesk, the "Pearl of the North - Steam City".

The "Taton River" that flows from the northeast to the southwest and merges into the sea divides Yuewan City into two parts, but both the east and west of Yuewan are equally fertile.

The tall urban buildings demonstrate the power of the times, while the magnificent opera houses, concert halls, city parks and noble manors fully demonstrate the city's cultural features. Even the Xiacheng District of Yuewan City, with its thriving citizen economy and various civilian shops, is very different from the traditional "slums".

Foreigners entering the city from the St. George Stone Bridge are immediately dazzled by the appearance of this big city that is different from Tobesk. Although he has visited many cities in this world, only Tobesk and Yuewan City can be called steam metropolises.

Following the clues given by Miss Bernice, he walked and stopped while admiring the bustling city scenery, and finally came to "Herring Street" on the east bank of the Taton River. This street belongs to the lower city. Most of the fishing boats that do not unload in the dock area will sail into the Taton River and unload in the nearby neighborhoods, so this street is named like this.

At this time, Shade was on the river bank, looking at the river embedded in the city in the southeast. Under the dark sky, the Taton River, which is wider than the Telarel River in Tobesk, was filled with ships, as if they were trying to block the entire river.

On the other side of the river, in the city under the dim sky, row upon row of houses extend from the river bank into the distance. Tall towers and majestic high-rise buildings dot the city skyline.

The sounds of hawking on Herring Street behind him were endless, and on the street across the river, pedestrians were also coming and going. There is no shortage of customers in the shops along the river. Four-wheeled taxis travel through the streets and alleys, with various products displayed in the windows. The evenly arranged gas street lamps along the river and the long stone paved street below display the city's history. rich.

The lively city is rejuvenating. Although it is a harbor city like Coldwater Port, it is completely different from Coldwater Port.

Looking to the left, Shade even saw a tower bridge still under construction downstream of the river bank.

The bridge is divided into two levels: upper and lower. It seems that it is intended to raise the lower bridge directly when ships pass by. Under the dim and gloomy sky, construction work was carried out on both sides of the river bank at the same time. The steel, supports, ropes and workers on the bridge extending from the river bank to the wide river, instead of destroying the beauty of the city scenery, this chaotic scene made the City of Fortune - Yuewan The city appears more vibrant and dynamic.

Judging from the current construction progress, the bridge should be completed by the end of this year or early next year.

"It's grand, isn't it?"

There was a voice behind him, and then a man in a brown robe, whom Shade had never seen before, came from behind Shade and stood next to Shade.

This person's attire is very strange for summer, but considering the changeable weather recently, it is understandable that he is dressed like this.

[Ordinary people. 】

"Yes, it's magnificent."

Shade nodded, and the unfamiliar middle-aged man introduced him:

"This bridge is the largest project in Yuewan in recent years. It was named the Bridge of Yuewan by the city hall. The bridge deck is almost as wide as the St. George Stone Bridge. The upper and lower floors are connected by an automatic elevator driven by steam power. Allow pedestrians to pass. As a new bridge connecting the east and west districts of Yuewan, city councilors at the city hall hope that it can bring more wealth and prosperity to the city."

The stranger spoke Kasonric with a Yuewan accent, and skillfully introduced these situations that Shade was not sure about:

"The design drawings come from the Kasenlik Kingdom Design Institute. The engineering and architectural style adopts the industrial style of this era. You can now see the iron structure, high towers, stone pillars and exquisite decorations. The bridge was built three years ago During the construction period, the budget was repeatedly increased, and now the overall cost has exceeded the original budget of 12,500 crowns, which is about 150,000 gold pounds. Everyone in the city has expectations for the completion of the bridge, as if Once the bridge is completed, everyone's lives will immediately improve."

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