Whispering Verse

Chapter 206 The Moon and the Library

The big black hard-covered book turned automatically in Miss Daniste's hands, making a clattering sound.

While the other party was flipping through the book, Xia De hesitated whether to talk to the other party about the "Language of Sublimation".

The Thirteenth Ring Warlock certainly didn’t know anything about the secret of the Word of Sublimation, but without him opening his mouth, the lady opposite took the initiative to talk about this issue:

"Mr. Hamilton, I have read the report written by Dorothy Louisa. Now that you have seen the Word of Sublimation up close, it is impossible not to be curious about it."

Her eyes remained on the turning pages, but she was definitely talking to Shade.

"Yes, I am indeed curious...that kind of power is not like the power of a mortal."

He chose his words carefully.

"It is indeed not the power of mortals. To be more precise, the ring warlock system has only been formed since the middle and late fifth era and has gradually replaced the witch's extraordinary system. The secrets contained in the ring warlock system are probably directly related to gods. After the tenth ring, the ring warlock system You will gradually understand what kind of power you have, and the church and mainstream academics believe that the word of sublimation is the word of God, so it has the power to sublimate mortals."

This is very close to the truth that Shade knows. Mortals cannot face God directly, so it is impossible to know the truth directly through one's own observation like Shade.

Now that the topic had begun, he wanted to express his own opinions, but found that the flipping book had stopped.

"Oh, there's an answer."

Miss Denister said, reaching out to take the book floating in front of her:

"The combination of [Silver Moon], [Time and Space], [Gluttony], and [Echo]... I'm lucky, there actually is one. Oh, what a coincidence, this was written down by the founder of St. Byrons Yes, it is one of the words of sublimation originally recorded in this "Book of Sublimation"...I should have started reading it from the beginning just now."

Her right hand moved in the air, causing the luminous characters to appear one by one. After the sentence was formed, he flicked it again, and the characters turned in the air, telling Shade the answer.

Shade stretched out his head to look. That sentence was——

[The reverberation of time and space shakes the sleeping power. 】

"Time and space, echo, vibration, sleep, power."

Miss Danister counted out the spiritual runes that Shad needed. Although Shad did not have a deep understanding of the difficulty of obtaining the remaining three spiritual runes, she only looked at the meanings of the spiritual runes themselves: sleep, vibration and power. None of it seems very difficult.

The meaning of this sentence itself made Shade think about what would happen once he used the power of the word of sublimation like the doctor did.

Inexplicably, when he witnessed the death of the [Guardian of Innocence], the scene of him standing in the void and hearing the bells automatically appeared in his mind.

"The echo of time and space..."

I was reciting this sentence silently in my heart, and somehow, things about "The Whispering Poems" also came to my mind. Miss Anat has made it very clear that the mainstream view is that the opening of the last door mentioned in "The Whispering Psalms" means the resurrection of the old gods. The words of sublimation chosen by Shade seem to have a similar meaning.


He could only think like this for the time being.

"You are very lucky, Mr. Hamilton. I originally thought that I would not be able to find it. Although the accumulation of words of sublimation in the academy has reached four figures, the number of spiritual runes is astronomical. It is necessary to piece together the words from them. The specific combination is not an easy thing. You are really lucky."

She closed the book in her hand and threw it into the pile of books on the coffee table. Only then did Shade have another chance to see the cover of the book. The title was of course "The Book of Sublimation", but the written pattern was the side face of a hooded woman.

This is hand-painted with oil paint, and the color is extremely bright. Miss Denister saw Shad reading the book curiously, so she introduced:

"This is the founder of the academy, Miss Myrna Feliana, a witch who lived in the fifth era. Many oil paintings have recorded the image of this lady. As for the portrait in this book, it is my former librarian myself. The painting is basically consistent with the image of the oil painting kept by the academy."

With that said, she gave Shade another document to sign. The document was to confirm that Shade Suellen Hamilton had viewed the academy's Book of Ascension and confirmed that he had obtained the next step of advancement.

After signing the document, it means that Shad's second-, third-, and fourth-ring courses will be adjusted around the three unobtained runes to adapt to Shad's ring warlock power system.

And after doing this, the matter regarding the Word of Sublimation is over. Miss Daniste put the document on the pile of books on the coffee table, leaned slightly on the back of the sofa, her ten slender fingers pressed against each other, and raised her head slightly, as if she was thinking about the problem.

Although this lady is a bit older, she has a pretty face, and as a librarian, her temperament is quite outstanding:

"Mr. Hamilton, let's continue the topic just now. Using angel-level relics to bring you to the academy, you probably understand that there are things that must be said in person. To be more precise, I need a ring warlock who has mastered the power of the moon to help me. some things."

"Does it have to be me?"

Runes related to the moon are not uncommon, and Shade doesn't believe that he is the only one in the huge Saint Byrons.

"The core runes are required to be related to the moon. There are 103 students and teachers in total who meet this requirement. I tried to find some people to help, but their core runes are not pure enough. Except for your [Silver Moon] and my [Silver Moon] In addition to Red Moon], the pure core runes of the moon include [Moon in the Night Sky], [Half Quarter Moon], [Moon Brilliance] and [Moonlight]. I have looked for these four people one by one, but none of them can help me."

She shook her head regretfully, while Shade was thinking about what it was that required so much trouble.

"According to the rules of the academy, correspondence cyclists cannot enter the academy in any way before the group is allowed to come to St. Byrons. This time I broke the rules and was fined three years' salary. But I I think it’s worth it, if [Silver Moon] is not feasible, then there is no other way.”

"What exactly needs to be done?"

Shade asked cautiously, feeling that the lady opposite seemed very confident in him.

"It's very simple, look at this."

She waved to her back, and immediately, a black-covered book flew from the distant bookshelf and fell into her hands. This is not a complicated spell. The basic spell [Move Object], that is, moving objects with your mind, can achieve this effect.

"Open it."

She handed the book to Shade, who stood up and bent down to take it. The book cover is all black without any patterns or text. The first page after turning it is a blank page, and this is the case every time you turn it backwards.

"Blank page, right?"

Miss Denister asked.


He looked again at the light of the chandelier above his head, but there was no trace.

"Call out the life ring and let the spiritual light of [Silver Moon] shine on this book."

There was something familiar about this approach, a bit like Shade opening a hidden space in the basement. But after doing so, a blank page remains a blank page.

"Still blank."

"Hmm... expected."

The red-haired thirteen-ring warlock thought for a while:

"Open the book and place it on the coffee table between us, keeping the light shining on the pages."

"What exactly are you going to do?"

I was thinking in my mind while looking at the coffee table, and then put the book in my hand on the highest position of the stack. After he sat down again, he found that Miss Danister opposite had also summoned the life ring completely. Shade glanced at it and found that she also had two core runes, namely [Book of Forbidden Affairs] and [Red Moon]. .

The runes of [Red Moon] flashed with aura, and together with Shade's [Silver Moon], they illuminated the page of the open book.

Both the detective and the librarian looked at the white paper illuminated by the light, and then simultaneously saw dark blue blurry ink stains appearing on the page. But those ink marks seemed to have been soaked in water. They could only confirm that there were words or even pictures, but no one could tell what they were.

"This shows that we still lack..."

"Huang Yue?"

Shade added, and Miss Danister nodded, indicating that Shade could take back the life ring.

Tilting her head slightly and staring at the wordless page, Miss Danister frowned:

"It seems that only the power of the three moons appear at the same time, the content of this book can be revealed. [Yellow Moon] core rune... St. Byrons definitely does not..."

She was lost in thought, and Shade did not interrupt her, but looked around with interest.

Probably because he knew that the librarian was meeting guests here, no footsteps around him came this way. Shade was originally looking forward to communicating with the students at St. Byrons, looking forward to his life in a few years or even decades, and sharing his knowledge with Dr. Schneider when he went back, but it seemed that he had no chance this time.

"Although I still can't read the content in the book, I can still find an idea."

It took ten minutes for Miss Daniste to speak. Then she snapped her fingers and the black book automatically flew back to the depths of the bookshelf.

"Mr. Hamilton, I'm afraid I'll look for you again soon, but that will be after I find the [Yellow Moon] core rune."

"No problem, I'm always available."

Shade nodded slightly, then hesitated:

"But may I ask, that book..."

Just the right pause.

"This is not the academy's business, but my own business. Over the years, I have been looking for the location of the 'Sage Library'. The library contains the knowledge I want to find."

"Library of Sages?"

Miss Denister smiled:

"Mr. Hamilton, you must think this is some ancient relic."

She was right.

"But this is not a ruin. This is a palace left by a certain god. To be precise, the oldest moon god..."

A sudden thought occurred in Xia De's mind, and the image of a woman on the card of [Founder·Silver Moon] automatically appeared in front of his eyes.

"Before the oldest moon god left, he left behind a library. That library is hidden in the gap between history and time. It cannot be directly entered by any means, but it contains the knowledge of the entire world. I have been there since I was young. At that time... I have been pursuing this secret a long time ago, when I was a student like you, and it was not until recently that I obtained this book from the ruins of the New World. This is probably the end of my pursuit."

"So the Sage is...the old moon god?"

The "Sage Library" is most likely a place similar to the "Time Corridor", "Space Maze" and "Creation Delivery Room", but Shade is more concerned about the ancient Moon God.

Miss Daniste shook her finger and directed the teapot on the coffee table to fill herself with tea. Her voice was very soft, as if she was afraid that the third person would hear:

"I rarely talk about this topic with people, but since you asked, the answer is not impossible, but please don't tell a third person.

Mr. Hamilton, maybe Professor Garcia told you about the Ancient Gods. The original Moon God was one of the thirteen ancient gods, and was called [Mysterious Lady], [Moon Goddess], [Night Lady], etc. by mortals, but the most common name for this departed god is——"

She paused deliberately, and the answer almost immediately appeared in Shade's mind:

"Sage of Silver Moon."

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