Whispering Verse

Chapter 2058 Spider Hotel

"I really didn't expect to meet you again. It was as surprising as when you suddenly appeared at the White River Valley Vineyard at the beginning of last winter."

The Spider Hotel is small and quite basic inside. Because the lighting was poor, oil lamps were lit even during the day. The wooden walls have a sense of age and antiquity. There are four tables in the narrow interior after entering. Walk forward and you can go to the second floor. Through the door on the right front, you can enter the "lobby" on the first floor with seven or eight tables and a counter. Also here.

Mr. Bernhardt said this as he and Shade sat down at the table against the wall inside. Shade noticed two men sitting at a table not far away who were playing Rhodes. They were both wearing police uniforms, and he knew why no one was guarding the autopsy room.

"I was also very surprised. Last winter you went to Willendale to recuperate. I thought I would have to wait until the autumn grape harvest season before I could meet you in Huntingdon again. Oh, I received your end-of-year greeting cards and gifts. ,really thankful."

"The manor housekeeper also sent me your end-of-year gift, which is also very nice."

The waiter brought ale for both of them, and the friends reunited after a long separation had a lot to talk about.

"Speaking of a good grape harvest, this year is going to be difficult."

When talking about this topic, the Viscount, who owns his own winery, shook his head in distress. Shade knew that he was talking about the weather:

"There is nothing we can do about it, and I think the same is true for the White River Valley Vineyard. His Highness wrote to me a few days ago, telling me that this fall, I probably won't be able to drink the high-quality red wine produced by the White River Valley Vineyard. .”

After the Pantanal, the Vallée Blanche vineyard, with its hidden passages in the cellar, actually fell into the hands of Schade, but because he was a foreigner, nominal control was in Marguerite's hands.

Mr. Bernhardt smiled and said:

"You don't have to worry about this. If His Highness wants to give you red wine, there are many ways to get it. Besides, the wine you make yourself is better than other products."

The two of them picked up the wooden wine glasses and clinked them, and Shade also talked about his purpose:

"I came here this time to find a relic."

He gestured with the number "0", and Viscount Bernhard showed an expression of awe:

"Sure enough, you always do such dangerous things. Speaking of which, you weren't always active in the Green Lake area in the past few months, right?"

Shade nodded, and the expression on the latter's face became more and more awed:

"I haven't had such an exciting and dangerous adventure. I will stay in Yuewan for about a month or two this time. I have cooperated with my friends from Willondale to do some business with the New World, and there are some chores that require me to be there. Yuewan will handle it. If you need help with anything, just tell me. Our friendship has continued since the beginning of Middleburg."

After saying that, he glanced around twice, then lowered his voice and asked the young man across the table:

"Speaking of which, there shouldn't be any sealed ancient evils, great men of the past trying to come, or traitors from the Church's Prophet Association here in Moon Bay, right?"

After asking, he looked at Xia De worriedly and worriedly. Xia De recalled it. In fact, he had just arrived:

"No, at least I haven't found it yet. But I have probably been active in the local area recently, and maybe I will investigate something."

Shade answered honestly. He remembered that Laplace Howard's book seemed to mention that there was a history of divine descent in the Moon Bay area. Although he did not expect that he could obtain divinity through this, since he was in the local area, it was necessary to investigate:

"However, I discovered that there were traces of dragon activity in the Moon Bay area during the Fifth Era."

"Dragon? Compared to other things, this is a small matter."

Mr. Bernhardt nodded cautiously.

The two then chatted about their respective interesting stories during the six months since they were separated. When Mr. Bernhardt was in Middlesbrough, he already knew that "John Watson" was "Shad Hamilton", so he did not forget to congratulate Shad. Winning the 1854 Torbesk Equestrian Competition.

He talked about what he had experienced when he spent the winter and spring in Willendale, described the city in as much detail as possible with Shade, and thanked Princess Margaret for the convenience she provided for his family business.

Shade showed the Viscount his newly acquired "Creation·Knowledge", "Creation·Earth" and "Creation·Space", plus "Creation·Silver Moon", "Creation·Balance", "Creation·Darkness" and "Creation·· "Death". When a total of seven founding series cards were taken out by Shade, the Viscount put on his gloves respectfully, and then took them from Shade:

"It's a sin to appreciate these cards in such a shabby place. It's really a beautiful city. Players are held every three years, and now one year has passed since the one in 1853. If you can gather them two years later in 1856, If a complete set of 'originals' participates in the competition, then that competition will definitely be more exciting."

He returned the deck to Shade, put one arm on the table, and smiled as he provided new information to Shade:

"Did you know that the champion of the Great City Players 1850 settled in Yuewan City. Viscount Belgra, he is also considered a celebrity among local Rhodes players. I have been in Yuewan City for the past two weeks, and I have been in the club with my friends. When playing cards, I often hear his name mentioned. He has many special rules cards in his hand, and he is welcome to bring out other special rule cards to gamble with him, but everyone can only gamble with him once. .”

Lord Vampire Seed asked Shade with his eyes if he was interested in this. He was really looking forward to the confrontation between the two big city player champions.

Shade thought for a while and asked with a smile:

"Does he have any Founding Series cards in his hand?"

"Probably not."

"Then I'd better get down to business first. As you know, the thing I'm looking for won't show up easily."

"That's really a pity. If you want to play cards with that Viscount, I can help you introduce him. He really has a lot of good cards in his hand."

By the time the coroner, Mr. Ptolemy Albert, came to the tavern to find the two of them, Shade was playing cards with Mr. Bernhardt using an ordinary deck of cards, and the topic had shifted to Miss Sylvia's business.

The business was nominally Margaret's property, and Miss Sylvia was only acting as the princess's math teacher and personal physician.

The brand-new fabric had already appeared in the hands of the noble lady of Willendale before Mr. Bernhardt left Willendale without being sold, and it triggered a craze. Calculating the time, the official launch of fabrics in stores should be a recent thing. Such products should soon appear in Yuewan City, which is thousands of miles away, and it will probably be later in Tobesk City in the north.

But in any case, Mr. Bernhardt, who had seen the fabric in Willendale clubs, believed that the business would be a huge success. Although the fabric on ladies’ legs is not a topic that can be discussed loudly in public, Princess Margaret really struck a gold mine this time:

"Mr. Watson, if you have a chance, you must see that kind of fabric. Neither men nor women will refuse such beautiful and personal products. Even if you are well-informed, you will never imagine that something is worn on a girl." I have a few magazines here, you can take a look first. Don’t get me wrong, they were given by friends. I give up my cards. Listen to me, Princess Margaret’s gold mine is probably It can be called the most memorable thing about 1854."

"What gold mine? Are you talking about the gold mine in the forest in the southeastern part of Moon Bay? Because of the discovery of the gold mine in the Randall Valley, the gold mine there has changed from the sixth to seventh in terms of reserves in Carsonlik. "

The coroner sat down next to Mr. Bernhardt and called to the waiter to bring him a glass of wine as well. He seemed to be a regular visitor and was familiar with the hotel owner and waiters.

At this time, with the guarantee of Mr. Bernhardt, and after confirming that Shad was not a bad person, Mr. Albert was also willing to provide some information to Shad.

Needless to say, the location of the local black market and the way to enter it go without saying. The most important thing is the reclusive fortune teller Sha De is looking for. Although Mr. Albert has lived locally for many years, it was only in the past six months that he moved to an apartment near Herring Street. He thought about it carefully, but he couldn't think of anyone who met Sha De's requirements.

But when it came to the "divineer", the gentleman provided Shade with other clues while watching the two friends play cards:

"There is a very powerful diviner in the Moon Bay area, and he should not be a member of the Prophet Association."

He describes Messrs. Schade and Bernhardt:

"That's a lady with a very high level. She only occasionally sends people to the black market to let some people with special destinies follow her servants to other places, and she will do divination for those people. Although it sounds weird, she His divination skills are very powerful and he is a very professional fortune teller."

"Then how do you know that the other party is not a fortune teller from the Prophet Association?"

Bernhard shuffled the cards and asked curiously, and the coroner explained:

"That lady calls herself 'Amethyst Lady'. Every time she divines for others, she will sneer at the Oracle Association, thinking that the fortune tellers in the association are not very useful people."

"Peers are the biggest enemies. This is easy to understand. Maybe that lady had conflicts with the Prophet Association before."

Shade guessed, and Mr. Albert, the coroner, nodded. Although "coroner" is not a very prestigious job, this gentleman has a unique scholarly temperament, which is very magical:

"Most people think so, so Mr. Watson, if you can't find the fortune teller in Xiacheng District, you might as well try your luck with the 'Amethyst Lady' and see if the female fortune teller is willing to help you. Divination. Even she can't divine the person you're looking for, but at least she has many connections in this city, and she might be able to help you with her connections."

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