Whispering Verse

Chapter 2079 Paper Balls and Paper Balls

Just as Shade had guessed, although the Yuewan City Police Department located in the center of Yuewan City is not very far from the Parsifal Club, the journey after the second round still took a full hour, not even a second. not bad.

Therefore, when Shade stepped out of the carriage, the time had already passed three-thirty that afternoon. At the same time, [Detective] also spent an hour entering the Dawn Church, and it seemed that he would need to [persuade] to get the church to help. However, based on the social credibility of the policeman, this must be just a small problem that consumes a few action rounds.

The [Silent One] who arrived at the police station early has disappeared. According to the conversation between the three people on the clock tower that Shade listened to, it can be known that the third round of the [Silent One] who has entered the police station in advance has begun. , no matter what judgment is made next, he will be one step ahead, and once the confrontation starts, the priority will give the opponent an extra bonus.

"The weather is really bad."

Shade, who had decided to end the game this round, complained. After giving the coachman an extremely expensive fare - the carriage took too long, he turned around and prepared to enter the police station.

Although this place is also in the center of Yuewan City, it is two blocks away from the Belindel Big Ben. The witch on the bell tower wants to follow the mature routine just now, let the [foreign traveler] use [persuasion] or [charm] to obtain information, and then use [detection] to finish. But when Sha De looked up at the door of the police station, he saw an acquaintance walking out of the door of the police station:

"Mr. Ptolemy Albert."

The person with the little bat symbol floating above his head is the coroner working in the Lower City.

Although during "Dice Stories", other people who are not supposed to see the "protagonists" will never notice Shade, but people who are related to the advancement of the story, such as Mrs. Frey, can see it. At this moment, hearing Shade's voice, the coroner, who was wearing a brown robe and seemed to be thinking about something, also saw him, so he also waved to Shade.

Now Shade understood that this gentleman was also related to this story.

"It's okay, I originally wanted to use [Puppetry] to control a person to complete the next action."

There was the sound of dice beating in my ears, and the witch at the table was making a judgment again, this time whether she could get clues from the coroner in front of her.

While paying attention to what was going on with the witch, Shade stepped forward to talk to Mr. Albert. Compared with [Collection of Dice Stories], which he will definitely not lose, Shade is more concerned about whether this new friend is in trouble:

"Mr. Albert, why are you here? Did you encounter any problem?"


The vampire in a robe helplessly covered his forehead:

"Remember the corpse that had its blood drained that we examined with Armand? The church took the corpse away yesterday because it was the corpse that I examined. Today the police asked me to take a statement, so I Knew it would be like this.”

He lowered his voice slightly:

"It's really unlucky. The person I was talking to just now was obviously a ring warlock from the church. It seems that they will start to focus on investigating vampires. My initial guess was correct. The church could see that there was something wrong with the tooth marks on the neck of the corpse, but they still They are suspicious of us."

After saying that, he asked Xia De again:

"Mr. Watson, what brings you here?"

The judgment on the witch's side has already begun, probably because the basic favorability between Shade and Mr. Ptolemy Albert is not low, so as long as the total value of points and [Persuasion] exceeds 60, the desired information can be obtained.

"Wait, why can't you use Charisma here?"

The witch at the table was puzzled, but the man in black robe did not explain.

"The token bonus is 5+5, and the basic [Persuasion] points are 138. It seems that even without extraordinary powers, she is a very eloquent girl. This way she can pass without throwing dice, but I want to try other special ability."

While the fine sand in the hourglass was still flowing downward, the witch drew out the divination card again. Her action unilaterally lengthened the duration of the story, but others at the table could not stop her. are reasonable means.

It’s just that this time she failed to decipher Miss Charlotte’s extra special abilities through divination. After all, she only used the “scythe” to guess [Death Affinity: Professionals related to the dead become friendly to the ability holders. 】There are still some difficulties.

"Mr. Albert, I am involved in a troublesome matter."

At the foot of the steps at the entrance of the police station where people were coming and going, Shade shook his head helplessly:

"Do you know about Freeman Hawthorne? He was the man who suddenly lost his memory in the Parsifal Club."

"I know, I have friends in the police station. I heard about this while waiting for the transcript to be taken."

The vampire said, and at this time, the witch actually relied only on her own luck, throwing the dice and throwing out 99 points. Because of this, Mr. Albert in front of Shade was ready to speak.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Albert, can you do me a favor? I owe you a favor."

Shade said, taking out his notebook and quickly writing a few lines on one page, then tore off this page and the page he had prepared on the carriage, folded them into paper balls, and separated them very differently. Civilized and casually thrown aside:

"This is garbage, I don't want it anymore."

The puzzled coroner picked them up knowingly, read them separately and frowned slightly. The content on one of them is very brief, and on the other page where the ink has not dried just written by Sha De, it reads:

[Please pretend to be an ordinary person, continue to tell me about Freeman Hawthorne, and finally mention that you have a more confidential piece of information in your hand, which is another paper ball. And I need to pass your test - an intelligence test question to get the most important clue. Of course, the conditions that gave me the final clue also included that I had to be on a very high rooftop to read the contents. 】

The coroner blinked in confusion, confirmed the contents of the two paper balls again, and then said:

"Okay, I don't know what it means. Just forget it's a favor. It's very simple."

He didn't realize at all that the two of them were standing at the door of the police station talking about these things, but everyone around them seemed like they couldn't see them.

"I heard from friends in the police station that Freeman Hawthorne's incident must be related to the rumored supernatural beings. His brain suffered some damage, and it was determined to be some kind of mental attack ability. Police Gentlemen actually really believe this statement. It is said that it is the extraordinary ability used by a substance called 'psychic crystal'. And the more realistic investigation results show that the attacker's dominant hand is the right hand, with a high probability of The locals have no fixed abode and hang out around Herring Street in the lower city."

This result can definitely not be inferred based on the current clues, so it is the result of forced detection due to the characteristics of [Dice Story Collection].

Shade nodded and asked again:

"So is there any other news?"

The vampire coroner thought for a moment:

"The attacker may be a Delarian. These are the only clues currently. If you want to continue the investigation, you can enter the police station and try your luck, go to Freeman Hawthorne to inquire about the situation, and go to the Lower City to ask if there is anyone Strange people are hanging around.”

He pointed out what can still be done in this round and the direction of action in the next round.

Seeing that Mr. Albert did not realize that there was anything wrong with what he said, Shade continued to ask:

"Is there really no other news?"

The vampire raised his eyebrows and glanced at the paper ball in his hand:

"There is news, but I cannot tell you this news plainly. Do you want to know? You need to pass my test."


"From the kind coroner who met unexpectedly, [The Traveler] learned further details of the attack case, made a judgment and passed it, and obtained the basic information that 'the attacker carried a spiritual crystal, and his dominant hand is the right hand'; because the total points of persuasion exceeded 150, and obtained additional information '5. The attacker may be hiding in Herring Street in the Lower City.' Since the total points exceeded 200, additional information was obtained '6. The attacker is a Delarian.'"

The witch at the table smiled. The other two were about to continue throwing to decide the events of the second round of the third round. Unexpectedly, the hoarse voice continued:

"[The foreign traveler] has reached the basic favorability level with the coroner, and has a chance to obtain further clues. If you choose to continue questioning, you will need to spend a second round of action opportunities; if you give up the inquiry, you will not be able to contact the coroner again."

The witch thought for a while and realized that she needed to spend an action opportunity to gamble on whether she could obtain extremely useful information. Faced with this decision of betting on luck, she flipped a coin this time:

"Spend your second action opportunity to keep asking."

"The [Traveler] who received the information unexpectedly learned that the coroner had more information. However, due to unspeakable reasons, neither persuasion nor charm judgment allowed him to obtain this information. The coroner proposed to [The Traveler] The test requires solving a wise riddle in order to obtain that information.”

"Is it an intelligence test this time?"

Just like the other two "players", Miss Belinder did not feel that there was anything wrong with the narrative this time. She felt that it was appropriate to test the characters' various values ​​in such a multi-faceted way.

She picked up the dice and waited for the hoarse voice to finish telling the special rules for this time, but what she was waiting for was something surprising.

"Throw the dice for judgment. If the sum of the points and [Intelligence] points exceeds 110, it is a pass. When the coroner told the riddle of wisdom, [The Foreign Traveler] laughed. He had passed twelve difficult tests, He has faced difficulties in the past and present. A wise man is never afraid of a problem, and a wise man sees it as an adjustment in life. [The Stranger] passed the judgment."

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