Whispering Verse

Chapter 2087 The Great Witch’s Commission

The witch nodded:

"Yes, I don't want my hometown to have the same reputation as Tobesk City."

The reaction of foreigners who settled in Tobesk to this sentence is very complicated:

"So Miss Belindel, you want to investigate the matter about dragons and destruction?"

"I have been working on this work since the summer of 1852, but the progress has not been very great. What I can confirm now is that this prophecy is inseparable from the glorious seven families of Yuewan. Although none of us are That kind of traditional ring magician family, but our ancestors must have been exposed to extraordinary factors related to dragons at the same time."

She sighed:

"So while I'm starting my own investigation, I want outsiders who have nothing to do with this city to try to find clues from another angle. Sometimes it's not that I fail to find the key point, but the angle gets in the way. I see the truth. Besides, my maids are not suitable to go to the lower city area or places like brothels and casinos to investigate."

Shade nodded to express his understanding:

"That's why you found me?"

"I still have doubts about your existence, but I also admit that you are very capable, even more capable than most of the girls I have. Your performance was very good yesterday afternoon. Your wisdom and strength are in line with mine. Require."

She added "still charming" in her heart, then sat up straight and looked at Shade:

"I promised Vanessa that I will not pester you in the past few months, and I will not threaten you. You must cooperate with me. I will pay you, and I hope you can complete my task seriously. Month The Bay is our city, if not for me, then for the people who live here.”

"I'm glad you think so, Count Belindel. It's such a pleasure to work with you."

Shade said, standing up and extending his hand to her. The witch also stood up and held his hand together. A closer look at the rouge-like birthmark between the eyebrows. Make that smiling face even more beautiful:

"This is a good start for our cooperation. From this point of view, you, a man, are pretty much the same as my girls. Let's have a drink to celebrate. I pay great attention to the sense of ceremony."

After saying that, he called the maid outside the door to get the wine glass and red wine, but Shade was one step ahead and took out the wine bottle from his pocket:

"Please allow me to give you a gift. Do you want to try my wine? Miss Sylvia once gave this wine to Princess Margaret, and His Highness also praised it as a delicious wine."

The blonde witch showed an interested expression:

"But I noticed that what you took out was an empty wine bottle."

"Yes, after all I prefer fresh wine."

Holding the bottom of the wine bottle, he pointed the mouth of the bottle at the decorative bunch of grapes in the fruit bowl on the coffee table, and the grapes turned into blood-colored liquid and was absorbed into the wine bottle. Then Shade put the cork on the wine bottle and shook the bottle a few times. Finally, he blew on the bottle, letting the ice mist spread to the bottle.

"That's it."

He handed the bottle to the maid who came to deliver the cup. She was also the one whose name was asked by Shade yesterday but could not give an answer. Only at this close contact did he fully confirm the other party's identity as a witch's apprentice. The blonde maid looked at Miss Belinder, and after receiving the latter's permission, she took the wine bottle and poured the coquettish blood-colored liquid inside into the goblet.

"She is Matilda, my head maid and apprentice, a very talented girl."

The witch took the goblet and resisted the idea of ​​divination:

“A pleasure to work with.”

After gently clinking the glasses, she slightly opened her pink lips and took a sip of the drink, then showed a rather surprised expression:

"This ordinary-tasting grape can actually ferment such a taste. If it is a grape specially used for making wine in the winery, wouldn't it be more... I don't remember Vanessa and the Golden Dawn and the wine-making skills. This comes from sucking blood. God’s magic?”

She asked suddenly, and Shade was very surprised. This was the first time someone had seen through the origin of this wine-making magic:

"Yes, this is a very complicated and tortuous story that cannot be disclosed because it involves other people's privacy. But because of that incident, I have a very good vampire friend. My relationship with the vampire I have nothing to do with the church, I just had some conflicts with one of them by the lake.”

"Princess Margaret is right to praise this red wine. Mr. Watson, your gift is very good. In this case, I can't be stingy. Matilda, go to my collection room and prepare me Get that gift.”

The maid left in a hurry and came back soon holding a square wooden box. Opening the box, there was a beautiful silver button inside the soft lining. This is an alchemical item, and it looks pretty high-end:

"I am the great witch of fate. It is my unique ability to create amulets and ornaments that make people lucky. This button can bring you luck, Mr. Watson. Although this luck is not enough to make you win every bet. A round of Rhodes, but luckily it cost nothing."

The witch introduced, and the maid also delivered the box to Shade.

"Thank you for your generosity, ma'am."

Shade sincerely expressed his gratitude. He knew how difficult it was to make such alchemical items, at least Luvia, who was at the seventh level, couldn't do it. This meeting gift is indeed generous.

The blond Miss Belindel smiled and continued:

"This can only be regarded as a meeting gift and a thank you for your cooperation and saving me yesterday afternoon.

You don’t have to worry about Hawthorne. No one will bother you about this matter again. Even if the church wants to investigate, I guarantee they won’t find any clues. No one who participated in the Dice Story Collection has any details except me. memory. As for your subsequent actions in the Moon Bay area, if you encounter a similar situation again, you don't need to pay special attention to the Hawthorne family and the Eddington family. I am very sure that they do not have a ring warlock of their own family. "

"But I heard that they have only started to come into contact with ring warlocks recently. If there is no ring warlock of their own in the family, how do they determine the authenticity of the prophecy?"

Shade raised the question in his mind, and the witch answered with the wine glass:

"This is a good question, but I can't give an exact answer. I can only say this: the origins of the seven glorious families of Yuewan are not just due to the victory of the power struggle. You may have heard some legends, and there are also many legends in our respective families. There are no strange rumors. Although the seven families are now ordinary people except for me, the power brought by the ancestors’ adventures still seems to be passed on from generation to generation.”

"The rumor I heard is that the ancestors of the seven families encountered a dragon in the Yuewan area in ancient times that gave them strength and wealth."

Shade was surprised:

"Miss Belindel, are you Dragonborn?"

The witch was amused:

"Of course not. How can I not tell my own bloodline? Besides, there is a witch in the council who has a relic that can tell the bloodline. I have tested the blood of seven families, including mine, and we are not Dragonborn. It’s just that everyone has a strange feeling that something big is going to happen in Yuewan City.”

This reminded Shade of the prophecy of family reunion that Laplace Howard made through human body and was rooted in the blood of future generations. But the content of that prophecy was extremely clear, and it was still very different from the situation provided by the great witch of fate.

"Belindel, Hawthorne, Eddington, Wood, Wright, Blake, Blue, the seven families should all have some stories and legends passed down by their ancestors. I will be responsible for requesting, borrowing and organizing these documents, and you , Mr. Watson, the first task is here."

Shade put down his glass:

"Please say."

"I want you to go to Xiacheng District to investigate a case. Early last week, an unknown female body was found in Xiacheng District with most of the blood missing. After the coroner's examination, the case was handed over to the church. Although no similar body appeared after that , but according to my divination results, this matter itself is still a bit strange."

Shade raised his eyebrows:

"If you still remember the coroner who met me at the entrance of the police station in [The Story of Dice], he was actually the one who examined the corpse."

"I have not investigated your background, let alone your friends. This is my respect for Vanessa. But this is better. Go and pursue this matter, whether it is a vampire or something else, find out the truth, Then bring the results back to me.”

She seemed to be worried that Shade wouldn't understand, so she explained a few words:

"Since there are no clues about the prophecy of the city and the dragon, it is better to start with the little things that happened in the city. After all, disasters often originate from places that are not easy to detect. Not long ago, during the Battle of Green Lake, the Speaker and I worked together to predict the insignificant things. Small things were made into a to-do list for the witches involved in the operation to solve, which later proved to be very effective.”

Shade very much agreed with her approach. From the beginning, he also wanted to start with small things and find out the situation in the Yuewan area:

"So do you have any other clues here now? Or should I start investigating from the beginning?"

"Since you know the coroner, you can probably get a lot of clues from him. In addition, I have the contact information of the local vampires. You can visit me. Matilda, bring the file bag."

The blonde maid went to the bookshelf to get something again, but Shade didn't really need the local vampire's contact information:

"What is your divination result on this case?"

"Swarms of flies symbolize troublesome things. If it predicts the future, it may also mean that it is futile, so I did not investigate it personally. But I am very sure that the scope of the impact of this matter is limited to the Moon Bay area. During your investigation, If you encounter trouble that you cannot solve yourself, such as a high-level warlock, you can come to me for help at any time. The 'Queen' divination card I gave you is your identity certificate for contacting me in the future. At the same time, my followers Seeing that card will help you too.”

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