Whispering Verse

Chapter 2089 Miss “Glorious”

Of course, although he knew what a steam bathhouse was in this era, Shade, who went there in a carriage, didn't really want to enter such a place because of the prejudice of foreigners.

The terrain of Yuewan City is not flat, resulting in a large height difference within the city. This results in the need to climb stone steps to reach adjacent blocks in some areas. This also causes a smooth "smooth" shape on one side of the stone steps. Cliff".

Crowley's Steam Bath, located at 18 Greve Street, is just below such a "cliff". In front of the bathhouse is the bustling Gref Square, surrounded by lively pedestrian streets and commercial districts. There are at least three banks here, and even the headquarters of the Lumberjacks Association controlled by the Wood family is not far away.

Although he didn't really like this kind of place, in the end Shade paid slowly, took off his clothes and put on a bathrobe, and then stepped on the marble floor with his bare feet and entered it.

There were a lot of people here on Monday afternoon, but it was not difficult to find Mr. Bernhardt. After all, there was only a little bat symbol suspended above his head.

Mr. Bernhardt also noticed Shade and waved to him. After he approached, the two stood in the corner outside the hot pool and talked:

"You don't seem to like it very much. Compared to Carsonlik, there are indeed very few public baths in Delrayon."

Mr. Bernhard said with a smile, Shade nodded:

"And I always think that this kind of place is unclean. If the ladies in my family find out, they will definitely complain to me."

Mr. Bernhard thought for a moment and realized that he was talking about the famous duchess:

"Then let's end the investigation here as soon as possible. Last week, the prostitute was last seen here. I just hypnotized a waiter, and he clearly saw the deceased being the same as the other two the night before his death. Professionals were brought here. But it’s not the public bath area, it’s the private hot pool deeper.”

"Who is looking for them?"

Mr. Bernhardt shook his head:

"I haven't investigated clearly yet, but they should be important people. When they talk about business or other sensitive topics, they won't let ordinary waiters know, but the manager here should know the identity of those people. I haven't asked where the manager is yet, and you happen to Here we are, let’s act together.”

He pointed at the hall filled with large and small hot water pools, filled with heat mist and the sound of conversation:

"You will make some noise here in a while, and I will take the opportunity to find the manager and look through the account books here."

"How much noise is needed? Are steam bombs enough?"

Although it was wrapped in a towel, Shade's towel contained some handy little plush toys.

Mr. Bernhardt blinked:

"There's no need to make such a big fuss. It's not good to provoke the police."

"No, no, I don't mean to blow up this place. I mean to put in the water pipes, blow up the water pipes, and let the sewage gush out from the water inlet."

"Well, you have a grudge against this place?"

"of course not."

"Then let's try other methods. It's still unclear the relationship between this bathroom and the murderer we want to investigate, so it's best not to attract too much attention. We will start in ten minutes. After the operation, we will leave separately, opposite Gref Square. See you at the tavern.”

So the two of them separated, and Shade was not idle. He observed the direction of the steam pipes on the wall, and used "powerful spatial perception" to determine the terrain here, and then easily found the location of the steam boiler room:

"It's like opening a mini map."

Shade, who didn't like acting in a bathrobe, chose to put his clothes back on first, and then walked through the narrow corridor and entered the steam boiler room. The worker who was guarding the boiler and adding fuel pushed the cart between the pipes. Shade found the valve that controlled the hot and cold water. When there were two minutes left before ten minutes, he completely closed the hot water valve and then controlled the cold water. Valve open:

"I am sorry."

In short, when Shade saw Mr. Bernhardt at the tavern table across the square twenty minutes later, he was still thinking about whether what he had just done was too much.

Mr. Bernhard seemed to be in a good mood, dismissed the waiter, and sat down opposite Shade:

"After asking, the person who met the deceased that night was indeed unusual."

He pointed north:

"That's the Lumberjacks Association controlled by the Wood family over there. When I looked at the account books, I found out that they ran the bathhouse. That night, Herman Wood, Freeman Hawthorne, and Georgia Black were here. Let’s meet. Those three prostitutes were specially brought for them.”

"Wait a mininute."

Shade was puzzled:

"People like them actually go to prostitutes in the Lower City?"

"Mr. Watson, don't use yourself to understand others. People can never understand each other."

The vampire shook his head and continued talking:

"The manager doesn't know what happened that night. Specifically, there is a secret passage in the bathhouse. These big shots always take the secret passage when they come. After all, they have to take their face into consideration. So he only knows that those people brought their subordinates and Three women left at about eleven o'clock. The Wood family, the Hawthorne family, and the Black family. The names I mentioned just now belong to these three families, and those three are all ruthless people who control gangs and are well-known in the local area. "

One of the "ruthless people" recently lost his memory for a week, and he doesn't know what he is doing now.

"If we find these three people next, there will be results."

Schade concluded, Mr. Bernhardt smiled and nodded:

"Of course, besides them, the remaining two women are also worthy of investigation. The bathhouse manager knows one of them. She lives near Herring Street."

"Okay, let's split up. I will investigate the woman and Freeman Hawthorne who live on Herring Street in the lower city. I have had contact with Hawthorne, and there are other things I have to do over there on Herring Street. As for Wood and Freeman Hawthorne, Black, Mr. Bernhardt, it’s up to you to investigate.”

Since Herring Street was involved, of course Shade had to go and see for himself.

"Of course it's no problem. The business I'm dealing with happens to have some intersection with the Wood family. But I have some personal matters to deal with these days. Today is Monday and Saturday afternoon. Let's go to Ptolemy's place to meet up."

"Is Sunday morning okay? I have something to do on Saturday afternoon."


"So do we still need to pay attention to this bathhouse? There is also the secret passage you mentioned."

Shade asked again, and Mr. Bernhardt thought for a while:

"If you have time, you can investigate it, but the focus of the investigation now is still the four people who may know what happened that night. Also, be careful when investigating. This matter must be related to the ring warlock. I am not sure whether it is involved. My kindred, but even if you are involved, you will show no mercy.”

He knew Shade's methods, so he only mentioned it a little bit. So the two sat in the tavern for a while to sort out their current investigation ideas, and then left separately.

It was now three o'clock in the afternoon, so Shade got on the carriage in Gref Square and rushed to Herring Street on the banks of the Taton River.

He had already obtained the address of the prostitute. He originally thought that the prostitute had not gone out for work at this time. Unexpectedly, he had just gotten off the carriage. He lowered his head to collect the driver's change. When he looked up, he saw the prostitute in a blue silk dress. A girl with a prominent waistline and wearing a wide-brimmed hat is standing in front of the railing on the shore looking at the river in the distance.

"Angel Elisa"

【Teres. 】

"Miss Angel Elisetris?"

This was the girl who met Shade in the museum in the morning, and the silver anchor she gave him was still in Shade's pocket.

"Why is it such a coincidence?"

He thought suspiciously and walked up to say hello:

"Good afternoon, miss."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Watson."

The girl who was blowing the wind from the shore and looking at the river boats also responded politely. She didn't seem surprised at all by Shade's appearance at this time:

"Come for a walk here?"

"No, I want to find someone to ask about something. But I didn't expect that a girl with such a noble family background as you would appear alone in the Lower City."

"Noble birth?"

The blue-eyed girl smiled and shook her head:

"I am not from a noble family. Even if my family background when I was born is almost as good as most people imagine, there is still a difference between a ring magician and an ordinary person even though I am not from a noble family."

Shade made a puzzled expression:

"Sorry, what?"

The girl with blue eyes said instead:

"My last name is too complicated, isn't it? You can call me Miss Elisa, or Miss Glory."

She didn't give Shade time to think, and said with a smile:

"I know you are a ring magician, but I am not ordinary either."

The smile on Shade's face disappeared, and "she" whispered in his ear:

[She didn’t shake your hand in the morning. 】

"Miss Elisa, what do you want to do?"

"Actually, I would be happier if you called me Miss Glory. No, I don't want to do anything, it's what you want to do."

She smiled and pointed to her head, her hair under the hat swaying with the wind by the river, and the color of her blue eyes was still deep:

"You want to know about that ship, yes you must, people have always wanted to know."

"what do you want?"

Shade thought she wanted to sell information, but she didn't say anything because she was in the museum in the morning, but his understanding was completely wrong.

"Mr. Watson, I don't want anything."

After shaking her head slightly, she stretched out five fingers:

"Help me do something. After I finish it, I will tell you about the ship. I won't deliberately embarrass you. With your ability, it should be easy to complete those things."

After saying that, he looked at Shade with his hands behind his back. Miss Elisa's height falls within the category of a normal woman. She raised her head slightly when she looked at Shade, and the smile on her face was unusually gentle:

"Want to try it?"

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