Whispering Verse

Chapter 2098 Scales

The "finger of death" probability gives an instant death effect. Once the effect is successful, you will definitely die unless you have corresponding resistance, and even if you have resistance, you will be seriously injured.

At that moment, the black light erupted from Miss Belindel's fingertips, like the invisible god of death waving a scythe in the air. With the reaction speed of the little giant-sized werewolf, he could have avoided it, but the effects of three negative thaumaturgy made his body completely stiff in place, and then he was completely hit by the black light.

The next second, the dark hair on the werewolf's body illuminated by the fire turned gray, and then his body began to shrink. But it did not die there. The obviously weakened werewolf seemed to be temporarily freed from the control of thaumaturgy due to the strange effect of being hit by the "Finger of Death". Blonde lady in position.

The witch was not panicked at all. The golden bracelet on her wrist shook slightly, and then a pair of anklets suddenly emerged from the soil of the cave to tie up the werewolf in the air, and then locked its right leg to the ground. superior.

The werewolf that fell to the ground caused the cave to tremble again. Miss Belindel looked at the top of Luo Hui's head with some dissatisfaction, while the werewolf that fell to the ground curled up into a ball. The maids immediately surrounded him and wanted to pursue him, but the werewolf, whose right leg was locked and unable to move, actually jumped up again.

The right leg that was bound by the anklet on the ground was bitten off by it. But even if only one leg is left, the way it looks when it pounces is still terrifying.


When the dark chain shot out of the nearly lightless cave, there was no trace at all except the sound of breaking through the air. After the giant wolf in the air was locked by the chain around its neck, it immediately continued to pounce and fell back to the ground for the third time.

The torch had just been extinguished due to the wind generated by the werewolf's attack, and now it was lit again, and the six dark sin runes shone with an eerie light under the firelight. Shade, standing behind Miss Belindel, explained while holding the chain:

"I have a domestic pet cat. Although cats and dogs are different, the movements of curling up to protect themselves are still similar. She didn't curl up to protect herself just now. That movement clearly didn't want us to see her nibbling on herself. legs."

With that said, he threw out three more silver halos to lock the werewolf's neck, body and hands, and then put back the [Chain of Sin]. Miss Belindel wanted to ask about the chain, but the werewolf had a new problem at this time.

After the chain retreated, its body shrank again until it turned into the shape of a curled-up middle-aged woman. Of course, the right leg is still broken, but the flesh and blood are regenerating rapidly.

"The ability to regenerate so quickly? The werewolf's recovery ability is not that exaggerated, right?"

Miss Belindel was confused. Seeing that the woman was not wearing any clothes, she wanted to remind Shade not to look, but when she turned around, she saw that Shade had already looked away.

"Is the thaumaturgy just now the finger of death? I have a friend who is good at the power of death. I also know this thaumaturgy. You are really good at using it."

Shade said while looking around the cave. The three maid ladies put clothes on the middle-aged woman who could not move and put her into a temporary coma. Of course, since the physical fitness of werewolves far exceeds that of humans, they have taken various insurances.

"Yes, the finger of death. I'm actually not good at fighting. I just like to use this kind of thaumaturgy with direct effects. However, I am in Yuewan City all year round, and there are not many opportunities that require me to take action."

She generously admitted that she was not strong enough, and Xia De also smiled and said:

"Aside from the Mystery Lock, Miss Benanis is actually not very good at fighting."

This is what Miss Carina said about the female opera singer when Shade first arrived in Randall Valley. In hindsight, this evaluation was not wrong. After all, the Duchess was definitely one of the most powerful eleventh-level witches. Compared with her, Miss Benanis was certainly inferior.

"She has her own Mystery Lock, and later showed the ability to summon a huge stone statue. This is already powerful enough."

After finishing speaking, Miss Belindel sighed for some reason. After confirming that the werewolf was unconscious, she temporarily locked it in place and the group continued to go deep into the end of the cave:

"Your control thaumaturgy is also very powerful, and the chains and halos are both good."

After passing the battle site with the werewolf and passing through the narrow spot in the middle of the open cave, we reached the end of the cave under the tree. It's just that the wall at the end of the cave is not a stone wall, but a curtain made of very disgusting squirming vines.

Gray-green mucus filled the vines, and rustling black insects shuttled between the vines. Miss Belindel frowned. Although she felt sick, she was not afraid:


She signaled the maids to burn the vines blocking the way, but as she finished speaking, a face actually appeared among the squirming vines. There is no concept of "becoming a spirit" or other foreigners' hometown in this world. Anyone who is wise must have a reason for creating a soul. As soon as the face made of vines appeared, Miss Belindel saw through the other person's true nature:

"The resentful spirit is attached to the tree. It doesn't look very intelligent."

She actually intended to talk to the other party, but the resentful spirit directly attacked everyone. The overwhelming tree roots and vines came from all directions of the originally empty cave. The tide of small black bugs spread like water to the ground beneath everyone's feet.

"Girls, kill it."

"Yes, miss."

The five people summoned the flames together. Even Shade, who had never learned the "Fire Wall Technique", could shape a huge fire wall by shaping the flames. Five walls of fire blocked the front, rear, left, right, and upper directions, and then slowly moved outwards and burned the vines. As for the swarm of insects and vines pouring out from under their feet, they were directly blocked underground by Miss Belindel's "turn mud into stone" spell.

The scary-looking vines and bugs were also ordinary goods and were quickly burned away by the flames. But this also made the inside of the cave even more smelly and suffocating. Fortunately, all five of them are in good physical condition and there is no need to worry about issues such as lack of oxygen.

Under the flames, even the resentful spirit attached to the giant tree became weak. When everyone's wall of fire disappeared, the resentful spirit, which had completely lost its mind, actually manipulated the tree roots and vines, showed its actual form and launched an attack on the five people.

It's hard to tell what the dark thing is. The overall shape is close to that of a horse, but it also has deformed wings. It's definitely not a pegasus or a unicorn. If you look closely, the head looks a bit like a dragon.

Then the flames appeared again until the resentful spirit was completely eliminated. Then the vines blocking the road were cleared one by one, and everyone got behind the curtain.

There was a rather small space behind the curtain, and it was inconvenient for five people to stand together, so Shade took the initiative to wait outside like a gentleman. Then the two ladies from the ninth ring also came out, allowing Miss Belindel and Mathil Miss Da is inside.

A witch who is good at divination can definitely play a big role in this kind of situation. Shade did not worry too much, but chose to chat with Maggie Vincent and Miss Lina Penster outside. At first The two of them were not very willing to talk, but after casually chatting with Shade for a few words about the topic of fire spells, they gradually became interested in the topic.

When Miss Belindel emerged from the hole, the three people waiting outside were talking about attaching flames to weapons. Seeing the witch appear, they all shut their mouths. Miss Belindel glanced at her two maids suspiciously, worrying that they had also been "charmed" by Shade:

"We found the right place. There is a very ancient sealing stone slab inside. I suspect that the evil spirit and the tree can have such power because of the influence of that stone slab. Even the werewolf's rapid recovery ability may be related to this. Related. The way to open the stone slab requires the use of specific secret words or the power of the dragon."

She paused:

"It's a pity that although I found this place in the family records, I couldn't find the secret word. Matilda and I just tried it. Ordinary dragon-related thaumaturgy didn't work. It's probably a dragonborn or something related to a dragon. Relevant relics. I’m pretty sure my followers don’t have any, so do you?”

After speaking, he shook his head:

"It doesn't matter if you don't have it. Close this place and we can go back to the city to find a solution."

"I can give it a try."

So Miss Matilda came out, replaced by Shade and the witch, and re-entered the narrow cave. The so-called "sealing slate" was actually above the head. Miss Belindel probably divined the location and cleared away the thick soil before finding it.

The square stone slab is embedded in the thick rock formation. It is impossible to obtain the internal sealed object by destroying the rock formation structure.

The ball of light illuminated this place and also illuminated the runes on the stone slab. Miss Belindel was about to explain the meaning of those ancient dragon language runes to Shade, but she didn't expect Shade to read it out himself:

"Don't move if it's not a dragon. Well, the grammar is strange, but it's easy to understand. Oh, look at what I do, I'm very good at ancient languages, not only dragon language, I also understand the language of mermaids and elves."

Shade said, reaching out and touching the stone slab to confirm that it would be difficult to force it open with the "Door Key":

"I probably have a way, but can you transfer it?"

Wanting the other person to turn around, he thought of the role of the Ring Warlock's "other self". He wanted to let the witch go out and wait, but he thought that if he wanted to continue to cooperate, he would have to let the other party know some secrets sooner or later.

So he shook his head and stopped talking, but took out the right glove from his pocket that Fiona had given him, which was kept close to him. Putting the gloves on his hands, he touched upward towards the stone slab. Obviously Shade didn't use much force, but cracks appeared on the stone slab almost immediately.


After a few seconds, the stone slab completely shattered, revealing a shiny scale embedded inside.

PS: Because there seems to be no specific content in the previous chapter, I will add another chapter.

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