Whispering Verse

Chapter 2111 Dragon Egg Fossil

Now that someone can help take care of the cat, Shade doesn't have to think about getting home as soon as possible, so his actions in the evening feel less urgent.

As usual, we passed through Dragon's Nest and then entered the city via St. George's Stone Bridge. When we arrived at the dock area in the south of the city, the brilliant sunset had illuminated the moored ships and dock piers from the sea. The sparkling light makes the night view of the pier even more stunning, while the urban area looks much darker than that near the pier because of the perennial clouds.

The ship that came from the New World and carried banned medicinal herbs had arrived in the waters of Moon Bay, but it had not yet entered the port. As for Freeman Hawthorne and his party, they are currently waiting for the ship to dock in the tavern in the dock area.

Shade, who wanted to be more cautious, did not "ask" for information in the tavern. Instead, he turned into a swarm of butterflies and flew close to the sea, and then flew into the cargo ship.

Lesia can use food to cover those special alloys, and Freeman Hawthorne can also use food to cover herbs. After boarding the ship, Shade easily avoided the sailors who were busy because the ship was entering the port. After entering the bottom cargo hold and checking it briefly, he knew that he had found the right ship.

In addition to the deceptive grain and the illegal herbal medicines that were really cargo on the ship, Shade also accidentally discovered a well-hidden safe in the grain pile in the bottom warehouse, and found some strange stones in the safe. . After identifying it, I realized that it was the fossil of some kind of egg. After touching it, I confirmed that it had completely turned into stone and did not have any elemental reaction:

"What is this. An echo of the past."

I tried two or three times but could not hear the voice. He frowned and thought for a moment. This ship did not set off from the New World within forty-eight hours. Obviously, the person who put these fossils here did not come back to check and said to himself about his purpose:

"There will be more to ask about in a moment."

The next thing to do was to wait. During this period, the customs and port authority sent people to board the ship to confirm the cargo carried by the docked ship, but they could not find anything fishy about the ship.

So just as Shade expected, the ship docked safely. Then he waited for a long time before Freeman Hawthorne finally brought people on board the ship.

Shade was in the lowest cabin and could hear the voices above. He was very patient and knew that the other party would definitely come down. While waiting, I was even thinking about whether I should contact Sirius and learn some simple spells and magic that could affect memory.

When it was close to seven o'clock in the evening, the footsteps finally reached the deepest cabin. After waiting for a long time, Shade took his eyes away from the Rhodes cards in his hand, put the deck away and waited with bated breath. The voice outside the door also cooperated with Shade:

"You don't have to follow me, I'll check it myself."

This is the voice of Freeman Hawthorne.

The door of the cabin was opened, and the man who had been questioned by Shade at the Parsifal Club walked in alone. Unlike last time, this time he was wearing clothes.

But Xia De was not happy because the person he was waiting for finally came. Instead, he frowned. He did not come out from behind the mountains of grain bags, because he clearly saw an invisible figure entering here along with Freeman Hawthorne.

This is undoubtedly the method of the ring warlock, and the vague figure looks familiar.

After all, he had already waited for so long, and Xia De didn't mind waiting a little longer. The invisible six-ring warlock followed Freeman Hawthorne, watching him check the herbs hidden under the grain, and then watched him find the safe and check the three eggshell fossils inside with a serious look. .

After the three eggshell fossils appeared, the invisible figure put his hand on Hawthorne's shoulder. While the latter was startled, invisible ropes made of wind bound him. The wind blocked Hawthorne's shouting, and the invisible man only revealed his appearance after kicking Hawthorne down.

He looks very young, in his mid-twenties. His right hand held the invisible rope that twisted the air, and his left hand reached behind his back as if to hold the hilt of the sword, but there was nothing behind him. The sixth-ringed man, who could even be said to be quite handsome, did not rush to pay attention to Hawthorne after he appeared. Instead, he frowned and looked around:

"Come out, I found you."


Shade thought in his mind and stood there without moving, but the young man's eyes looked directly in his direction:

"There's something wrong with the flow of the wind. In this kind of confined space, as long as you don't stop breathing completely, even if the sound completely disappears, I can still detect you by sensing the wind. Come out, I know you are there."

Now it seemed that it was not a lie. Although Shade did not expect to be discovered, he still walked out:

"Sir, this is also my goal."

He pointed at Hawthorne, who was lying on the ground unable to make a sound:

"And unfortunately, I was the one who came first."

The man who stretched out his hand behind his back shook his head:

"I admit that you may have arrived at the cabin first, but I have been following him since the Parsifal Club at two o'clock in the afternoon. I was here first."

"More patient than me."

Shade praised him, and he became impatient after waiting for an hour:

"In that case, let's follow the rules."

"Okay, follow the rules."

The orange moonlight sword was pulled out from the void and stabbed forward. The six-ring warlock's left hand, which was held above his shoulder, also drew out the invisible sword, and blocked Shade's sword with the sword blade.

There was a sound of ~, sparks flew everywhere, and yellow light flakes flew. The moment he hit the opponent's sword, the wind layer wrapped around the invisible sword twisted, allowing Shade to determine the length and width of the weapon. This opponent was not the nine-ring warlock from the [Light Worshiper Training Society] who had exchanged blows with Shade in the Whispering Hills a few days ago, but Shade had already determined who he was.

Then the two of them sheathed their swords and slashed diagonally forward almost simultaneously. The Moonlight Sword and the Invisible Sword clashed again. The orange-yellow sword engraved with ancient runes instantly cracked, but it did not break.

The two of them lowered their centers of gravity forward at the same time, trying to suppress each other's strength with the swords in their hands.

"The Moonlight Sword. A few months ago in Tobesk in the North, I met a master who was good at this thaumaturgy. His sword was the moonlight of the red moon, and it hurt more than your sword."

The six-ring warlock said.

"Sage-level relic [Sword of the Wind King], a long sword blessed by the ancient wind elemental giant spirit and the old god who controls the power of the four elements. It is divided into tangible and invisible forms, and different forms have different characteristics. Unexpectedly, in Yuewan City , to be able to see such a weapon."

Shade also said that the man in front of him was one of the attackers he met halfway when the team was on a mission to transport the suppressed angel-level relic [the remains of the Nameless One] (Chapter 1653). He exchanged a piece of adamantine ore for the opportunity to leave Shade. The piece of adamantine ore was later borrowed by Megan. On the central island of Green Lake, now known as "Paradise Island", from the oil painting of the Mineralogist Information was exchanged.

As for Shade, he still clearly remembers this incident because the [Wind King's Sword] can only be held by righteous people with chivalry spirit. At that time, he was very curious that the six-ring warlock in front of him had blocked the road and robbed him. How could it still be called a righteous man? "Justice", so naturally he was deeply impressed by this matter.

After a simple conversation, Shade pushed forward and pushed away the sixth-ring warlock on the opposite side. Then he raised his foot and kicked forward, kicking the man holding the [Wind King's Sword] into a hill made of grain bags not far away. .

The impact raised a puff of smoke, but Shade did not use all his strength, and because of the cushioning of those grain bags, the injury to the opponent was not serious.

"What a powerful force."

The young man climbed up on the ground and inserted the invisible long sword in his hand into the scabbard behind his back. Shade also dismissed the yellow moonlight sword in his hand and glanced at Freeman Hawthorne, who was still struggling on the ground:

"Do you want to continue fighting?"

"No fight, I can't beat you, and we don't want to sink this ship and provoke the church."

The six-ring warlock lowered his head and said:

"And I should have no conflict with you. Freeman Hawthorne is not a good person. No matter what you are going to do to him, I think what you do is at least not completely bad."

It seems that his moral bottom line and methods of action are very flexible.

"And what are you doing here looking for Freeman Hawthorne?"

Shade asked, then added:

"I won, and I think I deserve to know this."

The latter hesitated for a moment:

"Hawthorne's fleet smuggled three pieces of contraband from the New World to the local area. I received the news and wanted to send them back to the New World. These things will definitely cause trouble if they are placed in the hands of ordinary people. If he is behind his back, There are also ring warlocks, so the trouble will be even greater."

Shade looked at the three egg-shaped fossils:

"What kind of fossil is this? Dragon egg?"

"Yes, I'm not sure of the specific age and type of dragon, but at least the appearance is intact. I think you didn't come here for these eggs. I didn't know the information about the ship so I followed him all afternoon. You arrived early. On the ship, if it was for these eggs, they would have been taken away long ago.”

Shade frowned slightly:

"Although you are right, there are some problems with your own introduction. What organization do you belong to?"

Of course the latter didn't want to say it, but when he saw Sha De looking at him, and it was obvious that he couldn't beat Sha De, he had no choice but to say:

"This is not a secret. I am not a bad person. I belong to the [Pioneering Legion]. The more familiar name to the ring warlocks in the Old World is: [New World Mutual Aid Association]."


Shade was a little surprised, but then he felt that this was actually normal.

The "New World Mutual Aid Association" is an organization composed of ring warlocks who went to the New World. The original purpose of this organization was to unite the ring warlocks who went to the New World, but later the concept changed to "leaving dangerous items belonging to the New World in the New World."

In other words, it is to prevent those high-risk relics and materials from flowing into the densely populated Old World through various channels. Although many people think that this is the Ring Warlocks of the New World who are preventing the Ring Warlocks of the Old World from sharing their gains in the New World, at least the church has not recognized the "New World Mutual Aid Association" as an illegal organization.

This is partly because the [New World Mutual Aid Association] is not very radical, and partly because the structure of this organization is quite loose. You can join as long as someone recommends you, and you can quit at any time if you want to quit. Whether this can really be called a "ring warlock organization" is not certain, but since he can accept the mission, the young six-ring warlock in front of Shade must be a core member of the [New World Mutual Aid Association].

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