Whispering Verse

Chapter 2149 Holding Hands

Raindrops and ice particles hit the glass, and the bursts of thunder are frightening. There are no lights in the small tavern, and there is no heating this season. The voices of men and women were mixed in the complex night background, very soft and gentle, and Bella Belindel also thought it was very warm.

"It's almost time, let's set off towards the shore."

Looking outside, Shade said. The witch nodded and put away the cards on the table:

"I'm also very curious about what will happen tonight. No matter how confident the Dragon Feast Order is, it shouldn't have such a head-on conflict with the church, right?"

“If they really align with what I’m looking for, then it’s worth the cost.”

He said, and this time the blonde witch did not ask Shade what he was looking for, but grabbed his hand after the two left the tavern side by side.

For a moment, it felt like cold water brushed against the skin, and then the clothes wet by the rain quickly evaporated. The rain no longer corroded the clothes, and the two figures seemed to have melted into the night.

"The Illusion Body Curse was originally a spell to avoid flames and poisonous fog. It is suitable for avoiding rain. Although I am not as good at frontal combat as they are, I have a lot of auxiliary abilities."

She still said to Shade with a smile in the dark night, her smile was very bright.

The atmosphere was just right, and the two of them were about to head closer to the coast side by side. On the other side of the street, two other figures braved the rain and suddenly appeared. Not just any ordinary person, also wearing a cloak and a mask. The rainwater fell from the tops of the two people's heads to the side as if they encountered a sloping slope. This was also a miraculous trick to avoid rain.

"Not a church person."

The blonde countess said, then she stepped in front of Shade and stood in front of him, holding an amethyst pendant in her hand:

"What are you doing here?"

Because of the "Illusion Curse", the two strangers didn't notice them just now. After the witch spoke, she realized that there were two people standing here. Seeing the amethyst pendant that glowed in the night rain, she recognized who was in front of her:

"Lady Amethyst!"

The Witch's reputation among local ring wizards is strong.

"We heard rumors that the church and the [Dragon Feast Order] were going to fight in the dock area, so we wanted to come and see the situation. After all, the prophecy about the destruction of the dragon and the city is now that most people are in the nearby neighborhoods, and the church's defense is very effective. We originally wanted to find a place with a better view.”

They stopped talking and watched the lady carrying the pendant disappear into the rain.

Just like what they said, the church's defense is not only aimed at the coast. The church is also preventing problems in the city after manpower is transferred to the dock. But even so, Shade and Miss Belinder did not encounter much difficulty entering the pier from the city direction. The witch is right. She is indeed not good at fighting, but in terms of detecting traps, deciphering rituals, finding roads, and sneaking and hiding, she is far better than Shade after cooperating with divination.

Starting from the deserted tavern just now, Shade only had to follow the witch holding his hand and watch her move forward. When you encounter an intersection, you toss a coin to determine the direction. Your keen sixth sense detects something is wrong and you use your pendulum divination to determine whether there are traces of magical rituals nearby. If they met the church's ring warlock team on the road, they did not. The witch had predicted in advance which path to take to avoid unnecessary trouble.

If the dock area tonight is compared to a huge maze full of traps, then Bella Belindel is almost equivalent to an all-powerful maze breaker, even more powerful than the [Source of Chaos] currently on her shoulders. Therefore, when they came to the alleyway only one block away from the coast, Shade basically did nothing except walking to expend energy.

The witch led him into the alley. Through the alley, he could see the coast and the pier. Shade originally wanted to praise Miss Belinder, but a roar from a distance completely suppressed his voice.


The sound was louder than the thunder that exploded in the air the next second. Even in the rain, Shade vaguely heard the sound of shattering glass on the street not far away. Even before he could see the source of the roar, the overwhelming feeling that made people almost breathless already explained what the roar belonged to. What was even more obvious was that the long sword with dragon scale patterns on Shade's back trembled amidst the roar.

In the night rain mixed with more snowflakes and ice particles, several figures flew high into the sky to prepare to meet the enemy. Although the distance was far away, Shade was sure that the thirteen-ring warlock was not included among them. The heavy rain made everything around him blurry, but the streaks of light that burst out from the night sky were still clear.

The church had prepared for so long in advance and of course did not let the battle break out above the pier, so what Shade and Miss Belindel saw at this time was only the aftermath.

Both of them quickened their pace. Even if there was no harvest tonight, confirming the outcome of this battle would be beneficial for subsequent actions.

It's just that the two of them couldn't walk through the alley safely after all. In the dark night of heavy rain, the black color was as thick as ink. Therefore, when the man in a black cloak hurried towards the two of them, even Shade, who had strong senses, could not detect him very early.

The stranger was thin and walked very fast, with a black hood covering the upper half of his face. He walked as if he was floating without making any sound. Because he had met a stranger just now and knew that the two of them were definitely not the only people coming to see the "fun" tonight, Xia De was not surprised to meet someone here.

He just looked at the witch on the side with confusion, wondering if she didn't expect there was someone in the alley.

But after the stranger noticed them, he didn't mean to stop and change the route. Instead, he rushed over faster. The blonde witch raised her hand to make a warning gesture, and then Shade stepped in front of her, his right hand already touching the two swords on his back.

Her heart warmed, and she saw the stranger rushing over again as if sliding along the ground, and suddenly turned into a bloody mist in the pouring rain. Accompanied by another soul-stirring roar that was very similar to a dragon's roar, the blood mist even turned the rain and snow falling from the sky into toxins. The surrounding ground and walls suddenly melted in the poison like paper, but Shade, who faced the monstrous blood mist, did not retreat at all:

"You dare to stop me at this time?"

The dragon scale sword was pulled out of its sheath by the spell, and was drawn out by Shade at just the right angle. The gorgeous blood moon brilliance fell with the sword mark, and the sweeping blood mist actually rolled back to the original place along with the red blood sword mark.

The figure in the black cloak vaguely reappeared in the blood mist, and then the second bright yellow sword mark had already fallen.


On the surface of the figure's skin that was vaguely visible in the blood mist, scales emerged and he withstood the sword. Then his alienated claws grabbed the piece of ice thrown by Shade in the blood mist:

"Passionate Ice!"

The ice cube exploded, but its power was actually not as powerful as that sword. But before the evaporated clouds and dust fell, and even the remaining sword marks on the ground were not extinguished by the moonlight, three sword lights that were exactly the same as before appeared at the same time.

The noise caused by the sword light at the pier disturbed the ring magicians on the shore. In the alley, when the sword light disappeared, not only was the clothes torn by the explosion, but also the black cloaked figure with scales and bat wings was exposed, and even Shade stopped him. Miss Belindel behind her gave a slightly incredulous look.


Thunder flashed, and white light illuminated the small mark on the alienated claws of the stranger:

"Black Moon Talisman!"

"How dare you catch my sword?"

Shade's voice came in the wind, and at the same time, the claws with the talisman attached turned into white ash and scattered in the rain, and then the stranger's entire arm became white ash. Just before the body disintegrated, the stranger's body exploded into a ball of blood mist again, and then flew straight into the sky.

The church's ring magicians have already noticed this, and Shade and Miss Belindel don't dare to stay long. The witch held Shade's hand again, and while releasing the illusion, she quickly chose a direction to lead him away, but Shade was still puzzled:

"How is it possible? Once it is selected by the Black Moon Talisman, even if it abandons part of its body, the conceptual annihilation will not be cut off. That thing just now actually has 'instant death' and 'annihilation' resistance?"

"It has dragon scales on its body, and it behaves like a vampire. Only God knows what it is."

The blonde witch holding Shade's hand and running through the rainy night said, and then looked at Shade's side face:

"The one you just used was really the Black Moon Talisman?"


"Where on earth did Vanessa find you?"

"This is not the first time you have asked this question."

They stopped together, holding their left hands with their right hands, holding their breath and standing against the wall. They waited until the three people who were running in a hurry passed by before turning into another alley aside:

"I just feel that the more I get to know you, the more magical you become. [Black Moon Talisman] This kind of conceptual annihilation thaumaturgy, the most complete ritual record should be in the St. Byrons Library, although it is not Unless you learned it from a source I don’t know about. Are you actually from St. Byrons Comprehensive College?”

She asked carefully, walking hand in hand with Shade. Shade thought for a moment that today was Sunday, then turned around and answered with a smile:

"Yes, that Red Moon Witch Daniste was giving me lessons alone two days ago."

The witch only thought he was joking.

Of course, Shade also had some guesses about the identity of the strange thing that attacked the two of them just now. The "vampire monster" that attacked citizens in the city at night has not been caught by the church so far. It is certainly not surprising that it has a strong ability to escape.

It’s just that Shade has other important matters tonight, so the guy who escaped can find a way to arrest him later;

"Tomorrow night or the day after tomorrow is probably suitable. Is that thing a monster mixed with a dragon and a vampire?"

The battle between the two sides just now attracted the attention of the church ring magicians, but thanks to the assistance of Miss Belindel, they easily left the encirclement. By the time the two finally arrived at the pier in the rain, lightning, and thunder, it was already eight o'clock that night.

The sea water rolled up waves, and the strong wind continued to beat against the shore. The ships moored in the port swayed from side to side, as if they were about to wash ashore with the waves in the next second.

The magical ritual that symbolized the elements of miracles was resisting something that Shade could not see clearly for the time being on the trestle, and higher up in the night sky, three giant dragons spraying dragon breath were like black spots, fighting against dozens of rings. Warlocks fight.

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