Whispering Verse

Chapter 2169

The ink-colored sword mark hit the huge head frontally. After the shining star sword mark flew out from the back of the head, the head also split into two parts and disappeared into the darkness amidst the increasingly harsh howling sound.

But soon, as the darkness surged, another huge head emerged from the darkness. Shade landed and faced him again with his sword. This battle may take a long time.

"Do you know the ancient runes? Come and help."

Luvia tugged on Emilia's sleeve, handed her a piece of blue fluorescent chalk, and then briefly explained how the runes were to be arranged. The elf girl then squatted down and wrote runes on the ground, but her pointed ears could still hear the loud crashing and fighting sounds coming from outside.

"[Friendly Neighbors], like the curse letters and ghosts you have encountered before, are essentially powerful curses born from people's resentment and fear. Theoretically, as long as intelligent life still exists and has fear, It is difficult to completely contain these cursed relics that have been born. Don’t look at Shade’s brilliant performance outside. In fact, no matter how many times he wins, he can’t drive away these things. Therefore, when you encounter relics in the future, You also need to think more about what the core of the relic points to.”

Luvia was still teaching her softly:

"Of course, this doesn't mean that Shade's current efforts are useless. If he hadn't been there to support us, the two of us would not be able to complete this ritual here so easily. This is probably the first time you have dealt with a sage-level relic. This is a very valuable experience. As for whether you want to inform the college about this later, it is up to you. Shade and I do not lack this honor and we are outside the college. Although this kind of thing is not common, it is not just I can see you once.”

The pointed-eared elf girl nodded, but did not make a decision immediately. She just moved her hands faster. She knew that Shade was buying time for them.

With Luvia around, there was no trouble, and the ritual that Emilia couldn't understand was quickly written completely on the wall and floor. Then the elf girl hid behind Luvia again and watched her reach out and open the door.


The light emerging from the crack in the door even made Amelia a little uncomfortable. And soon the light engulfed the two of them. When their vision returned to normal, they appeared together in a strange apartment that was sunny and full of life.

To be honest, Emilia was still in that eerie corridor just now, and now she suddenly came into the sunshine. Instead of feeling safe, Emilia felt that the surroundings were even more dangerous.

She held Luvia's hand tightly, fearing that the two would be separated for various reasons. But there is no danger here for the time being, just Mr. and Mrs. Goodman sitting on two bamboo chairs in the sun talking.

There is a small white painted square table placed between the two chairs. The male owner of the apartment has his legs crossed and is reading a newspaper with unidentifiable content. The female owner of the apartment has a woolen basket on her lap and is knitting a sweater in her hands.

"It seems like a new neighbor has moved next door?"

A man's voice came from behind the newspaper.

"Yes, I heard that he was a country bumpkin who moved from the countryside. The woman even gave me some pancakes at noon. Ha~ Who would eat their food? Bah~"

The woman knitting sweater said as she was busy.

The sunny space suddenly became dark. When the light appeared again, the surrounding scene was still the same as before, but the bright sunlight outside the window was obviously much dimmed. At the same time, the original brand-new newspaper in the man's hand became wrinkled, and the wool of the woman's knitting sweater changed from white to white. It turned blood red.

"Our new neighbor was at the Housewives of the Block tea party last night? How was she?"

The man behind the newspaper asked again, and the woman knitting sweater still complained and mocked in a bitter tone:

"I don't know anyone about the country bumpkins who pour all the sugar into their coffee. Bah, what's the use of having money? Sooner or later they will go back to their mud holes."

This space became dark again, and when the light appeared for the third time, the only thing that illuminated the place from the window was the dim orange-red sunlight in the evening. The man still crossed his legs and hid his face behind a newspaper filled with horrific and twisted words. The woman still knitted a sweater, and blood continued to drip from the woolen basket.

"The new neighbor came to ask for help today?"

It was still the man who spoke first, but his originally magnetic voice had become hoarse than before.

"Yes, yes, when we were cooking dinner, the woman asked me to borrow salt."

When the woman spoke, it was as if there was a lump of phlegm stuck in her throat.

"You gave it to her?"

"Of course, bah~ guess what else I put in the salt shaker?"

Darkness fell amid a burst of deep laughter, and then a faint light shone from the window into the dark room. Both men and women were shrouded in the shadow of a large film. Emilia, who felt her whole body trembling, clung to Luvia tightly. The three scenes just now were just simple conversations, but she felt inexplicably that something was going on in her heart. Her sixth sense He was frantically reminding her to get out of here.

The man kept crossing his legs, and the horrific document from last time turned into a scroll of human skin dripping with blood. The woman was still knitting, but the woolen basket was clearly a bloody thing like a pelvis, and what she was sewing was a baby that looked dead for a long time.

"Our neighbors seem to be in need of some help lately and I've noticed that the plants in their gardens are wilting."

"Yes, they do need help, I noticed cockroaches, centipedes and rats of all kinds, breeding in their land."

"Why is this?"

"Why is this?"

The mix of the hoarse man's voice and the sharp woman's voice made Emilia dizzy and almost fainting.

In this dizziness, darkness fell again. But when the faint light of the gas lamp came on again, Emilia suddenly realized that she was standing with Luvia in the foyer of No. 6 Saint Teresa Square.

It seemed to be dark outside, and the light from the gas lamp in the foyer seemed extremely dim. There was a knock on the door before she realized what was happening, and the door opened of its own accord.

Mr. Goodman and Mrs. Goodman stood outside the door under the wall lamp with bright smiles.

She clutched the hand of her sister, Luvia Louisa, while Mr. Goodman outside the door smiled and said:

"Mrs. Hamilton, it has been a long time since your family moved here from the country and you have not been a guest at our place. My wife and I would like to invite you to visit us."

Shadows squirmed behind the two people outside the door like tentacles, and a strange rustling sound came from the darkness, but Amelia blushed at the name "Mrs. Hamilton." Then she realized that she wasn't talking about it.

"Sorry, my husband is not at home right now, he is still at work."

Emilia heard her sister Luvia say this. The elf girl condemned her immoral behavior in her heart, while the "kind" Mrs. Goodman shook her head and said with a smile:

"It's okay, Mrs. Hamilton. You can take your sister to our home first. We have prepared a sumptuous dinner for you. We will invite Mr. Hamilton again when he comes back from work."

Although Amelia didn't know why she felt a little afraid of these neighbors in the city, she still instinctively didn't want to leave home. She wanted to speak to remind her sister, but found that she couldn't speak.

The doubts in his dazed mind became even deeper. After a moment of silence that she didn't notice, Luvia asked calmly:

"Are you just inviting the two of us? Can we bring our cat with you?"


The image of the orange-white cat immediately popped up in Emilia's dazed mind. But somehow, she thought of another silver cat, but she couldn't remember whether that silver cat was also a domestic pet.

Mr. Goodman and Mrs. Goodman outside the door still had smiles on their faces, but they did not answer the question.

Luvia, who spoke calmly, continued to ask:

"Since you have taken the initiative to invite me, I have to tell you something. Although I am the hostess of this family, I am not the only lady in the family. Do you want to invite others?"

"Is there anyone else?"

Mrs. Goodman spoke again, enthusiastically:

"Where are they now? You can call them all together."

"Grace White and Helen Black at Cassandra Auction House, Fort Midhill."

There was a slight smile in Luvia's calm tone:

"They are a pair of very beautiful twin sisters. My husband likes them."

"I'll invite you right away."

said Mrs. Goodman, taking a small step back into the darkness. And in Emilia's dazed mind, new memories were recalled at this time, and she remembered that the man her sister married was very carefree:

"There seem to be a lot of people in the house, but fortunately the house is big, so there is no need to worry. I always feel like something is wrong."

Mrs. Goodman didn't leave for too long. Before Amelia could sort out the messy memories in her head, she stumbled back from the darkness. On the surface, Mrs. Goodman looked the same as before, but Luvia clearly felt that she had been seriously injured:

"Didn't they get invited?"

Luvia asked with a smile, holding Emilia's left hand and squeezing it gently, hoping that the confused girl behind her would wake up as soon as possible:

"Since you haven't invited anyone else at home, I'm really sorry, but we can't go out casually. The man of the house hasn't come back yet, so we don't dare to go out like this. He is a very stingy man. Although he usually smiles and looks like We talk very gently, but once we are disobedient, he will really take action. Many girls in the family have received a lot of whipping from him because of this."

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