Whispering Verse

Chapter 2171 Girls’ Night Talk

"of course not."

Luvia on the other side of the bed had been waiting for her to speak, turned to face her and opened her eyes. The beautiful purple eyes were really shining in the dark night, and Emilia bit her lip, feeling safe.

Luvia said:

"You were just unlucky to be chosen by the cultists. In fact, most ordinary people in this world will not have any interaction with the supernatural until they die. I know what you are worried about, but don't worry, here tonight There is no danger. This house is extraordinary.”

The girl holding the quilt with both hands nodded slightly, and couldn't help but ask:

"Aren't you afraid when you encounter those dangerous relics?"

"Of course I was scared."

Luvia continued to lie on her side and looked at the poor girl in front of her:

"I was also promoted from the first level. When I was in the lower level, I encountered these dangers and was afraid, but what can I do? My parents passed away very early, and I didn't have many trustworthy friends around me. Later, I was alone People get used to it, and later, I met Sha De."

The smile on her face at this moment was interpreted as "happiness" by Emilia, who was also lying on her side.

"Although his level was lower than mine at the beginning, somehow I felt at ease as long as he was by my side. Even if I encountered a dangerous and incomprehensible situation, as long as he was by my side, I knew there would be no problem. .You know, I didn’t move into this house.”

Luvia's voice was very soft. She didn't want the girls' night chat to be heard by Shade who was resting next door:

"But I really like this house. This is Shade's home, and it will also be my home. When I rest at home, I will never feel scared."

The purple eyes and smiling face made Emilia gradually relax. She nodded in understanding, feeling that the purple-eyed fortune teller in front of her really knew a lot and was very mature:

"Because you're at home, you won't worry about it, right? Well, Shade's house is safe, Luvia. Will I be as mature and gentle as you in the future?"

She asked with some expectation, Luvia blinked at her:

"Yes, but at that time, you may miss your current self."

The elf girl couldn't understand the weight of these words at the moment. She just shrank her body closer to the quilt and apologized softly with a red face:

"I disturbed you, right? If I hadn't shown up, you wouldn't have slept here."

"What are you talking about? A lady cannot say such things."

Luvia pushed Emilia gently:

"Okay, okay, go to sleep. Shade and I are both here, there is no danger anymore."

"Okay, good night, Luvia."

"Good night, Emilia."

They all closed their eyes again, but before Emilia fell into sleep, they heard Luvia beside them suddenly say:

"If you hear slight footsteps or scratching on the wall in this house in the middle of the night, don't be nervous."

Emilia immediately became nervous again:

“Is there something wrong with the house itself?”

"Of course there is a problem."

Luvia said in her heart, but answered with a smile:

"That's the sound of little Mia patrolling her territory or sharpening her claws at night. I was worried about scaring you, so I reminded you."

Thinking of that lovely cat, the elf girl felt that the last trace of fear had faded away. She nodded, then closed her eyes with peace of mind, relaxed and fell into sleep. As for Luvia beside her, she originally wanted to tiptoe to "visit" Shade next door, but when she listened carefully, she could hear the even breathing coming from the next door. Go to sleep.

The moonlight was bright, slanting into the room from the living room window with no curtains. On the oil painting on the left half of the living room illuminated by the moonlight, half of the face of the "Mermaid" is smiling. The many strange doors on the third floor, second floor and basement seemed to appear together for a moment due to the resonance of the moonlight.

The fire crackled and the dice jumped softly. Listen carefully, this night is just like before, and there seems to be many more prayer sounds from unknown sources. The stranger was so tired that he had entered a dreamland that no one could fathom. He leaned his face against the pillow and rested his right hand on the pillow. When I closed my eyes, I finally let go of the usual tension and uneasiness.

A silver arm stretched out from nowhere, and its fingers gently brushed his cheek. Then the cat balled up on the pillow opened its eyes, looked around, and then moved closer to Shade, leaning against his hand and fell into a deep sleep.

(Little Mia is running.)

Early Tuesday morning, Amelia felt like she was back at school.

This was the second night she spent in this house. She slept until about seven o'clock on Monday and woke up naturally. However, at six thirty on Tuesday morning, she was woken up by Luvia and got up to wash up and have breakfast:

"Oh, what time is it now? Six-thirty? Please let me sleep a little longer. It's summer vacation. I don't have morning classes and I don't have to go to the canteen. Liana and the others are also sleeping at this time, feeding them feed and water. I'll go do it as soon as I wake up."

Then she was gently pulled up by Luvia. The elf girl in a nightgown looked at her pitifully:

"So, the ring magicians who take correspondence courses not only have to face so many dangers, but also have to get up so early every day to study?"

"Breakfast at home is at this time. If you don't get up yet, there will probably be no breakfast."

Now that she was woken up, Emilia took the initiative to help Luvia prepare breakfast in the kitchen. Shade took advantage of the morning fog to go out while they were cooking, and when breakfast was served on the table, he returned home with Iluna:

"Did Luvia make breakfast?"

The girl with long brown hair said excitedly, but when she walked up the stairs and saw a certain elf who was obviously fifty years old but still looked like a minor, she pouted slightly.

"Iluna, wash your hands and sit down to eat. You know Emilia too. She will be staying here with Shade these days. I asked Shade to call you here early in the morning. I have something to talk to you about. explain."

Luvia, who was wearing an apron, said, so although Iluna was a little unhappy, she quickly integrated into the breakfast atmosphere. As for the slight jealousy that the elf in her fifties could live here, it quickly disappeared. She is not the kind of petty person.

At the breakfast table, Luvia also mentioned what happened yesterday to Iluna.

"The Order of the God of Doom? Their hands actually reached Tobesk?"

Iluna frowned slightly, and Shade nodded:

"The two cultists have probably arrived in St. Byrons now. Although the church was not involved in the whole process, I still hope that the church can know something. After all, St. Byrons' hands can't reach out to people like Tobesk. In a big city, it would be troublesome if someone really slipped through the net. Also, when Emilia and the others checked in at the Three Cats, I think the missing pharmacist you investigated at the hotel was also taken away by [Friendly Neighbors] Okay, this matter can be dismissed."

Of course Iluna understood what Shade meant:

"Then I will finish writing the investigation report first, and then hand it in after Emilia and the others leave Tobesk."


The elf girl thanked her at the side. When she investigated the curse letter last time, she could see that this girl with long brown hair had an unusual relationship with Shade. This was completely confirmed at this moment. Then she thought about Shade's mention that although Iluna was only 18 years old, she was already at the eighth level, and it was absolutely not difficult to break through the high levels, so she admired him even more.

"No need to say thank you, this is what I should do."

Iluna waved her hand nonchalantly:

"But I want to find out the details of what happened from you later. In the past few days, I have gradually revealed clues to the captain and the others, and I will not end the investigation until you leave."

"No problem, I'm fine these days anyway. Xade won't let me go out."

She quietly looked at Shade, but Shade's expression did not change:

"It's not that you are not allowed to go out, but that you are not allowed to go out without someone accompanying you. You stay at home this morning and tell Iluna the whole process. If things go well, Luvia, you can take her to the Prophet in the afternoon. Take a spin around the association.”

"no problem."

The purple-eyed girl nodded.

"I will contact Her Royal Highness Agelina later, and if she has time, ask her to accompany you to Yodel Palace tomorrow, or to a manor outside the city, or to the opera house in the city to relax. I have some things to resolve out of town, but I will also take time to walk around the city with you in the next few days."

Shade arranged it this way, and the three girls at the table were fine. So after breakfast, Shade went to the study to collect the three problematic items on Emilia's body, namely the "Withered Yellow Leaf Bookmark" she first obtained, and the "Holy Emblem of Doom" that appeared after crushing the dice. , and the relic derivative "leaf-shaped silver-plated bone ornaments" were all given to Iluna.

"Leave them here with you. After the investigation is over, I will hand them over to the church when I submit the evidence. The college has already taken pictures of them and agreed to report this matter to you."

"Put it in your hand first. I'll pick it up after the report is written."

Iluna said, and then asked curiously:

"The dice are definitely given by the cultists, and the brooch is a relic derived from bad luck. So, is that bookmark definitely given to Emilia by the cultists?"

"That should be the case. There will be news after the interrogation of the prisoners at the academy is over."

"I'm just curious why there's no holy symbol of the evil god on the leaves."

After breakfast, Luvia and Shade went out separately. Today is Tuesday, of course Luvia has to go to work, and Shade has made an appointment with Mr. Bernhardt to explore the sewers together today. Of course, before Shade left, he did not forget to tell Amelia that she could read all the books in the study room of this house, and asked her to help feed little Mia at noon.

PS: The leader will add 2/5 updates.

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