Whispering Verse

Chapter 218 Pirates’ Blood Money

After shaking hands with the two of them respectively, Miss Bayas seemed to be relieved and sighed and said:

"Okay, you've regained my trust, but this information bothers me even more. I don't understand. Why hasn't the church told me this?"

"Because there is no point in telling you, and it will make you think wildly. What's more, even the Orthodox Church will not know more about the "Muttered Psalms" than I do."

Miss Anat said that she had a particularly beautiful smile tonight, which Shade attributed to the color of her beautiful red lipstick. It's a pity that he can only tell that it is red and cannot distinguish it in detail, but the red is really beautiful.

"The church's attitude towards the chosen ones is still unclear, because they don't know what it actually means. Iluna, cooperating with us will not harm the interests of the church. After all, we are all... "

Miss Anat looked at the young detective who was pouring tea, and the latter immediately added:

"Positive characters, we are all positive characters in the story."

"I know this. I trust my ability to judge people. You are all good people and you are all helping me. I am also willing to be friends with you. It's just..."

Rapunzel leaned on the sofa and looked at the ceiling. This action will reveal the white neck. Shade took one look and immediately looked away to prevent being misunderstood.

"'The Whispering Cantos' and the Chosen One, it turns out that this is the same thing, and a lot of things can be explained in this way. Ha, it sounds like I am the chosen 'child of destiny' in those knightly novels... ..The epic of the Sixth Age...Detective, Miss Anat, do you think I am really qualified to become the kind of person who can be recorded in legends?"

After the excitement of learning the truth ended, the young girl became confused again.

"Of course you're meant to be."

This was Miss Anat's opinion, and she looked sure of it.

"No matter what, we will always be by your side."

Shade said that he understood the other party's mood very well. The feeling of knowing that he is special but worrying that he cannot play the role well is very similar to the feeling of knowing that he is a foreigner but worrying that he cannot adapt to the new life.

Because of this empathy, he said more:

"Since we have decided to help you, we will accompany you until the end, the end."

The two parties were honest with each other, which solved the final hidden danger in cooperation. Although the unexpected meeting and frankness caused Shade to almost be stabbed by Miss Anat and receive a shot from Miss Bayas's "Sunshine Gun", the whole process went smoother than Shade expected.

After all, he had already gained a high enough favor from Miss Bayas before. From this perspective, Miss Anat's plan was successfully realized by Shade.

After confirming the mutual trust between the two parties, the reasons for the three people's presence at the banquet were discussed.

Of course, it goes without saying why Shade came here. Miss Anat even teased the term "Hamilton of Ray Jade", while Miss Bayas softly congratulated him.

Miss Anat and Miss Bayas, on the other hand, did not have invitation letters, but they found ways to sneak in.

They came for a [relic], which could pay the price for Miss Anat's accurate divination, so that they could use divination to obtain the ritual needs of Miss Bayas to become the real chosen one.

"Actually, I have always been curious about what you call the price of divination. Can the price be paid with [relics]?"

Just before Shade broke in, the two ladies were preparing to talk about this issue, and now the topic can continue.

"This can be regarded as my special talent. I pay a price to accurately predict the future. Now I can tell you that there are three ways to pay the price. I pay part of my soul, pay a specific relic, or..."

She shook her head and did not continue:

"Look, this is the relic."

Miss Anat took out a white paper bag with spells written on it. The general meaning of these words from different eras can be interpreted as "suppressing the curse", "purifying" and "holy".

There was a small object wrapped in the paper package. When it was removed, it turned out to be a gold coin, three times the diameter of a penny. This gold coin should be considered an antique, and its rusty look is full of history.

After the gold coin appeared, the voice in her head immediately reminded Shade that this was the item she felt had a strong whispering element. And that paper bag can actually block the perception of distant whispering elements. Before Shade broke into the room just now, it probably happened to be the moment when the paper package was opened.

This is a cursed item and must be handled with gloves. That's why Miss Anat wears white gloves instead of similar gloves that go with the dress. After getting permission, Shade looked at the gold coin. On the upward side was a pattern of a skull holding a money bag with its severed hand, and on the back was a pattern of a skull. In the left eye of the skull was a snake spitting out a letter.

There is a half-circle of text on the edge of the back. Shade decoded the text after asking Miss Anat to confirm that the properties of the gold coin were not triggered by spells:

[The greedy exchange their souls for gold coins. 】

"This is a sage-level (level 2) relic [Pirate Blood Money], or a part of it to be exact. Records about [Pirate Blood Money] can be traced back to the early days of the Sixth Age, when a group of pirates landed on an unknown island after a storm. , and found a treasure in it. There was a box of coins in the treasure, and this was one of them. According to the church’s subsequent investigation, the total number of coins was between 1025 and 1034. 27 pirates divided the box of gold coins and spent them In the dock taverns, brothels and casinos after docking, all pirates who spent the blood money committed suicide by throwing themselves into the sea at midnight on the third day after spending the blood money. Their souls were absorbed by the blood money and their bodies turned into undead. .”

Miss Anat said, Miss Bayas looked the same as Shade, she had just learned what this was:

"Is that all?"

she asked, putting on her gloves and taking the rusted gold coin from Shade's hand.

"Of course it's not just that. The undead who committed suicide by throwing themselves into the sea will return to the shore after death and kill the people who traded blood money with them, but they will not take away the blood money. When the blood money is traded again, they will He will go ashore again, and together with the second person who used the coins and threw himself into the sea to become an undead, he will hunt down the second person who obtained the blood money through the transaction... and so on. This means that every time Behind a blood coin, there are a group of undead waiting to be hunted. If an individual uses multiple blood coins at the same time, he will only be affected by the first one, and other blood coins will take effect in the hands of the next user."

Miss Anat took the coin from Miss Bayas and flipped it easily with her fingers:

"Of course, the undead stalkers in the sea cannot leave the ocean too far. Therefore, if people who obtain blood money through transactions live inland, they will be induced by the power of the relics to go to the seaside. There is even a saying that those who hold blood money will People with money are led to the ocean by the power of fate.”

"Is this the power of sage-level (level 2) relics?"

Shade couldn't help but sigh that more than 1,000 coins represented more than 1,000 undead teams. This was the first sage-level relic that he had really come into contact with.

"Sage level is the danger level of all blood money. If there is only one, it is probably only equivalent to Secret Keeper level (level 3)."

Miss Anat said.

"What about containment? As long as they are contained by the church, don't those undead souls in the sea lose their meaning?"

Miss Bayas asked.

"It's not that easy, otherwise I wouldn't be rated as a sage."

Miss Anat shook her head:

"[Pirate's Blood Money] itself is deceptive. Although you can now see that the front and back of this gold coin are different, this is the activated form. I used it and it became like this. Once I go If you die unexpectedly on the seaside, then the appearance of the blood money will become an ordinary old coin. In this era, it will become an old gold pound. In the inactive state, it has almost no whispering element. Even if the ring warlock knows the characteristics of this relic, It’s hard to find the difference in your wallet. In the 15 centuries since its first discovery, the church has housed all..."

"You used it?"

Shade interrupted Miss Anat's speech rudely:

"Miss Anat, are you sure you know what you are going to do?"

Miss Bayas also said worriedly:

"This is the reason why we had a quarrel tonight. I know Miss Anat has her own secret. It is understandable that accurate divination has to pay a price, but I have never heard that relics can also be used as a price."

"Don't worry, I activated this blood money two days ago. Before that, it had been staying with me for three months. I trade with myself, so my identity is the person being traded. Instead of being a trader, in this way, I will not die in three days, but wait for me to go to the seaside and be killed by the undead army. Only by activating it can I let it be used as a price to consume the relics for divination."

Shade also believes that this approach is too dangerous:

"The price for your accurate divination is a relic like blood money?"

"Of the three methods, 'paying the relic' is just a form of price. Any coin type relic can be used. The coin itself is the most complex symbol in occultism, and it can even represent civilization together with words. The relic's [ Whisper], the coin’s [Enlightenment], what I need is not the coin, but the harmonious elements of [Whisper] and [Enlightenment] that exist in this special item. Only coins and more special types of relics can have such power. .”

She played with the gold coins in her hand. Shade thought about this statement. Miss Bayas, who was born in the church, looked at Miss Anat seriously:

"Miss Anat, do you know that this practice is very strange? I have heard of people who can absorb relics and make the relics become a part of themselves, but those people are undoubtedly out of control. You do this and throw gunpowder bombs next to the fire. Just as dangerous."

“I’m not absorbing them, I’m paying them.”

Miss Anat said, with a very confident expression on her face:

"This is not the first time I have done this. Three years ago, I got 6 blood coins, which were activated separately when I needed to perform divination. The first five had to be consumed in a previous accident (note). This One is the last one in my hand.”

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