Whispering Verse

Chapter 2180 Joking and Dreams

"A heart of justice? Is this a specific item, or does it refer to the character of justice."

"Justice itself."

Luvia said, and then looked at Shade seriously in the darkness of the bedroom. Shade felt that he really saw those beautiful purple eyes shining.

"That coin exchanged for more news. Listen: pulling out the sword of light is the chosen ceremony to become the 'chosen one of light'. Yes, this ceremony is to draw the sword. But it is not possible for the time being. I don’t know how to get the sword by divination, let alone how to pull out the sword besides being righteous.”

Shade sat on the edge of the bed and hugged her gently:

"The Chosen One is related to [Dragon and Justice], and the ritual is related to the sword. It's really fitting. Don't worry, it doesn't sound any more difficult than dealing with the crazy Earth Guardian and the fortune teller who transcends the thirteen rings."

"But we all know that the stories of the chosen ones will only become more dangerous every time. Do you still remember the story of Iluna last summer? The most dangerous one that time was just a disabled silver-eyed person."

Luvia also hugged Shade’s neck:

"It's not that I don't trust your abilities, but I'm really worried about you."

In addition to worry, this sentence also has a hint of coquettishness. Shade patted her back gently and asked with a smile:

"Speaking of which, do you think Iluna and I are righteous people?"

"Of course, although Iluna sometimes has extreme ideas, she is undoubtedly a good girl. As for you, Shade, I have never seen anyone as upright and gentle as you."

She loosened her arms around Shade, put her nose against Shade's, and looked at him with her purple eyes.

Shade stopped talking and looked at the charming and beautiful eyes in front of him. When Luvia's eyelashes trembled and her eyes slowly closed, Shade held her in his arms and kissed her gently.

(Little Mia is running.)

The time came on Wednesday, and the duchess and her maids were welcomed to No. 6 of Saint Teresa Square in the early morning, so Luvia did not have to worry about making breakfast.

Amelia was still in the bedroom and didn't get up. Little Mia was lying on Shade's lap, waiting obediently to eat. Shade sat on the sofa with Miss Carina and Luvia. As soon as the red-haired witch opened her mouth, Luvia choked as she picked up the teacup:

"Shad, we had a meeting last night, and Bella told Emma and Vanessa about you."

Lesia had already told her about Shade's transformation into a dragon, so that's not what she wanted to talk about:

"Later, Vanessa and I talked again, what did Bella say? She held you in her arms and breastfed you."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Luvia was really choked, and Shade hurriedly slapped her on the back. Miss Prophet ignored that she was still coughing and looked at Shade with strange eyes:

"Do you still have this kind of hobby? I thought you only liked girls' legs recently."

The duchess smiled happily, and Shade explained:

"It was in the form of a cat, and it fed me the pink essence from a bottle to revive me. I remember, I told you about this."

He looked at the red-haired witch. Of course she said this on purpose:

"Why are you looking at me like this? I'm not lying. Bella is really lucky. You refuse to turn into a cat in front of us. Lesia said that you won't be able to turn into a dragon in a short time. So whether it's feeding the cat or Riding a dragon, Bella is now the first one."

"If you think about it, you won't come here early in the morning just to tease me, right?"

Shade asked with a sigh, knowing that he had turned into a dragon and then a cat, and would be teased by the girl next to him for a while.

"Of course I won't be that boring, but that young elf is living here now?"

She raised her eyebrows, and after Luvia briefly introduced the situation, she said nothing more. After all, she didn't think Shade would really do anything to underage elves:

"The witches held a meeting yesterday. Your Excellency the Speaker listened to Bella's report on the Moon Bay and agreed with the conclusion that the chosen one of light is about to appear. However, this time the parliament will not send so many people together like during the Green Lake incident. Moon Bay. Moon Bay is a large diocese, and the church's supervision is relatively strict. Moreover, Bella's influence on Moon Bay is far greater than Sister Audrey's influence on Green Lake and Vanessa's influence on Randall Valley. If so many people come this time, I’m afraid it will arouse unnecessary suspicion in the church.”

"Aren't you going this time?"

Shade asked, and the duchess nodded regretfully:

"Yes, it would be too suspicious if every time the chosen one appeared, I, the duchess, would disappear from the public for various reasons. Mother-in-law Cassandra will not participate this time. After all, she is too old. It’s bigger, and this time it doesn’t involve the safety of the Parliament Witches. Megan and Audrey are still dealing with their own affairs, and it depends on them whether they can catch up. At present, only Vanessa and Emma are confirmed to go to Moon Bay, but I probably won’t leave immediately.”

"Where's Miss Aurora?"

Luvia asked.

"According to the information left by Laplace Howard, she accompanied Sister Devlin to the New World to find the flame. They are still there now, and they are not sure when they will come back. Don't worry, there is no problem with that information. It's just that the original information is hidden. In the ruins of the fire, other clues related to the fragments of the poem and the Witch Emperor were found, which is why they delayed for so long."

"So, this time the Witch Council won't be as eager for the seventh chosen one as it was the last few times?"

Shade asked with a frown.

"It's not that it's not urgent, it's that the previous councils have done too much. Look, among the seven known candidates, Iluna is from the church, Ivan Darkness is dead, and Dai Although Sister Flynn cooperates with the church, the church actually knows that the [Spiritual Order] and the [Witch Council] have always been in contact. Lykins Prisha has gone crazy, and basically no one among the guardians of the earth has It makes sense, and the chosen ones of the space are now nominally our people."

The red-haired duchess counted:

"Look, the Witch Council can actually influence more chosen people than the Five Gods Church combined."

"And that's actually the case."

Luvia said with a smile. The witch nodded proudly and looked at Shade tenderly:

"Yes, so this time the Speaker has decided that we should keep a low profile. What's more, although the Speaker has always been dissatisfied with Bella's attitude of overly trusting in divination, she trusts Bella's ability. If the chosen one of light also stands Our side is better, if we can't, at least let Bella determine the other party's detailed identity."

She said this and both Shade and Luvia understood. Then Shade told the current investigation progress. She already knew that the chosen one needed to possess multiple "dragon" powers, but the matter of the "Sword of Light" was still top secret.

But it is a pity that although Carina Cavendish has heard the story of the sword, she has only heard about it. However, the Witch Council has a large collection of books, and she must not have read every one:

"I'll let Audrey and Megan investigate. They sit in the seat of wisdom and knowledge and have read the most books."

Since she arrived here early in the morning, the witch naturally wanted to have breakfast at home. So when Emilia was woken up by Tifa knocking on the door, the sleepy elf girl just walked out of the room and saw the duchess she was a little afraid of sitting at the table, she thought she was not awake.

At the breakfast table, Miss Carina did not discuss those sensitive topics with Shade and Luvia because she did not want to expose the identities of the witch and the ring wizard. However, she asked about Shade's arrangements for today, and learned that Emilia, who was staying here temporarily, had nothing else to do except going to the Three Cats Hotel to meet her two friends, so she took the initiative to propose:

"Shad, you just said that Emilia has made friends with little Agelina? I just remember that Agelina has nothing to do today, so I asked her to take your friend and client out of the city. Let’s take a look at Tobesk in the summer. Although locals are used to seeing the scenery of farms, horse farms, and lakes, it is still very nice to outsiders.”

"Of course, Amelia, do you want to go?"

Shade also asked the elf for her opinion. Of course she had no problem. She was afraid that if she chose to stay here, Shade would assign more translation homework.

After breakfast, little Mia was left to look after the house in the otherwise bustling house, but the cat was quite satisfied with it.

Shade set off from the basement and headed to Moon Bay again. After meeting Mr. Bernhardt who was yawning and looking like he hadn't slept well in Spider Alley, they took a carriage together and set off again to the steam bathhouse in the north of the city.

"Did you have insomnia last night?"

On the slightly bumpy carriage, Shade asked curiously. He thought vampires were the kind of race that sleeps whenever they want.

Herr Bernhard yawned again:

"Ha~ Sorry, there is no such thing as insomnia for us. It is our instinct to fall asleep quickly. It's just... a nightmare."

He was sitting in the carriage with his back hunched over:

"Maybe I think about too many things before going to bed. Last night I dreamed that I was walking forward on a dark water. I knew that the end was ahead, but I couldn't reach the end. So I walked and walked and walked. Go, even the soul is completely numb. The feeling cannot be explained clearly in words, it is really..."

Herr Bernhard shuddered violently, then shook his head and thought no more about it. Shade originally thought that he was stimulated by the scene when he said goodbye to the black cat yesterday evening, but then he thought of Armand Bernhardt who was melted by the light in the city with the arch bridge in the past and the sixth era. After death, it is just like what he described at the moment, because the concept of death itself collapses, and the soul that should have reached its end can no longer sleep peacefully.

"Is this a precognitive dream of Mr. Bernhardt? Or is it because he has been in contact with me for too long that he sensed the memory of [Disaster Solitaire: Undead Ghost]? Or, it is really just a dream."

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