Whispering Verse

Chapter 2185 Riding a Dragon

"An ancient sword that is stronger than [Night Watch]. I am also looking forward to it. The Godcaller raised the holy sword and shouted Thunder God, cough cough, I mean Dragon God help me, and then the silver sword became fifty feet What it looks like with a long lightsaber.”

Mr. Edmund was not amused by this joke, so Shade continued to ask:

"Besides the Night Watchman, what other swords are suspected to meet the requirements?"

The old folklorist was not stingy in spreading knowledge in this area to Xia De. He thought about it carefully:

"I couldn't think of much in my haste, oh, the sage-level relic [Wind King's Sword] can be used, but only those with chivalry can use it; also, the angel-level relic [Pale Justice] - justice is pale and humble, but It is by no means a powerless thing. This is the sword used by ancient holy warriors. As for the unknown relic [Sword of Diesel], it was the one used by the church to briefly restrict the movement of the gods when Tobesk descended into the night last year. Swords, this does not meet the requirements; also, swords that are obviously related to death and darkness, such as the Secret Keeper-level relic [Sword of the King of Dead Souls] and so on, are also not allowed.

"I've also heard of an angel-level sword [Ashes]. Is this okay?"

Shade asked again, this is Sister Devlin's weapon.

Mr. Edmond also knew about this relic, but he shook his head directly:

"Of course not. The long sword of [Ashes] is almost associated with the First Fire, and its birth time must be earlier than the beginning of the Second Age. Don't forget what I just said, only those holy swords after the birth of the Sword of Light can possibly meet the requirements. Require."

Because there was still Amelia at home who needed comfort, Shade did not stay in Coldwater Port for too long and returned home quickly.

It was clearly sunny in the morning, but when I got home, it was already gloomy with light rain outside the window.

Agelina had already left with the maids, leaving Emilia alone to move a stool and sit in front of the living room window looking outside. Because there were no lights on, the room seemed a bit gloomy. Little Mia is lying on the window sill lazily looking at the scenery outside. The morning is not her time to sleep. If she is not "patrolling" her territory at home, she usually finds a comfortable place to lie down and pass the time.

Hearing Shade coming up from downstairs, the elf girl stood up and looked at him with her back to the window:

"Shad, you're back. If there's anything else outside, just go about your business and I'll help you take care of the cat."

She is really sensible, her eye circles are no longer red, and she doesn’t seem to cry because of reluctance anymore, but outsiders will not be stupid enough to leave like this:

"Except for the necessary entertainment in the evening, I really have nothing to do today."

He said with a smile, hoping to make Amelia feel better. But the bad weather outside seemed to reflect Amelia's mood. In just a few minutes of talking, the rain became heavier.

The sound of splashing made his words seem awkward, and because of the interplay of light and shadow indoors and outdoors, the face of Emilia, who was standing next to the chair in front of the window with her back to the window, was cast in a shadow. Even her sparkling hair Her blond hair looked dull at this time.

Emilia lowered her head, then took two quick steps forward and plunged into Shade's arms. Shade stiffened for a moment, then opened his arms and hugged her. The light in the room is getting darker and darker, and the sound of raindrops hitting the window glass is getting louder. The atmosphere is becoming more and more awkward and weird.

Fortunately, strangers and elves were not the only ones at home. When Shade, who was forced to hold Emilia, looked up at the cat watching the scenery on the window sill, the cat's big eyes were also looking at him. At that moment, Shade felt that this smart cat definitely understood his thoughts of asking for help at this moment, because it really stood up, turned to Shade and shouted softly:


The cat's meow almost immediately dissipated the embarrassment at the moment, and Emilia hurriedly pushed Shade away from his arms. Shade pretended that nothing happened just now, walked to the window and picked up the cat. But just when it squinted its eyes and thought that Shade would hold it in his arms, Shade put it on top of Emilia's head.


"Shade, please don't bully me."

The elf girl complained dissatisfiedly with red eyes, but suddenly burst into laughter. She took the cat off her head, and then little Mia struggled and jumped back on Shade.

Although the home is still dark, the atmosphere has been completely changed by the cat huddled in Shade's arms.

Shade deliberately wanted to turn on the light, but he felt that Emilia might not turn on the light on purpose. Compared with just now, he was standing in front of the window now. The black shadow almost completely covered the blond elf, but she still looked up at him in his shadow, her green eyes

"As agreed, I'll take you out for a walk."

Listening to the sound of rain behind him, Shade immediately changed his mind:

"Actually, there are many interesting activities indoors, we might as well go"

There are no performances in the concert hall and opera house in the morning, and the Jasmine Troupe performance venue near the Three Cats Hotel is open-air and is definitely closed now. Emilia had already visited the Yodel Palace and the Prophet's Association a few days ago. If she were to take her to the Carina Manor outside the city, it would take too much time to go back and forth, and it would delay the train in the evening.

Shade did know a few clubs in the city, but Amelia would not be willing to go to such a semi-social occasion. Thinking about it carefully, Shade really couldn't think of any other interesting places in the city at the moment. He couldn't take Emilia to sit in the city library for a day.

The elf still looked up at him, and "she" in his ear suddenly smiled. Shade immediately asked for help:

"Can you give me some advice?"

[Aren’t there many doors at home? 】

"No, no, how can you tell Emilia such a thing?"

Shade immediately objected. No matter how good he was to the elf girl, some secrets still had to be kept as secrets. But Shade really wanted to give the elf girl a perfect ending to Tobesk's summer story, and just when Shade felt that the sound of a fan was about to appear in his head, the elf girl took the initiative and said:

"I have already asked for the secret potion you asked for from home. But because this potion has not been used much in recent years, I can only provide three bottles now."

She pointed to the dining table, where three small wooden bottles were neatly arranged. Shade followed her guidance, and the elf girl whispered again:

"There is no need to arrange anything special for me. Just sit here with me, talk and chat with me. Many years later, I will still miss this rainy morning and this strange and dangerous summer. Miss you."

The sound was almost completely hidden in the sound of rain:

"Miss you and little Mia."

The guilt in Shade's heart had reached its peak. After making up his mind, he asked Emilia, but the elf girl's eyes avoided him.

"Emilia, do you want to go out with me?"

"But this kind of weather."

"Have you ever ridden a dragon?"


The girl who looked melancholy just now opened her eyes wide and looked at Shade in disbelief:


She bit her lip, and her face no longer had the melancholy or even resentful expression just now.

[The purpose of the powerful transformation technique in your hands is to make the girl happy. 】

The voice of "her" appeared in my ears again.

"Otherwise, what else can I do? I mean, I haven't experienced the feeling of transforming into a dragon under normal conditions. Sooner or later, I will have to fight in the dragon form. Rather than joining the battlefield and adapting to the power, it is better to give it a try now. After all, don’t you have three chances now?”

【You always have your reasons. 】

The laughter was still gentle, but Emilia, who couldn't hear the gentle voice, asked half excitedly and half in disbelief:

"But, in a place like Tobesk, turning into a dragon is a bit too big, right? The academy said before we came here that in large parishes like Tobesk, there are defense and reconnaissance rituals even at high altitudes far away from the ground."

Even though she said this, the look in her sparkling emerald eyes was clearly looking forward to this unusual adventure. Moreover, her hands had already tightly grasped Shade's sleeves without knowing when.

"Wait a minute, let me check the train timetable."

He pulled Emilia into the study, took out the train timetable, and stood next to the map on the wall:

"Okay, no problem. It's now ten o'clock in the morning. We immediately set off to take the train to Tok Town, about 60 miles away from Tobesk City. This takes about an hour, and then we have lunch in Tok Town, and then Go to the great wilderness north of Tok Town. I transform into a dragon there, and with the help of illusions, I can take you flying into the sky with enough concealment. And even if you are discovered, people will not be able to think of anything."

As he spoke, he pointed to the small town north of Tobesk on the map:

"If my spell can last for a long time, we will fly there for three or two hours, return to Tok Town before four o'clock, and catch the train that leaves at 4:03 and return to Tobesk Railway Station. Arrive at the station Even if the time is late, I should be able to catch your train at 6:10."

He felt that this plan was very good, so he asked the elf girl who was holding her hand amidst the patter of rain outside the window:

"how are you feeling?"

Emilia looked at Shade's face in the dark study, which was very close at hand, and said with some trepidation:

"That would be a waste of your youth."

"It doesn't matter, I have found other potions to replace the leaves."

"But the college does not allow students to leave the city without reporting during off-campus practice."

"Emilia, honestly, do you care about this?"

Shade asked with a smile, so the elf girl suddenly raised her head, and this time she hugged Shade's arm directly:

"I dare to leave school without permission during school, how could I care about this! Shade, I don't care about anything else. This is the last day of Tobesk's vacation. I must ride the dragon!"

This was the original appearance of the elf girl when Shade first saw Emilia.

Her little face flushed with excitement, she bit her lip and looked at the map on the wall not knowing what she was thinking. The cat in Shade's arms also meowed a few times. Shade probably understood what the cat meant, and it seemed that it wanted to follow him.

PS: It’s the last day of this month, please vote! ! !

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