Whispering Verse

Chapter 220 Another Anat

When the cards were dealt in the fourth round, Baron Cobol could no longer hide his nervous expression. He probably thought that he had taken advantage of the game and had great expectations for the Rhodes card. Now that Shade has won two rounds, I can't help but worry that I will lose.

In this kind of mentality, there will be a greater chance of losing. Even Xia De understands this truth.

They all got their respective trump cards. The baron took a quick look and showed a disappointed expression. It didn't seem to be the king or queen.

The second card that followed was Moon 9 and Moon 1 respectively. The baron who got the Moon 9 hesitated for a while before deciding to continue asking for cards. This made the people around him almost guess the range of points in his hand.

Xia De looked through his hole cards and directly chose to ask for a card. The third card of both sides is even more strange. The Baron is Sun 1 and Shade is Flower 1.

Baron Cobol hesitated again, and even Baron Rwanda, who dealt the cards to him, couldn't help but remind him:

"If you hesitate for a while longer, I will know what your current trump card is without even looking at your cards."

This made everyone around laugh, and Shade also laughed:

"Baron, do you want to try your luck?"

"Mr. Hamilton, do you want to continue filming?"

Baron Cobble asked instead.


The corner of the Baron's mouth trembled:

"Okay, I'll continue to ask for cards."

Then a picture of the king was sent to the baron. His eyes widened for a moment, and his mouth was closed tightly as if he couldn't breathe. Unless Shade has 21 points, it's a two-to-two situation.

People around him were talking quietly, and the baron suddenly looked up to look at Shade's card, which was a suited 8.

[Eastern Style of the Old World·Lake Tees], after drawing this card, guess the number of a card that the opponent has not shown. If it is correct, you can choose whether to force the number of the opponent's card to increase after the opponent shows the card. one. If the opponent opens the cover first, [Eastern Landscape of the Old World·Lake Tees] will have no effect.

Of course, if the opponent is a king or queen, adding one to the point means busting the card, which is also one of the basic rules.

Seeing Shade's card, the Baron was stunned and knew the effect of this card. At this time, he thought of the rules in his memory, and immediately reached out to reveal his trump card, but his hand movements were not as fast as Shade's mouth:

"I guess it's nine o'clock."

Shade said, his face not nervous at all. There is no penalty for guessing wrong. His points now add up to 11 points and he can continue to ask for cards.

Baron Cobble held the corner of the card and stopped there.

"I guess it's 10 o'clock!"

Baron Lavender, who dealt the cards, immediately said with a smile.

"No, the probability of 9 o'clock is greater!"

Another dealer, Baron Rwanda in a curly wig, retorted.

"Quickly open the card, what exactly is it?"

people urged, and everyone looked at Baron Cobol's hand. The baron had an ugly expression on his face, then he laughed dryly, opened the cards and threw them on the surface:

"I shouldn't have hesitated just now, okay, Star 9."

He then threw out the small bag containing the blood money and slid it along the table to Shade's hand:

"I shouldn't have hesitated just now."

he repeated again.

Shade opened the bag, looked at it, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Baron, thank you for your generosity."

"Let's play cards together again when we have time."

Baron Cobol stood up with a look of regret:

"Although I lost, Mr. Hamilton, I found it really interesting to play cards with you. I can remember this kind of game for 20 years... If you hesitate, you will fail."

He sighed, and the onlookers laughed again.

After winning the bet, the dance party at nine o'clock in the evening was about to begin. The onlookers dispersed, and only a few people were still playing Rhodes here. Shade also took this opportunity, carrying his antique knight sword, returned to the lounge on the second floor and found the waiting Bei. Miss Yas and Miss Anat:


He dropped the tightly tied pouch on the coffee table, and then returned the banknotes Miss Anat had just given her.

Miss Bayas opened the bag curiously and marveled at the gold coins without any patterns. Miss Anat was surprised by Shade's behavior:

"What do you mean give me the money back?"

"No money spent, winning by playing Rhodes."

He smiled slightly relaxedly, feeling very happy because he won the card:

"You know, I've always had good luck playing Rhodes."

He refers to [Creation·Silver Moon].

Miss Anat then took the banknotes and asked jokingly:

"Remember what the priest said?"

"Of course - don't get addicted to Rhodes."

Shade repeated, thinking of the priest's worried look:

"Miss Bayas, do you think I look like a gambler?"

He asked the young lady who was playing with the old gold pounds to see what was special about them. The latter glanced at him:

"It doesn't look like that."

Now Xia De felt more relieved.

Now that she had obtained the extra five blood coins, Miss Anat immediately decided to conduct the so-called "accurate divination" immediately.

Since Miss Carina hasn't left yet, Shade is worried that the great witch with very keen senses will see through Miss Anat's secret, so he reminds her slightly, but Miss Anat doesn't care:

"Probably only God can figure out my secret."

Shade opened his mouth but did not ask any more, and the same happened to Miss Bayas beside him.

When Miss Anat performed the divination, she did not avoid Shade and Miss Bayas. According to her words, they could not see any clues after seeing the whole process.

In fact, this process is very simple. First, Miss Anat holds the blood money that has been used by her. After tossing it twice, she puts the coin down:

"The secret of the chosen one cannot be easily divined. One blood coin is not enough."

So he used the method of "dealing with himself" to activate a piece of blood money that Shade had won from playing cards, but two pieces of blood money were still not enough.

"After all, he is the chosen one. This is the beginning of the legend of the Sixth Age. If the result is so easily divined, it will make me doubtful."

Shade said this and handed another one to Miss Anat. But before Miss Anat used the gold coin, Miss Bayas reached out and snatched the coin away. She shook her head and said:

"Even if the blood money will be consumed immediately and the curse will disappear, it may not be easy to bear so many curses in a short period of time."

She put the antique gold coin in her hand, and when she saw Shade and Miss Anat looking at her, she said sheepishly:

"You are helping me. Although I can't do divination, I still want to do my part."

With that said, he also followed Miss Anat's approach and activated the blood money by trading with himself. Wait until the patterns on the front and back of the gold coin appear before handing the blood money to the female fortune teller.

"No, it's still not enough..."

Three gold coins were stacked in the palm of her hand. Miss Anat looked at the [relic] under the gas light with some uneasiness:

"It doesn't matter, even six won't be enough. I have other ways to pay the price... other ways."

You can tell by looking at her expression that other methods will not be easy, and may even cause harm to herself.

"I'll do it next."

Shade also picked up a gold coin in a small bag on the table. After activating it, he thought it would feel like "a cold breath penetrated into the body", but in fact he felt nothing.

Fortunately, four blood coins were finally enough.

Miss Anat took a deep breath, and then threw away these gold coins containing the curse of the ocean undead in front of Shade and Miss Bayas.

It was as if time had stopped at this moment. Shade looked up at them. Under the light in the room, his eyes could clearly see every detail of the gold coins spinning in the air.

The air became thicker, and some rustling sounds appeared in my ears.

As the blood money rotates and rises in the air, it quickly decays and eventually completely rusts at its highest point. It disperses into fly ash as it falls, and the fly ash completely dissipates before falling to the ground.

Shade didn't know what Miss Bayas could observe, but he saw a few gray light streaks streaking through the air among the blood money that turned to ashes, and gathered at the back of Miss Anat's head.

He tilted his head and looked at the female diviner with purple eyes. In a daze, he actually saw a transparent and illusory figure of a woman, leaning down and lying gently behind Miss Anat. The power of the blood money was completely absorbed by her. She put her hands around Miss Anat's neck and whispered something in her ear.

Miss Bayas seemed unable to see this scene, and even Miss Anat could not see the person lying behind her, but Shade saw it:

"This is......"

The transparent illusory woman figure is clearly the image of Miss Anat, but she looks more mature. Her expression was a little sad, her transparent body seemed incomplete, and some parts were illusory and basically shapeless.

She also noticed that Shade was looking at her, with a surprised expression on his face, which disappeared immediately.

[This is her "other me". 】

"But why... Miss Anat's so-called paid divination seems to be really the special ability of her other self, rather than some powerful relic. But... that one just now The figure...this doesn't seem to be the normal 'other me' either."

Miss Bayas was reaching out to catch the fly ash that the blood money had turned into, while Miss Anat was tilting her head to listen to the words that no one else could hear. The two of them really didn't see the figure that appeared at that moment.

"Did you see it just now?"

[I saw it, but I can't give you the answer. All I can tell you is that her "other self" seems to be injured and incomplete. 】

"How many injuries?"

[It’s impossible to tell unless you get in closer contact. 】

"The doctor's other self is related to the devil, and Miss Anat's other self is actually able to use the power of the relic..."

Shade was still thinking, but Miss Anat had already shown a satisfied smile, and it seemed that she had achieved results again:

"The answer obtained from the four blood coins - to become the chosen one of [Balance], the first condition is an artifact containing the power of the ancient god, the second condition is an understanding of [Balance] itself, and the third condition is the ritual, a A special ceremony——"

She looked at Miss Bayas, who was sitting upright:

"Please say."

"Pray to the ancient gods, voluntarily sacrifice one of your eyes, and gain the wisdom to measure balance. In the state of hanging upside down, under the witness of people with special destiny, judge your destined enemies fairly and calibrate your own balance. Measure, master the power of the Inquisitor, and become the true chosen one.”

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