Whispering Verse

Chapter 2205

Seeing that Xia De didn't speak, she showed an angry look again and asked with some dissatisfaction:

"Why don't you comfort me? This way you can win my favor. Maybe I will be willing to follow you to your cabin in a while and let you carry out reproduction activities. Don't you guys all think so?"

"I'm becoming curious about you. When I touch you, I can immediately feel what you are."

Shade looked into her eyes seriously:

"You were never born. Your body is just the last trace of life left in death. In this case, why do you understand human beings and the world so well? Madam, can I guess that you actually know everything? You know what's going to happen here. No one knows you exist, and you heard the cultists' plans?"

The soft expression on the pursed-lipped girl's face disappeared, and she once again became the same as when Shade first appeared:

"If you will kneel down and lick my feet, I can tell you what it takes to save this boatload of people."

Shade laughed:

"Well, it seems that you are not as mature as I thought. Did you learn about humans and the world through observation? I'm sorry, the first impression this world gave you was so sinister and bad. I can't deny this, But now you need my help."

"You're saying the opposite. It's you who need my help. You want to know the conspiracy of those cultists from me. Yes, as long as you ask me, I can tell you what they are doing, although I have no ability to stop them. , can’t even touch any entity, but you seem to be quite capable.”

The girl continued, but Shade still shook his head:

"No, it's true that you need my help. You want to live, don't you?"

The expression of the girl with red hair froze immediately, and then turned her head. Although she was still dancing with Shade, she did not let Shade look into her eyes again:

"I do not understand what you are saying."

"If you want to live, if you are not willing to go to the death I describe, then please ask me, please tell me that you want to live."

There was silence between the two of them, but their bodies still maintained their dancing movements, and they danced pretty well. Professor Evans looked at the two young people in the crowd, and then suddenly asked Miss Theresa on the side:

"Schulz, do you like that man?"

"Yes, Professor."

The blonde witch admitted it frankly, so the old professor said with a smile:

"Based on my life experience, it's more difficult to catch him than to catch a unicorn."

"But that's the challenge, isn't it?"

Miss Theresa looked at Shade's back with sharp eyes:

"Especially, my aunt treats him too"

Of course, Shade didn't know what the witches were talking about, because the girl dancing with him was already silent and looked at him with red eyes:

"Do you like making girls cry so much? Are you considered a gentleman?"

"So what's your answer? Are you willing to ask me for help? If so, please ask."

Shade asked. The girl with red eyes looked up at him, and the two held their hands tightly:

"Yes, I want to live, I want to live ~ I want to live!"

The sound of strong wind and waves once again replaced the music of the dance party. The light suddenly shrank towards the campfire, and everyone returned to the floating board again.

"Miss Malone", whose black hair has returned, is now being held in Shade's arms, but she looks even more confused and confused:

"What am I?"

"Do you have an answer?"

Shade then asked the witches. Neither Miss Teresa nor Miss Maxim spoke. Only Professor Evans asked Shade thoughtfully:

"One does not exist, and the other is close to death. They both lack the ability to become complete souls."

Shade smiled and nodded:

"As expected of a professor from Zarath School of Literature, you guessed it right. I think this guess will be verified soon."

He thought for a while:

"Based on the experience of the first three fishing times, everyone needs four times to successfully fish. Now the fishing for Miss Malone has been carried out twice. I think the next time is when the answer will be revealed, and the fourth time is when we leave here. At that time. Miss Teresa, Miss Maxim, Professor, next time you go fishing, don’t follow me to the fantasy world, stay a little far away and adjust your condition. I think we still have a battle to go through in the end."

The witches nodded and retreated towards the center of the floating board with the campfire. In fact, they had experienced the two illusions that were almost equivalent to reality regression, and they all had their own gains. Miss Malone grabbed Shade's arm and refused to let go. Shade could only maintain this posture and threw the fishhook again.

After dozens of seconds, the fishing line stretched straight. Miss Malone, who had not helped until now, finally pulled the thing out of the water with Shade. The strength she showed at this time was far beyond the level of "ordinary people".

Although the power in the water is amazing, what was caught this time was just a rolled up oil canvas. Shade probably knew what it was, so when he picked up the canvas, which was heavy after absorbing water, light emerged around him again.

"So, is this the cabin of the Radiant Messenger?"

Compared with the open deck and banquet hall, the scene this time was obviously much smaller. But the interior decoration of the first-class cabin of the luxury cruise ship is indeed far beyond Shade's imagination. The side walls of the metal cabin were covered with a layer of expensive wood as a shield, red wool carpets covered the floor, and the furniture displayed around them shone under the bright gas lamps.

Of course, he was not here to visit, so he looked around a few times and then looked at the people in the room except himself.

The interior of the first class cabin looks like a suite, and the current location is the bedroom inside the suite. The soft bed, big enough for four people, was pressed against the wall, and the easel was propped up beside the bed.

Shade was standing behind the easel at the moment, with paint boards, various brushes and other painting tools beside him. Seeing that there was nothing on the canvas, he raised his head to look at the bed in front of him, but immediately lowered his head:

"This is really true."

Miss Malone's hair color was originally black, showed blue on the deck, showed red at the ball, and then turned blue again. Of course, the reason why Shade pays so much attention to the color of her hair is because the blue hair at this time is covering the fair skin. Miss Malone's whole body is chiluo, and she is holding it up without any obstruction in a very difficult movement. Lying on the bed with his head on his side, he wantonly showed his beauty to the "painter" behind the drawing board. The snow-white skin reminded Shade of a lamb for some reason, and the hair hanging down from the side of her face made her look unusually charming.

Seeing Shade lowering his head, the girl still smiled and said:

"Didn't you say you want to paint an oil painting? I'm ready."

Her body at this time was completely solid.

With his head lowered, Shade was looking at the cat with his little head sticking out of his chest. The cat looked at Shade for a while and then retracted his little head. It couldn't help Shade this time.

"She" chuckled in his ears, and Shade knew that "she" was mocking him. But even if he really sat down to complete this painting that was not meant to be completed by him, he would still face a big problem: foreigners can't draw oil paintings and he can't even draw simple figures well.

In the confusion of thoughts, Shade's head was not completely occupied by "Lamb". He knew that what happened now existed in Miss Malone's memories. This should be the "stolen" first-class cabin. After they finish painting here later, they should go on dates everywhere on the ship.

Thinking of this, Xia De suddenly looked at the blank canvas and understood the meaning of this scene at this moment.

"Hurry up, it's very tiring to keep doing this."

The blue-haired girl was still urging, so Shade had no choice but to sit down behind the drawing board and randomly picked up a paintbrush. He didn't know how to choose paint at all, but he didn't expect that after picking up the pen, his arm actually started to move on its own.

He was completely able to control his "out of control" right arm so that it would not draw, but Shade did not do so. After watching the brush leave the first trace on the canvas, he started chatting with the girl on the bed with confidence:

"Speaking of which, which part of yourself are you most satisfied with?"

This sounded quite unserious, but Shade knew it was something he had to ask.

The girl with long blue hair also smiled and said:

"Of course it's the bridge. When I was originally designing it, the architects specifically considered the location and height of the bridge. I dare say that in our time, there is no ship with a more beautiful bridge than mine."

Her tone was quite proud, and Shade nodded, trying hard to control his eyes to look at the canvas instead of looking across the canvas to observe the pair of bridges.

"Other than that? Are you satisfied with your height?"

"Of course, but what I'm more satisfied with is the paint. You see, even under this yellow gas light, my paint shines. On a good day at sea, when the sun shines down, You can’t imagine how good my paint looks.”

She laughed again, her broken hair swaying slightly on her forehead. Shade was quite glad that this time he came here alone:

"Please don't move so much. I'm describing your movements."

"Yes, yes, you observed very carefully."

The girl smiled coquettishly and asked Xia De again:

"So what do you think of my hull? I want to listen to the truth, but don't think that I am a human girl who is easy to deceive."

"You know, it's difficult to express your beauty specifically with ordinary words. Just let me finish the painting and use my brush to depict the most beautiful you."

Shade said that he already understood the significance of the process of "painting" in shaping the soul, so he didn't want to do any more unnecessary things, but the girl still insisted:

"Then tell me what part of me you like best. If you don't tell me, I'll be angry."

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